HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0767 iOt) IUd end } ~. C L ~ 'J"..... -_....-~....~--,..... -"':--_ .,....'"""'"~...-::::r.=;:......-....-...,...-..,.......--_..-.-..~~.-.. _____..~........,~............__"'c,.......,...__ ___.....___......-c...- . ,,-.......... -..-...-~~-...:.. :~~. __'::'''::.... .-'_..:.....:...: Ir.no.. I. Pl.U Botar7 Publlo in end for Soott Ooun'y, K7 oommisslon expires July ~th, 192.. 10.... thig ~th dal of Keroh 1928. . \ (O,.Ot. S.el} P. O. Bllr.d, Olerk 01rouit Gourt \ //' B7 ~.~.~ ~v D. I. .............................................................................................. &lS! OOJST IJn'TlL COMPJIY J.AKBS II. DIF}'BIfDAYBR .Ala) WIYB TO WJRBjBfi D&Bl) !HIS IBl)BB'l'URB, Jlacle th1e 2na d87 of S.....b.r J. j). 1922, BB'l'WBBB lUST OOAST CAftU o OMPJBY , . oorporatlon existlng under the 18W8 of the Stat. of Mlorlda, haylng Its prlnoipal plaoe of budness In the Yount7 of St. Luoie and State of Ylori4e part7 of the fir8t part, anA JJKBS K. DDFBBDAI'BR a04D'l'fIB O. DIFFEID.UB, husband aDd wife, of Churubu~o, of the CCNnt7 of----ana Stete of Indiana partiee of the seoond part, WITIBSSB'R, that the sald partl of the first part, for and in oonsideration of the eum of BIBB !HOUSAND (.9000.00) Dollar8, to it in hand paid, the r.oei~t whereof la hereby aoknowledged, .has gronted. bargained, sold. ali.n.d, remieed. released,' oonvEyed and oonfirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bar- gain, eell, slien, reml88, releee., oonvey end ,.nfirm , unto the said parti.s of the seoond part and th.ir heirs and aSBignB foreyer, all that oertain paro.l of land lying ana being In 'h. Oounty of St. Luoi. end Stet. of Florida more partioularly described aB follows: !he iest half of the Southeast ~u8rter of Seo'ion 7, and the Bast half of the 8a8t half of the Southwest Quarter of Sectlon 7, 811 in Townehip 36 South, Range 40 Bast, oontain- ing 120 aores, more or leBs, excepting. however, from the above traots all publlo roads 8S now looated on and aoroas the 88m., and the right of way of Borth St. Luoie Riyer Drainage DiB- trlot d.ainege oanals. (Parties of the second part h.rebl agree to &SEum8 and pay 811 State, Oounty and drainage taxeB and ass.ssments for the lear 1~22 and subsequent ye8rs.) .9.00 doopentary stamps oanotlledo PRt! ~u'l.lt-~ toGB'l'HBR with 811 the tenements, heredita.-ats,~with eyerl priYil@seil'1ght. title, interest and eBtate, renrsion, relllll&l*r aM, easement thereto belClDging or in anywl81 811pertatnlng:' TO BAVB ~BD TO HOLD the seme in fee simple for.Ter. ~n4 the sald party of the first part 40th covenent with the said parties of the s600nd part thot It i8 la_fully seised of the 88id premise8i that they 8r~ree of ell in- ~ oumbrano.s, and that ie h88 good right and lawful authorlty to 8.11 the 88m8i and the eei4 part7 of the first part doe8 hereby fullf warr8nt the title to 8aid land, and will defend the s... agalnet the lawful olaims of all persons whomsoeyer. II WITilSS lBlBEOl', the said party of the firBt part has oaused th.se presents to be aigned In its neat b7 its Preeident, and itsoorpor8te se8l to be affi.ed, atteeted by ite Seoretarl 7 a~ .'bOYe 1II'1\"n. , (Oorp.S..l)\ COorporat. ) SeRl) A.w.t: - Lolli.. '-R....n'\~n , . .'~or.~rl US, COAST OA!'l'H COKPARY. B7 C. .,. Raulerson Prealdent. Sl~d, ..aled and ,.liy,r.d in our .. L. baa1na- ..rgaret I. Boser- pre s.no.: ) ) ) SUtI O. nOlI>> ) OOUITY 0., ST. Loom) .' I IlBREBY CI8'1I'1, ~t on th1s 2nd 'al of S.pteaber J. D. 1922, b.fore _ p&rsonal1, appeared cr. J. Raulerson aDd LOU1.. Rauler86n r..p.otln17 Prt814ent aDd Seoretarl of Ba.t '1 ,~;<_:~ ;~_:,<.<;:y. -_ y-};c{~ ~ r."" ,~ \:' ~,,'.1..'.'. ~ '::'} . ;1 .J O. · U . .. w _ . -0 - ~ - . _ ....-_ --~ ',~ ~ '. : :, ~ _' - '~., ~~:;;.:.:~i:~:::t~~.~~~