HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0793 132 _.;-.__-::_~~~-_. ~'-............-r-~.."'=o..~~~~...SI:",.,~"...",.... ..---,......... w_" ~--~ ~~~~~~";;.~.;;..:....:o;~ - UT-......_.-............_..._'...~ -.. IN CONSIDKHA~I~N WB~:OP the soid porty of the seoond port agrees to poy Bald party of the first therefor. the sum of ~ine "undred ($000.00) vo11ors ib mann~~ollowing. to wlt: I- ~wo bundred ~1fty ',..260.00) 00/100 Dollars oosh on exe'cutiQt this Qgreement the reoeipt whereof is entered hereon. une lort ~ruck valued ot ~o\~ Hundred Dollurs (.400.00' and the be1unce of ''':910 hundred und fifty (~260.00) in oOBh on or before iluy the first A.D. 1923 upon the del1vt)ry by first purty to saoond party of 0 "arranty lJeed and assuronoe of title to the sold deeoribed land. ~hou1d the first purty fail to make deed os herein provided he hereby ogre os to return the poyment of $260.00 and reney second party for ell Ibbor ond improvement8 mode by him on said desoribed land ond upon the payment of the said sum. the sbid party of the first part will. at his own proper cost ond charge. make. execute end deliver to the said party of thc second part, a good and sufficient heed for the proper oonveying and~suring of the soid premises in fee simple. tree from 011 encumbrance. ond uOVlcr or right of dower; such conveyance to contain the usual covenants of uenerol dorrenty v ~'tjrranty . And it is further agreed by and between the said parties. thot possession of 8aid premises shall be delivered to the porty of the second port. his heirs or 8ss1gns. on : :, the Seventeenth doy'o f llarch A.D. 1923. until which time the part of the first Dart shall be entitled to have and receive the rent~, issned ond profits there_of. ..nd' it h: further understood and agreed. thf.it 1n CUBe defalll t shall be mode in pnyment of any instal1m~nt of principal or interest hereby agreed to be paid for a period of 19 days after the same Dholl hove become due ond puyuble by the terms hereof, then and in that Case the whole of U,e principal sum fwd interest 9:1all, at the option of the Baid part of the first part. become forthrci th due and pa:lable. without defolca- . tiOD or stoy of execution; tOfetr.er ~ith the interest. with costs of suit. release of errors, attorney's commission of .Len per cout. "alving inq!lisition aud exemption. IU WI~llE::S ~'i1Ir:hEOF the parties to this agreement 1:8ve };ereunto set their hDnds and secl!;> the doy and yeur .first above written. wigned. seuled -and Delivered in the presence of . blfred ~.lvory hm.r: .i!'tla%e 1. ~r. B. O. .;.(i Uer ...e.Groves, Jr. (.">001 ) (::'eal) (.,250.00) .25 documentary stamp cancelled. und now ~ur.h 17th, 1923 .'cceived of "1111am \;.Grovea. ~V10 hundred J!'lfty (~250.00) 00/100 ilol1ars. the first payment abo,"e mentioned in full B.W.Miller rteceived ~rch 19th 1923 of \'m.C .Graves ~ifty &: 110/1,00 on thit1 agreement. S~A'i"E OF ?LOiUDA ) ) ) ss: CJtm'i"Y OF S'i". LUC IE On this ~eventeenth d81 of ~arch A.D. 1923. before me. the eU~Bcriber. personally came the above n~med Benjamin ,j.~iller and billLam C.~rove8.Jr. who in due form 'f low aCknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed. and desirod that the Same might be reoorded bS sitch. "1 t.nes,IJ'-m:, l".and '~nd official eeol the dal ond )Tear aforesaId. blfred ~.lvorl.~ustioe or ~eace 14th Dist St.Luoie County.Florlda ~y oom.~xpire8 on ~uccesBor qualifying ,#' ,) ';) ~' ~ :i) 'r ~ ~'H q J.P.Sesl. rUed ond recot'ded -- Marc)! 20th ;1923 P.C.E1dred. Cler~ Cirouit ~ourt Ct.Ct.beal. B1 c?-Z3 .t~~~,--e D.C. ,,-.-.-. - .:,. ".J:: .... · ':~3.;; ;:"':'t.p I . I i =.~ ~1 I ~I~ " .~~ -:'I:' ~)~ . i I 1 i . . J , .; . , i 1 . i~ . : , " .' . -' .1' , . .... .: '- :}=~~':,I?:~.: