HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0801 :1.40 .~~-~~..-_..- -... ..-..,.,-......---..........,...#- ~..---:-~...--........----T------..- . ~ - -" . - -- -C--:--'--''''--,- ..,.". --"~.':""'-~~"=~=~~ Jaokson h.UcDonald on 0 separ& te and pri "01.0 (xominatlon token and made by and before me i ond separately Dnd uptlrt from her Baid huabanll. did ocknowledge that she mode herself a party to the (lsid Ueed of Conveyance. tor the prnpoee of renouncinF. r..Un1uishing and conveying all her right. t1 tle ond Interest. whether 0 f dower or 0 f soparate prOfl) rty. statutory or equitable. in and to the londa thorein desoribed. ond tt,!..t she executed said deed freely und voluntori ly and wi tllout ony c onstaroint. fear, opnrehension or compl1laion of or from her Said husband. ~~,. ~ ... ~ '.S WITlIESS my si~noture and officle 1 eBol at jfort Pierce, in the County of ~t.Lucie and ~t8tcof ~lorido the doy and year lust aforesaid. \ 11.P.Seal. ,. :JlIrray I.Hall Uotary .cublic. :"tote of i!'lorida ,:t large my c JmOl~9ion expiro~ "'Ill:. 11th li26. "'-..... r" 0) ",; .....,. " - filed and recorded Uarch 21.1923 BiG.Eldred. ~ler~ Circuit Court ''Y ;)\ Y ~. y. ~ ..... ..... ..... ...... ........... .......... ... ...... ..... ... ............. " .... .., ,~ By ..,~-<'3 r,,? #_~... ,,-..-.... D.C. Ct.Ct.Seal. HABRY KEliCH&R BlIDD AND \\IFE TO DEED F. G. HILL THIS INDEHTURE. Made thia 14th d&y of M8roh. A. D. 1923. between H~RRY KERCHER ElIDD and LURA Mr.RIE BUDD, his Wife. of the County of Los Angeles. State of California. parties of the first part. and Y. 9. HILL. of the Uounty of St. Luoie. and State of Florida. party of the seoond part, lHEhEAS. the said H~rry Kercher,Butd. party of the fir~t part A@reln. i8 the Bame per80n desoribed a8 Harry Keroher in a oertain deed from Jaoob A. ~ranklin and ~rtha L. .] ~r8nkline. his wife. to Harry Keroher. dated -arch 27. 1907. reoorded on page 227 of Deed Book 14, reoords of St. Luoie COWlty. ilorid6. end oonveying the same property herein describel and oonveyedi end the said Harry Keroher Eudd end the seid Harry Keroher ere different names for the 88me identioal person. NOW' THIS INDEH'i'URE WITnESSETH. that the sold l'l8rtles of the first part. for and in oonsid€ration of the sum ot Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable consideration. tQ them in hand paid. the reoeipt whereof is hers by aoknowledged. tave granted. bargained. soli and -. . ~ , .) ~ J transferred. and by these presents do grant, bargain. sell and transfer unto the said party of the seoond part and his heirs and assigns forever. all that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the County of St. Luoie and State of ilorid8. more purtioulerly deBcribed aB follows: The Southwest Quarter of the ~outbeEst Quarter of ~eotion Twenty-six (26). in Town- ahlp Thirty-five (35) South. Aange Thirty-nine (39) Easti exoepting and reserving from this oonvey'noe a;:8tr1p forty (40) feet wide along and aoross the North border of Cabove desoribed land. 815 a publio road. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditamentc and appurtenanoes. with every privilege, right. title. interest and estete. dower and right of dower, reversion. remainder and ea8lment there- to belonging or 1n anywise sppertaining: fO BlVB AND TO HOLD the eame 1n fee simple forever And the eaid )Brties of the first Jl8rt do covenant with the Mid party of the seoond tba~Y~7 are lawfully se1zed of the said premises. that they ere free from ell inoambrenoes '] ~ { ~ \ ;~ - end that they have good right end lawful authority to Bell the seme; and the seid partiee of the ftr.'bp8rt do hereby fully warrant the title to said land. end will defend the same egainst the lawful olaims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITliKSS WBBREO'. the said p~rties of the first pert have hereunto set their haude aM seale the day and,~.~,.bne written. . .:' :. e',:~ :,:. -5;.:( ~ -:L,; i< ~:. ~ }:i. _.'~-__d___ __ . ._ .;. .;e.~~;{e;<<: