HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OP THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT 7-�7rIE COUNTY FILE # 4401946 OR EOOI 098 PAGE 313, Recorded 021,,, /2018 12:56:10 PM NOTICE OF CQMMI AtCFAENT Permit No. Tax Falco No !j?g'7o3'ic�wxcoa State of Florida Couaty of St. Lucie The undersigned hereby giros notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and lnaccordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the fol"ng Information is'provided In this Notice of Commencement. Lego escriptiort of Property: (and West add msif av�ilab�� R.��i1 ( General description of improvemeflt j�QVI- G� C 2 k 6Z V- � V �%`` 01 ' '�'tM Owner info aur Leaaee info o if the Lessee contracted for the improvetnet r Name Address - RECEIVED Int2rp5tidorooerty `7_r 17_ C �•...w 1Lo r�.� • irtsefrj Name and pddress of fee simple Contra ter's Name: (ifdiffemntfrom OwArl'istedabove); FEB 1.5 2018 County, Permitting Contratmrgddress: -Z:;ro 69. Phone Number: 3kg�7 Surety (if applicable, a copy of OW payrrtgRt "is attached): Amount.of bond: Namp and ] �f�- address: -- — - _ Phone F �v. Lender Warne: , Phonic Number: r- y = a a Lender's address: CJ3 U = O Y Persons within the State of Norida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may he served as provided by Se W n a Lj 13. (1)(a)7., Fforfda Statutes: l I V r� Name: Y Phone umber: r ` o Address: — -- u lk U- w Iri addition to hipalfor herself, Ownerdeslgnstes _ _ V V of iy ITT to receive �o`t rho o Lkenor's.Notice as provided in Section 71 . (1)(b), Florida Statutes, �/� Phone number of person or entity designated by owner 1 v o W LU Expnatfon date -of notice of comme segment: {the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payr er to A m contractor, Wtwill be 1 Vearfrori the date of recerermg unless a dfffetantdate Is spedffe4 1- o cu Co 0 WARNWG TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTHEOWNER AFTERTHE EXPIRATION OP THE M-110E OP COMMENCEMENT ARE CDNSIDERED IMFRWi3t PAAYMENTS UNDER.CHAPTFR 70, PART I, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATgrl!S, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING 71MCE FOR IMPROVEMENTSTO YOUR #ROPERTY, A NOTICE dF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AM POSTW pIY THE -JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT wrrm YGUR LENDEtf OR AN A7rmay BEFORE COMMENdns woRX oR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing notice of comfhencement anti thatthe facts stated therein are true to the best of my ivieafledge an4belief. -.r (Signature Owner or I.e�see, or Owner's or Lessee's Authorhed Officer/Director/Partner/Manager A FPA Klmberyn M. Garw,oMod fi0nFn1(SSIX f W f f U2i (SICUtWs Trtie/Office) foes: Jumly 16, 20 Bonded lhru Aaron Notary The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_ day of , 201B, By ft0 ! as a [..,1 Al G JL �- �� jj for S ) a Type of authority (e.g.offfcer,trustee) Party on behaff of whom Instrument was executied Personally known or produced tdentlfication lz . (Signature gry c-state Fiorlda) (PrIMType, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Type of Identification produced