HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement 11-6-17PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Narne/Individual Name) have agreed to be the ELECTRICAL _ (Type oFTrade) Sub -contractor For 2. N0 (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3108 Yellowstone CIR (Project Street Address or Property Tas III #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COYI'R.ICTOR Sl t�in'.ier) J��WSKlGXt7niRCBrian W. Davidson(Qanlificr) PRin�r N1,�I� �lEREMY SEAN CRC1327068 PRIM 11`R.E couNn' CERTrptolTlON NttlinER stale or nodda, County or Brevard The foregoing instnrmeut ,,,Signed before me this 25 dayor October17 17 ` ---�_. -0 , by Who is personally known X—or has produced a as Identiricniion. Sigonhtre o 'otat}' Public Srr11iP Sanall-a Leme Print Namc of Notary Public .�Y Pt(� Notary Public State of Florida RcvtRd 1 112016 :� Sandra Leone y, c �,� My commission GG 020251 �br V Expires 08/1012020 29578 STATE: EC13007195 COUNiI' CERI'iF1G1770N NU,1iBGii ,sin icorFlorida, county or CHARLOTTE The foregoing Instrument liassigncd before nic this 25 day or October —��,, 20 2 77 by JEREIyy SEAN JENKINSON 11 ho Is personnlly krrohn Xx or bus produced it wA as idartifientinn. Slgnnture ofNotary Public sTmiP sanok Leone Print Namc orNotnr}' Public llotary Public State of FloridaSandra a Leone 1N Commission GG 020251Expires 08/10/2020 i PLANNING & DEVE. Building & Code BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Company Name/individual Name) have agreed to be the HVAC/MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for FLORIDA BREEZE (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3108 Yellowstone CIR (Project Street Address ar Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SfG (Qualifier), — Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUIBIBER state or Florida, county or Brevard The foregoiali instrument was signed before me this 25 day of October . =a17. by who 3 pnr_`Ui known X or has produced a as ideatifaatio . Sign&Iur VafNotaryPohlie - STAMP sail#a Leoile Print Name of Notary Public Revised 11/16120Na c State of Florida nesion GG 020251 012020 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing Instrument was signed before me tbfs 25 day of October w 17 by who is personally known X or has produced ■ as Identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMP Sahara Leone Print Name orNotaryPubae olpar a& ? y® ' 9�ovr�o�A No Satary Public Slate or Florida ndra MY Leone Conimisslon GG 020251 Expires 0817012020 RECEIVED NOV 0 6 2017 PERMrr#7T, is u��491ng Department S ; _ . --- . -, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES !COUNTYBuilding &Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT D R HORTON INC (Company Name/Individual Name) have agreed to be the PLUMBING (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING SERVICES (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3108 Yellowstone CIR (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRA OR SIGNA l E (Qaalitler) Brian W Davidson PRINT N� N AME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, county or Breyard The foregoing instrumect was signed before are this 25 day of October .20 17by who b personally known x or has produced a as Identifieaflo D—z— SignaturecifNats Public STAMP sa;1#a Leone Mot Name of Notary PO It IGNA RE (QuaBRerj r—' PR� �T—NnAME �7 �wirrY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ststeofFlorida. Conotyor Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me tbls L5 day of October --20 1;by who is pers0090y known X or has produced a as ideaNRenHoa_ •- Slganture ofNotary Public STAMP (Emdl-a Leone Print Name of Notary Public .p" " Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Leone NEE blic State of Florida Revised 11 16, t rc MY Commission GG 020251 eoneko, Expires 08/10/2020 ission GG 020251 /1012020 PERMIT # Cogm,TY s+, �r ;l_O 'R 1 D_ R ISSUE PLANNWG & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance WELDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 0661itting Department St. Lucie County, FL Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company NameAndividual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing D.R.Horton (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3108 Yellowstone OR (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR GNA (Qualifier) Brain W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIs"ICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 25 day or October 2017 by who is personalty known or has produced a as ideptitieaf11/ blgpature of Notary Ppblie svii-a Leone Print Name of Notary Public Syr ru Notary Public State of Florida Revised t t/ t6 % Sandra Leone c a My Commission GG 020251 �9ja or f< Expires o8/10/2020 SUB CONTRACTO Sl NA mlifier) Brian Maloney PRW%T NAME CCC1330653 COUNTY CERTI)ICATION NUMBER StateorFlorida,County or Brevard The foregoing instrument was sipped before me this 25 day or October 201, by who Is Persouauy known !—or ins produced a as identification. STAMP S,geat cofTotaryPubue STAMP sandt-a Leme Print Name orNotary Public R r Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Leone; My Commission GG 020251 Expires 08/10/2020