HomeMy WebLinkAboutField Density Test 3-2-18. Palm _Bay,"F - •32907'.. " ::
::'.. '
::.: ::
:Proctor Method:.
AS D=1557.
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:Dry :
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'. Gomp'action
''Pa .
1: '
Center of B01din #ad
FL .:
6:1• .'
105.2 -
406'.3 :
. 2..
SW Corner:of:Buildind Pad.:.....
105:0 ::
13:5 ::
:: 98:8%
' Ye
3� :
NE Corner of:Buildin d Pad :: :::
13:5 :
.:99.5% .:
'4 •_
.. ..
.' 8
:. :..
Remarks: See Reverse Side (Page 2 of 2) for AdditionaHhformation forDisclaimer
This is a- Compaction Test•only on the,top 12"
of tire. pad anal is not'a verification -of Soil Bearing Capacity.
:.Legend for Elevation: :'..
PR Proofroll :.1,2;3.=: 1st, 2nd,:3rd Lift...,
Submitted by;
:. SL =.Spring{ine : ;.. FL =,Final:Lift.
$G = Subgrade BG=•Below Grade .. . • • . . . . . Federal Engineering.&Testing,"Inc. . .
BC' Ba'secourse; BOF =:Bottom of Footing,.' :: Florids Reg; No: 59394=
TOP = .Top of Pipe "FG = Finished; Grade - Certificate of Authorization:#5471
As, a mutual protection .to clients, the .public and ourselves,.all.reports ara:submi ted as the confidential property-ef clients;.and authorisation for: putiBcation.ofstatements;
conclusions -or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our wtitten approval. AAen.'s'ity.te ;sf Bete ' " s ' `e--' y a'
only. A density does not replace a soil bearing, capacity determination. These density tests do not certity Gie unite ri s I Prit
sdo hotpreclude oe guaranteethat futuresettlement and cracking. will not occiir: A•soil boring, test is7equired to cen t i s inrithoutsettiernent. Ifnosoli borings have been performedto:verify the underlying soils,:we recommend that scil bi rings beperforme to eralLate the suiof the underlying.
soil. to support.the proposed structure: After laying'dormant for a period of 90:days or'after heavy rainstorms, retesting ro'sT- bgi pe fo�,ed o this work.
:. PAGE 1 of?..: " :.: PARi`IAL: APPROVAL.
Collpac#ed :Soils. IVleth:od D=6938 Disclaimer.
Pursuant:td your request, :FederalEngineering & Testing; Inc. (FET). has :performed a compaction test at the: referenced,
projedf on the reverse side: The purpose. .of. our: test was to_ determine the degree of compaction, of the tested layer of
material:only: In noway shall a compaction test replace a soil bearing capacity determination.:A soil booing test must be
performed by.the client_ Odor,to: construction Ito verify. subsoil conditions.. Our scope.of-services :only.included testing the top
12': of -added fill material.: FET was not contracted to perform.supervision:of the building pad preparation.: This.testing of the
added fill •material does not include. an analysis of the underlying soil materials to determine if.they are capable of supporting
the proposed structure without settlement.- This. density compaction test does not warranty any underlying soil materials or
:.conditions below the tested top 12 inctiesof.materaL . If no soil borings. have been:performed.in the`locationof the' -proposed
structure; we recommend performing soil borings below all foundation areas. of the. proposed structure to verify the underlying
-soil conditions..
Environmental. analysis. -of the, soil materials is :not part :of. the =scope of• services.• .Ifenvironmental. analysis of the -soils is
require d,.we can. provide.a:proposal forperforming an_environmental analysis of the. soil materials: Tlie=scope of services:is
;for determination .of the degree' of. oompact.ion of the.tested layer of material only. No, other analysis is implied or warranted. •
Job: project specifications were not available at the time the work was: performed. Determination.of.the pass/fail-compaction
:results are based on:current,common-industry` requirements' of:95%:of:the.ASTM D=1.55.7.standard for:buildirig-foundations.
:: and' 98%0 of the AASHTO T-18G standard .for paved areas such: as roadways and :parking lots. -if different: specifications are
required,:Federal.Engineed g.&Testing, Inc.:shall be notified:--
Our findings are relative to the:date.and- areas of our site:work.and:should -riot be relied upon to represent conditions on other
areas or dates. *Any subsequent. site -disturbances due :to water .erosion,' rain 'waters,, construction. activities, excavations,
overgrown, vegetation, traffic. and other disturbances'will•void this test and the. site.must be re=compacted. and. re-tested:prior . .
to, QOnStruction:
As a mutual protection. to. clients, the- public and�.ourselves; all. reports are. submitted. are the confidential property of. clients:
and authorization for.use, publication -of statements; conclusions .or :extracts from. or regarding our reports. is 'reserved
pending written approval.
.1t has been. a pleasure working' with you and We .look.forward to doing to in the: near future:
Page 2 of 1
'Palm ;Bay, • FL- •32907-.': :.
,. • :.:
:. ' '
: • • ::..
:. • '
Proctor: Method: '
: ASTM D=1557
' . � �
TEST E'. ..
, .
.''Value- ;
• Moisture'
•• ..
Depth ;
PCF .'
.. PCF . '
::. % • • ' :.
CertEr of Buildin P.au ' :::' . ::
.12" •
. 'FL .
'. 6.1- ..
1.06.3 :
99.0%' ' '
2. •
SW Corner'of:Buildin • Pad.:: • :...
12" '
105.0 ::
:.13:5 ::
. 3 ;
NE Corner of ;Buildin Pad :::' :::
: ,':
: FL:.
:13:5 :
:99:5%' • •
• 9 '.
emar s: See Reverse Side (Page 2 of-2) forAdditional•Information:forDisclaimer '
This is a:Compaction Test only on the top 12" Hof lhi pad and is not�a verification of Soil Rearing_ Capacity.
Legend for Elevation::
•n'Sub Proofrolst, 2.miffed
. SL =.S rin .. _�
p ghne . FL ..Flnal;Llft Keith:Lelanc,
SG = Subgrade ; ' .'. BG;=•Below GradeFedeiai'�rsginesiing'_3-Testing, inc :; F
BC = Basecourse:: BOF - Bottom of Footin
Florins Reg., No: 59394 +..:
TOP =.Top of Pipe FG Finished; Grade. : Certificate of )-;thortation:#5471
As'a mutual protection.io-clients, the:public and ourselves;,411 reports are:submitted as the confidential property-of%zliEn7s; and authorization for.pubiication.of.statements, .
conclusions or extracts from'or regarding our reports is reserved pending our wr!tten'approval. A.dens'ity.tesf determines;the 4pgree,of compaction of the.tested,layer of material _
only.A density does not replace a soil. bearing, capacity determination. These density tests do not certify the underlying so'Il.materials`be!gvrthe proposed structure..Tne results '
:do hot.preclude or guarantee that future settlement:and cracking will'not:occur. A soil boring test is'required to certify thatthe u6d6iymg soils will sup�iortthe proposed structure
without settlement. if no Boll borings have been performed to:verify, the underlying so!Is,:we recommend that soifborings be performeii.tc e',valiiatE 61e sdnaoil'ity of the underlying.
soli to support.the proposed structure: After laying dormant for.'a period of 90:d6ys or after heavy rain%storms, retesting must be perli6 6d,gn; this n�ork.
PAGB 1 of 2
C oIm ccted Soils Method D-6938 bisclaillner:
p. .
Pursuant Jo your request, : Federal : Engineering, & Testing; :Ina (FET) has :performed. a compaction test at the: referenced
:..project on : the. reverse side; The _ purpose: of. our; ;test was to determine the degree :of compaction: of the tested layer of
materiial:only. In no way shall a,compaction test replace.a soil: bearing capacity' determination. A soil boring. test must be
performed -by.the client. prior to: construction ito :verify. subsoil conditions. - Our scope.of services .only included testing the top _
12" of added fill material. FETwas:not contracted.to:perform supervision -of the building.pad preparation.: This testing of the
added fillmaterial does, not, include, an, analysis of the underlying soil materials ao determine if they are capable, of supporting .:
.the proposed structure wi#hout settlement.; This- density compaction test does not: warranty any underlying soil materials or :.
conditions below the tested top 12 inches of material: 'lf no soil borings, have been ;performed'in thb1ocation of.-the.propose'd
structure, we recommend performing.soiI b6r1ngs'below all foundation areas,of the.proposedstructure to verify the .underlying . -
soil.conditions...' ...
Environrriental.analysis.'of the. soil. materials is:not part of.the :scope of: services. :If environmental:analysis of the soils is
required,'.we can,provide.a: proposal fot:perfortning :an.environmental analysis of the soil materials,: ;The scope: of services.is
for determination.of.the de'greeof'oompaction of the.tested layer of material only. No. other analysis is:implied or.warranted.
project specifications were not available t the time the.work was- p erformed. -Determination of.the pass/fa'il compaction
Job. P j.. P.. i t . P
results are- based on vcurrent common industry requirements of 95%0; of:the. ASTM' D-1.557 .standard for: building :foundations
and 98%0 of the AAsHTO 7-180 standard for paved, areas such as roadways and :parking lots. if different specifications are,
required, Federal EngineeringA Testing., Inc .shall.be notified.-
Ourfndings ate.relative to the. date. and.areasI .of our s.t.e- .w. "o.r. k.:a:nd• :should dot b- e rei; ed. •..u:p. on to represent c� ondition,s.' on o.f er
areas or dates. -'Any subsequent site-'disturb6nces due :to water erosion;' rain waters,construction activities, excavations, - .
overgrown; vegetation; traffic. and other:disturbances will void this testand the site -must be re=compacted. and: retested:pdor.. .
to construction:
As a mutual protectionao.clients, the public and'.ourselves, all reports are:submitted.are the cornfideritial property of. clients:
andauthorization.' for.'use,.publication of statements; :conclusions or :extracts. from, or regarding' our reports. is reserved
pending written approval:
It -has .been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to doing so in. the' near, future. • : .
Pager of.2