HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0855 194 ~.- - - -. -._~...... I ,'e~~e has~~~:~-. -~~~~a~~-e~'~-'~-~~--S~l~~--~~'~~ne4 and ~~~~'a.~d. oonyoy~'d-~Q~ o~n~~~~e~. and b~ . \ . I \ 1 these preaents d08S grant. bargain and sell. allen. relea... oon~el and oontirm unto the sa14 1 party ot the seoond part. and of h1e heirs and assigns fer- e~er the oertain paroel ot18nd in the County of St. Luole ~ate of Elorlda desoribed as follo.a: Lot !l:wo (e) Blook "A" ot 'et . Kal's Ad4J.Uon to 'ort Pleroe. Plor1de , belng a part ot the nonh alf ot Oo~erlUlent Lot ~wo (2) in ~eot1on ~n 110). ~0.n8hlp thlrtl fl~e Ca6) ~outh of ~ange '0r\1 (.0) Baet. together wlth III and slngular the rights. membars. prl~11ege8. heredltaments and appurtenaooa. to thB aue belo~iDg or In 8Dp18e appertaining. ~O HAVE AND ~O HOLD all and slngular the sald premlaaa abo~e mentloned and desorl_ed and hereblwr8Dted. aad oonveyed. or lntended Jo to be. with the appurtenenoes. unto the said partl of the seoond part. hls helrs and assigns. to the only propel' use. benetit ani behoof of the sald party of tha aeoond part. his helrs and assi~s fer-ever. IU WI~KESS WHERLOP. Zhe sald ~peclal Kaster in Chanoerl. 8S aforesaid. has hereunto set his hand and seal. the d$Y and year above wrltten. J. HOiUBJ) CARPElI~ AS ~eoi81 ~ster in Chancery. aforesaid. o ~igned. sealed and del1~ered in the presenoe ot: ~alJu ~aker .60 dooumentary stamp aanoelled. ~.K.~ultl ~a7.10r. S~A~K 01 lLOriIDA ) ) ~~ .LUClJ:: COU!!~Y ) I. an offioer dull authorized to take acknowledgments. herebl oertit,v that J.Bo.ard Carpenter ls well known to me and known to be the iudlvldu81 desorlbed in Bcd who exeouted the tOr8going deed of oon~eyance. bnd that he aoknowledged before me tbat ~ be ezecuted tha foregoing deed. as Speoial ~8ter in Chanoery. .foresald for the therein expressed. ~itness my hand and otficial ee.l. the 6th day of April ~.D. P1l.tPo_ses V .... "- 'r:; 19~. ,0- i~te.,and Countl aforesaid. .' '\ \ A.X.Pultl ~8ylor. · Kot.ry Pnblio a.p.~ III oOlllDlss1on ezpiru 9/l2/2S , rii.a "'d~'COrd.a ->>rll "I> 1923 I - -_/) P.C.Eldred. Clerk Circuit Court Ct.Ct.~81. By C?_~ ~--<--<~->c-.......fJ.. D.C. ...~~.....~........................................................................ -. - . EAS~ VIEW COJlPABY ~O A.IIMat K. WILSOI :.J .~ '-. -..I U Q) ~ WA!UWlfYDEIm ~HIS IIDU~UBE. .a4e this 30th. of Bonlilber. A.D. 1922. by the KA8f VIE' COKPAlY.' a oorporation orB_niled and existing under the law. of the ~tate ot Plorida party ot the fir8t part. to AliA Je. WILSOB o-t the City of Clenland. Countl of CQJ'ahoga and State of Ohio, partl of the second part. YU~JlESSWni: ~at the s.14 Jl8rtl of the tlnt part. tor and ln ooneidera- . tlon of the SWD of ~en >>01lar8 (110.00) lawful mon~ 1n the Unite4 St.te8 ot amer1ca. and other ~aluable oons1der8'ions to 1t in hand paid by the ea14 pert1 ot the second part. at-. or bttor. :the tnle811118 and 4el1~el'7 ot the.e pre18nt8. the reoe1pt whereof is hereby ;80kDowle4ge4. hes granted. bargained. 8014. re18a.ed. oonveyed and confirmed. &D4 by these I I . - . ;pr88en\a 40es grant. burgaln. 8011. release. convey and coatII'D unto ~ld ]8rtl ot the . . I . i..oond part her heir. eDd 88si8B8; ell the land 1n St. Luoie County. J1orlda. 'e.orlbed I . l' f i.. toll01l.: :~: ','.t,: ~ : :: ~::;X:,;; · .:, SJ; '. . -.' '. '.~.'._' '>"-~- -~" .. ,,' - . ..~~~ -:--~/'.~ ~:'lt~ -~~:.:-..- . -