HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0877 216 '\. ~~ ~ ~-- ------ --... ~ I i i ot Florida. party of the sooon~ pert. WITNRSSETH. That the said party of the first part. fo~ and in oonsideration ot the ~ of Ten NO/loo Dollars. to him in hsnd paid b1 the party of the second pDrt. the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged.has granted. bfirgained and sold to the oaid party of the se- oOnd part his heirs and 6Ba1gne forever. the follo~ing described lend. .ituate. ly~ng and being in the County of St. Luoie and State of llorida. to-wit: Lots One (l)and Five (6) in ~eotion Thirty-one (31)i Township Thirty-seven (37) South of Range ~orty-two (42) Best. 11 oontaining 64.69 ocrea more or less. .^ This Deed however is subJeot to a first Yortgege given by L. E. Fitzgerald to Mary r' .....- J. Balter under dt.te of April 3, 1923. on the above deEcribed -pro1Jerty and in the amount of tZ.229.60 sold amount being divided into t~o equal pa:naents due in one pod two year~ with interest at the rete of eight per oent per annum. $2.00 dooumentary stamp 06n061led. And the said party of the first part 60ea hereby fully warrant the title to 8aid lend, and will defend the same against the lawful oleima of bll peraonB whomsoever. II ~IT~ESS aHERBOF . The paid party of the fl~t part haB hereunto set his hand and 8e8l the day and yebr above written. Signed. sealed and dellvere4 in preee~oe of us:) J. A. Teno. L. E. ~itllgerald (Seal) ~r Geo i. Brown STATE O} l!'LOiil.DA County at Palm .Beaoh) I HEREBY CXRTI'Y That on this day personally appeared before me. an offioer duly auth_ orized to administer oaths and take aoknowledgements. L. E. ~itzgereld (a aingle men) to ms wlll known to be the person described ib ani who executed the fore?oing deed. and aoknowledged . before me that he -exeouted the same freely and voluntarily for the pUrpCIl'lS therein expressed. 1 WITNESS my hand ad offioial seal at I'lest Palm Beach. County of Palm Beaoh and Stete of ~lorldo. tr.is 10th day of April A. D. 1923. (U.F. ~e9l) Geo. E. Brown . UotLry Publio. State of .Horida at Large My oommission ex~ires ~oem1er 31. 1924 :rlled Clnd reo6fd~d this 19th day of April 1923. ((Ot.Ct.se~i) .- 'r. d RC('!':'f! Vf'r'~le P. C. Eldred. Clerk Circuit Court By ~tVuv~ ~ D. C. ...................&..................................................................~..... AUSTIN B. ClITCHLEY - ~o CHARLES G. TRAUB J.GREllIIB This indenture mc.de this ~th day of Ootober. J. >>. 19E2. by and bet...n Austin D. Ohritohley. party of the first port. and Charles ~. Traub. party 01 the second pert. WITHB5S1~. that the said party of the first part has recently filed claim for hOme- stoad entry to Lots 3 and 6 of Seotion 12. end Lots 1 and 4 of Seotion lZ, 10 Township 36 South of Reng6 40 East. oontsining 168.41 aores. more or le.s. ~OW THIBEFORE. the 88id party of the first part. ~r and 1n aonsidt'rat1on of One Dollar end other valuable ooneideratione. and for the furthercon.ideration of the 88i4 party of the seoond part bearing one-half of the expenses inourred in the home$teadlng of .i } . ? ,I said trect of land. agre.s to oonvey to the said party ot the seoon4 part. upon the 88i4 ~: party of the first part reooiv1ng title to 88i4 traot of land. 811 acreage, undivided.of the above desoribed treat of lend numbering over and above vne Hundred. lore8. In Test11101ly ~. \he 881d part1 of the first part b&B hereunto set bie hend " "i,"..~". .....\:;;V~,. .~,..}.. ,- . . . ....: ,~:;':6:~i' ,~: