HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0910 I known a. the wift of 011nton Barr1. .na as one of the personB dElo~ibed tn. end who exeouted: the .foregoing Deed, did thi. dey to me, on 8 Beparate and private examination before me takeD ana made. Beparately ~n4 apart from her Beid hUBband, adltnowltdgec,and deolare, that Bhe mode .her8elf a party to aDd exeouted the Bame for the purpoBe of releaBing, relinquiBhing, re- , 'nounoing and oonveying all her right of dower, separate eetate and homestsad, and all her 1 i ;right8 in and to the lendB in 8aid deed desoribed and granted, end that she exeouted the same I -freely end voluntarily, without any oonstraint, apnrehenBion, feer or oompulsion of of from ., her 881d hueb~IId.. ... "- 1ITUl'S &1 na~\and ~:? s.~l) offioial eeal at lebeSBo, ,lorida this 2nd day of ~une A. u. 1922 B. K. Horton (Seal) Notery Publio for the State of Florida 6t Large. My CommisBion Expires ~ovember 11, 1925 Sf ATE \J~' lLOnIuA, Oounty of ~t. ~uo1e.) BE IT 9RugYRBHBD, ~hat on thiB 2nd day of Mey, ~. D. 1923, I, P. C. Bldred, Clerk of the Oirouit Court in and for B8i4 count" have duly reoorded the foregoing ~ed in the ?ublio ReoordB of 8aid County. IB ~IfNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said uourt, the day and year ebove written. / I \. (Ct.Ct.Seal) \(\c.o. ~c-{ ti-e.C.0'Zt'. By -tb~~ l). c. P. C. J$1dred, (Seal) ~~.................A......................................................................... I :BAST C()jSf CJ.TTLE COJlPAlfY TO CONSOLID.-.TRD LAd COMPARY WARRANTY DEB;) THIS IaVEHTJhB, Made this 12th day of J~il j. D. 1923, DBTl~EN BAST COJST CATTLB COJlPANY , 8 oorporat10n existing under the law8 of the State of florida, having its prinoipal plaoe of ~~BinaBB in the County of St. Luoie end State of Florida party of the firEt pBrt~nd CONSOLI; :DATID LABDCOKPAI~, a corporation of the State of ~lo~lde of the County of Duval and State of .10rid8 party of the seoond pert, IITHlSSBTH, that the s~id party of the flrst part, 10r and ,in oonsideration of the sum 01 One ~llar and other veluable oonsideration . to it in h&nd ,paid, the reoeipt whereo1 i8 hereby acknowledged. has granted, bar~ained, sold, aliened, re- miBe4, released, oonvey.d end oon1irmed, end by these presents doth grant, bergain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and oonfirm, unto the 8814 party of the e~cond pert end its -8uooeS80rs 8nd assigns forever, all that oertain parc,l of land lying and b.tgg in the Oounty of Okeeohobee ana State of 1l0rid8 more partioularly described BS follows: Southeest Quarter of Southweet Quarter end Southeast Quarter of South!est Quarter of Seotion One (1). Township Thirty-aiz (3~) South, Range ThirtY-Bix (36) Bast. c TOGI!HBB with all the tenements, h~reditaments end appurtenanoes. with every privilege, right, t1tle, intereBt end estate. reversion, remainder Bnd easement thereto belonging or in any- ,: 111.. appertaining: TO HAVE ADD TO HOLD ~e some in fee Simple forever. jnd the said party of the first part doth oovenant with the said perty of the seoond nart ithet it 1s l&.fo1ll seized of the Bai4 premieeei thet they are free of 811 inoumbranoes, and' thet it has 800d rifht end lawful euthority to Bell the seme; and the 8ald party ot the first pert does herebl fully warrant the title to said land, Bnd wl11 defend the Bama &~einet the 'lawful olel_ of ell persons whomsoever, exoept taxes for 1~23, whioh ere aBsumed by pertJ ~t I . ! thl .eooo4 Jl8rt. i 11 UTIl188 IHlRBo., the eaid ~rty of the first J8rt has ~.l1:.sed theee presents to be sign.. i . i te Seor.- led in Ua n8JM by its President, en4 its oorporet. seal to b. affixed, attested bl I tarJ the 481 and Y.Eir above wrl tteD. ;<. :;" .~~~{:.~~;,~g~~E.::..\~:. 1='49 I... . ~ }j ~I f j ~ 1 l .1 J )i .~ 'i -~ ... j 1 ! :'i: ~ , j 1 l ~ :~ ,1 1 ! -~ :J ~f fl fj t' ;~ I -Y 'j l~ . ':i -i :,~ :1 :1 U ;~ . '1 j ii ii ~ f.; if il Ii a II [~ It It , i . i i ,I