HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF. -THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE -# 4328664 OR BOOK 18 PAGE 715, Recorded'07/1 2017 11:31:35 AM 170%0039- 'a 7TA KW 1' ►Qrir1C.Y PEPOMT NI;Mi;I:R• __•- NOnCE OF COMMENCEMENT ;'he tindersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain mat property. and in accordance with Chapter 713. Florida Stattw:s, the lbllowing information is provided in this Notice ofCommeacement. 1 DESCRIrrroxOFPROPERTY (Lea.•d descriptiou of dicpropcny & sirect address, if mailable) TAX FOLIO NO.: • ----•• _ SUBDIVISION BLOCK TIUCT 1.0T _DLDG UNIT -_ •.,�'6A lita. l iY` AO) ..11f.�'. RNL•'R.tiL URSCIR I), rioN ov INPR )VEM ENT•.—�, -3. OWNER INFORMATIyONQRLESSEE* INFORMATION IP'il'HF.I) nS11%CONVl'RACMDFOR pup IMPROVB,\IENI: 1 i n. Namennd addrecc: 1-.-�-� �/t•rf�J.�__�,U/jCi�.__K-�•[,__��./..��,/-._1.��_.�.1.�.1r}/J:'1'..a+r4v!��-�_�__��.. ...: ��'. �'r.'.. .. 11.InicrestinPropert'!..__..........._._-V.i.�LiiV..�4�� _.._..__..,....... --------._...�...._.--•---------T..G4J•_ct�f..�.1_�! �� .6�' U .. �:unc and mldrss of Le smtpie ntlehold,x itf a»Derent hum i)�.cna' hard rbnvet. ' 3, a. CONI RAC'I0R'S NA- M Pioneer Screen cnn:nnnr', nddre�a: 4149_SE,Salerno , Rd Stuart,._ FL.34997.. ,•-.__.__...__.,. •_ .,_h Pnonc nun,t><.:.772-?83 .9197 __• _ .._ S tiC'RETCURq>phaahlr.:l eui!v eftha•irJynunt l+trod is�aaaehcdl Y. tiL'nle ilnd addl CYF: I+ I'l•onc rn:mF.cr c. Am+mnrofle;nd $ a. LIiNDER'S NA.NF.: _....-.-_--.-........ ... _.___...__....._.-_-_-_--_._._..____._._...._._____..------- ---- --_._.-....._____.______. hendel'sud5'csa. _.__......__...._._._..—_ ... ...:..._..._..._.. _ ............ _ _.._._......_........._b. Phcalr. 7. Persons within the State of Florida ! mignaled by Owner upon whom notices or of er documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 ( I) (a) 7., Florida Statiues: a Name and addm; ; b. Pharc numbers ofda gated r1e.Anna.._...__I_._..................__.____._....._...-...........___.._........_.._-._.....-•-•_--....__.... _.. _._.._...._....... .. ._ S. it. Inaddition tohimselforherself,Owner designates to r eccive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (h), Florida Statutes. 9. Expiration date of notice oi-commencement (the expiration date will he i year from the date of recording finless a different date is —'20-__ ttsignature ar[rwner or t,cssee, ort)wner's or I Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager) State or-b' z;_d i�..---- County of AS f , A i t ._-. sec's Print Name and.6-tnidesignatnry's'ritic/o0ice) The foregoing instrument \\as acknowledged before me this L:�L d.'ly of., .t (name of person) (type ofauthority,...e.g. officer, trustee, aitomey in fact) fir_ _ _ _ (name of party on behalf of who_m instrument was __ ex.—ea-1 Personally Known or )'reduced ldcntificaticm-Z "I'7pc of ldentification Produced �_ (Signature of Notary Public) (Print, Type, BEV L. HADDAD i•t, MY COMMISSION#GG009363 .; °a`= EXPIRES: July 6 2020 Itcv,10-IS-)? %reoe P:IQ;o� ggtr(od Thm NalivyPtft Underwriters e�