HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK Oi; IE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUG: COUNTY FILE # 4340509 OR BOOK PAGE 240, Recorded 08/14;4v17 02:24:07 PM Prepared by & return to: All Florida Permitting, Inc 13815 E. US Hwy 92 Dover, FI 33527 P67M Number �`7 O � -W'5 3 PO)d Ia Number ' ,�3)?- - Qo AD- 60- 3 STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO'CERTIFY THAT HIS IS A TRI*ND CORRECT CgPY OF Tf . SMINR CL NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTAUny le ZO17 State at Florid Date: County of THE UNDO t{N+ffD hereby gives notice that improvements wii be made to certain real property, and in a=rdara whit Section 713,13 of the Florida Staiutes, the fol>ovring 'snformton is provided in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. I M"cription of ptrtpeRy f W p ): , _ a) Street UM) Address: �- — Iq_ 3 q19 2.0assoral dwription of Imptovemo te: c�.1 M4) (d)G2 Mv EAL ry'1 s VV1.t t - - - 6e- - -- 3,Ownar MkmatIon or infarmatlon if the L contracted for the ImproverneM: a) Name end aril m. 42 Va f � (( � S • �JIDC Soft!° lQrl� ya)L Iri+e b) Name and address of fee s&rtple Etleitolder (id9ifetent than Owner Based ebm) 3 ( c) Interest riZ property, _ p ,(� �r�✓ _ �.— •-- - 440ttfrador lnforntatton a) Name and address: Al.¢ut V-02 4 XWI I tt•f VU 101A J r-ci It- b) Tele0me No.: 1 - O 9 ` 60M Fax Na.: (optional) - 3.Su * Cif appraoa *. a copy of the papwnt bond is aftadmd) a) Nance and address: b) Ted No,: c) Amountof taw: to Lender a) Name and address: _ /-- b) Talepltone No.: 7. Pasoas wkhle the stm of Rod& dnVn9bed by Owner upon whom mom or other doamm is may be served as provided by SeWan 713,13 (1) (a) 7., Fbrlcta Stamm: a) Name and address: A1W- _ b) Tdeptane No,: Fax No.: (optic* 8.9b additim to hkwa f or herself, Omer doWgtudes Of b receive a copy of ttte Uenoes Notice as provided in Seeft 713.13 (1) (b), Florida b`iasirtes. byhorie Number of person or eni ty deserted by Omer. 2. &*ad n dAs of notim of C6it8nlimit ** (U w0abon date may net bebefore ft corrtpl bm Of CMM ar M and &W payment bo 9te oor►tracbor. bid will be 1 vow km slre date of fecardim unless a afferent data k slip& 20 CONSIDIMM (PROPER PAYir M UNIM CHAPTER 713, PART t, SECTION 713.13, nAt M StATUtS% AND CAN RWXT Llq YOUR RAYING TWICE FOR NOW4EMEMM TO YOWL PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMOKSWIiT MUST BE 11000RM MID POSTED ON THE JOB SITE SEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTKDL tF YOU WTEND TO OBTAIN FO ANCRA CONSMT WrrH YOUR LEER OR AN Under penalty of pefirrry, I dadwe that I hate read tits for%ft nokcoa of =Wft-, mtier►t end that the iedsstat ad t!>4rein are true io ttte best of my knowlgIp and baW. / 1CLIAt�_ OwworLemorOmeaorteeaAu0al tNeMWMBVMDy The botnor" before me ft UNdayof C7aT , 20 )! by GLa� � -for C�l-:fir (Ftartte d Pnsonj (type Of atRhor9t7f,...ep. o9xer, tnni+ee, aftff ' in tech lbr (nw* of party on bM 9 of whom keftmwd wa exewted). PersM* KWW Produced ID El Type of ID Notary Sigtrahus Print name � 4Y. !! rntW A BLOOM * Y i1tYi0llttitltt8lOiiti0G071t08 �o� �)lf+ilWof�bnriY75,� ��arr�' B�rM�M11Mw�eipNPlOmry