HomeMy WebLinkAboutSetup & Installation ManualSCANNED cotBwlt BY ST LUCIE COUNTY Homes, Inc. - Setup Instructions Installation Manual W M M O�G JUNE 29.2004 CLCL 6 Fedaal NSoa od And 3dety SWd'dt Multi -Section Units Revised: June 3, 2004 Please keep a copy of this manual with this home at all times for reference of possible future ffomeowners. SU-1 WBIR Homes, Inc Table of Contents Chapter I - Introduction .............................................................. .......... ...... S[}-3 Foreword............................ ............. �-----_^`.~_."---------..----.-^_...-.'3\J� - ---------'------------------^_.----.-----Su'o u-iformuuou........... —.... ^.... -.-.................................. ..^'-`-----^--------' �u��y,_^__________._.____.____^_______~____' .___---_.-...-'_8D'3 Consumer Record Card .................... ........................................................... ......................................... .... 0lJ'4 Homeowner's Manual .............................................................. .............. `^--'--__-----,-^,Heat Duct Connection' Ow �� ��°���Q�UU�H��U��% IK�� Chapter I - Introduction 1 a) Foreword This ScotBilt home was engine constructed, and inspected in confom with the National Manufactured He Construction and Safety Standards Act "Act") and the regulations issued thereun effect on the date of manufacture. standards set forth minimum requiremer the design and, construction of manufa( homes designed to be used as dwellings. Your new home is furnished with a Ec Manual and Home. Owner's Manual. C the most important things you as a home can do is familiarize yourself with manuals and CHECK FOR PROPER SE1 It is recommended that licensed , personnel do all the work in accordant the set-up manual. However, it is stil responsibility to check the work, regardli who does it. Your dealer can assist you in to experienced personnel. Failure to follow instructions could result in serious prol which would not be the responsibility manufacturer. I lb) Using this nwnual This, manual contains detailed inst instructions, including specification procedures for the proper support and i of your manufactured home. It discus: setup of the home from preparing tl through final inspection. It includes tables and figures giving important d proper setup. Careful adherence 'I manual by the installation crew will ass of a quality, safe, and affordable ho many years to come. Consultation registered professional architect or engir those unusual circumstances not cove this book is required. 10 Pre -Setup InfornWlon red, The design criteria for this home may be nice found on the data plate (see figure ,1.1), which sing also contains other essential information such (the as where this home was manufactured, :r in- factory -installed equipment, and heating and The cooling information. This data plate may be for found attached to the home in- one of the fired following locations: Jp 1. Inside Master Bedroom Closet Of 2. Utility Area er 3. Inside Kitchen Cabinet Door UP. Please crosscheck the data plate supplied :t-up with your home with the roof load, wind and with heating / cooling zone maps to assure that your your home is built for the proper location. 's of These maps indicate the acceptable areas of the United States where your home may be sting safely located. Prior to locating or relocating lese your home, contact the local authority having gms, jurisdiction over home installation to see if the permits , for such procedures as blocking, anchoring, or utility connections are required. Inspections may be required during installation. On private property, zoning or development ation covenants may apply and should be taken into and consideration. (NOTE: Preparation of the site, okup when accomplished by other than the home the installer, may not be in accordance with these site instructions.) for this I d) Safety you This manual is intended to be used by for licensed installers who are property trained and h a qualified to install manufactured housing and r for associated equipment. Certain operations i in described he risks of possible injury or even geath if performed without SU-3 Scot9lft Homes Inc Chapter 1. Introducti®n proper skills and knowledge and such :operation should not be attempted by anyone other than a 'licensed installer. The following "Warning" format, is used throughout this :manual to describe many of those hazards: WARNING. Hazards inherent to the installation of the manufactured 'home may' present risks of injury or death. Only a professional installer should perform operation. THIS HOME MAY WEIGH IN EXCESS OF 30,000 POUNDS USE ADEQUATE 'TEMPORARY WOOD BLOCKING TO SUPPORT THE • HOME DURING SETUP. No one should be allowed under the home unless it is securely supported. 1 e) C*nsumeer ,Record Card Refer to the Homeowner's manual and fill out the CONSUMER INFORMATION CARD. Retum it to. the home's manufacturer, so that you may be notified of revised instructions or new products. If) Home Owner's Manual After the installation of your home, it is important that you understand how to maintain it in order for you to enjoy many years of trouble free. living. The homeowner's manual will help you, understand how to care for your home and will describe basic preventative maintenance procedures. Is) Recommended Smp Tools (MIN.) - Claw hammer', 3-10Ton Hydraulic Jacks, 12' 'step ladder, yankee screwdriver or Y4" powered screw gun (with standard blade, phillips bit, square bit, and Y4" hex attachments), ' utility knife, wire strippers, -2-10" crescent wrenches,- 4" -Brush (to apply roof coat), foundation supports (shims,_.etc... ), steel measuring tape, 6", carpenter level, sheet metal snips, combination cross -cut or rip hand saw, 4-1 M ton jacks (doubl,ewides), and 4'x8' sheets'of luaun paneling:(doublewides). NOTE: All shipping material shall be removed. All penetrations, holes ,-in exterior are to `be:. repaired and sealed jLngludling .shingles). :NOTE: -The materials shown in .Scot8ilt's setup manual are typical ,in nature., and may be substituted for equivalent : materials. (Examples: tie -down straps, tie -down anchors, etc... SU-4 THIS INSTALLATION MANUAL IS WRITTEN TO ASSIST ALREADY QUALI1IED AND TRAINED PERSONNEL IN SETTING UP YOUR HOME. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO ENABLE AN UNTRAINED INDIVIDUAL TO SET-UP YOUR HOME. MANUFACTURED HOMES WEIGH SEVERAL ICONS. ALWAYS ENSURE HOMES ARE ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED TO PROTECT WORKERS. ATTEMPTS TO REPAIR OR SIET-UP A HOME BY UNTRAINED INDIVIDUALS COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DAMAGE TO THE HOME. ScAl t Homes, Inc, Chapter 1 t. Introduction 'figure 1.1— Data Plate - MagYlBatYlOr AdtlrOgB mufacturar HUD No, nu actunil a Serial um ran M0 .0 oar gn pprova . Y P A.P,.I.AJ Hllborn Werner. Carter & Associates This m,ndMurW IIonN 4 dlsipmd b owrWY whh lho IWael nuMadurad liglm consirwI06 and so" alerWad In forgo al 094 d rmmrfadur•. (For adddbnW Imormation, ddrisulI "WA manual) The factory Inatallod equipment Includes: Equipment Manufacturer Model Designalbn Hosting Cooking Refrigerator Water Heater Dishwasher Fireplace store0 - Lwo,s ilia home and he adiakg ud (aw"an ayaom Mrs ban designed rot the Iwassed n- ownerda spadAeO la,E.Vown 0 to Mill 7.0. Thishamh■s' '.ias Nt_pot boon woppadwllh dOmi.b..OfL protedlw oowdngs for wincim and odonor door opordnga. For homes designed to be Idwiod in WNie ZoM fl uW Itl wrdch hew rat Oe•n p WO*d with Womors. or "Ulvalsm coydring dovimi, Is Is strongly ro ss ad 1hN Ua'tidta W made ready to egdpped with time devise in daor- dnraa wiNtin mettad'roarrrnarWod b manubdar" prkdad InsN+gtloro. , Y4 9ASICVWNDZONE MAP ZONI81 . -ZON 8 ZOMBI ., _"'" "' ah��i 2 NC ■ :ON)d tI � ONE M!I . NOTE: age Soctlon 5280406(c) (2) LION ROOF LOAD ZCNE MAP COMFORT HEATING This mamdeduod Tome aasboonthomalprinsulalaetd eomorrawlNlho foqukom■ntt dlhoiad,ral maroAedturod llorn0 tonekudlon mW sdoyalsndWp/or o0 bcettont within dimato zona ' Hooting pulpmsm mD. o as lid at Ia111 The above hosting epuornml has the capacity to rml in aawrage70e Ftompaatieobi Ns . home at ouldoot tomparahxa of __F. ,. To madmiss lurmce opentirg •oonwny sari "l "o (07 .) energy, h ru Nndod Out hate home W Imuitsd M+on Ua outdoor wNnr nmpordun g7 K is not tuA depre•a F. oar emu obton eaiwlalod osaumingamdximumwlnd vebcityd/3mph alstandard ■w"OlThemprets". COMFORT CCOLINO ❑ Air canditbning pdyided at factory (alternate I) , Air conditlonei mom last" and modal ("a that at ton) CaNned aped 9.TU.I for, In oecordowe whn the Fppopiata air 'anddlaVna aWoo,ld unuq systeGon m ' TM anbd air ern evicted in this home has boon sized ■swrkq on orionlollon dthe framlhhch eria)dgw laim facing 'this basis the system s dotiytW to tnskdoin N Indoor ramporoan a ro- r wanwnmgr tonVoraturos am_ Fdrybidbsnd Fwet butt. -The lomperlinlowNdithis home can becoobCwill dingodov aNuponIhiianotaitof Now 'es>o of dm (No ham the m 's rodent eat. oorrl�nsHn'r'inf* hwmprot Edit •,pn�Ul orydsFa�lmrq N• ottadetlon d codhq kad• at vaiou, locofbm, wiMon7 Hipown, ind shodrfo provided in Cheater 22 of the 107 edition of fMASHAAE HarWhook d Fundorroman. . Ipovl'doidkt spec tgpmo'M l0000ting lN�mmtiaipwlloWlo orbmations is ❑ Alt gandlloning not prsividad At Wall` ~116141 01 The ICutOn system a No homes ow for tied Instdlsllan. of oamfrnl air The v** ok distroxion sworn lnitollW in Nsliane Is eizodfora mamdahoadhonb rrbsrpibsat air which lap to up W vn conditionN and mf ctjil. row ry WWI a whin the air dro - d such air eondtiomm •- noise d O.S Tndt wag odm�u�mp�•yelolie pne,uro err preMor la the oodirq Alt dwverod to the mnmdsch rod harm t � sir and eyaem Womutbn nooeosry o calwtato ppdtrqg beds N varlcus locatbm and atamabns b pro ~Wdw In"s We odrdan cooling-vfarm■,WnpsrWt v Wwith ids mwWladuW home. ❑ Air co"d`0oq*dmm nd raoroironandW (alematg III1 Tm akdlWlbdbNb�r�i ssyyssism d Ns holm Tw rot bases doslgrad inantdps6on dhs user wilh o salmi air oororaonttp system. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER NECESSARY TO CALCULATE SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN Wags lwivaW wirldOWa end doom) 'U' Calling$ and rods of light ulor Coirugs and rod$ d"oobr Y' Ak duds In poor 'v Air duds In alkg ... 'U . Air duds fastaud outside to hams %r The following ate the duct areas in this home. At dud, In hoar w. h. Nr dudsin dolling � ea.a Air duct Oulsido No OoiM 80. R To aatamlm to roquved Rollo* d .oQl!ipment to coel.ei;hon; umdemly and 0aoigmoslly, ra cooling load (hat gam) uWation Is rogtitrod The oodihg bod id dtpaidad d th• aNntation locagm am CM slnrdirra d t $'lame Central ark=WRlonare opanta most sffalomb ■ A P&* IMpotleYart ShMl befloodin 00,ordnas VAt cheater p2 of theA eras gba*L of He . ark nxrWhbrar ►�guW ho •ilea N aegordanea wdth Cheater 22 d to Amadmn Saeiory d Hoaeg, ROhjgaalrg aW Alr CmdluadrO Engines IASHRAEI HorWaook d Fuidoraeias anoe alp. leaden aM odomollai onW�odn U/O Value Zone Map for Manufactured Housing ti v, n ai,11m 4 40.0 SU-5 ScotBift Homes, Inc J_ Chapter Site Trep 7,apidon A, -2a) Vfind, Root. and Climate,, Zones To ensure that this home's location is within its specified boundaries., refer to the home's data plate and to the zone maps (figure 2.1) lnchriari in this rnnn"nl 2b) PraInage and Grading of Site: m thatknot- it is i Oortan't, water does,run-, ,underneath a h6n4_'JheWore.1he'_ h'drhd site%--. should Id be Properly graded and - l'0'6;i6d-_awci ..Y.; from streams and r'1v6ri.,-- -Excessive water and Moisture will affect the home's, stability, and. could void the home s* , .warranty:.(S. 6e-1`ii6Ur6_ 2.2). ,2c) Ground Cover if the home is to be skirted.,---- etc.,"- the .ground underneath the.. _-home,_.,*-is' to,,be c' - polyethylene sheeting completely covered with I or t equivalen minimum inimum.6 m' "ils t (If -footing _ Is to be Plaoed-ben'e-ath. „grade 6 l6vel.,_ place ground cover ben0ath�fq.pt!ngj._: 2d) Land In ;Branches, buthes:add other -de H6Sthat are in a location In which. they could rub against walls or roof when 'home is getup should be removed. Also, any 'plant life should be .removed from underneath- the home prior 'to time of setup as, well. 2e) Home Hook -Ups ,Note 'the location of water,gas, and electrical inlets. Be sure that these connections can be made with any prior utility ,connections at the .'home site, if any, without obstruction Figurd 24 — Zone Maps , : 1: t/0 Value Zone Map for Manufactured Housing 0.11 6 0.0% SU-6 RAN HomerN Inc Chapter 2 - Site Figure 2.2 — Proper Land Grading DO: GRADE SITE TO ALLOW.WATER TO SLOPE AWAY FROM HOME, DO NOT: GRADE SITE TO SO THAT WATER COLLECTS AND REMAINS UNDERNEATH HOM$. _, ScotBIR Homes, Inc IL Chapter 3 - Foundation 3a) "Foreword ; blocking is required within 24`', of all shearwall One of the most .important `parts of; a Mobile tiedown straps: Home setup is the foundation. In areas where In some instances, there are also shearwall the soil is .subject to: freezing and thawing; .the: . � fiedown , 'anchors located at various spans foundation must be. designed 'in compliance ialong, the marriage line of -the home. with local . ;building , rules;, therefore, ,always :check- local building codes for -'footing'--, depth, block sizes., etc...3e) Removal of organic material Your dealer can also help in recommending Remove all decayable: - -material such .,as the proper anchoring system ''to "be used and ' grass, roots, arid wood scraps from beneath also assist you in obtaining qualified personnel the 'home, especially in areas where footings to install your anchoring system in a ate -,.to be placed, to minimize settling. of professional method. footings and insect damage: ' Remove shrubs and overhanging'.branches.frorri the immediate vicinity of the homesite to prevent windstorm 36) F"Ongs damage. If your :local building official has no' requirement for footing thickness in your area,. then a minimum thickness of 4" should be ,used. The footing should extend below the "frost line" in; climates where soil is subject -to . 'freezing and thawing; movements: :(See .figure Provided in' this manual are tables to aid" in footer size and pier 'specifications. (Table 3,2, 3:3, & '3.4). 30 Pier Bloeidng Pier blocking. is- required: at. each end of all exterior doors. I' (See Figure !3.5 for typical pier blocking system.) See drawings at the end of this chapter for pier blocking specifications_ on anything other than standard construction (examples: angle bay window, cottage box 'bay, etc...).. . 3d) Btocidng . o1F Shearwait -and Marriage Wall Tiedowns Shearwall anchors are,identified at sidewall locations with orange or.. green paint. Pier Figure 3.1 — Typical Footing SOLID OR . CELEE CONCRETE BLOCK! FOOTER. SINGLE-. TIERED WOOD SHIM, SOLID OR CELLED ,CONCRETE BLOCKS D SHIMS ScotBilt Homes, Inc. 'LbOR SYSTEM # BETWEEN TOP OF THE PIER AND THE I —BEAM MAY BE A WOOD PLATE NOT EXCEEDING 2" IN THICKNESS) AND/OR SHIMS. (NOT EXCEEDING 1" IN ' 'HICKNESS). SHIMS, SHALL BEAT LEAST 4" WIDE AND C LONG, FITTED D DRIVEN_ TIGHT BETWEEN WOOD PLATE OR PIER AND THE I —BEAM, :AP — WOOD C2 X6'iX1Ei` S—Y-P ,2 P.T. WITH SOLID BLOCK BELOW OR ,CONCRETE ' 4"XB'-'X1 E' SOLID CONCRETE CAP BLOCK. ;INGL.E OPEN OR, CLOSED CELL CONCRETE 'BLOCKS 1rkft1,E' (OPEN CELL 'U1 m VERTICALLY ON THE FOOTER) SHALL, BE ILLE NSTAD WITH THE .19, IWENSION PERPENDICULAR TO THE I —BEAM. OCTING — 'I 6''X11j N-C MINIMUM. SOL16 CONCRETE OR DTHER PRODUCT . APPROVED FOFt: THE PURPOSE .(SEE TABLE FOR LOAD AND SIZE) IORIZONTAL .GRADE © zw4g > W `D aAUG 112004 C c. p m SYSTEM BETWEEN TOP OF' THE PIER AND . THE I —BEAM MAY BE ' A WOOD PLATI EXCEEDING r IN THICKNESS) AND/OR SHIMS (NOT r EXCEEDING 1' Its CHESS). SHIMS Sv HALL BE AT LEAST 4 WIDE AND ' LONG, FITTED DRIVEN TIGHT, M-TWEEN WOOD. -PLATE OR -PIER -*NO THE -1-Bt4M: - — WOOD (2 XG) X1Ir S-Y—P #2 P.T. WITH SOUR. BLOCK BELOW OR CONCRETE 1lrXl-rX4' SOUD CONCRETE CAP BLACK.' UZ OPEN OR, CLOSED CELL CONCRETE BLOCKS B`XB"X1 ' (OPEN CF11 :ED VERTICALLY. ON THE , FDOTER) SHALL BE INTERLOCKED AND CAPPEE ►PECIFIEO ABOVE. 'ING — I Wxl6"Xc'MINIIJUM SOLID CONCRETE 'OR 'OTHER PRODUCT 16VED FOR THE PURPOSE (SEE TABLE FOR. LOAD AND. SIZE), GRADE icuT • FOOT3 GS TO BE P=CED ON FZZiM MM=TQR>9m STABLE son, WM ALL. ORM=C iYmmMarnr. VM, WITH THE BOTTOM OF THE F0OTZN0 LOCATEDBOTH A MIAT7MOM OF 12 n;mm BE w (MADE m BpLow THE YMST DEPTH nQ Tm AREA THE SU; MG IS IACATM. NQTE: PIERS SPBCIS m .nm ARE TO SE na STACI® ERCEPT WHEN THS PIER HEIGHT ASOYE THE room G I E7GCE w 48" THE BLOCKS MUST BE PLACED IN TYPE 6 MORTAR. ALL CONCRE= BLOCKS MAST COMPLY WITH ASTM q-90 OR C-145. tit k'• �� � P, ,,, �� :± � act 3 t SU-8A EXTERIOR WALL OPENING. SHEARWALL STUD, OR 'COLUMN SUPPORT POST. GAP BETWEEN TOP OF '7HE PIER AND 714E FLOOR MAY BE A ' W000 PLATE .(NOT EXCEEDING 2" IN THICKNESS) AND/OR SHIMS (NOT EXCEEDING 1" IN THICKNESS). SHIMS SHALL BE AT LEAST 4' WIDE AND 6' LONG, FITTED AND DRIVEN TIGHT BETWEEN WOOD PLATE OR PIER AND THE FLOOR SYSTEM CAP — WOOD (2 X13)X16" S—Y=P 2 'P.T. WITH. SOLID BLOCK BELOW OR CONCRETE ;CWX16" SOLID CONCRETE CAP BLOCK. SINGLE OPEN OR CLOSED CELL CONCRETE BLOCKS 8"X8'X16" (OPEN CELLS PLACED VERitCALLY ON THE FOOTER) SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE 16' DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO THE I —BEAM: FOOTING — 16"X16" XC MINIMUM SOLID CONCRETE OR OTHER PRODUCT APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSE (SEE TCA6LE 'FOR LOAD AND SIZE) HORIZONTAL 'GRADE 0 awe > AUG 112004 C3 C . n" Prilcn2 Mamilicm,sd ' Nov. Conmwtk a � And Stay Suam,a. EXTERIOR WALL OPENING, SHEARWALL STUD, OR COLUMN SUPPORT POST. GAP BETWEEN TOP. OF THE PIER AND THE FLOOR MAY BE A WOOD PLATE (NOT EXCEEDING Z AN THICKNESS) AND/OR SHIMS .(NOT, EXCEEDING, 1" IN. THICKNESS). SHIMS SHALL mBE AT LEAST d WIDE AND 6' LONG, FITTED AND DRIVEN TIGHT BETWEEN WOOD PLATE OR PIER AND THE FLOOR SYSTEM CAP — WOOD (2 'XG).XI6" S—Y—P J2 P.T. WITH SOLID BLOCK -BELOW OR CONCRETE IVX•16"U'SOUD CONCRETE CAP BLOCK. DOUBLE OPEN OR CLDS€D CELL CONCRETE BLOCKS 8'X8'X16" (OPEN CELL PLACED VERTICALLY ON THE FOOTER) SHALL BE INTERLOCKED AND CAPPED AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. FOOTING — 16"X16`X4" MINIMUM 50LID CONCRETE OR OTHER PRODUCT APPROVED -FOR THE PURPOSE (-SEE TABLE FOR LOAD AND SIZE) HORIZONTAL. GRADE 41 ,-• - -- NOTE: FOOTINGS TO BE PLACED ON FIRM MWISTORBED STABLE SOIL WITH ALL ORGANIC MATERIAL REMOVED, WITH THE BOTTOM OF THE FOomr- LOCATED ,BOTH A KnYlblbN OF 3.2 INCHES BELOW MWE AND BELQW THE FROST DEPTH IN THE AREA THE'BU= NG IS LOCATED. NOTE: PIERS SPECIFIED ABOVE ARE TO BE DRY STACKED EXCEPT WHEN THE PIER HEIGHT ABOVE THE FOOTING EXCEEDS 48" THE BLOMW MUST BE PLACED IN TYPE S mcRTAR. ALL CONCRISm BLOCKS MAST COMPLY VM ASTM C-90 OR C-145. d¢ Chapter 3 - Foundation Table 3.2 - -Steel Beam Pier Loads and Footing Required. 1W' floor width (W wide) W 10" max. ove 4mv Sa ffi Zanel iMad U_ 10 ndDLl I �. ♦. . ♦., �- rON "76 ♦ �i 179' floor width (32 wide) W 10" max OvQiwV South Zane) (20 Od LL.10 qsf DU 'NORM ,SU-9 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. Chapter 3 fbuudaddn - Fable 3.3 - Sidewall Pier Loads & Footing Areas (Opening Studs) 166" floor width.(23'.wide) vi+1.10" max. overhang (Sidewall Pier Loads) South 7nnar /2A ngf i I -4A not ni OPENING WIDTH. (CLEAR SPAN) PIER LOADS (LBS) MINIMUM FOOTING AREA (Z. IN.) PER SOIL PRESSURE SPECIFIED 1000 psf : '_ 1500 psf 2000 psf 2500 psf 3000 psf 4' 450, 120 • -•78 : 57 45 38 6' 675 156, 101. 74; 59. 49 8' 900 . 193 124 91 72 ' 60- 10' • 1125 .. 228 147 109 . ' .. '. 86. , 71 12' 1350 265- `170- 126� 99 82 14' 1575 300 - 193. 143 113 94 16' 1800 336, : ' 217 159 . .127 105 18' 12025 373° 239 176 140 116 20' 2250 :•.,408 263' 194 -154 127 22' 247S....445 286 211 167 138 24' 2700 = 480; 309 228. 181 149 26' •2925 516 ' 333- 245 -194 161 28' '3150 553 355 262' 208 172 30' 3375, _. 588 379 '.279 . 221 _ 183 32' 3600: 625' .401 296.1. 235.. . 194 34' .-3825 660 - 425 313 . - 248 205 ' 36' 4050 696 448 330 ... 262. 217 38' 4275- 733 .471 .347 '275 • ; 228 40' �ni.w•.-rn 4500 768 ' 494 365 '. - 288 238 n.v.rvrw rv� vvwivnv rn i n �rLC11I[ JCMIV VIV VIVt )IUC VNLT, WHEN CLEAR SPAN EXISTS' BOTH SIDES OF COLUMN, ADD BOTH SPANS TOGETHER BEFORE REFERRING TO TABLE.• NOTE:.CHECK LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL FOR FOOTING THICKNESS IN YOUR AREA 178" floor width-(32- Wide) W/ 10" max .•overhang (Sidewall Pier Loads) South: nnn 00'nnf 1_1__ 4I1 risfI ni 1 OPENING WIDTH (CLEAR SPAN) PIER ' LOADS (LBS) MINIMUM FOOTING AREA (Sd. IN.) PER SOIL PRESSURE SPECIFIED - ; 1 uop psf 1600 psf 2000 psf, _ 2500 psf 3000 psf 4' .505 -129, 83.- 62 48 - 41 6' 758, 169 110 81 64 53 8'. .1010 .:'210 135' 99 79 66 10' ' 1263 251 : 161 ' . 119 , 94 78 12' 1516 291. 187: 138 110 91 14.' 1768 "332, 214 157 124 103 '16' 1 . 2021 .372 239 17.6 .140 115 18, 2273' 413 265' .195 .. 155 1 129 20' 2526 453 291 214 : ' 170 141 22' 2779 493 318 :-234 '185 154 24' . 3031' 534 343, ` 253. , 200 166 26' 3284 574 ,369 272 '216 178 28': 3536'_ 614 395 • 291 231 ' 191 30'.. 3789 655 422 310 ' 246. 203" 32' 4042 695. .447.. 330 261 .216 34' 4294 736 473 349 -277 --,. 229 36' 4547. 778 ..499 368 . ,291 - • 242 .'38' 4799 816 525 '387 '307 254 40'A 5052 857 551 406 .. 321. 266 vv n.v wrw rvn vvwrvm rn In C?r-MIV VIV UNM 04UC. VIVLT,, WHEN CLEAR SPAN EXISTS BOTH SIDES OF COLUMN, ADD BOTH SPANS TOGETHER BEFORE REFERRING TO TABLE, NOTE: CHECK LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL FOR FOOTING THICKNESS IN YOUR AREA 'SU-10 'ScotBilt Homes, Inc, Chapter 3 - Foundation Table 3.4 - Marriage Wall Pier Loads & Footing Areas (Opening Studs) 156" floor width (28' wide) w/ 7 max. overhang (Marriage Wall Pier Loads.) ijn -.f 1 1 4 n ncf 111 1 OPENING WIDTH (CLEAR SPAN)- PIER LOADS MINIIu�UM FOOTING AREA (SQ. IN,) PER SOIL PRE66URE SPECIFIED f 2000.psf o . 3000 psf(LBS) 4' ' 390 111 71 63 42 35 8' 685. '142 - 92 68 64 44 6'. 780 174 112: 83 85. 64 10 976 205 131• 87 77 64 12' 1170 236 152- 112 : 89 •` 74 14'. -1365 267: ' 172; '. 127. ' 100 .83 16' 1680 298 - 192 142 112 93 18' 1766 .329 212 156 123 .. 103 20' 1950 360 .232 171"` 136 112 22' 2145 392. 252 186 147 122 24'. 2340 423 272- 20I 169 132 ,26' '2535 454 292 .215 170 141 28'- 2730 485 312 230 183. 161 30' 2925- 516 .333 245 194 161 32' 3120 547i 352 259. 206 170 34' 3316 670 -372 274- - 217 480 36' 3510 • •• 610 393 289: 229 -- 190 36' 3706 649 412 304 241 .199 40' 3900 673 432 318 253 1 209 42' 4095 7041 463, 333 264 219 44' 4290 735- 473 346 276. n , nu 228 c nC All IiiDLC IIYw Ment V 1 nG rvvl I,.v ­­ , - - ......---.--•- -- --•- --- ----- • WHEN CLEAR SPAN EXISTS,BOTH SIDESIOF COLUMN, ADD BOTH SPANS TOGETHER BEFORE REFERRING TO TABLE. 'TABLE ASSUMES MARRIAGE WALL CONSTRUCTION IN ONLY ONE HALF OF THE DOUBLENIIDE HOME (ONLY');. IF SUPPORT COLUMNS OCCUR•IN BOTH'HALVES AT THE SAME LOCATION (I.E.. WILL_BE,SUPPORTED BY THE SAME .PIER) ADD THE LOADS FROM EACH HALF TOGETHER (USEITHE,METH,OD,DESCRIS D ABOVE, FOR EACH HALF) TO DETERMINE THE ' TOTAL LOAD SUPPORTED BY THE. PIER. NOTE: CHECK LOCAL BUILDING OFICIAL FOR FOOTING THICKNESS IN YOUR AREA. 178" floor width (32'.wide) w/ 10,' m x. ove.thang (Marriage Wail NO Loads) . n_..1�. v...-vin—fI 1 4n.,efn11 OPENING WIDTH (CLEAR SPAN) PIER _ LOADS' (LBS) ^MINIUM FOOTING AREA (8Q. IN.) PER SOIL PRESSURE SPECIFIED . 1000 psf 1500.,psf 2000,pst 2600 psf 3000 psf 4' - 446 -1191 78 57 45 -38 6' _ 668 155 .100 `.74 69 48. .8' 890 1911 123. - 91 72 -69 -. 10' 1113 ."2261 146 A 08 ' 85 . 71 - 12' 1336 2631 169 726 98 82 14' 1558 298 191 :'142' 112' 93 16' 1781 .. 334- 215! =.158 126 104 18' 2003 3691 237 ; • 176 138 115 20' 2228 .4051 260 192 152 126 22' -2449 4401 283 209 166..K203 37 24' 2671. - 4761 108 • 226 ' 17948 26' 2894 , - ' . -5121 329 243 19259' 28' 3116 547 1 362 ; 269: • . 108 '70 30' ' 3339. • 5831 :. 374 276. ':21882 32' 3662 618 ' 398 ' 1 •: 293 ' 23292 34' _ :3784; 654 • 421 : 310 245 ' 36' 4007 6891 -443 327 '- 269 215 38'... 4229'. 725 467 344:. 272 226 40' '4462 •761 .489 361 286 238 42' . 4875` ". 798. '513 377 .298 , 248 �44' '4897 832 _ _ _' 535 _' 394 _11n 312 .,c 258 InC A411 V '1 AD"= IP/UIVAI Gq 1 nC ryy i u.v I.vr.v , y,. vvw... ,.- ... ... -. - -.- ---- -�- - - . . WHEN- CLEAR SPAN EXISTS BOTH SIDES IOF COLUMN, ADD BOTH SPANS TOGETHER BEFORE REFERRING TO'TABLE. TABLE ASSUMES MARRIAGE WALL CONSI RUCTION IN ONLY ONE HALF OF THE DOUBLEWIDE HOME (ONLY); IF SUPPORT COLUMNS OCCUR IN BOTH HALVES AT THE SAME LOCATION ,(I.E., WILL BE_SUPPORTED BY -THE SAME PIER) ADD THE LOADS FROM EACH HALF TOGETHER (USE THE METHOD DESCRIBED ABOVE FOR EACH HALF) TO DETERMINE THE TOTAL. LOAD SUPPORTED BY T,HE'PIER. NOTE: CHECK LOCAL BUILDING'OFF CIAL FOR FOOTING THICKNESS IN YOUR AREA. SU-11.1 Scotfilt Homes, Inc. Chapter 3 - Foundation Figure 3.6 — Typical Pier Blocking Diagram .SUPPORT PIER SLOCKINc RFf)LIIRFn TYP. SHEARWALL ENDWALL SUPPORT PIER BLOCKING TYP. SHEARWALL SU-12 Scot8llt Homes, Inc. 3- Figure 3.6 - Angle Bay Blocking Requirements MAIN BEAM MAIN STEEL I BEAM HEADER PIER Front Angle Bay (At Header) MAIN T BEAM (SPACING 95 1/2') PERIMETER RAIL Rear Angle Bay PIER BLOCKING SU-13 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. Chapter. 4 - Setup .Procedures 4a) Positioning When site preparation. is complete, you can begin positioning and installation of the home. Be sure ,that any work that should be done prior to placing, the home. ,in .'its final .,resting= position is complete.. WARNING A manufactured home weighs several tons: Getting under a 'home when it is jacked up and/or improperly supported is, VERY dangerous. Be sure that the jacks) you are using are safe and supported properly. Do NOT over jack. 4b) Leveling and Blocidng• There are many different ways to level a home. We have included two of the more popular procedures. Using a*. .water level (Figure 4.1) and using a bubble level (Figure 4.2). (Refer to figure 4.3 for proper jacking procedures.). 1) Using a water level. (Figure 4.1) First, pre -determine the height that all pier supports will be. •Then, place.a container, with long ' plastic tubing attached to the bottom, off to the .side. ;Next, fill the container with colored water to the _ pre=determined . pier height. Blocks beneath -the container may be necessary to _reach desired height. Be sure to remove any air bubbles from the Plastic tubing before using. Hold the opposite end of the. ' plastic '. tubing approximately a foot above the pier you are measuring" and open the valve attached to the end of the plastic tubing. Using the level of water visible through the plastic tubing, adjust the support pier 'to the desired height. Measure each pier using this method and then lower section onto adjusted piers., .2). Using a bubble level. (Figure 4.2) First, place bonne on piers. Then, check the level of the floor from front to rear '.then from -side. to side. Check, level of sidewall. Make any necessary adjustments to piers using a jack and pier wedges; Repeat until entire home is completely level. 40 Multi -section_ installation , - - '.When installing anything other .than a single -wide home, complete all work done in section : , 4a) and 4b), . then proceed to this section. ♦ .Place the next section as;.near; as possible to the first section. ♦ Be sure. to remove all plastic from the marriage wall side of the home and/or any other objects that could obstruct proper mating of the two sections. ♦ Seal at floor, walls, or roof with foam, carpet pad, or equivalent. Draw the two sections together using come- alongs, rollers, or skid -boards. Check the floor line to ensure that it is flush horizontally and vertically. ♦ Repeat leveling and blocking procedures same as first section. 4d) Floor Connections 'Once 'the two ' sections have been .positioned and blocked, fastening may begin. Using either of the methods shown in figure 4.4, begin fastening the two sections together along the marriage line. If the floors are flush at both ends, but the SU-14 ScotBilt Homes, Inc, Chapter 4 - Setup Procedures top of the heavy half is sticking out in front of the light half and the .rear 'ends are the opposite, the ceiling strips will not line up. This must be corrected before the top is b Ited together. To eliminate' this problem, put�one jack under the outside front corner of the, half sticking out. Place the ' other- jack under the rear outside corner of the ,opposite half. Mack up both corners at the same time until the ceilings line up and then,strap the center beam together before removing the jacks. EXTERIOR WALL - 4e) Roof Connections If the home haS-"f=oam$ealR" or egwvalent, installed along the ridge beam of either half, no other air -infiltration treatment is required at time of setup along the roofline at the marriage wall. Level the ceiling between the two halves . so that they are flush with each other. Strap the '''roof with. galvanized straps: provided, in, setup kit. (See figure 4.5) WARNING A protective, covering material (polyethylene held in -place with plywood or O.S.B. strips) was installed at time of manufacture to <eep the shingles from blowing off of the roof d ring transit. Any holes from any .fasteners MUST BE SEALED to prevent water damage i the roof. 4f) Interior and Exterior Finishing Once floor, roof, and wall connections I all been made, finishing may begin. ROOF DECKING RIDGE BEAM. SEAL AT THESE CONNECTIONS (WALLS, FULL LENGTH OF FLOOR, AND FULL LENGTH OF ROOF) PER SECTION 4c. FLOOR FOR RIDGE SET -UP OF SHINGLE ROOF, INSTALL THE ROOFING FELT STRIP, CUT THE CAP SHINGLES PROVIDED INTO THIRDS AND INSTALL WITH ROOFING NAILS OR STAPLES.. FIBERGLASS OR SHINGLE SS -OR ASPHALT RIDGE CAP '-FIBERGLASS OR ASPHALT SHINGLES INGLE UNDER LAYMENT SHEATHING BEAM SU-15 ScotBilt Homes, Inc, Chapter .4 Setup _Procedures Figure 4.1 — Using a water level VALVE DESIRED PIER WATER LEVEL HEIGHT CLEAR TYPICAL PIER PLASTIC Figure 4.2 - Using a bubble- IeVel (recommended areas to check for leveling of home) TYPICAL SIDEWALL TYPICAL ENDWALL C G C C B TYPICAL MARRIAGE WALL MATING LINE ;NOTE -CHECK AREA •c' VM11CALLY ALONG SHE S10EWALL SU-] 6 ScotSllt Homes, Inc, Chapter 4 - Setup Proced Figure 4.3 — Proper Jacking Procedures TYPICAL JACKk F _&_J FRONT' Hew REARMFRONT WIMP W MO HANGER MUMMM-7 HAM TYPICAL MIL2*Xrxl6' BLOCK JACK Starting with one side, place first jack just forward of the front spring pring hanger under main I -Bea m and the'secoAd jack just next to the rearmost spring hanger, NOTE Always locate Jackson or near as,po.ssible, where cros,9member Are connected to main 11 Be 'am Minunum.TWO jacks per I-beam. SU-17 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. I I Chapter 4 Setup Procedures i Figure 4.4 i, Floor Fastening FLOOR DECKING S RAIL OOR OIST_—S FLOOR 'FASTENING .Figure 4.6 — Roof Fastening BEAM ROOF FASTENING #10 x 4" SCREWS 12" O.G. OR 318" x 3'/:" LAG 24" O.C. �S STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 45° ANGLE FROM VERTICAL. 26ga x 1'/2" STRAP SPACED 32" O.C.•WITH ONE (1) 318" x 3'/2" LAG SCREW OR FIVE (5) #10 x 1%" SCREW$ EACH END OR ONE (1) 269a. X 2'/2" STRAP 48' O.C. WITH TWO (2) 3/8" x 3 1/2" LAG SCREWS EACH END. (ALL SCREWS MUST PENETRATE INTO FLOOR JOISTS.) © CONTINUOUS WOOD BLOCKING EACH HALF (MAY BE FULL HEIGHT RIDGE BEAM - NOT SHOWN.,) ® #10 x 5" SCREWS 12"• O.C. STAGGERED"FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 300 ANGLE FROM VERTICAL. ® 26ga. x 1%" STRAP LOCATED ABOVE TRUSS FASTENED TO TRUSS WITH TEN (10) 15ga x VA' STAPLES OR FOUR (4) #10 x 1 %" SCREWS EACH END SPACED AS FOLLOWS.' WIND ZONE 1: 96" O.C. WIND ZONE 2: W. O.C. WIND ZONE 3: 80O.C.. IN LIEU OF O AND Q ABOVE, MAY INSTALL CONTINUOUS 30ga. x 6" MINIMUM STEEL ROOF CAP OVER 16# FELT WITH: TWO (2) #8 x 1%s° SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 16" O.C. OR THREE (3) #6 x W SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 24" O.C. SU-18 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. FASTENERS: UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, ALL FASTENERS ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BE 16ga. x 7/16" x 1-1/2" STAPLES. FASTENERS ARE TO BE DRIVEN INTO FRAMING MEMBERS. STARTER STRIP: FASTEN STARTER STRIP TO UNIT AT 8" O.C. CORNER POSTS: ALLOW APPROXIMATELY 1/4" CLEARANCE AT TOP END. FASTEN IN CENTER OF SLOTS AT APPROXIMATELY 12" O.C. HORIZONTALSIDING: SNAP FIRST (BOTTOM) COURSE INTO THE STARTER STRIP. FASTEN IN CENTER OF SLOTS AT 16" O.C. OVERLAP PIECES ON SAME COURSE APPROXIMATELY I". OVERLAPS MUST BE FROM REAR TO FRONT ASSUMING THE HOME IS TO BE TOWED FROM FRONT. SEE DETAIL'A'. TOP COURSE: IF NEEDED, TOP COURSE MAY NEED TO BE TRIMMED IN ORDER TO FIT. USING A PUNCH, CUT SLOTS IN THE TRIMMED PANEL AND FASTED IN -CENTER OF THE SLOT AT 1.6" O.C. TOP TRIM: INSTALL TOP TRIM OVER TOP COURSE @ 16" O.C. DOORS: INSTALL J-CHANNEL ALONG VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL, EDGES OF DOOR OPENINGS. THE J-CHANNEL ABOVE THE OPENINGS' SHOULD EXTEND OVER THE SIDES. NOTCH AND BEND DOWN THE TABS ON THE J-CHANNEL OVER THE DOORS. SEE DETAIL'S'. WINDOWS: IF WINDOWS 50 NOT HAVE A VINYL RECEIVING FLANGE, THEN INSTALL J-CHANNEL USING SAME METHOD AS DOORS LISTED ABOVE. DETAIL 'A' 'DETAIL 'B' DRAWING NO. S�MC CL SU -18 A CR SS. A 3 N'AYCROSS,OA 71)0! VINYL SIDING W DATE: 07 27 04 INSTALLATION .'DETAILS LAST REVISION DATE: N/A Chapter 5 - Tiedowns Tledowu The following pages of this chapter pettain to typical tiedown installation. Please refer 'to the page(s) pertaining to the size, configuration, and wind zone location of the unit to be set. Periodically, 'you should check for releveling of the home, and tensioning of the. tie -down ,straps. SU-19 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. TYPICAL DOUBLE -WIDE TIEDOWN INSTALLATION STANDARD IIEDOM 117 TION (STANDARD PEDOWN I I STALLATION NOT AT SHEAR WALLS) WIND z I (15 Fes) INSTALL VUMC&L TM6M STRAPS AND/OR im ,e.VERTICAL MEDOWN STRAPS 7MO C90M ANCHORS AT EACH nm� J.'. A� NOOK -FROM GME 11D TOP WALL DPEN1140 STUD FOR OPSOM DMEEDING ftINIMM OF STEEL BM SPECRW ON WAM VZMCAL -OMOYN STRAPS ARE IN Dw sw-cr-3 B07H NALYM AT THE SAME LOCATION, C014NWT BOTH MAPS 713 THE SALE DDLIBLE WAD ANCHOR VM RMUS CUP .035. TED"M �STANDARD CH!jj� (Typ) PIM cnp ) NORrZONTAL INSTALL ALL %__,W0UND ANCHOR I" txtADEq1. (TYMN L) ANMORS BELOW 7CAL) 4 F �WAI.L VE7MCALLY AS stiom COCK ANGM FOR ALL MIX410 ANMM EXCEPT AT S14M WALL VERTICAL TIMOMM INSTALL NUMIM TO SINWALL FRAME 1010ONS A FRWE MEDDWN STRAP AT EACH WR7)CAL WM 'PER Dwo SW-4-3 tm) AND CWNECT THE FRME ItMOYM STRAP To THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR AS IM EKCEPrr AT SHEAR WU %MCAL 71MXYWIM INSTALL :.1,vmQQ TIMM STRAP (n?.EACH SIDEWALL) A FRAME MEDOWN MAP AT A SPACING -Fo THE VALUE SPECnED 00 -DRAWN( ; SW C=EN AL 14015SI . INSTALL VMC& 1M-SMMAPS 'AN%=`Wff t ALL VMGAL'ED0"STRAPS T0CROUNDANO.T 7tED0WN'STRAPS AND .CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST 41W DPEHNG STUDS WHEN 7HE OPENING VADTH' 4ir CWIF BY A'PROFESSIONAL ENQNEER OR A PMX)MM (TYPICAL EACH MEVAtL) IMMG LABORA7M 70 ADEQUA7MY ;WPPOff A. 315* AIMMAE LOAD MRWM (1.101MAX LOADQ251 M[MLIIA) AND/OR ID COIAPLY W?H ASW D3053­9L Z ALL GROUND ANCHORS W=016 ON THIS DRAMNO MUST BECER7FW BY A ENGNEEP OR A RECOGN2W IESIING LABDRATM TO ADEOUATMY SUPPORT A 31501 ='U VATHDMV& TAUMIN_(ULMWATE LOAD 4725f MIU4 00ADED BOTH PARALLM WITH IM ANCHOR SHAFT AND AT A 4V ANGLE FROM IM ANCHOR SHAFT, M. AHM E FROM GRAD9 TO FRAU TIEWAt d.W? TO BE 46..vEa (LOCATE aftmm ANc3ft 'FULL I THE. GROUND ANCHORS UM BE RM&M TO 7HEIR AS REQUIRED TO WAIN T111S ANGLE) DEPTH IN A=)RDAI= VITH ME MANUFACTURERS INSTRU=DNS (IM APPROVED FOR OWN.LAIIDN IN IM SOIL 7YK VMCH N DM' DWM AT THE SITE.ETM) AM MUST EXTM BaM'ffE FROST INI SPWFIED OTHERWISE ON CTM DRAWNGS, IM AND- BE AT LEAST 1Z ABOIC THE WATER TABLE- ALL 7WOM4 STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS WWW ON INIS DRAWING ARE IN ADDITION 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNMYED 70 7W WEWALL FRAME M IM MED,001 STRAPS AND IIRDUND ANCHORS IMMG ULW BE PROVIDED WrM STABiUZER PLA7ES To RWRED AT 7HE SHEAR WAU.S. MINIMIZE HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT. THIRD PARTY REVISIONS MBB41 <6\ DAM mm V_�17m_i . SW-FI-2 0=1k, Li awe Lu > 0 -JUN 2 9 Z004 0. TYPICAL DOLMEWIDE TIEDOWN INSTALLATION (STAN[�ARD`J TIEO.OWN INSTALLATION =- NOT AT SHEAR - 'WALLS • WIM0 ONE 2 4 3 • INSTALL. VDt?ICAL IIEDOWN STRAPS. AND/OR SECURE THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN $TRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT EACH LiEYf4IT FRW GRAM R TO TOP MARRIAGE WAIL OPENING STUD FOR OPENINGS E ZW)ING -OF STEEL BEAU SPECOE D ON 48" IN WIDTH, WHEN VERTTCAL TIEDOWN STRAPS ARE IN DN 3 BOTH HALVE'$ AT THE SAME LAGATIDN. CONNECT• BOTH ST AP5 TO THE Z6NIE DOUBLE HEAR ANCHOR WITH RAUIU5 - 1 i /�' x .03 -5' 7TEDOYYN STANDARD CHASSISSTRRAP (TYP).. PIER (TYP) HORIZONTAL 1N5TA11 A1.L GRouNO OUNO ANCHOR GRADE ANCHORS BaW MARRIA(� (T! IOAr). WALL VERTICALLY AS SHOWN BACK 1IN(YE:FOR ALL GROUND ANCHORS DWALL MARRIAM WALL FRAME TIEDIDUa BELOW IMS'MARRIAGE LINE WITHIN S=0' •OF,EACH ENDWALL. ANDAT A SPACING NOT CWJNECTED 7D StpEWALL FRAME tIEDOYItiS PER 0*0' SIN-0-3 (iYP) 70 EXCE L .7NE DISTANCE SPEgF7F� .ON DRAWING S4SF-�G-3; CONNECT. THE STRAPS FROM EACH STEEL BEAM TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCH.M(TYP•EACH HALF) D(CEPT AT $HEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWNS, •INSTALL .A e AIAGONAL. FRAME 'iEDOM STRAP AT.EAUI VE'RTIC& TIEDOWN CONNECT THE FRAIJE 11EDOW STRAP TO S�ZMD DOtIBLE•HEAD- GROUND ANCHOR AS THE.TrEi10vM STRAP (TYP EAc51 SIDEWALL) C- N 4L NQIE—S: LIM LL VERVCAL TEDDWN 5IRAPS AN6/dt SECURE; THE 'VERTICAL TEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND -ANCHORS AT 1. ALL 'I11:DOWN ,STRAPS AND..CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST ,OPENING STUDS ,NiEN 7HE `aPENING IMDTH EkCEEDS 4r . CE RTIRED BY A PRW'�ESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED AND AT A SPACING NOT 70 bc�n THE VALUE TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A S.lWf EIED ON DRAWING SYi-G-3. ALLOWABLE LOAD MINIIAUM .(ULTIMATE LDAD d725# MINIMLW) ,AND AND/OR TO COMPLY 41H ASTM ID3953-LTt. 'Z ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPWFIE.D ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CE RT1M BY -A'PROFESSIONAL ENGINES! OR A , RErA3PN129D 'TESTING LABOPATOi2Y T) `ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A '31500 ALLOWABLE VYMMAWAL LOAD: .(I T04ATE COO 4725J) MW- WHEN LOADED AT A 45•.ANGIE FROM ME ANCHOR SHAFT AND A 4000 ALLAWABLE YHTIIDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 6000f)MIN. WHEICLOMED PARALLEL. TO V E ANCHOR SHAFT: 3 THE GROLIND ANCHORS MUST BE INSTALLED 10 THEIR FULL DEPTH IN A=RDANCE YHVH THE MANUFA=RERS INSTRUCTIONS (IG. APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION IN THE SOIL TYPE WWCH AT THE SM ETr--) AND MUST EXTEND BELOW IHE FROSTSS SPEMED OTHERWISE ON OTHEIt BRAWWGS, LINE AND BE AT LEAST 1r ABOVE THE WATER TABLE RECOWN SIRAP5 AND GROUND ANCHORS E11J)DLOSISTS MEDON 'IBIS -DRAWING DIRE IN AODITWN' 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORSCONNECTED TD THE FRAME HE'TiEDDWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS M DOIdNS MUST'BEPROVI= WaH STApIL1ZBR PLA IES TO IRED AT THE SHEAR WAlIS. MINIMIZE HORIZONTAL !MOVEMENT. P. v ISF..L THIRD PARTY REVISIONS L'I W. DAM f�ro�ir»s3�L`.. p►WOHORAGE SYSTEM •' �. 1VE�4R MI M n4fin DnAtM+ BY: tc • ' tow tm. m N.TSW�-FI-2 r STI<TE GP 7 �'�.• "l:0It1�?l;•a. V 1/4w �;1 illnl cI 0 )nnA LL 1EDOWN; 5Y, FQNI IN Q1W,HALF' TM (4) f1D x i 1,W SCREWS A7, EACH �. FOR FULL MMrrH, SHED$ MALL% LOOP STRAP; WRWGH SLOT IN sNEAtz. WALL vfxncu..nmaKx. IWCHOR AND / C01tNEC7 EeWi END TO DWBLB BEAD CRI WW ANCH¢IL ,,,IKWALL PM qE1 W EDGE JOIST OPPOME SHEAR WALL WHEN ViEAR WALL 7mmm Om Xw CAMfq.EVf L NOTE; ALL 71EDOVM STRAPS AND ,CDNN=NG H.Alt>aMW LUST C�R7iFgEZ] BY A PROFMO NAL FBdt�'f.8 OR A iE''da Nc LASORA7DRY 7D ADEQUAIELY SUPPORT A 3150# ol LLOWABLE LOAD MNUM (ULT"IE WAD 47M# WNIMUM) AND/OR 70 COMPLY ,%M ASW 03053-M. ALL CH011l>D AWHMM$ WWO ON INS DR WRG JAW BE CER1M BY A PROFESSIONAL k o*m OR A W W =W `1ES MS LABORATORY 7D ADE WEI.Y SUPPORT A 40OW AUDWABLE IbT6.1DRAUL LOAD 1QH..(LfL'lUME L01AD 6000# AWL) WEN LOADED P/41te M llM ANCIM SHAFT: A TRIM -PARTY REVISIONS. &ell NonuS9Rt1� t ,srAroF � +,•• � ANCHORAGE SYSTEM 'FIELD, INSTALLED.' GRNIN 'B'� 7b " oiwu tidy • _ 4 Lu00C 0 J'UN 2 9 2004 n.. pDU5LEUJlDB -5HEAR tLALL TIED©WN SY'STIEM VIND ZONE 2 4 3 WAILS, QtSTALL WN SIIiAP OYFR S[F:Et. m A tioue<� SHEAR WA♦; % 09 TI®OWH "ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CUP I EDGE OF HOUSE . +.; OR CHASSIS BEAM .. .. ; •'CONTIh1U0U5 71EDOWN STRAP ��L a►4° GRADE TIEDOWN STRAP . 1NSYALLA7IQN DOUBLE HEAD : -GROUND ANCHOR 4 STRAPS ON TRUSS ABOVE SI4 m WALL TD w ovm HALF wrnH .(+);*o x t/z! sews FULL Wia7H SP a' 7Rm THROUGH 'IN SLiEAR WALL VERTICAL UIDDWN ANCIiOR AND =-EAW END 78 DOUME HM OfiCN1+1O ANlrHM =Au PIER BF, m EDGE mw OPPOSITS SI;Em WALL VMEN SHEAR WALL MUIINATEB OVER •JOIST CANTMEVER. GROUM JWCHOR PIER W7HIN it OF (t mAI,) WALL BELOW EDGE JDLSS (TYPICAL. SHEAR - NOTE ' ALL T0MBK SIRAPS_AND CONUMINO HARDWARE MUST BE , LDDP SRAP 77HROUCN SLOT IN SHEAR W)U. VERTICAL f.'ERTiFa BY,ATROFMONAL,ENCINMR-OR A REODGN12M 7E671NG L4BO TMY TD ADE QUA*nLY SWPDiT-'A 3! TlODD18Rd ANCHOR AND ,CONNECT EAdi ENQ.TD. DOME EAIL'A'. -70 D A=WAM LOAD,WNIUUII (ULYWA'tE LWO 251 NINDJUM) HEAD GROUND ANCIM SFUrr ;AND/OR m COWLY WITH AM D3253-OL ALL GROUND ANCHORS ON INS DRAWN© MUST -BE CE3t7MM BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGWW OR A REDO NaO -TESTING LABORAMW 70 ADEAUA'IEU' SUPPORT ,-A,4OW ALIMWBLE.W=RAW& LOAD YIN»(ULTlh1ATE LOAD 6000t MIN. • ;. WHEN LOADED PARALIBL Wl1H ANCHOR SHAFT. ,. RE SEAL THIRD PARTY -REVISIONS �-`�_ I��n„A��41�CH0SRAG z wC OYt ,.SYS, E MAW" *1 a 7; I" MT4I1 *YY . K7a. SIN--F%-4 J U N 2 9 2004 TYF_J.CAL-VQU5L�UJlQE TiEDOUN p LAC NOTE: FOR TRIPLEWIDE OR LARGER DESIGNS INSTALL ALL THE VERTICAL 11EDOMS AT EACH SHEARWALL, SIDEWAl1 AND MARRIAGE WALL AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. UND ZONE VMUIRED ON SIDV OF OPEWNGS GRFAIM THAN 4Er IN WI)TH (7VrUl EACH SIDEWAW AND MARRUGE WALL) WHEN ENDWALL SHEARWAU. LDrA7ED iN TM HW. WrAL wr UMTAIN NORMAL. CHASSIS FRAME IIEDDYN CKA= TP.AME 7EDOYM WITHIN A SPACING ACROW ALL VERTICAL =MCE EOUAL 'M 1/2 W NORMAL TMDMN (rmoQ SPACING FROM END OF FLOW (TYPE Z421 SIDMALL AT EACH ENMAU-) � - ;ITEDDibNS AT EhIDS OF FJ►C'FI " [WALL SH]EARWAL%Sn s S s A Vaal) SVARAIED -FOR CLARITY, WHEN MOW41 SiEARVALL, IS NOT ulm LOCATED IN.7W 144F.. INSUI ISr (EM IWX 48-) t FRAME TM XYhN WTH]N 2' Or EACH SIDE- LrAT%T MEMDWALI-) s s S, ZEXCEPT FOR PULL WD7H SHEAR %K ON l� IN ALL UARRIAGE,WALL FRW; IISDOWN INSIALL CHAS58 FRAhlZ.tEDOMM SIM OFAM CLASEST10 TZ IdAMUAGE ALONG. SIDEWALL VM AN AVaLAZE WALL BELOW SHEAR. WALL "CAq SPACING NDT 70 EXCEED ME VALUE - SPWFIED ON MANING SW­G;-& 4101 S (DID NOr INSTALL. FRAME TEDOWNS AT SHEARWALL VOMMAL V=01 L=T0NS)(TVP EACH =EWAU) � =SHEARWALL VancAL, TmowK EXCEPT AT OPEMO WIDIMS LARGM TITIAN 0 -STANDARD VERTICAL VEDM 41r. STANDARD 7=006 ARE Vmm S -0HASS8 FRAM(NOT REQUIRED) IN "NO ZONE 1. 2 wMAII WALL. FRAME UMDWN SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS pp UO:, ft I I)AM ANCHORAGE SyslEm FIELD INSTALLED. IWAV* I DAM Olik. p fam Ilam" I= K-M SW—c-2 LU T > , 0 0 JUN 2 !9 2004 TTP1G,4L. DDUE3L�I.IJIDE TE�DOLLIf<1 i`'L,4C1"1f�T NOTE: FOR TRIPLEMDE OR LARGER DESIGNS INSTALL ALL THE VERTICAL TIEDOWNS AT EACH SHEARWALL, SIDEWALL .AND MARRIAGE- WALL AS SHOWN ON THiS DRAWING. STANDAM VE1 CAL 'RMO KS aRa: ltJihlD OI 2 3 REOUIRM ON FACH SIDE OF OPEMGS IM THAN 4W IN iMD*M CAL. EACH SIDEWALL AND MARRIAGE WALL) WALL VERtICA[. TIEDONNS MUST 6E WHEN AN ENDWALL:IS A SHEARWAU„ INSTALL WITHIN 2e OF OPENING STUDS) • 4ST SfAWDAF0 •VOM AL: TIEDOWN VAH7IN A MAINTAIN NORM CIV FRAi.iE 11EDOY4Rd DISTANCE EQUAL 7Q 1/2 7w NOIZAIAL SPACING AMSS SHEARWALL VEEnCAL SPACING.SPECIFiED ON DRAWS SW-G-3 TiEDDWN (;I1fP W) WROU END OF":FLODR. _r-.(TYP EACH SIDEWALL AT EACH RIDWALL) . INSTALL SHEARWALL WiTiCAL. 'i»Dll* AT ENDS OF r4kcH SHEAftWALL AS SHOWN CM ALL SHEMWAL.L.S) M apma M M oa o , M H I)DUBL£VM FLOOR SHOWN . SEPARA1ED FOR Ct.ARiTY BEiLOW NARRIAGE JUNE INSTALL IolAWAGE WALL FRAME TIEDDWHS VMIN SOF EACH END WALL. AND AT A •SPACING NOT TO E(CEED THE DISTANCE SPECIFIED ON nlraWrrlG SW--G-3 (I)FICAL EACH HALF] jvj Iv1 :Z- ' VW�EN ETIDWAI.L IS NOT A SWEARWALL S S iNSi'JW. IST STANDARD VERTICAL TEDOWN VNM 2' FRDM WE END OF'FLOOR. . q PTYP FACH S MALL AT EACH ENDWA 4 EXC£Pr FOR FULL YRDTH SHEAR WAILS, IIWALL y=CAL, Fps ;SON ON •IyIE INSTALL FRAME TIEDDWNS AT ALL STANDARD ' STEEL, MM CLpSW TO THE MARRIAGE WALL TM VERTICAL VEDOWN LOCATIONS ALONG, SIDEWALL mww WALL .(T WAp)(� SILT-FI-4). (00 NOT QtSTIl1.L FRAIAE • TI£DOWAS 'f o T' SHEAILWI►l.l. VER;tCAL TimOY,N LOCATIM)(TYP CAM SIDEWALL) M=MAR WALL. DIAGONAL Fiwz "tmDWN • asllEARWALL VEtCiiCAL'REOQIHN RW LL STANDARD VERMC& MEDOYMS '0 -6 ANDAN.D VZRTICAL 11EDM ALONG SIDWALL NRTN -AN-AVERAGE SPACING S -61ASO QIAGDNAI. FRAME 10MM NDT'Tb EXM THE VALUE SPECIFIED. 0-VOMrAL. FTC TMa 1 ON OtiNW11R9 SYR-G�3 . t �;..;.'� •• :im CAM AN G S NEAR BEAM METHOD _ w' •� f ht SIC eLTS JrW G"" ' Ole, r Ltj 0. JUG! 2 9 2004 0 MAXIMUM TIEDOWN SPACINGS FIELD INSTALLF-0- i QW; I i ALL GR01" ANCHM SPEMFMD ON THIS MWWAW MUST BE CER"FIED BY A MCFESMONAL ENWEER CR A FtECMrM) TESM LASUMTORY TO ADEUMTELY ZLWPORT A 3150* ALLOKABLE WMIDPAWL LOAD CLUMTE Law 4725W) Mgt W"6NIOADED AT A 451 ANGLE FROM THEAMCM SHAFT AND A 31" AME WLr(LT=41250 MIN. MEN To MM�_ NOTE Du tm ALL TZEDOM IWAUATIcM PRoTmnoN MUST BE nZOMED TO ALL TUM STRAPS AT ALL MgW,coMEM REF. CALC LC - 0 -JUN 2 9 2004- 0A = MAX. SO)EWALL ROW OVEINAW Far flv,4r ZZar HE MW FMIM GRUE 'M TOP OF STEEI- MAK 4A, 2 , Mrx-ICATIUM' ON THIS DRAWING SLFERSEDE Me ALL UTHM &PECIRCATIMS SHOM ON OTHM DRAWINGS ANDIOR IN TIDE SET-UP MANUAL_Lt 4CF 0R ANCHORAGE SYSTI 3.��SYern�E no INK Lu -0 >; T 0 JUN 2-9-2004 033 CL Federal Mobile m < Home Construction m An d MAXIMUM TIEDOWN SPACINGS FIELD INSTALLED .. MIAI M,• OUT., ®�® .. 0K= MM-SIDEWALL ROOF OV6il1 G ALL'ANCHORS MVCMED ON 7W MAW M = BE CERTIFIED BY A PR�1. Sd61tt OR �C0&NII�. # FEK,'FJT FROM GRADE TD TOP OF STD BM% 7ESi1N6.f ftMT W TIO ADE=TEW StfPCRT-A 3W# AUMAKE WMEPAWL LOAD 0MMA7E LOAD 47251P)_MIPt- Wt*N L WM AT A ANGLE PROM! TFEANUM SITAR AMA ", - '. ��ALLeOWABtEWIiF�RA)!B.LOAD.EU-TMA7El.OAD'f.�?'M16J:,.. . - �iwiuu - _ VIt8+1 I n PARMIEL Td THE Atil MOW. ; •; Js 5 1 L'i :. FF ` -e{• -` . ' -S*G'3 VIEW :.. e- MR= ALL TEDOM WrALLATIOMt�.: . _ ._ NOTE . ICATWNS ON TM1S DRAS W SUPtB OiFIE R SPECSCATIONS'SiiON ON OiiiEst ' - oF_ ANd ►6E SYSTEM PI MEMON MUST' BE PROYM TO A!1 MEDG MH STRAASAT All Si(W COBS. ALL ORAWMS AMIOR IN ME SET-W MAM _ v �,14 f R%* 1Lu -v REF: CALL CL Federal Mobild ICI Home Coustruction' A.nd Safety Standards LONSTUDINAL. FiRAME TIEDOWN INST LLATIoN ONLY REQUIRED Wl iEN, LONGTUD..INAL � EDOWN ANCHORS INSTALLED ON. BOTTO�1 OF STEEL BEAM) oNB a Out: Txzym i[wl olwwo Gaon Hoar HS.IlL9TJi11.G[)'Obl S71CII' IArIfl. Txb�o3altl litiC110& N,Em= 3�0 SnLin01 OF FiRCK' 8TS6C , I16M. D MPHCC FJ 4 anm! Dn" TO Vmuxr TOR RmaxRED XNCUCut xoc�rioNs. STA4JOAk1) 5 PIER .(LlpGAnco MAY VAR)o . ' - 1.IONGnUDINAL TIEDOWN- saal:..�nomla sir >u6ap . amr . nm ab xa nay. � m" �t smart as : BEAdI $ ANC ,QR (5M DETAIL swan _ „m., m cad xa mm cras as --i xc=. °'A"; HE7SINj s�oosrg sslnoul4 , xlls su:laa �' .. , "All (1YY_ 8C7i7 Atd+x.CQfG: '87 ►PS ADID ALIC1&]A9) S! /i 1! :Q3s x 1-114" TIEDOWN 70' MAP- (SEE,DETAIL -e (,gyp) BELOW FOR INSTALLAWN MUMM'XMG. rzMaaH'hrtC 0W AM laZ= ro fiN57R11C71QNS) OF gual'sTJ;iiI.Mm AT AN Am=. amna OF 1 , o.c. DOUBLE HEAD mwm mc31 E ml of repair (m tines axa>a. iox) GROUND ANCHOR r 3 LA1 YIW "BCTIdN- uA--pit' AlWAM Wom cup JUN" g 20Ia4 c•�►o ANGiOR Leo rREF .CA►LC' # STEM � Tumum a+A,sts t ~ t ta»oaN s>�w ru�F» 3t eta C�I71 W= STRAP tI QC3LUlti! iZ.d►1�lLly CI_1f' m (UrATION ,1HR X;GH' MDT IN AR'o SQiAP AS spt 1ED FOR �•_ LONON ANCIM smut. t�tAUE tamov>tts) WIN m tiro OF saw uotic.•'TMDM ANaM t iHRFM MMDUGH ORO=! 1..a1 ANL`IIOR BOLT sum, 7 ' 4WE �1a: I(A=fa DETAIL 11,4u FIFJIDGmmo ANCHtNt sAUE eula�os AS SPECM F SlaEtsrAu. � ! 1. a nowNs . - T M p IMAUM;TO FABRICATE R=S IxlPBy' Ala.-rj=aazxlc63i= .tzmD FAP 6 D:J41cla BS SIRAlcu 31 UNCH1 OF 1-1//4' *.OW ' OVW uSTMp TS! Piinps»sb tiil�7t ST98T•.TT� iti a98S TQ 1 IN ANCHOR SL XT AND IrIA ALLY RENIUN01m STRAP , Itolis2oaexnz tervmae�er. • 0 ?w cmummoN sltotift ,�,�``;`•`�` `' �a``,;�af,.. THIRD PARTY RE S- 10hlS AV ANCHORAGE � S FIELDINSTAL1LED 3, `. ' "r �; ; y, .i : . t : ti; • POW j ! oRAs�o� elr: 11 1"" NIL N.>s SW—EI--5 ,cc JUN 2 9 2004 I• 2x4 SYPA 571FFD ERE W7kDN .e,,-`' OF TOP AND SOTFOU OF OPEMNG' "' AND 16' dC (MAXI SEE NOT£ 7 PI.YwtioO smRw+ cow* .. - INST'AIl. VIRTIi FACE GRAIW PLACED NORRGrNT& SEE TAME SIIAW FOR PLYWOOD SPF.gFICA7)0NS «» uOcatE PLYWOQI7 SEAMS ovER .:...», ►� aF � sTi�IrR C'�'. FA701 PLYWOOD 37M COVQt .ID, TNNDOW VEnC,AL M4MNQ ..".. Wliii (1) dnd x 2-1/f Paz— ...... 51IFF7NER B� � OF y..«.. n 710P PLATE FOR-NANDOWIDdOR WDEit 7HAN Be SEE NOTE 6 ;r'tiPtcat Scm, INSTAlUM014 SEE DETAIL 0*47 (DWG SLt-VJ2) TYPICAL S'IIftm- INSTAU' AMON 0'01SEE DET•AL' 1174r (DWG SU-W2) WMOW/booR WM/WALL FRAU)NO BMIND SroRIII COVER ,14NDOWIDOOR OPENING %WTH N MM� CON?INI1E •STORM OWM •AND STIFFENERS TO FLOOR IF DOOR OPENI14 (NOT SHOYM i�0"i�C"1'It�i FOR •�.tJ�U�1115�� ] PIAIE I I r 1 17.Y. 11 � 11 7 41 a r vs.l 1 1 /..��� � - Ctt.'NOII�81 ' 1/ 1NSTALl.ER 1dUST RRIDYE ALL, DECORAZIVE SHuilEttS;SOQtS JSS;3IfiE STCft NA S SU85lDIDEriORM 1 ALL FROM WINDOWS AND ADDIi.S PRIOR :fO,INSTAWNG THE 'PitOTa!'17DFI,COVEtiS i1US? pa{AFbIAT£LY REMOVED •5i0RM COMERS SPE)CM ON THIS URAWlNC: BERD[iE OCCUPANCY, OP'I}!l 8lllLpM1S I?. Z YJHEh1 HURRICANE OR SSW IMNQ 51DRN5 B. ALL WOOD SCRI:i4F NOTES, 1i6UL11NG. FRDltd THE :.CORM APPROACH, THE VWDW .AHD DOOR PitO7EC1iDD1 COVERS . C04ER RWALLA71pN , WT.SC 81e, FILLED SIG'FH CtOOD SPWFIED ON INS ORA.WING sHouCD eE INSiALLm nvAT:nY EXTERIOR •GRADE CAULK, 3. Clil>IlEQ1A'ILY A!"tER� IN5Ti4t11NG 7FIE5E C4� '►K 7/ yn'IEM„ OpENMD IIIMTTi .EXI�FDS 84' UP TO A AIA>fl6dUM BUILDING !<dUST' BE VACAYi"b AND/OR NO dDCPANTS • OF; 'i20'1 REPLACE 2x� S1IFFENERS Wl7I'i 2x6 SPF*2 AM SHOi1ID RIwLWN IN1ME 57iiUCy3)RE USE 3/4!' PLYWOOD 147W SPAN INDDC OF 48f2C ALL , NOTE: 71ii><55 $7nC6d PRO:E>r'ITON SY57i31 DOLES NOT 07NFR:.IH57'AL4A'ilOr! 9PF.MCA710N5 RE7AAIN t1NCHlWGM PERtli7' lxEiF: S FROA1 'JHE gU1LDiHG UNDRi FIRE '& FDR'Oi?io1+I1NG`1M1BDER 7FIAtt @o'. L;DCA7E S1'DRU• COVER PER CALC OR f7THhR DoGLsA1CY GONDLiIONs:I ' BUTT.:.X11N'f-sWlnilN 3D'.OF:,VER7ICAL S1UDS AND WSiall "I't' CLIPS 9E711Vr?P]�1 W►IBfR s'f1FEENERS AS SHOIYN. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REViSI4NS r ININDOW/D00R. STaRM ,PROTECTfO FIELD' INSTAL�D mwl+ sr: 740 L" t+a: SU— W1 u- ,JUIV 7, y LUU4 0 PLYWOOD STORM COVER UU5r La(TIr?JD LON 3` BEYOND EDGE OF WINDOW/ODOR FRAME AS SHOWN (TYP) PLYWOOD STORM COVER (MIN) )OW/DOOR FRAME TYLE MAY VARY) ` JAW/WALL STUD I WINDOW/DOOR NOT SHOWN (TYPICAL STI THIRD PARTY NDTla INSTALLER MUST LOCATE WOOD 9CREWs 3/4` FROM EDGE OF VANDOW/bOOR FRAME AND k(UST VERIFY THAT WOW SCRLV PLACEMENT PROPEItLY ENGAGES LUMBER FRAMING 1- 2:I 2• M of 31DID B' o.G. {SEE HDTE ]tf3ovE7 STEM WASHER METAL 1118E/MNDER /(OR PLYWOOD SPACER) IJBBER WASHER ' VINYI�L stalNa w/ I:xrEl:toR st Ia:s►T1�Lc (AS SHOWN) OR MMIOR HARDBOARD WiNG (HoT SHOWN) i`t (SMTIUN . UOMR SL�OCKtNc "r'lnNl HA - All REF. CALL # IJUN 2 9 ZOOM .3/s' x 3-y ' LAO WITH 1-11t DIAMETER WASHER AT EACH END STIFFENER (TYPICAL) 2x4 51ftER ENTIRE WIDYH OF STORM COVER PLYWOOD STORM COVER Ox3'SCREW rO.m IMP ENTIRE LENGTH OF °Jo1� tt�_�tI • INER INSTALLATION) SI ONS oAT� �' i� i•.L�` en 70 1 DA'Lk 40- SU—W2 Imp iscl -T. rr Chapter 6 - utility Connections Secure cap supply inlet when not 6a) Plumbing / Gas Connections The gas system of this home has .been tested for leaks before leaving the factory. However, prior to connection of the gas supply, another pressure test is recommended to' ensure that the gas piping system is free from leaks after the home has been setup. First, close all gas appliance shut-off valves. Then attach the gas test fitting, gauge. Pump in air until 5 oz. of air pressure is reached.. This pressure must remain for 10 minutes without any indicated pressure loss. aE WARNING DO NOT over -pressure the gas system as damage may result. The gas piping supply system has been designed for a pressure not exceeding 14" water column ('/a PSI) and not less than 7" water column ('/4 PSI). A) Gas Lines. ➢ This gas piping system is designed for use of either liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas. LOCATE "Quick - Disconnect" and . connect where applicable. Quick -Disconnect is located under the floor where the halves come together. CAUTION: Do NOT use tools to separate the Quick -Disconnect device. CAUTION: Before turning gas on, be certain appliances are designed for the gas connected and are equipped with correct or connected for use. Vo� CAUTION: Before turning gas on, Make sure all gas connections have been made tight, all appliances are turned off, and any un-connected outlets are capped. 15 CAUTION: After turning gas on, test gas. piping and connection to appliances for leakage with soapy water or bubble solution, and light all pilots. B) Water Supply Lines ➢ ,Check water and drain systems to assure that vibration during transportation has not . loosened . any joints.. (For models with baths in both halves, connect hot and cold water supply lines provided under center walls; where two halves meet, turn, water on, and check for leaks.) CAUTION: Do not ,power on to electric water heater until the tank is filled with water. The water supply system is designed for a maximum inlet water pressure of 80 PSI, if the local water supply pressure to which the home 'is being connected exceeds 80 PSI, a pressure reducing valve should be installed to limit the supply pressure. A master shut off valve shall be installed at the water supply inlet. Homes, set in areas subject to freezing temperatures shall. have exposed water supply pipe,protected. An electrical SU-31 ScotBilt Homes, Inc. Chapter: 6 - Utility C®ni ections receptacle shall be located nearby Ifor the use of electrical heat tape. Heat tap ie used shall be listed for use with mobile ho es. A) Drain Lines ➢ For models that have baths in both halves — install drain lines and fitting' between the stub -downs unde neath each unit. Care should be to en to assure compliance with local plu bing code. NOTE: Refer to plumb drawing fo field installation of DWV. (Some field installations may have been don at Factory.). 6b) Electrical Connections (See Table 6A ) :For proper feeder conduct sizes I and junction box size to be used in main electrical hook-up refer to local electrical and buikng codes. A qualified electrical serviceman using approved electrical test equipment , should perform the required continuity, polarity, and high potential system tests. WARNING Always remember that electricity is potentially the single most dangerous aspec I of any home. Always take extra precautio s when dealing with any electrical problems jor jobs and always use a bonded and certifi d electrician to do them. A) Electrical System This home is' wired according 'to HU specifications for mobile homes. CAUTION: Do NOT remove ground wires or clamp connections Do NOT cut ground,wires. CAUTION: Do NOT turn power on to electric water heater- until tank is filled with water. NOTE: The- following refers :'to doublewides only. B) ' Inter -Connection between halves. (See - Figured 6.2) .1) Lighting circuits. a) Locate junction box along the mating line. CAUTION: Be sure all Wires have been run inside the junction boxes before beginning hook-up. Never hook wires together outside of'the junction box. (b) Connect the conductors in the junction box as follows: (a) Bare copper conductor to bare copper conductor. (b) White insulated conductor to white insulated conductor. (c) Black, insulated copper conductor 'to black insulated conductor. (c) Install junction box cover. NOTE: Small appliance circuits (if any) will also be marked to correspond with its matching wire of the other half. Follow the same steps as for the lighting circuits discussed above. 60 Heat Duct Connections A heat duct crossover is included in the set- up kit for joining the heat ducts of multisection SU-32 ScotSilt Homes, Inc. Chapter 6 - Utility Connections homes. touching the ground at any point. Also, the A. Crossover Duct Hook -Ups for Double vent must extend completely to the exterior of Wides the home extending 1" to 2" from the'base. Do 1. Slide each end of crossover duct NOT . leave. dryer vent open underneath the -over the dropout underneath each half. home. The end of the duct should be equipped Secure by method provided. with an approved damper. 2. Wrap/Cover all seams and joints with duct tape to reduce leakage. 3. Wrap/Cover exposed metal with fiberglass insulation to reduce heat loss. 4. Be' sure to strap and -support support _crossover duct in such a way as to keep 1t off of the ground. (With galvanized straps, etc...) See figure 6.3. B. Furnace 1. For future installation or changes in the heating and cooling system and for possible additions of dampers, etc...; refer to furnace manufacturer's instructions included With home.. CAUTION: Inspect furnace for physical signs of damage. C. Gas Furnace Models _ CAUTION: Chimney must be in place and completely installed with accessories before turning gas on and lighting pilot. t� CAUTION: Do NOT turn power to furnace on until it has been inspected and leakage test conducted. . D. Electric Furnace Models 1. Furnace is completely wired. No further connections need to be made. CAUTION: Do NOT turn power to furnace on until furnace has been inspected. 6c) Dryer Vent When installing dryer vent, be sure that duct is strapped in manner preventing it from MANUFACTURERS EXHAUST OR EQUIV. DIST AMING SU-33 ScotBilt Homes, Inc, Chapter 6 . - Utility Conn ctioi Table 6.1 I Electrical Feeder and Equipment:Sizes . . ELECTRICAL FEEDER AND EQUIPMENT SIZES (COPPER).' MAIN BREAKER SIZE IN PANEL BOX (AMPS) COPPER CONDUCTORS MAXIMUM CALCULATED NEUTRAL FEEDER LOAD (AMPS) MIN. SIZE RACEWAY CONDUIT DIAMETER IN. FEEDER CONDUCTOR /SIZES I RED AND BLACK (POWER) WHITE (NEUTRAL) GREEN " GROUNDING 30 1 #101THW 410 THW #8 THW 30 50 1 #6 THW 46 THW 48 THW _ 50 100 1 1/4 #2 OR #3 THW #2 OR #3 THW #8:THW 125 1 1/2 #1 OR #,1/0 THW #2 THW #6 THW. .100 1.15 150 1 1/2 #1/0 OR #2/0 THW 42 THW .#6.THW 115 200 2 #0/0 ". #2 THW #6 THW '115 ELECTRICAL FEEDERIAN® EQUIPMENT SIZES (ALUMINUM) MAIN BREAKER SIZE IN PANEL BOX (AMPS) ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS MAXIMUM CALCULATED NEUTRAL FEEDER LOAD AMPS MIN..SIZE RACEWAY CONDUIT DIAMETER IN. I FEEDER CONDUCTOR /SIZES RED AND BLACK POWER WHITE (NEUTRAL) GREEN (GROUNDING), 30 1 #10 THW #10 THW #6 THW ;30 ' 50 1 #6 THW , #6 THW #6 THW so 100 1 112 #1 THW #1 THW 46 THW - 100 125 2 #2/0.THW #1/0 THW #4 THW 115 150 2 #3/0 THW #1/0 THW 44 THW 115 200 2 #250 MCM THW 41/0 THW .#4 THW 115 ScotBllt Homes, Inc, Chapter 6 -(Utility Connections Figure 6.2 — Electrical Crossover Connections Lyle wrSAW u Sl "B" SIDE ExnyaoR wAu. MARRIAGE WALL MARRIAGE WALL MARME MARRIME WALL »A" SIpE "B" 51 .... Ncnoir eoxWPM CON EM" (GRO GROND LW) CM :... / ELECTRICAL CROSSOVER METHOD Awpm.I102 1,, � &Mw UM)MUfMNY, No BRAL E REQUIRED ALT. ELECTRICAL CROSSOVER WIRING ( DLSTRIBUTION PANEL LOCATED ON ETTHER 'A' SIDE OR 'B' SIDE OF HOME '(s) CROSSOVER PROPER WE JiRJCW BOX CAN BE LOCATED ON 'K. 'B' OR V SIDE OF HOME (3) aECTrsiA CGNitUMS WILL BE M.ADE INSIDE OF MOM BOX. (4) CROSSOVER WIRE COVER WM BE USED TO COVER OR PROTECT LOOSE WM:ES, WHICH WILL BE, SECURED TO THE BOIM OF 'FLOOR JOISTS, WO WILL BE "M AUM ON THE SIDE ONLY, BUT IN SOME GISTS MAY BE USED ON 'BOTH SIDE. (5) FRAWEGROW IDES SMUST BE CONNECTED PRIOR TO EiECM �E (6) PROPER EIECTRIGL CONNECTION Mt .BE MADE, SUCH. AS WIRE IDENTIFIED ' AT FACTORY MUST BE (NICHED AND ACCORDMG TO COLOR CODE : BLACK (HOT WIRE); WHITE (NEUTRAL); BARE WARE (GROUND 00 (7) WAR WILL BE.IMSTAU.ED ON THE JUMCTKIN BOX, , PftOMCEED FROM THE ELEMEW BY PAINTING, SEAUNC OR MWA W— (B) HEATER HAS BEEN FILED WITH WATER, THIS MU5f Et DONEE TO PPRWff DAMAGE TO WATER HFATM (g) PRa AND UTo ra TALL wwE LIGHT FIXTURE, *WALL FIRE RIM BETWEDI S DMO E. (10) ENSURE WIRES ARE NOT MOWED OURM SETUP AND WALL PROTECTIVE COVER. -SU-35 4 5cotsilt Homes, Inc. Chapter 6 0 Utility Conn' cti®ns 'Figure 6.3 — Crossover Duct Securement TYPICAL EXTERIOR TYPICAL EXTERIOR i WALL FURNACE (MAY BE LOCATED EITHER HALF,) TYPICAL MARRIAGE WALL iM. ( (�� N� N(((EWC CROSSOVER DUCT SUPPORTS ( HEAT DUCT (MINIMUM TWO (2) PER HALF.) � I FLEXIBLE ROUND CRCSSOVER;DUCT Figure 6.4 — Bottom Board Repair % xLi . 1• STAPLE I REPAIR PANEL PANFI--' " . BOTTOY eOj WATER PROOF TAPE (O M, 9DARD T BOTTOM BOARD OPENING (16* x 16 ) 1 BOTTOM BG!tRD Mtw BE SEISED TO RESIST RODENTS 4 BOTTOM BOARD TAPE MUST BE APPRM BOTTOM DWAD TAPE; INSULATION MST BE REPIACED PROPERLY. \ WHEN EXPOSURE T PLYWOOD IS USED, TT a NOT Tt Y To \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ TYP FLOOR JOIST OW FOR PROTOMION FROM THE\ \ % �� \\ \ 5) A "L LENGTH WY BE REAAiiDD MINT \ \�; \\ \ SU-36 BOTTOM BOARD ;COVER HOLE WITH BOTTOM BOARD TAPED WITH MIN. 2 PIECES DOUBLED APPROVED BOTTOM BOARD TAPE ALL AROUND ScotBllt Homes, Inc.