HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectrical Load CalculationsCRANE Power and'Ughting 6pMs Electrical Load Calculations Electrical Contractor: Sam Crane Electrical, LLC Phone # 772-223-8865 ` Fax #: 772-600-5515 Project: &W4e2.fg nt!/ 1-f- Location : :900 W Existing Service Feeder Size:/ Existing Panel Size:, lor Main Breaker Size: fA-C'� Number of Breakers: o? 3 Existine Loads Sq. Ft. X 3 watts per sq. ft............................ t% watts _ Appliance cir. @1500 watts each .................... eSOV watts Laundry cir. @ 1500 watts each ....................... /�dG watts Range@ 8 kw ................................................. watts Dishwasher and 4igp=i @ 1500 watts each...... /6Z) 0 watts Microwave @ 2000 watts ............................. watts Water heater @ 4.5 kw ................................ watts Tankless water heater .................................. watts Dryer @ 5 kw ........................................... watts Refrigerator @ 1500 watts ........................ `d2t!:+ watts _ Bathroom 1 @ 1500 watts .......................... watts Sprinkler Pump ........................................ watts ............. watts Other ................. watts Other Other ................. watts Other ............... watts watts Other ................ watts Subtotal wrL® 3_Co Watts New Loads First 10 kw @ 100%............................................. watts Remainder @ 40%................................................... watts A/C @ 100%..........................................................q_4bwatts Total, watts Divided by 240 volts = Amps Prepared by: C�— Date: 7897 SW Jack James Dr. #G, • Stuart, FL 34997.772-223-8865 Job Name m�j �rmr�,�s O logo f0-- '6J11c #/ / 1� A114-11 C-L- Z4M AMPS AUTOMATIC AMPS DISCONNECT A PANEL SWITCH, mal