HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Information RequestedPO Box 1067; 14915 US Hwy 27 South - Lake Wales, Ff. 33859-1067 Tel. (863) 638-1294 - Fax (863) 638-2648 Brian Warrington 7505 Santa Rosa Pkwy. Ft. Pierce, FI. 34951 7-10-2017 Dear Mr. Warrington: 17o5'-01& 9 ST. LCCTr r0?-NTY RLZLD:!N'G DIVISION pmE,NVED FOR CONI LIA ' E 3;i:.�'IENVED BY DXrE PLANS AND pr,_ � MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR N:0 INSPECTION WILL BE MADE - You have requested information to obtain a local building permit for a 10x20 Classic model. This building was manufactured 7-14-1997 and delivered to an independent dealer in Stuart, FI. This building was manufactured to the Standard Building Code that was in effect at that time. I have included a raised seal drawing that would be relevant to a building manufactured during that time period. I have also included a copy of Section 102.7 of the 2010 and 2014 FI. Building code, which explabq§4W%xisting buildings built under the old SBC code are "grandfathered i " A�I.PRO EC(10NS lNEg� P1� As jC ANy CC EC�ORS THA If your local buildima �t 5ormation concerning this building, he can visit the Manufac��vp�fsrf under www.floridabuilding.org. COMply W1iH `EOF�,S�ENEPS as C� t►REtHS�S C�ppE �E Yours tr CONt�, Lewis Hartley Robin Builders, Inc. koup t` SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION 2, However, the exemptions under subparagraph 1 do not apply to single-family residences that are located in mapped flood hazard areas, as defined in the code, unless the enforcement district or local enforcement agency has determined that the work, which is other wise exempt, does not constitute a substantial improvement, including the repair of substantial damage, of such single-family residences. 3. Each code exemption, as defined in sub -subpara- graphs' la, lb, and 16 shall be certified to the local . board 10 days prior to implementation and shall only . be effective :in the territorial.: jurisdiction of the. -enforcement :district 'or ,local .enforcement agency implementing it.. 102.2.6 This section does not apply to swings and other playground- equipment accessory to a one- or t:vo-family dwelling. . Exception: Electrical service to such playground equip- ment shall be in accordance with Chapter 27 of this code. 102.3 Application of references. References to chapter or sec- tion. numbers, or to provisions not specifically identified. by number, shall be construed to refer to�such chapter, section or provision of this code, 102.4 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and stan- dards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced codes and standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. 102.5 Partial invalidity. Reserved. 102.E Existing structures. The legal occupancy of any struc- ture existing on the date of adoption of this code shall be. per- mitted to continue without change, except as is specifically covered in this code, orrthe.Florida Fire Prevention -Code, or as is' deemed necessaryby-the building. official 'for the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the•public.. 162.7 Relocation of manufactured buildings. I. Relocation of an existing manufactured building does not constitute an alteration. ?. A relocated building shall comply with wind speed requirements of the new location, using the appropriate. wind speed map: If the existing building was manufac- tured in compliance with the Standard Building Code (prior to March 1, 2002), the wind speed map of the Stan- dard Building Code shall be applicable. If the existing building was manufactured in ,compliance with the Fldridd Building Code (after March 1, 2002) the wind speed map of the Florida Building Code shall be applica- ble. .3. - A relocated building shall comply with -the flood hazard area requirements of the new location, if applicable. 102.8 Existing mechanical equipment. An agency or local government may not require that existing mechanical equip- ment on the surface of a roof be installed in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code until the equipment is required to be removed or replaced. PART 2—ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT SECTION 103 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY RESERVED SECTION 104 DUTIES AND POWERS OF BUILDING. OFFICIAL 104.1 General. Reserved: 104.2.Ap.plications and permits. Reserved. . 104.3 Notices and orders. Reserved. 104.4 Inspections. Reserved. 104.5 Identification. Reserved. 104.6 Right of entry. Reserved. 104.7 Department records. Reserved. 104:8 Liability. Reserved. 104.9 Approved materials and equipment. Materials, equip- ment and devices approved by the. building official shall be constructed and installed in accordance with such approval. 104.9.1 Used materials and equipment. The use of used materials which meet the requirements of this code for new materials is permitted. Used equipment -and devices shall not be reused unless approved by the building official. 104.10 Modifications.. Reserved. 104.11 Alternative materials, design and methods of con- struction and. equipment. The provisions of this code are not intended, to prevent the installation of any material or to pro= hibit any design or method of construction not specifically pre- scribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved. An alternative material., design or method of ,construction shall be approved where the building official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the .provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety. When alter- nate life safety systems are designed, the SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance -Based Fire Protection Analysis and Design of Buildings, or other methods approved by the build- ing official may be used. The building official shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claim made regarding the alternative. 104.11.1 Research reports. Supporting data, where neces- sary to assist in the approval of materials or assemblies not specifically provided. for in.this code, shall consist of valid research reports from approved sources. 104.11-2 Tests. Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with. the provisions of this code, or evidence* . that a material or method does novonfortx� tF e��yyequire- ments of this code, or i� 'er o st st nta�ate c��'aims for . alternative materials or i ee s e �� q ` u l gffikial shall have the authority require uire t as evidence of.compliance 9 to be made at no expense to the jurisdiction. Test. methods 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — BUILDING 1.3 ROBIN BUILDERS, INC. LAKE WALES, FLOR/DA GENERAL 1. THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE '97 STANDARD BUILDING CODE WITH ALL REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 1606 FOR 115 MPH WIND VELOCITY 2. ALL MATERIALS AND LABOR SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES. 3. BUI ING CLASSIFIED AS RESIDENTIAL LAWN STORAGE/LIGHT COMMERCIAL STORAGE. 50%125 PSF FLOOR LOAD. NOT FOR HABITATION. - 4. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. 5. OUTSIDE OVERALL DIMENSIONS CAN VARY BETWEEN LIMITS AS SHOWN, BUT MEMBER SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED LIMITS AS INDICATED. 6, ALL LUMBER TO BE #2 SYPKD 7. ALL WOOD WITHIN 6" OF GRADE OR IN CONTACT WITH MASONRY SHALL BE TREATED TO .40 RETENTION FACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPB—LP-22. B. TRU55 DESIGNED TO SUPPORT D.L. + L.L. = 35 PSF. 9. ALL ALUMINUM SIDING/ROOFING TO BE 3004 ALLOY CONFORMING TO ASTM 8-209, 32,000 MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH. 10. USE A8 X 3/4" TYPE A SHEET METAL SCREW FOR ALL gPNECTIONS BETWEEN ALUMI UM LA SIDING AND FRAME. USE &8 X 1 WITH 1�2 ALUM. BACK NEOPRENE `. WASHER ATTACHED ON CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RDOF AN FRAME. j SPACING AS FOLLOWS: ROOF — PERIPHERAL MEMBERS 8" OC '^— ROOF — INTERIOR MEMBERS 8" OC SIDING — 4 OC FIELD ; 12' OC BOTTOM PERIMETER. 11. DOOR SHALL BE 2 1/4" X 11/16" ALUMINUM EXTRUDED FRAME WITH AN ALUMINUM PANEL INSERT. ALUMINUM TRIM AND ALUMINUM PIANO HINGE ATTACHED WITH ALUMINUM RIVITS. DOOR ATTACHED TO VERTICAL 2X4. OPTIONAL DOORS INCLUDE DOUBLE ALUMINUM DOORS GARAGE DOORS, AND PREHUNG STEEL DOORS. TYPE, SIZE, QUANTITY AND LOCATION MAY VARY. D N.QTES 12. ALL WIRE SHALL BE ##12 THHN SOLID COPPER WITH GROUND. WIRING PROTECTED PER NEC 1993 ED. FIXTURE LOCATIONS & TYPE MAY VARY. 13. ALUMINUM WINDOWS — TYPE, SIZE QUANTITY AND LOCATION MAY VARY. 14. OPTIONAL EXTERIOq WALL, -COVERINGS II%NPIUDE CORRUGATED ALUMINUM WITH-ENERGYU130ACE BACKER M& hIIjLEKO" STUCCO ONS5�8G DENSE GLb14_,5 ' ' GOLD. ROOF -COVERINGS INCLUDE ALUMINUM OR SHINGLE ROOF OVER 5/8 PLYWOOD WITH 2 LAYERS .OF 15 LB. FELT. 15. USE 7/16":X 1 3/4" 16, GA. STAPLE FOR ALL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN WOOD SIDING/ROOF AND FRAME. 16. 1X4 SYPKD T" FLOORING SURFACED STAPLED WITH 7/16" X 1 3/4" 16 GA. STAPLES Q 4' _ OC, OR PLYWOOD FLOORING STAPLE 6" .00C EDGE / 10" OC FIELD 17. FOUNDATION FOOTING AND ANCHORING OF UNIT WILL BE THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK -,WITH LOCAL CODE AUTHORITY TO VERIFY SPECIFIC' NENSOFTISIBUILDING.THPRCSEUSSTLCONCTIOSTHEURARASUMEAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL, COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENTS, FOR THIS STRUCTURE. a Do 090 Q M O 00 v itJ O Z`.i ROBIN BUILDERS, INC. PO BOX 1067 1,8186 F WALES FL 3385 3 638-�294 RUFFY CLASSIC AMERICANA RCA 96 412-3-99 1 of 4 NOTE: ADDITIONAL SKID PLACED UNDER WIDE OUTSIDE WALL ON 1T 9" VARIES TO 50, O" PT 2X4 FLOOR JOISTS 24" OC 10' - 14' WIDE UNITS PT 2X6 FLOOR JOISTS 24" OCTYP I C A L FLOOR FRAMING N.T.S. 1X4 T&G FLOORING OR 518" SF PLYWOOD k' 2X4 (6) PT FLOOR JOIST 26 GA. GALV. ANGLE PLA 6- 3' X .120 NAILS PER F x 2X4 PT HEADER PT DOUBLE 2X6 SKIDS NOTE: DOUBLE 2X6 SKIDS DADOED 1.25" DEEP l FLOOR JOISTS. (4) 3" X .120 NAILS AT EAC CONNECTION. FLOOR DETAIL DA N.T.S. VARIES, TO 13' 9" FLOOR JOISTS AT 24' OC WILL SUPPORT 50 PSF LIVE 8 DEAD LOAD FLOOR LOADING. UNIT WIDTH 6' 8' 10, 12' 13' 9' FLOOR JOIST 2X4 2X4 2X6 2X6 2X6 'A' 16' 18' 18' 28.5' 40.5' .B. 40' 60' 84' 84' 84, FOR 125 PSF FLOOR LOAD, 16- OC OR 24- OC FLOOR JOISTS CAN WET HSA CENTONG KIA ERSKID ANDEAN (EXTRA ISKIDVIS PLACED UNDER EACH OUTSIDE WALL. I =5 - a w m ul to N m U I O a N 1 co O J lr ~ Q 00 Q kl M 3.> U OMB Y iO O¢ Ja R =� t m as w�N _ 10 NW� A vi a o } z -roo U U J Z =1a � IA U O 4 3 ROBIN BUILDERS, INC. PO BOX 1067 LME WALES FL. 33853 (863) 638-&4 RUFFY CLASSIC AMERICANA �« RCA 96 2-3-99 2 01 4 ff . ,q• ..'I 12 20 GA. 2.5" X 4" MITEK CONNECTOR PLATES (4) 3" X .120 NAILS PER DOUBLE 5 F EACH SIDE OF JOINT 2X4 CONNECTION 20 GA 3" X 6" CONNECTOR PLATES AT THIS CONNECTION ON 14' WIDE UNITS ONLY 1 1/2" x 5" 26 GA. GALV. STEEL PLATE DOUBLE 2X4 STUDS $RAFTERS (6) 1.25" X .105" NAILS STITCHED W/3" X .120 NAILS 12" OC 12" 2X4 BLOCK—,,,, 1 1/2" X 10" 26 GA. GALV. STEEL PLATE (6) 1.25" X .105" NAILS (TYP ) 1X4 SYPKD ON 6' & 8' WIDE UNITS ONLY 1X4 PURLIN (10/12114 WIDE UNITS)- (317/16" X 1 3/4" STAPLES PER CONNECTION DELETE OVERHANG ON RUFFY & AMERICANA MODELS (3) 3" NAILS PER 1 112" X 10" 26 GA. GALV. STEEL PU (6) 1.25" X .105" NAILS 12 1 L2X4 BOTTOM CHORDS ON 10'. & 14' WIDE UNITS ONLY 2" MAX. -4X4 PURLIN Ell DOUBLE PT 2X6 SKIDS 13, 9" MAX. FNI) WAI I FRAI\\AINC, N.T.S. GA. 2.5" X 4" MITEK CONNECTOR PLATES EACH SIDE OF JOINT L_ DOUBLE PT 2X6 SKIDS 13' 9" MAX. CROSS SECTION DETAIL N.T.S. 20 GA. 3" X 6" CONNECTOR PLATES AT THIS CONNECTION ON 14' WIDE UNITS 2X4 STUDS & RAFTERS 24" O.C. 1X4 PURLIN (31 7116" X 1 3/4" STAPLES PER CONNECTION 1X4 BOTTOM PLATE —1 X4 )PURLIN (STAPLES PER CONNECTION 1X4 BOTTOM PLATE TYPICAL DOOR FRAMING: MAXIMUM DOOR SIZE - 120" W X 84" H MAX. SPAN (INCHES) UNDER EXTERIOR WALL 2-2X4 2-2X6 1 PLY f A FILILLE g HEADER TYPE MAX. SF A 64" B . 95' t Owtom mNm UO� of I 1 W J J 3 � Q F o , w Ix o0 Iw— a O Z a J W 2 co �M m � > 0 - v W Z I,i i ¢ !L Q Q 17 WWmcanN USA >J cq W to J Z tY A cr w 0 0 • � O z 0j 00 U U O =)= w t- M 3 > Q O U U O Q ROBIN BUILDERS, INC. PO BOX 1067 (6)638E24 L. 33853 83-I� RUFFY CLASSIC AMERICANA J12-3-99 3 of 4 r. NONE r 4 USE 1/2" DIA. RED HEADS @ 2' FRM EACH END & @ 8' - U" O.C. (MAX) PATIO ANCHOR MICS-2 OR APPROVED EQUAL W/2 1/4" MIN EMBEDMENT IN 2000 PSI CONCRETE .035 GALV. STRAP OF 47504 CAPACITY .035 GALV. STRAP OF 4750# CAPACITY STRAP IS THREADED THROUGH SLOTTED BOLT AS THE BOLT IS TIGHTENED, DOUBLE PT 2X6 SKID HE STAP WINDS AROUND THE BOLT SHANK. Q, d 3 1/2" CONCRIfrESLAS d 4� 6X6 #10/10 WWM , dQ• d OR FIBERMESH DOUBLE PT 2X6 SKID t•',•F :?+,; 7•=";+.?,n.i : V (2) 45 RODS (MIN. 3" CONCRETE COVER) O r•: r% 2" (OR 4") X 8" X 16" CONCRETE BLOCK LOC S & TIE DOWN ANCHORS SPACED 2' FROM EACH END, THEN ON MAX. 8' CENTERS. I TIE DOWN ANCHOR: 5/8" X 30" TWIN 4" H((ELIX (#)30DHC2)) OR I • ,12" ►{ EQUAL FOR MODEL MRA (#24DAC1) OR EQUAL FOR OCOIL TIE DOWN TO SLAB SCALE: 1" = V TIE DOWN TO GROUND 2X4 SYPKD STUD 24 SCALE: 2" = V EE��ppqq pp�� L q z 14 "E:MBEDNWITH g 2pX2-5X " Wp� ASHER 2X4 PT BOTTOM PLATE Q, d d ate- . . CR j 3 1/2" CONE SLAB d j %yy ry� 6R FIBERMESH ' 20" dQ d 2 #5 RODS (MIN 3" CONCRETE COVER T Oeulw W cq U O I � tr N r3 _1 3 � O v W ¢ 00 Iw- V o 17; O m Q. OJ a wZOir v Z,a Wa4 1 _LcJa aaa 3zrn ww N a oar OU rn >J^N x In c4of A vi ° ir 0 J r` r .z 2 wF O U } O J jU ita Z zpoo C) Ooa3 ROBIN BUILDERS. INC. PO BOX 1067 LAKE WALES, FL. 33853 (863) 638-1294 RUFFY �• d • IC NOTE: BOTTOM PLATE IS ATTACHED TO STUDS A ERICANA WITH j2) 3" X .120 NAILS & WITH 1 112" X 14" 6 GA. GALV. "U" STRAP AT EACH STUD TO BOTTOM PLATE CONNECTION. (10) 1 1/4" X .105 NAILS PER STRAP. RCA 96 1- 12=3-991 4 of 4 �`1 n I ,16 ., � ��. i'f I }, ''