HomeMy WebLinkAboutFoundation Bearing Capacity CertificationDT�WI November 21, 2017 Rich Friedrich 140 Blue Grotto Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34945 i NOV 2 a zon ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. RE: Foundation Bearing Capacity Certification Proposed 2-Story Addition 260 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, FL Dear Sir or Madam: Phone: (866) 781-6889 *Fax: (866) 784-8550 www.floridaengineeringandtesting.com 250 S.W.13"' Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Job Order No.: 17-3815 Permit No.: In accordance with your request, we have observed the general site conditions for the above reference construction area(s). The site consists of naturally occurring soils and/or added fill and is sufficiently free of deleterious materials. We have performed density tests, last test dated November 21, 2017, on the above mentioned soils as applicable. Based on our observations and the above mentioned tests, site preparation procedures were in general accordance with the specifications set forth by the latest edition of the Florida Building Code Chapter 18 as it pertains to the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and ASTM Standards. The procedures also comply with the approved plans, specifications, county/municipality codes, and our foundation recommendations as described in the subsoil investigation report dated December 16, 2016. Based on the above mentioned observations and tests/reports, this letter certifies that the construction area(s) can provide the design pressure of 2,000 psf (pounds per square foot) as required on the client provided plans. If the proposed 2-story residence is designed for 2,000 psf, then the construction area(s) will support the foundation without settlement detrimental to the structure placed upon it. Sincerely,®®®�®�IIIIIVia�`'�/�, ' ALAIV iy- ' ♦♦ 7 f ar Mark A. NE44o, P.E. ; Florida En i;inAA ng � Florida Reg::V0 4.8 �ti ' C--Opy Certificate o �rJ ��i�oN' 3 �! q L QrnwflAy �Q{ 1� dd; w1swirance I ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 •Fax: (866) 784-85-50 i`•ii-ii•.floridacnginccringaiuitesting.com 250 S"*W. J 3"' Avenue m Popano lBeacb, FL 33069 PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST DATE SAMPLED: 11113/2017 DATE TESTED: 11/17/2017 ORDER #: 17-3815 CLIENT: Rick Friedrich Permit #: ADDRESS: 140 Blue Grotto Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34945 PROJECT: Proposed 2-Story Residence ADDRESS: 260 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, FL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Brown to Orangish Brown Fine Sand w/Little Clayey Fine Sand & Shell Frags. SAMPLED BY: P.N. TESTED BY: C.C. SPECIFICATION GOVERNING: ASTM D-1557 LAB NO: P-3815A RESULTS OF TEST: The following compaction test was conducted in accordance with the Standard Methods of Moisture Density Relations of soil using a 10 lb. Hammer and an 18" drop as per the above specified method. MOISTURE % 6.0 7.8 12.5 16.0 WET DENSITY (PCF 112.9 115.9 122.9 123.3 Optimum Moisture (Percentage): 112 12.4 % 111 110 DRY DENSITY (PCF) 106.5 107.5 109.2 106.3 Maximum Dry Density (Ibs./cu.ft.) 109.3 (PCF) a 109 •108 V Respectfully Submitted, ��Oi11111�///% 0 107 i® Vt1 N �J //i 106 Ice `'105 Mark A. Mesiano, 2 s O Florida Engineeri4� ;TesgW,inc. * _ 104 Florida Reg. No. TEOF ` 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Certificate of Auth��*1AUg&9923, ' - MOISTURE % N00 As a mutual protection to clients, t���gTd[qur�➢7�s`rNports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts fro rfi�i/91P�r� RNWorts is reserved pending our written approval. Qtcalify /i A 1 Jl=tzrance Lt COPY y FLO A ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 *Fax: (866) 78.4-8554) www.floridacnginccringatuitesting.cmn 2S0 S.W. 13"' Avenuc Pompano Beach, FL 33069 PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST DATE SAMPLED: 11/13/2017 DATE TESTED: 11/17/2017 ORDER #: 17-3815 CLIENT: Rick Friedrich Permit #: ADDRESS: 140 Blue Grotto Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34945 PROJECT: Proposed 2-Story Residence ADDRESS: 260 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, FL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Grayish Brown Fine Sand with Some Shell Frags. & Trace Clayey Fine Sand SAMPLED BY: P.N. SPECIFICATION GOVERNING: TESTED BY: C.C. ASTM D-1557 RESULTS OF TEST: LAB NO: P-3815B The following compaction test was conducted in accordance with the Standard Methods of Moisture Density Relations of soil using a 10 lb. Hammer and an 18" drop as per the above specified method. MOISTURE % 7.1 9.3 10.4 11.3 13.2 WET DENSITY (PCF) 105.1 112.0 114.1 114.0 112.3 Optimum Moisture (Percentage): 105 10.4 % 104 103 Maximum Dry Density (Ibs./cu.ft.) 103.4. (PCF) a 102 NN W 100 Respectfully Submitted, I� No 99 48��� is 98 DRY DENSITY (PCF) 98.1 102.5 103.4 102.4 99.2 Mark A. Mesiano, P.E�jt7 ; STAT ;''� -tr , Florida Engineering & � Inc. ,%0- � 97 (Inc. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Florida Re No. 48202 i 0' ��PIDA Certificate of Authorizatio�r%® 23-,tW `��MOISTURE % S119AS As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from -or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. n COPY Quality Awsirance LE ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 •Fax: (866) 784-8550 www.floridaengineeringan(Itesting.com 25.0 S.W.13"' Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 REPORT OF FIELD COMPACTION TESTS DATE: 11/10/17 ORDER NO: 17-3815 PERMIT NO. CLIENT: Rick Friedrich ADDRESS: 140 Blue Grotto Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34945 PROJECT: Proposed 2-Story Residence ADDRESS: 260 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, FL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Brown to Orangish Brown Fine Sand w/Little Clayey Fine Sand & Shell Frags. PROCTOR VALUE (PCF): 109.3 OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%): 12.4 % COMPACTION REQ'D BY SPECS: 95 LABORATORY NO: P-3815A NUCLEAR GAUGE SERIAL #: ❑ 29793 (Model 3440) ❑ 533 (Model 3450) ® 20500 (Model 3440) PROCTOR METHOD: ® ASTM D-1557 ❑ ASTM-D698 ❑ AASHTO T-180 ❑ AASHTO T-99 ASTM D 6938 METHOD A Test # Location: Lift Elev./ Depth of Test Dry Density CF Penetro- meter Readings Moisture ° (�O) Percent Compaction (%) Pass/ Fail 1 SW Corner of Office BOF 12" 105.9 --- 10.5 96.9 P 2 SE Corner of Garage BOF 12" 105.3 --- 7.9 96.3 P 3 S of Dining Room @ Center BOF 12" 107.2 --- 10.7 98.1 P 4 Great Room @ Center SOG 12" 105.8 --- 5.4 96.8 P 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . Compaction percentage estimated from cone penetrometer reading obtained with a Brainard-Kilman Model 5-214 hand-held cone penetrometer. TESTED BY: J.R. CHECKED BY: C.C. Notes: Method A - Direct Transmission unless otherwise noted. PR - Proof Roll BOF - Bottom of Footing TOB - Top of Base SG - Subgrade SOG - Slab on Grade As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. e1 Q AeddF Jlssrira>rice ®` X' 1, HLAt Respectfully s N /K2/-/ ; ¢8�2 ; o MARK A. NZ9 LN%r '{E. ; Florida Engines Te fig Inc. Florida Reg. NO �RIDA 't�� Certificate of AuvyIYA, 9 `3 ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 *Fax: (866) 784-8550 www.flo ricl aengineeringandtestin g.com 250 S.W. 13°t Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 REPORT OF FIELD COMPACTION TESTS DATE: 11/13/17 ORDER NO: 17-3815 PERMIT NO. CLIENT: . Rick Friedrich ADDRESS: 140 Blue Grotto Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34945 PROJECT: Proposed 2-Story Residence ADDRESS: 260 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, FL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Grayish Brown Fine Sand with Some Shell Frags. & Trace Clayey Fine Sand PROCTOR VALUE (PCF): 103.4 OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%): 10.4 % COMPACTION REQ'D BY SPECS: 95 LABORATORY NO: P-3815B NUCLEAR GAUGE SERIAL #: ❑ 29793 (Model 3440) ® 533 (Model 3450) ❑ 20500 (Model 3440) PROCTOR METHOD: ® ASTM D-1557 ❑ ASTM-D698 ❑ AASHTO T-180 ❑ AASHTO T-99 ASTM D 6938 METHOD A Test # Location: Lift Elev./ Depth of Test Dry Density C Penetro- meter Readings Moisture ° (/O) Percent Compaction (%) Pass/ Fail 1 Master Bedroom @ Center SOG 12" 102.4 --- 11.5 99.0 P 2 Garage @ Center SOG 12" 100.4 --- 10.5 97.1 P 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Compaction percentage estimated from cone penetrometer reading obtained with a Brainard-Kilman Model 8-214 hand-held cone penetrometer. REMARKS: TESTED BY: P.N. CHECKED BY: C.C. Respectfully su1i��� , A41��®/ Notes: fell Method A - Direct Transmission unless otherwise noted. 'a"� Mtn` N � PR - Proof Roll BOF - Bottom of Footing ' $Q., , ► TOB - Top of Base SG - Subgrade MARK A. 3IA�T,0,,P. 7� SOG - Slab on Grade Florida En�Aft' :% esting, IVZ As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports Florida Reg ®��2®� \� are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization Certificate o t t lono for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding �.. eNG 40. our reports is reserved pending our written approval. O�s l LE V pr, , f Qr jW $A zal4sszzrance z -b P q FI.ORIDA ENGINEERING &TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 •Fa;: (866) 784-8550 www.floridaengineei-ingan(Itesting.com 250 S.W. 13t1i Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 REPORT OF FIELD COMPACTION TESTS DATE: 11/21/17 ORDER NO: 17-3832 PERMIT NO. CLIENT: Rick Friedrich ADDRESS: 140 Blue Grotto Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34945 PROJECT: Proposed 2-Story Residence ADDRESS: 260 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, FL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Grayish Brown Fine Sand with Some Shell Frags. & Trace Clayey Fine Sand PROCTOR VALUE (PCF): 103.4 OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%): 10.4 % COMPACTION REQ'D BY SPECS: 95 LABORATORY NO: P-3815B NUCLEAR GAUGE SERIAL #: ❑ 29793 (Model 3440) ® 533 (Model 3450) ❑ 20500 (Model 3440) PROCTOR METHOD: ® ASTM D-1557 ❑ ASTM-D698 ❑ AASHTO T-180 ❑ AASHTO T-99 ASTM D 6938 METHOD A Test # Location: Lift Elev./ Depth of Test Dry Density CF Penetro- meter 'Readings Moisture ° (�O) Percent Compaction (%) Pass/ Fail 1 NE Corner of Master Bedroom BOF 12" 101.8 --- 13.3 98.5 P 2 NW Corner of Great Room BOF 12" 101.4 --- 8.3 98.1 P 3 North Side of Patio @ Center BOF 12" 101.6 --- 10.9 98.3 P 4 Patio @ Center SOG 12" 100.3 --- 9.1 97.0 P 5 West Side of Laundry Room BOF 12" 101.2 --- 9.2 97.9 P 6 7 8 9 10 11 Compaction percentage estimated from cone penetrometer reading obtained with a Brainard-Kilman Model S-214 hand-held cone trometer. REMARKS: TESTED BY: P.N. CHECKED BY: C.C. Notes: Method A - Direct Transmission unless otherwise noted. PR - Proof Roll - BOF - Bottom of Footing TOB - Top of Base SG - Subgrade SOG - Slab on Grade Respectw,*, su>im4t 4-:, i /l4 S 2 Z MAR l FV*0, P-E" Florida' �n gTes �g``Pc. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports Florida R/e 492- ��,C: are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization Certificate � / RhW1o. 6923 for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding 11,1111 our reports is reserved pending our written approval. 7 Qrcalil� mt`b`�A& ✓ mizrassce ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 *Fax: (866) 784-8550 wwii-.floridaengineeringandtesting.com 250 S.W. 13"' Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 REPORT OF (FIELD COMPACTION TESTS DATE: 11/21/17 ORDER NO: 17-3832 PERMIT NO. CLIENT: Rick Friedrich ADDRESS: 140 Blue Grotto Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34945 PROJECT: Proposed 2-Story Residence ADDRESS: 260 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, FL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Brown to Oran ish Brown Fine Sand w/Little Clayey Fine Sand & Shell Frags. PROCTOR VALUE (PCF): 109.3 OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%): 12.4 % COMPACTION REQ'D BY SPECS: 95 LABORATORY NO: P-3815A NUCLEAR GAUGE SERIAL #: ❑ 29793 (Model 3440) ® 533 (Model 3450) ❑ 20500 (Model 3440) PROCTOR METHOD: ® ASTM D-1557 ❑ ASTM-D698 ❑ AASHTO T-180 ❑ AASHTO T-99 ASTM D 6938 METHOD A Test # Location: Lift Elev./ Depth of Test Dry Density CF Penetro- meter Readings Moisture (/oo) Percent Compaction o (/o) Pass/ Fail 1 Master Bathroom @ Center BOF 12" 104.6 --- 8.7 95.7 P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . Compaction percentage estimated from cone penetrometer reading obtained with a Brainard-Kilman Model S-214 hand-held cone penetrometer. REMARKS: TESTED BY: P.N. CHECKED BY: C.C. Respectfully,/��/,� Notes: ��� 8} LIc F Method A - Direct Transmission unless otherwise noted. PR -Proof Roll BOF -Bottom of Footing X 48��jy,,, TOB '- Top of Base SG - Subgrade MARK A. $IAV,R.E:'� SOG - Slab on Grade Florida En— i�Lfteting, I ac. ZZ As a -mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports Florida Regt�T�9v_�2 are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending' our written approval. a Q �8 Quality A�dl9.✓lssurance Certificate 4AAApaaeoa!\♦