HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Metal RoofingF�CRMA PPA Mlbrr OF Busines's Professional Regulation W i6s*Pne I L.0g:1n.,'j WerR"Istratforf Hot. Topla Submit SLirChar9j, Statj Fh'Ct9 FBCSOW SCIs Site Msp- I links. I seirch I R d produdi Approval r USER:. PW[c User d, ba =0, -a'm F.L. ApplicationType Code V091-06 Applidbtibn Status CO.h.i.ments Archived Product, Manufacturer Authorized.Signatum T41inleal !Wrdselrita#Ve AddrbsqPhdnp/Eqiall Quality Assurance, keprespntative *dressPhonpAmall Category Subcategory Coen011 hee:MdWod- florlda Eng.1nider de- Afthltdc.t Nabid. Whd:devd,16ped -thd'�Evaluaildrvlk6port .Florida Uterise QuAtV,Assurance Entity ,quality -Assurance. Contract Expiratlon'Date Validated -By Gertiticate -ol"Indepjandence. kef,erenced'Stand6rd and-Ye6e (6UStanda-rd) EquIvaldke,of ProdUtt'Standards ditA - fled -By' 'Sections from the code RroducfApproval Method FL17443 New 2014 Approved. W-1 ].A TAYLOR ROOFING 302. Melton toil ;Drive VI PIERCE, FL 34962 (-772) -46-4640 ky kew h) te2p 1;jco m .Kyle Taylor ky16white228@abl.come Roofing Metal Roofing, AUG 09 -,�rw; aj St. Lucia tvaludUonRep.Qif,4'r.om,a 'Florida. Regis - tered Architect or a Licensed Floridd'.PrbfOs41qpil Engineer (7j Eval'Uation Report:--.Hiirdtopy.Received L61*216WOO-h. PE- A 9 7 04 Keystone. Certiftatloh9; Inc. 04/1112021 Hermes R Noe&br;V..E., t✓n S641101:16nCh.ecklist Hardcop y; Received Standard Year 2006 Method I Op.-tlo , 6 D: Date .Submitted 03/02/2015 Date Validated 63/62/2015 Date Pending FIX,Approv.61 016512015 Date.-Approve.d WiWbis Summary of Products FLO- Model, Number or Name Description 17443.1 I'S V Crimp 26GA: 1/20 ' rlb, height, over 15/32" plywood, .1.11mitsW use_ Installation Instnidibas Approved f6r use ,il HVAV No FL11443'"POO'll SV CrimD Fastening Det6llxd Approved for uswoutslde.HVHZrYes Wriftd' 8 y:'PRI Construction'Materials Technologies, LLC Imoact Resistant: N/A Cre4teO by-lhaep66dent'T6i.'r.d.Ra'rt'y:. Yes. beilbri.0ressure: +N/A/;-129,25, Evaluation ftep-Orks" 6ther., -129.25-;@ 61'o-.c.:m69.25,@16" ci.c. margin of saf6ty FL17443 R6 AF. FL,17 : 3 j..-A.L Taylor RoolinwS V trim D- 116dort s'5;pdf 2: 1 with. 20 max. 'coverage InSti3itrn ,Lper.iriUfattLiriers d6tall. Not,for-use in H'VHZ. L Created by, Independent-Thilrd y:, Yes 5. -T . . - . ki [Near. Contact 11. 7601 slat I r stone!itoad Tallahassee FL32399.Phorve, 850.487-1824 The. State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer., boiright 26742013 state of Fkil& :: Nacv'S alehkd-:,'AcceWtility"Siateme' nt ,.:, Refund Statement Under Florida law, email ad -dresses are publicrecordsJUyow d 0-notwant your e-mail, address, rs released in response to a puWlc-records recipesti-do not send electronic 'Mail to,thii-entity."-iiistead;,*c'o'nt*q#,'t*4e.bfil6 6y'phoMI 6�-by traditidnai'mall.,11 yiu.have any questions, please contacteso.467.1395; 'Pursuant to section 4S5.V5ti),'F!drlda'.ka.tu tes,,. I effective. 1Octo'i*r'lj',10'12,,` licens ees licensed under Chapter 455,�FS. must provide the DepartMent.41th an,emall address if thei, have one. The emalls Provided may be used, fQr,o,ffl,ilwith a1 commbrilcation with the licensee. HoWevir ebriall"dddres'sies'are' publit record: lry6u do'not v;isfi to iuliply' a personal address, please, provide the Depar'imprit w I it ' Ki4,dmall,address which can be'maA6 avallableto the public.-Todetermine lf-yovar6 a licensee,underChapter - - --�— - .. �Product App- IAcc GPtS* F&H E Credit. Oardr Locke Bowden, rX. 9450 Alysbury Plac-e Montgomery, AL 36117 FL # 17443 JA Taylor RoorilligInc 302 Melton Drive" Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Product: 5 VCdmp, thrufastened 1/2" rib- at: eachpanel edge -and one: in, the center of the: Panel',, 24"',net coverage, 260A min. over m'in.15/3T"tb,iek...CDX,plywood decks.. Compliance: Code (FBC)-2014; Section, 1504.3.2-, Section 1507.2.41. -Section 1.501.43 UL580 "Tests -for Uplift Resistance" Description: Architectural metal roof panel, 26 gaugem.e.tAl pancls,;..over inift.. 15/32"CDX plywood and, shall with Florida Building C&dO,2a14,-,$ection. 11507.4.3 Installation: Install per man&acturbrj -ffis�W I Ndtai ls"M".accorciahc&,withFBC,2014,.Se tion 1507. 4.2 Deck Slope 2-012 or greater and, shall be coMplia,pt, with Florida.tuildiri.gct)de2Ol4,,Eiecqolil5O7.4.2. Design, Pressure: -.129.25,psf @6?' x4and-69.25psf@16"%oc.� 0 Fasten along the crown of the, rib in the center of panel and along, the lap. Design pressure includes safety fet --factor =2.0. First fastener to be wifhin'T' ofpan.eI...edge&.Kn. 8d­x'2"-annular Mig.9hAnk nails spaced6"o.c..refoofing, with less than,19/32" plywood 9min, 0/32" );_this attachment Is to be -used in.addition to existing attachment. Deck attachment to be by other design.professional. Underlayment- approved product incompliance wit . h FBC 2014, Section 150742.8 Thru-fastened over min. I 513T'plywood Fasteners: #94.5 HW corrosion.resistant,fasteners with sealing, washers, metallo, wood connections with- flistener length'to, penetrate 5/16" through substrate per -Florida' Building Code. 2014. Section- - 1507A.4 Conditions of'Use Not f6 r use, in, HVHZ. Install per manufacturer's instructions and must bedesigned Incompliance with Florida'BuildineCode_ 2014.Manufacturer 'i compliant with Rule 6100-3;,Wherein manufacturer complies under, a. quality assurance:program audited by'approved Quality Assurance Entity; keystone Certifications valid thru 4/1.1/2021 Evidence Submitted: a. UL 590/TAS 125 Tests for UpO­ R.Reststafte b. Referen,cp-Te§tReport-02,2-4-OWF,5,,-06;Huff icaneji 0. Test equivalency standard —.the 6L 580 94test:9W d.. Quality -Assumace,.Pr000dqres.anct,.Poc*eipt;kt,ion rd is equi,,�i*,OAG Arlo0;-06 NO 10 STA V" 2' Ft 7 lid 1; This rcpPridoes.not guarantee or warranty any product validated or installed, Manufacturer's warranty applies. 4k V Crimp Faste.per- #9-1-5 corrosion resistant Wsoalllng,..washers 24" coverme Fastendr #9 x 1.5,dorrosibn resistant with sealing washers in Compl!8nce with 2014 Florida BUilding Coder, Section: 1-,507.4.4, Peroetpr fas tening: 6"o.c. Maln-Field f6stenlngl'2"6.c. Panel,VVldth:l2'6* Panel Coverage 24".ma)dmum 26. GA Atc hff�ctUr',dM'6t'aflRoof'panel