HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA Steel Sectional Garage DoorRECEIV 1 AUG 0 9 2017 MIAMI-DADS DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) wvvw.minwidadLgov/economy DAB Door Company, Inc. 12195 NW 9816 Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County, and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall, not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may'immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right, to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product.Control Section that this product or.material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone.. DESCRIPTION: Hurricane Master® Model 824/811 Steel Sectional Garage Door 16'-2" Wide with Window Lite Option (DP +36.0, -44.0 PSI) , APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 02 21, titled "24 GA. Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Dooe', dated 09/10/2002, with last revision K dated 03/09/2015, sheets 1 through 5 of 5, prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P:E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section - MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, manufacturing address, model/series number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, installation instruction drawing reference number, approval number (NOA), the applicable test standards, and the statement reading `Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved' is to be located on the door's side track, bottom angle, or inner surface of a panel. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. . TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal ofNOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA, renews NOA # 14.0814.10 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. NOA No.15-0304.01 MIAMI-DADEGOUNTY Expiration Date: July 21, 2020 Approval Date: April 23, 2015 DAB Door Comnanv, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED j A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No 02-21, titled "24 GA. Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door", dated 09/1012002, with last revision J dated I i/07/2014, sheets 1 through 5 of 5, prepared by AL- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. B TESTS "S'ubmitled under NOA # 11-0414 I2" 1: Test Reporton'Uniform' Static Air Pressure Test,•Loading and'Forced Entry Test per FBC, TAS 202-94,; o� "DAB '824 Sectional Residential. Garage Door"•prepared.by. Hurricane Engineering & Testing Inc., Report No. HE4I-074200, dated 05/02/2007, signed and sealed by Candido F.T,ont,,P.E.: 2. Test Report on Large Missile Impact Test perFBC,'TAS 201-94 and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per PBC, TAS 203-94, of "DAR 824 Sectional Residential Garage Door",,prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing Inc., Report No. HETI 11-3204, dated 01/2012011, signed and sealed by Candido F: Font, P.E. ' 3. Test Report on Tensile Test per ASTIVI E8-08 of "Sectional Residential Door (skin)",., prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing 16, Report No. HETI-11-T100, dated 01/21/2011, signed and sealed by Candido F. Font; P.E. "Submitted under.NOA # OS-0228, 02" ; 4. Test Report on Large Missile Impact. f6st and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test, of "Sectional Residential Door with Windows",._prepared by. Hurricane Engineering,& Testing Inc., ReportNo. Hi1TI 03-1328, dated 07/15/2003, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Soda; P.E: . 5. Test Report on Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, of "Sectional -Residential Door? prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing Inc.; Report No. HET103-1329, dated 07/15/2003, signed and.sealed by,Rafael E. Droz-Seda,-P.E: 6. TestReport, on.Tensile.Test­ per ASTM E-8 of"Sectional Residential'Door (skin)", prepared by Hurricahe•Engineering & :Testing Inc, Report -No. HETI 03-T078, dated 10/31/2003, signed and'sealed by'Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 03-0210.04" 7. Test report on Salt Spray (Corrosion) Test per,ASTM B 117 of a painted. G-40 steel panels, prepared by Celotex Corporation, Test Report Nq. 258592, dated 08/17/1.998, signed by W. A. Jackson, P.E. I C. CALCULATIONS ' "Submitted tinder NOA #,14-081 d,IO 1. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,, dated 09/22/2014 and 07/24/2014, signed and sealed by Javad. Ahniad,, P,E. Carlos,M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.15-0304.01 Expiration Date: July21, 2020 E -1 Approval Date: April 23, 2015 DAB Door Company, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE.EVIDENCE SUBMITTED C. CALCULATIONS (Cont.) "Submitted under NOA # 11-0414.12" 2. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, complying with F.B.0 . 2007, dated 04/07/2011, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. 3. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, complying with F.B.0 2007, dated 12/19/2008, signed and sealed by Humayoun Farooq, P.E. "'Submitted under NOA # 09-0128 02" D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.13-0117.01, issued to SABIC Innovative Plastics, for their Lexan Sheet Products, approved on 11/28/2013 and expiring on 07/17/2018. 2. Notice of Acceptance No.14-0311.08,• issued to Insulfoam, LLC, for their Insulfoam. Expanded Polystyrene Insulation, approved on 08/14/2014 and expiring on 11/29/2017. 3. Notice of Acceptance No.11-0926.07, issued to Dyplast Products, LLC, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Typo Insulation, approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/20171. 4. Notice of Acceptance No.11-0926.06,,issued to Dyplast Products, LLC, for their Dyplast ISO-C1 Polyisocyanurate Insulation, approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 5. Notice of Acceptance No.10-1129.04, issued to Cellofoam North America Inc, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Insulation, approved on 02/24/2011 and expiring on 02/24/2016. "Submitted under NOA # OS- 0228 02" 6. Test Report on Accelerated Weathering Using Xenon Are Light Apparatus Test per ASTM Gi55 of "PVC Extrusion Material", prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Report No. HETI 04-AO02, dated 09/27/2004, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.B. 7. Test Reports on Tensile Test per ASTM D638 of "PVC Extrusion Material", prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing Inc., Report No. HETI 04-T251, dated 11/29/2004 signed and sealed by I. Gbia, P.E. 8. Test Report on Self -Ignition Temperature Test, Rate of Burn Test and Smoke Density Test of "REHAU non -foam PVC extrusion material", prepared by ETC Laboratories, Report No. 04-761-15019.0, dated 05/06/2004, signed and sealed by J. L. Doldan, P.E. F. STATEMENTS "Submitted under NOA # 14-0814.10" 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 51" edition (2014) FBC and no financial interest issued by Al-Farooq Corporation, dated 05113/2014, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.15-0304.01 Expiration Date: July 21, 2020 E -2 .Approval Date: April 23, 2015 . n z-1/. h to w1 ---- PUSH NUT TOP FDITURE 5-1/2- X 2-3/4' X 0.1" GALV. STEEL CENTER HINGE � O � STEEL PLATE WITH ONE 5 18-18 ALS W W/ (4) #14 X 5/8' sMs . -FASTENED O END STILE / / NUT ° WITHOUT DEL RON SLEEVE (STD.) 1 O (61 0144 XT3/ SELF OR4WNG SCREWS p 7-1/2' X 3' X .071' MY. STEEL I I I S SHEET 3 FOR TOP BRACKET OPTIONS END RR HINGE W/ (6) #14 X 5/8' SUS i O O 1 CENTER STILES WITHOUT OELRON SLEEVE (STD.) - - SEE SCH. 'A' - WITH OELRON SLEEVE (oPT10NAL) ° 7-1/2' X 2-1/4" X 071•GALV. STEEL CENTER HINGE LOCK ` ° W/ (4) #14 X 5/8' SMs 2/ DOOR WITH OELRON SLEEVE (OPTJONALf-- ----- ---`• 1' W X .15 THK LATCH I` ```'mot ♦ _ -- CENTER HINGE 11 STANDARD LOCK t SPRING LOADED SLOE BOLT (BOTH SIDN FASTENED W/ (4) %14 X 1/2' SliS \ _-_5/8' MIN. LOCK ENGAGEMENT CONFORMS TO SECTION 1008 REGARDING t� - GARAGE DOORS .158 OlA CALK AIRCRAFT TYPE W/CMBYE 5�TOO I FACTOR m X 5-5/8n1 X .090 THKII O- - STEEL PLATE, I-3/6' DEEP I SELF WITH(DRILLING SCREWS ` ° BRACKET BRACKET --- STD. LIFT DOOR LOW HEADROOM TOTAL / OF DOOR V BARS AT HDGHr DONSWS OF EACH DOOR 6'-6' 2 SECTIONS ITT!2 SECTIONS 21 8'-9" 1 SECROT 18' 13 SECTIONS 21 7' 4 SECTIONS 21" - 7'_3, 7'-6' 5 SECTIONS 18' r-9• 4 SECTIONS IS' I SECTION 21' 8' 3 SECTIONS /6' 2 SECTIONS 21' LT-3" 2 SECTIONS 18" 3 SECTIONS 21 8'-6' 1 SECTION 18' 4 SECTIONS 21' W-9' 5 SECTIONS 21" - 9• 6 SECTIONS 18' - 9-3" S SECTIONS Is- 1 SECTION 21• W-6" 4 SECTIONS le• 2 SECTIONS 21' 9'-9" 3 SECTIONS 78' 3 SECTIONS 21' 1W 2 SECTIONS 18" 4 SECTIONS 21 10'-3' 1 SECTION 18' 5 SECTIONS 21• R S 10'-6" 6 SECTIONS 21" - f0'-9" 6 SECTIONS 18" I SECTION 21" 11 5 SECTIONS IS- 2 SECRM 21 11'-3' 4 SECTIONS te' 3 SECTIONS 21' 11 -8' 3 SECTIONS 18' 4 SECTIONS 21" 111-9" 2 SECIIDNS tti• S SEC . 21' - 12' 1 SECTIONS 18' 6 SWTIONS 21• 12--3- 7 SECTIONS 21- - 12'-6. 6 SECTIONS 113' 2 SECTIONS 21• IY-9' S SECTIONS 16'3 SECTIONS 2Y 13' 4 SECTIONS la" 4 SECTIONS 21' 3 SECTIONS 18' 5 SECTIONS 21• 13'-G' 2 SECTIONS 18' s SECTIONS It' Ir-9' 1 SECTION Hr 7 SECTIONS 21" 14' 8 SECTIONS 21' - 14'-Y 6 SECTIONS 18. 3 SECTIONS 21 SECTIONS 18' 4 SECTIONS 21 14'-9" 4 SECTIONS 18" S SFLTOHS 21' 15' 3 $EO1pdS 111 B SECTIDNS 2T 15'-3' 2 SECTIONS 16" 7 SECTIONS 21 15,-V 1 SECTION le- B SMM45 21' 15-9- 0 SECTIONS 21' - 16' 6 SECTIONS IF 4 SECTIONS 21 L7-7/D- X 3-1/8- X .DID' • 1 STEEL PLATE - L_ WITH (4) 114 X 3/4' SOS CENTER STILE OUTSIDE 16 - END 5 HANDLE �(fS,STILE OPTIONAL DOOR 1 TO BE INSTALL ANY CENTER q�u Z R O I� N OG ei I 0 m ^--.o' Oaao 1 rc Qo aa j�5 LL�a mSa�3gC _ - I a G' N AP I N� �Km W OPTIONAL VENTS - I .._ 03 ((3) 5' WIDE AT 7' O.C.-MAY-- - _ OPTIONAL FLUSH FACE OPN0. AREA NOT TO EXCEED 120 SO. IN. NAIL WOOD GRAIN DESIGN L A O LOCK'B1R GUIDES INSTALLED ON END STLLE ° Q W11}t (4) �14 X 5/8' SIRS 18f X .BIN I.ObI BAR. aNGAGEs w TRACK ON EACH SIDE OF DOOR OUTSIDE KEYED LOCX CENIIIt STLSS OPTIONAL LOCH BAR LO �I ALTERNATE TOCKWG SHOWN -SPRING LOADED SLIDE BOLT '- LOCKS SHOWN ABOVE IP - 8'�• TO 9'-10" DOOR WIDTHS L 10'-0' To 11,-10, DOOR WIDTHS DOOR WIDTIi _ _ O Z x INSIDE ELEVATION D" DOORS INC. m °i 6 RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR Hum one Muster® Model 824/811 Max. Size 16'-2" X 16'-0• High t� — With Window Lice Oplivn ' /14 X 3/4' SELF DRILLING SCREWS MAY BE USED - W LIEU OF jI4 X 5/8' sus DESIGN PRESSURE RATING = + 36.0 PSF o THIS PRODUCT IS RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT - 44.0 PSF GENERA! NOTES e I. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND TESTED' TO FLNCOMPLY WITH THE c o _ y RUMEAIENFS OF THE FLORIDA B19LOW CODE (Fac) FIFTH EDITION (2014)' m � O SCHEWAE A' wCLUOING HIGH VELACDY HUPACANE ZONE (HVHZ). VZOR TER STILLS CONFIGURATION 2. ANCHORS SHALL BE AS LISTED, SPACED AS SHOWN ON DETAILS, x iP ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL WAWS OF CENTER STIES DRESSING OR STUCCO. . TO 9'-10• 2 Z ALL BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS SHALL BE ZINC PLATED CARBON STEEL To 11'-IO" _ 2A ANCHORING OR LOADING CONDITIONS OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN IN To 13'-f0' 3- TO IS'-10' 4THESE OETNIS ARE NOT PAITf OF THIS APPRO/AL, TO IC-2' � S 5. A LOAD DURATION 04l21FASE 6 USED W D®GN OF ANCHORS ORp WOOD ONLY. DODR TESTED W ACOOPMANCE WTIN THE 11 02EMENTS OF FLORIDA I BWLOWG CODE, TAS-202, TAS-201 k M-203 FOR HVLR AND ®R pI W13 QMASTU E1886 E121./ASMDEHAHIJAD0.9. .. F. ' PIDOUCTR£MBWFp I 14' TO 15-10" I �„T' 7g 92 rgAMilotj/0 0 4 ` DOOR VA071 muQa4 qb _- Aorcptalol Ear,/ r ®r,3 ® 2�i5 By drawing no. u IT- 12'-0• To 13'-To'_� Is-11• To 16•-z• 02-21 DOOR WIDTHS DOOR WIDTHS_ — i .055' X 2-1/4" X 3/4" X 2" GALV. STEEL U.BAR REINFORCING TRUSS 0 BOTTOM OF PANEL TRUSS FASTENED TO VERTICAL INTERMEDIATE STILES W/ TWO j14 X 5/6" S.M.S. AND TO END STILE g W/' FOUR 114 X 3/4" SELF ORILUNO S. U � N U - K z o Q _ INTERMEDIATE OPTIONAL STOP MOULDING RY DOOR INSTALLER STEEL TRACK B%.I ENED TO WITH 11 14 X 5/8' SMS 5/16' X 1-CREW 8 PER HINGE (DED) . HEX WASHPE A 1/2- X 1-3/4" X .058' FORMED STEEL OCKET GLUED TO PANEL AND SECURED TO END STILE WITH (4) 3/16" POP RIVETS SOUTHERN SE- , :4�.• 1-7/8" X 2-5/8" X _049' STEEL • 'd F ER STILE. OWED AND RIVETED ANELW/ (4) 3/16' RIVETS 1- MIN. ' DIST. r1 14 X 5/8' SM.S. POP . 1 I 4/ HINGE 1-3/16' 1.9'X2.19'X 3.3•x.090' STEEL TRACK BRACKETS — SEE SHEET 3 FOR SPACING STEEL TRACK 14 GA X 2-1/8' X 1(STANDARD) 112 GA X 3-5/16' X 1-1/2' (OPTIONAL) FASTENED TO TRACK PLATES W/ ISLOTTED /L X 5/8' TRUSS 1D. MS. 8 LOCK NUT 24 GA. STEEL PANEL N FLAPS BEM OVER PANEL, O Z IS 0 1/2' PUNCHED HOLES c 0 4'- O.C. Igo OG v gaa� N 0 -3 19 1omg� Qrile�SE p � 1 /Q� � O 3/16' POP RIVE fS1 ;, .� AT 4" O.C. 1 (6 FOR 21" STILES • e0 (5 FOR 18" STILES p END SOLE •024' STL PANEL + uJ M OUTSIDE OF co z 8 lL' C3 in c? O z 93 SOLID BRASS DOOR VIEWER 0 N 3/4' BY 'SCHLAGE SECURITY HARDWARC 2' x 2-1/2' x STEEL ENO SN.E, CONNECT TO PANELS Wf111 INSTALLED IN9% V MA. HOLES IN UtNTER''STILE FLAPS AND (5) OR (6) 3/16' ALUM RIVETS. POSMONED AT EYE LEVEL SEE DETAIL ABOVE , ANCHORS AT TRACK BRACKETo EDGE T/R' DLt POWER —BOLT BY •POW RS' OISTANCE ���111 I A) 2' MIN. EMBED U1TO CONCRETE (3000 PSI MIN.) MIN. EDGE DISTANCE o N R d 2' •.: • - --wit-J/i6 R" HI _ CIFM Ef • 7�• •j„ ' B) 7-1/4" MIN. EMBED INTO CONCRETE OR FILLED c o 'z 1 b BLOCK I 2-1/4' ON. EDGE DISTANCE INTO CONCRETE M e z 1 4" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE INTO FILLED BLOCK CONCRETE Pe = 3000 PSI MIN. c u C-90 GROUT FRIED BLOCK Pm < 2000 PSI MIN, a a 3 TYPE A OR B ((ANCHOR 1 BRACKET E _ .SEER HEFT 3 FOR BRACKET SPACING 7-1M/2V. Q I INTERIOR 7—t/z' x .07r `g N� �Li END ROLLER HMCE CENTER HINGE) 1.82' WL X .50' STEEL ROLLERS (STD.) PUSHNUT I.BY DN. X .50' NYLON ROLLERS (OPTIONAL) LED ON ROLLER SHAFT 2.75' DN. X S0' STEEL ROLLERS (OPTIONAL) - SECTION B-B - 2.75' DW X .50' NYLON ROLLERS (OPTIONAL) WITH 5' STEA75' STEM N 0 2 drow•iing r�n.1o. 0Lg 1 sheet 2 of 5 ' 2 POP RIVETS 5/16- X 1-5/8- LAG SCREWS INTO WOOD OR 2-3/4' X 5-1/2' X 3' X .104' 5/16- SLEEVE ANCHORS H I - { GALV. STEEL WITH 1-1/4- EMBED INTO NAS(XaRY I E5�C" VIDE3 PER BRACKET ROLL W/ _ FASTENEDOP (6B�71ON 14 GA GALV. STEEL ADJUSTABLE SLIDE FASTENED TO BRACKET 2-1/2' X 4-1/4" X 13 GA STEEL PUBES w/'5/16-18 X 3/4- M HEAD - WELDED TO 1-1/2"iX 1-1/2' X 14 GA ANGLE M. SCREWS & NUTS. FASTENED TO TRACK _ - _ WITH (4) 1/4-20 SS. BOLT & NUTS lo 70P BRACKET - - (STANDARD) Top BRACKET % - - (t7PRONAL)./ ' LOW HEA M DOOR _ HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT 1/2' % 1-3/4' X =5- FORIIE.D STEEL CLUED 70 PANEL AND FASTENEDTO _ VERTICAL STILES WAN 2- X 5-1 2 X (2) 3/18' POP. RIVETS GALV. STEEL FASTENED W/ (4) 14 X 5 8" JA.S TO7 FOR - HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT LOW HEADROOM DOM OPTION 1/Y X 1-3/4" X .038" FORMED STEEL GLUED TO PANEL AND FASTENED TO - VERTICAL STILES WITH - (2) 3/16• POP RIVETS - 5/16' MEETING RIB ®�--=�PlJLSRC/STFEL ROLLELS OlA X /1b2' .50- — ® / w/ .44 DIA X 4-1/4' STEM 0 x OPTIONAL INSULATIONS z x 'pypLeci Bt PR00 If- IN pO EPS-EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE - - DENSITY - 1.05 PCF o -- - - N.OA 011-0926.07 - pR 50-25 POLY-ISOCYAFXIRATE DENSITY = 2.0 PCF N.OA,-Ott-0926.06 - m OR m BY 'CELLOFOAIA NORTH AMER7CA' DENSITY = 1.03 PCF - - ROJL o10-1729.04 OR 'I�r' - By - /� DENSITY = 0.92 PCF m o14-0311.08 \NDA O 14 CA. GALV. STEEL rER HINGES FASTENED 6) 1 14 X 5/8' SMS m - MW..024' ROLL FORMED STEEL PANEL DRAWING GUA M C-40 MIN. YIELD STRENGTH - 39 K51 _ -' WITH PRIMER AND BAKED -ON ' POLYSTER PAINTED TOP COAT TRACK CONFlGURATION - APPLIED 70 BOTH'SIDES OF STEEL d - ry 12 GA GM.V. SIM BOTTOM OBRACKET FA14 X ENALE5 OPTIONS SECTION A -A SEE SHEET 2 FOR LOCATION OF REINFORCDIO TRUSSES _ HOR2. TRACK SUPPORT, I-1/2" X 1DOO X HEIGHTS S UFT ANGLE FOR DOOR HEIGHTS R WI 8 Ff. CENTER SUPPORT REDD. ON ODORS YLi7X7Ui INSULATION OR WWDOWS, EXSEEDING 8 FT. IN HEIGHT 2' X 2' X 1/8' HORIL ANGLE II A -r- FOR DOOR HEIGHTS A80VE 8 FT. OR II 1 DOORS WITH INSULATION .OR WINDOWS n SPOT WELDED-70 HO10L TRACK O WITH TWO WELDS AT 1-1/2' APART A J •I FIRST AT 3' O.C., REST AT' 9' O.C. 19 CONNECTED TO FLAG BRACKET ANGLE iOR2 TRACK LENGTH - OPENING HEIGHT PLUS 12' AND TO SPRING X 3/4' GUIOLT E NLTI m - AND TO -20 X SHAFT GUIDE WITH - (2) 7/4-20 X 5/8' DOLT & NIJf C n �14 CA CALV. STEEL TRACK O ~ - VERTICAL TRACK 0 & Q HO .N 2-1/8' X i' X .GBO` SECTION A -A d m o. I DOOR -. SECTION HIE30 I _ _ —BRACKET: P(ACe-AEJTS _ HEGHT .1ST 2N0 30 4TH 51H B7 02 83 84 85 86 87 Be 6'-0" - 18' 18` IS' 18" N/A 1' TO 2 11-3/4- 23- 34" 45' 56' 67" - 6'-6" 21' 18" 13" 21' N/A 1" TO 2' 11-3/4' 23" 34` 45' 56` 67' - 7-O' 21" 21' 21' 21- N/A T' TO 2' 11-3/4' 23' ' 34' 45' 56` _ 67' - 7'-6' f8" -si- 12' 18 IB' 1- TO 2' 11-3/4` 23' 34" 45- 56- 67- 78-1/4- 6'-0- 21" 18' 18' 18' 21' 1- TO 2'11-3/4" 23' 347 45" 56" 67- 78-1/4' StCHUNS AKE NUMBERED STARTING AT THE BOTTOM FOR DOORS MORE THAN 8 FT. }HIGH, USE ADDITIONAL TRACK BRACKETS AT 10- O.C. 1.9" X 219 4 S.090' STEEL T2-3/16" HELM CONNECTED TO TRACK WITH 0) 1/4- BOLTS & NUTS. Ri Q N a N S pV� •_= h 0 u �mi==ass o a7« VERTICAL LIFT HIGH LIFE STANDARD LIFE LOW HEADROOM DOUBLE TRACK ,AVAILABLE. TRACK Ch1L Eng, JAVNuDft F1APE 1 70592 QPHONS PRODt=RENEWIED 4Y(fy1�0 P1n11� SoS Yi 1 'S , AAekylim4No -a Cl`- & � � ft Pfelkl(7p�i drawing no. - I 02- 21 A J . 1-1/27 IAM I asT. = 1 DIST. = pG\E 1 m SELF DRILLING �SCREVS UR 3/16' STEEL RNEW 1/2" X REINFORCEMENT FORMED STEEL �8 X 1' SELF DRILLING SCREWS OR f' Lm �• \ IMP W MULTIGIBP W/AT 43* DAD //16"'RIVEX' STEEL. RNETS � TFxjQj \ REINFORCEMENT MULTI ®I/ DOME HEAD AT 48' O.C. Q a IIo 1/2• x fa/a• x .osB' 28Y 1/4' DIA LAG SCREWS 2�, 1/4' CA. LAG SCREWS AT 6" FROM ENDS `AT FORMED STEEL * O + O WOOD EW 1 B 1 6• FROM ENDS i AND 15' O.C. MAX i AND IS' O.C. IMAx. �, ~ ' WrSIRD? ADAPTER ALUMINUM WSTRIP ADAPTER STEEL O u < C RUBBER YfSIRIPPING - RUBBER IYSIRIPPWG C AIC-7I�4 .70D �0 2E4 340 W Zr �'---1750-- I 1. OPT10N 'A' �U1 OPTION •B' W000_ BUCK CONNECTION TO WOOD SUBSTRATE (WOOD SPECIFIC GRAVITY SG=0.55 MIN.) THE INSTALLATION METHODS SHOWN ABOVE SHOWS 2X6 SYP WOOD BUCK ATTACHMENT TO WOOD STRUCTURES. IF THESE METHODS ARE FOLLOWED NO ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS/DESIGN WILL BE REQUYEED FOR DESIGN OF GARAGE DOOR ANCHORAGE. FOR DOOR REPLACEMENT APPLICATIONS WITH NO ENGINEER OF RECORD, INSTALLATION MAY BE VERIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFTICUIL UPON INSPECTION. 5/16' X 1-5/8- LAG SCREWS AT 12' D.C. WOOD BUCK ONNE(MON TO MASONRY L PRESSURE TREATED 2X6 SYP WOOD JAMBS WHICH SHALL BE ANCHORED TO GROUTED RONFORCED MASONRY BLOCK WALL OR CONC. COLUMN WITH 1/4" ULTRACO,V BY 'ELCO' VNTH SPACING OF 12' O.C. INTO GROUT FILLED BLOCK WALL, MIN 2-1/4' MIN. EMBED 13. O.C. INTO 3000 PSI CONCRETE, WITH 1-3/4• MIN. EMBED 2-1/2' MIN. EDGE DISTANCE 1-1/2' 1/4' TAPPET BY 'POWERS' WITH SPACING OF II" O.C. INTO GROUT FILLED BLOCK WALL. WITH 1-1/2•EDM�OEMBm 13' O.O. INTO 3000 PSI CONCRETE, WITH 1-3 4' AAN� 1/16• X 2- 3' MIN. EDGE DISTANCE FILLET 1 3/8' CONFLEX BY 'ELCO' OR AT12' O.C. 3/8' LOT BY 'fIW' WITH SPACING OF 23' O.C. INTO 300D PSI CONCRETE, WITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBED 3' MIN. EDGE DISTANCE CO 1ruJe AN . T er.K 3/8' HLC SLEEVE BY 'MITI' WITH SPACING OF TO WOOD BUCK f0' H.L INTO GROUT FILLED BLOCK WALL, WITH 1-1 4' MIN. EMBED, 4" MIN. EDGE DIST. IV O.C. INTO 3000 PSI CONCRETE, WITH 1-1/4" MIN. EMBED AND 2-1/2" A9N. EDGE DISTANCE PREPARATION OF JAMBS BY OTHERS FOR NEW COMMUCW14 ENGINEER OF RECORD OR ARCHITECT TO VERIFY ADEQUACY OF SUPPORTING STRUCTURE TO SUPPORT LOADS IMPOSED BY DOOR SYSIEW. FOR DOOR REPLACEMENT IN RETROFIT BUILDINGS WITH NO ENGINEER OF RECORD, DOOR INSTALLATION MAY BE REVEWM AND APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL UPON INSPECTION. MAXIMUM EXTERIOR(+) LOAD PER JAMB = (16.16• X 62 PSF)/2 = 291 Lb. per FL MAXIMUM INTERIOR(-) LOAD PER JAMS = (16.16' X 44 PSF)/2 = 355.5 Lbs per R. STEEL STRUCTURE BY OTHERS - - - MUST SUPPORT THE -LOADS IMPOSED BY DOOR SYSTEM \ [) 5/16FI' WASTiER OIA. 11 & Wy WLTL Nui rT 12' D.C. MAIL ANCHOR SPACING -. ANCHORS STRUCTURE EMBED SPACING EDGE DIST 3 8 HLC SLEEVE BT HILTF CONO. 1-1 4 R• 2" 3 CONFLE% BY 'EICO' FILLED BLOCK. 1. 3-3 4 J DYNABOI.T BY GONG. 1-12• 3 B PORER-BOLT FT CONK. Y 8' 2" 3 8 SLEEVE -ALL BY S1M1'SONS CONCRETE Fc - 3000 PSI MIN. C-90 GROUT FILLED BLOCK Pm a 2000 PSI MIN. 1-1/a' X 2-1/2' X 14 CA —. CENT. STEEL ANGLE 1-t/z• 12 CA DAM STEEL _ - -FLAT DRACKETS t3' LONG AT 12" O.C. IN DOOR P.G.O 2-t/8• X 1• x 74 CA, GAL.. TRACK AT 18' O.C. ABOVE DOOR OM. STEEL TRACK PLATES FACONT. ANGLE (J T WELDS �ST(EN�ED/TO MD. iFiS & �ECIM W/ T EACH SIDE CONTINUOUS TO SLOYTED I= NUT ANLti TRACK CONCRETE AND Fl RED B OCK W o n Y L,y n Ti, SC �j Z —cow m y y m p 1 D.' Oz � QivSv MAD FRODUCTRENEWBO I . 592 Enid6���1i1F1o1� 0 1 � A4oLOtRln N7ff A4.0/s a � drawing no. 2015 1 02-21 1 DOOR PANEL - 24 Gk (.024) STEEL WN ' 7/16' DU. WASHER IS X 3/4' SUS ( ® 3/8' FROM ENDS i 1 -III L- i AlIII 7' D.C. MAX t j - (4) Q8 X 3/4' SIAS -3/8' FROM ENDS IIII 1- AND 6-1/2' O.C. WX. III 1 ; L 'II - , 1j II :III 175 X .062 DEEP GROOVE I I ` �� IIII I+II 1/4' POLYCARHONATE LEXAN I I lit' 'SAWC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS' I;1 NOA 013-07I7A1 i IK i O II11 IIII � w C W IIII - lill IIII I 1 ' IIII IIII 1+I+ 11 II+I 175 X .062 DEEP t 111 GROOVE III I - 1 III 1 f (4) ea X 3/4' SVS 1-3/8. FROM ENDS ;11 + AND 6-1/2' O.C. MAX. 8 o' • 111 , I r 1 + f f �e8 % 3/4' SMS ® 3/a' 1 11 ENDS AND 7' O.C. MAX. IS X 3/4' SAS ® 3/8' FROM EF10 AND 4-1/2' O.C. MAX 7/16' CIA. WASHER DOOR PANEL R PANEL 24 GA. (.024) STEEL LAN. GA. (.024) STEEL MPL * PLASTIC COMPLIES WITH CHAPTER 26 OF FBC SEE EVIDENCE PAGE se .� N L765 1.725 z � Q n ,s 1 1344 A. ac �� I I .176 � *EXTERIOR FRAM *= INTER 10� RIGID PVC ONE PIECE WECTION RIGID PVC ONE PIECE INJECTION ° � Q�.� � � .Q-Ih"o IL T pbf i L U; V vtrno 1 � f Ado 0 a 9 gap 1NME ELEVATION RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR WITH OPTIONAL WINDOWS WINDOW LTTES CAN BE IN ANY LOCATION IN DOOR SECTION ro : g _ $ .175 X .062 DEEP EXTERIOR wooucraFxew� g �.LIn1r>� AcaptaeolNo � $ I � 8 - �� drawing no. 02-21 John E. Scates, Professional Engineer August 22, 2016 3121 Falrgate Dr. Carrollton TX 75007 office (972) 492-9500 1 fax (972) 492-0077 Haas Door Mark Schweitzer 920 Sycamore St. Wauseon, OH 43567 Re: Evaluation for Pan and Sandwich series FL 17430 To Whom it May Concern: At the request of Haas Door, I have reviewed the drawings and tests listed below. These tests were conducted by Architectural Testing according to TAS 201/202/203-94 test procedures. The pressures listed on the drawings are direct results of these tests or conservative engineering rational analysis from the actual tests, except that no extrapolation of impact pressures were used. I have concluded that the construction shown on these drawings comply with the structural requirements of the 2010 and 5 h Edition (2014) Florida Building Code. I certify that I meet the requirements of "independence" as detailed in Florida Statutes. Testing included all aspects of the TAS'process, including: 1. Static pressure testing 2. Impact and cyclic testing 3. Meeting the deflection recovery requirements 4. Meeting the forced entry requirement Additional testing was performed: 1. The galvanizing + paint coating was subjected to salt spray testing for 1000 hours against a G90 control sample using ASTM B117-11 procedure with D714-02 and D1654-08 as evaluation criterion. All paint coated samples were, equivalent or superior to bare G90. 2. The foamed plastic core of the sandwich door products were tested for flame spread and smoke developed (per ASTM E84). The results for the foam plastic were less than the required targets of'75 FSI and 450 SDI. 3. The foamed plastic core of the sandwich door products were tested per ASTM D1929 for self -ignition temperature. The result. was 870 F. 4. The steel and aluminum skins of the sandwich and pan doors were tensile tested per ASTM E8/E8M-13. I WL-0600-0110-08-65-65HVHZ RevC WL-0600-0194-08-48-52HVHZ RevC WL-0600-0218-08-45-50HVHZ RevB WL-2000-0110-08-65-74,HVHZ RevB WL-2000-0194-08-48-52HVHZ RevB WL-2000-0218-08-45-50HVHZ RevB WL-5000-0110-08-65-74HVHZ RevB WL-5000-0194-08-48-52HVHZ RevB WL-5000-0218-08-45-50H,VHZ RevB Evaluation for Pan and Sandwich series FL 17430 9'-2" wide, +65.0/-65.0 PSF, Model HT 60.0 Series 16'-2 Wide, +48.0/-52.0 PSF, Model HT 6.00 Series 18'-2" wide, +45.0/-50.0 PSF, Model HT 600 Series 9'-2" wide, +65.0/-73.5 PSF, Model'2000 Series 16'-2" wide, +48.0/-52.0 PSF, Model 2000 Series 18'-2" wide, +45.0/-50.0 PSF, Model 2000 Series 9'-2" wide, +65.0/-73.5 PSF, Model HT 5000 Series 16'-2" wide, +48.0/-52.0 PSF, Model HT 5000 Series 18'-2" wide, +45.0/-50.0 PSF, Model HT 5000 Series Note: The drawing titles above are simply descriptive, and do not represent any limitation on the sizes and pressures. Each drawing contains a table with the full sizes vs. psf ratings. Test Reports h - Test Reports Steel Sandwich Intertek/ATI E1289.01-550- Intertek/ATI E1289.02-550- Intertek/ATI E1289.03-550 Alum Sandwich Intertek/ATI E1289.07-550-18 Intertek/ATI E1289.08-550-18 Intertek/ATI E1289.09-550-18 TAS 201/202/203-84 9'-2" wide x 8'-0" tall (4-sections) TAS 201/202/203-84 16'-2" wide x 8'-0" tall-(4-sections) TAS 201/202/203-84 18'-2" wide x 8'-0" tall (4-sections) TAS 201/202/203-84 9'-2" wide x 8'-0" tall (4-sections) TAS 201/202/263-84 16'-2" wide x 8'-0" tall (4-sections) TAS 201/202/203-84 18'4" wide x 8'-0" tall (4-sections). Steel Pan Intertek/ATI E1289.04-550-18 TAS 201/202/203-84 9'-2" wide x 8'-01' tall (4-sections) Intertek/ATI E1289.05-550-18 TAS 201/202/203784 16'4"wide x 8'-0" tall (4-sections) Intertek/ATI E1289.06-55648' AS 201/202/203-84 .18'-2" wide x 8'-0" tall (4-sections) @ 1701 Westfork Drive, Suite106, Lkhia Springs, GA . Intertek/ATI-El289.10-106-18 Intertek/ATI E1289.11-106-18 Intertek/ATI E1289.1240648 Intertek/ATI E1289.13-106-18 Intertek/ATI E1289.14-106-18 @ 130 Derry Court, York, PA Salt Spray D714.-/ D1654 / D117 Tensile Test ASTM E8-E8M-13 Tensile Test ASTM`E8-E8M-13 Tensile Test ASTM E8-E8M-13 Tensile Test ASTM E8-E8M-13 2 _. Evaluation for Pan and Sandwich series FL 17430 QAI Laboratories # RJ3298-1 ASTM E84-14 X3 Flame -spread and Smoke -Developed OAI Laboratories # RJ3298-2 ASTM D1929-13 Ignition Temperature of Plastics @ 8385 White Oak Ave, Rancho Cucamonga', CA All testing was performed in 2014 or 2015. All test reports were signed/sealed by a Florida P.E. Calculations The tested jamb attachment was confirmed via calculations. The Lag screws that secure the door to the wall (2x6 SYP wood) were checked against the tested quantities. The calculated lag quantity (and track bracket quantity) did not exceed the tested quantity. The fasteners to attach the 2x6 to the building were computed. For attachment to a concrete wall, the Tapcon+ fasteners limits were computed according to ACI 318-08 (and -11) appendix D using data from ICC ES 'ESR-3699. For attachment of the 2x6 to a wood wall, ANSI/AF&PA NDS-05 (and-2012)'was used for lag screw computations into SYP and SPF wood substrates. Results were tabulated on Sheet 3 of each.drawing. Installation Anchorage Requirements: The door drawings include means to attach the doors to the building*structure as detailed on Sheet 3 of each drawing using an added 2x6 to the face of the garage wall. The species of the 2x6 wood must be Southern (Yellow) Pine, specific gravity of 0.55. f drywall or other non structural material is The direct mounting of door track on top o outside of the scope of this wind load evaluation. This Evaluation Report does not address design of the wall/jambs themselves. These attachment drawings only illustrate common means to attach the 2x6 jambs to the wall. Walls should be designed (by others) to withstand the loads imposed by door onto the building. 3 1 11 11 Evaluation for Pan and Sandwich series FL 17430 I Model , D esclription ., In each family of doors, the weakest or'thihnest skin product was tested to prove the entire family line. Thus, all of these door model variations are approved for each family of the drawings: 11 F The HT 600, HT 700 HT�900 HT 2000 HT 800 family are steel polyurethane sandwich doors These variations are included in this approval: 1-3/8" overall thickness :�, 610, 612, 614, 616, 623, 633, 660 (tested); 661, 663, 664, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 680, 681, 682, 690 1-3/8" overall thickness: 920, 921, 922, 930, 931, 932, 940, 941, 942, 950, 951, 952 w/ 5/8" thick overlays attached'. 1-3/4" overall thickness: ' 710, 712, 714, 716 732, 733, 760, 761, 763, 764, I 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 780, 781, 782, 790 I L 2" overall thickness:. 1 2010, 2012, 201.4, 2016,•2032, 2033, 2060, 2061, 2063, .2064, 2070; 2071, 2072; 2073; 2074, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2090 3" overall thickness: 810, 812, 814, 816 832, 833,160, 861, 863; 864, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 880, 881, 882, 890 These are all steel sandwich doors with polyurethane core. The minimum thickness of the steel skins is 26 gauge among these models. nvc.� uxcu un 4110 UICIVV111 J CHU I11CIU ea rn inis a rovai: 1-3/8" overall Thickness: 5610, 5612, 5614, 5616, 5670, 5680 (tested) 1-3/4" overall thickness: 3710, 5712, 5714, 5,716, 5770, 5780 2" overall thickness: 5,210, 5212, 5214, 5216, 5270, 5280 3" overall thickness: 5810, 5812, 5814, 58161 5870, 5880 These are sandwich doors withlaluminum skins, filled with polyurethane core. The minimum thickness of the skins is 24 gauge among these models. These variations are included in this approval: 24 gauge: C2410, R2410, C2411, C2415, C2460, R2460, C2461, R2461, C2471, R2471, C2472, 112472, C2480 (tested), R2 I80, C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482 20 gauge: C2011, C2015 These steel pan doors have a minimum thickness of the skins of 24 gauge. H ,t . Evaluation for Pan and Sandwich series FL 17430 Limitations The drawings cited above are an explicit part of this evaluation report. The text of this report does not attempt to address all design details, but relies upon the illustrations and text of these drawings and instructions as well. Each door should be chosen based on the "psf" requirement determined for a specific installation or locale. The maximum door width approved with this report is 18'-2". The maximum door height approved with this report is 16' nominal. The maximum door section height is 24" tall. These doors are not available with glazing. Door width may not exceed the tested door width. However, doors narrower than tested width are allowed, but carry the same psf as the tested product and, use the same construction per section. Doors taller than, the tested height are allowed up to 16' tall, provided that no door section is taller than the tested 24" section height. The horizontal track may .be reinforced with an angle as needed to support the door weight. The construction of the horizontal track, including the track thickness, is determined by Haas Door and does not affect this windload evaluation. The rated pressures may not be achieved unless the door is held closed during the wind event. Both tracks must be engaged with a lock, or alternately an electric operator attached to the door prior to the wind event. These doors have been evaluated for use in the Florida High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). Digitally signed by John E. Scates, P.E. Date: 2016.08.22.09:25:59-05'00' John E. Scates, P.E. FL PE #51737 5 a CeNa� r�11 f1// No. W737 STATE OF �i0 ••.AllOR1QP°p���` s oan;1�WN --7 1 I 2 3 r 4- --� 5 6 7 8 ! BEY 131�� BLS file. rmrF, n , Maldmum Door Width 16-2• ' A iMvs - amu - 4 i F } - r- TOP BfatJCet y� kOT=: lrnck ron`iguration ooave -.- C .•r---'r8416 the coot opening does at effect DETAIL AILA(sheet2W3) A the ;rind load rating of the door. j gFiZ DOUBLE STEEL END STILE I - " --- - --------- _-- _ - I 16 Ga Galvanized Steel ' • -- _-� • i Flag Bradcet • R ,- -- Detail H (sheet 2 of 3) -_-_ R - ---�- f"1 •-��-�=_i - -- } � - --- t Door Height -- - � - I - _�.---'�.----- - I ' 1• 8'_ __ i Jam• ' l��- -.0° Shown j R --- -- --- ° , 54y 78Z +/-3° Jamb Bracket See chart !-------r«: _-----t._ 3. I t. \-- 1 t below for other , - •t �-�-"F I - Detail door height �___ I 4. F (sheet 2 of 3) I ! I B 2:4, 3, L " -- -- -- `=- - I I t i -Bottom Bracket Erfrl Hi Strut 8 StrutAttactYllerd Digitally signed by John E. Scates, RE ' j Intermediate Hinge A --Slide Lock Sham Detail G or Date: 2016.08.17 22:0020-05'00' - Detail C. (sheet 2 of 3) Detail B (sheet 2 of 3) Detail E(sheet 2 of 3 I - Detail D (sheet 2 of 3) 4" +/_ 3• _ Lock gam petail J (sheet 2 of 3) This nos been tested iC product per BS202-g4 rot static a.r pressure. lamb brcckef quantities shown cre far use v;itn g•ade 2 or better southern This croduct nos been tested per TPS201/203-94 for icrge missile imocct pino jambs end cyaTc w;rd pressure.. _ Supporting s1r�ctu,n! element designs are to be the respbnsiS;Gt of the ��` �pENa�•• Model Number Y profassiona! '-� : d •• ----� a` record for the building or structure for the bads !fisted a •� i en'lhis drotring. io82 tosEwEsl Total -'Jamb ' ,•N0.51T37 �jTo(al#ofSWLs Swt = M808260SERIESM 708270 SERIES. M_728212 SERIES Door; No. r - M 8082 BO SERIES M 6182 61 SERIES Hi 7182775EPoESIM 1482 KSE.: I Heightk of g /� NOTICE: Configuration! ; Se�ns� SidB yl These drav:inys ore o •Jt : •* ;M 6182 et SERIES M_6382 635EIi1FS Hf7282 72 SERIES HT 1682 765EPoES� [M8282 ---�- i �ti a2sEPoES M 6482_64$ERES;Hr 7382_73SEmEs'M8282 32SERIESI ; 6'-U' 3 3 suppiemenl to We installation OF • $ 'q •• $iA� ` •� ms[ruct;ons'or a standard i M s08290SERIES M600SERIES ;Kr 748274SERIES M_338233SERIES' i 6'-(r •4 4 1 b /p •• /• 5 door crd only covers those / O' IDooi Wid�fJesi n Pressures End Center Cella Cells f ///'C� �OR�04'" . Cents Impact 6'_3• 4 4 5-I proccaares that very from O\2` �Up To- + SUle3-• StEes Hinges Sloes Hi es St las i H es SIEesn Re gs,ard 6 5° '1 4 4 , 61 standard door installation. ;f /// sBJONA�•�\\ e'-3•tmua-1r 48.0 _ _ ,52.0 Double 3 1_ �� ,'/l Y� !--i - 1 these speciric wocecures ore ! 8'-� { 4 I 4 S� 8 I not to!lor:ed. :ha acor moY �✓/�jrr(��<< ta-0•r•v1rn 48.D B $2.0 DoublW i 4 i 2 T'-0• -6-'',, not per!or:n as designed. �/ YES t 4 4 'tza13-11 ' - SHEET 48.0 -52.0 Double ' - 5 2 / / /mac ta-0Ieu7s 48.0 -52.0 Doube 6 3 30F3 1 1 T-3 I 4 4 1 6 1 •lohn E Scaies, P.E. /` / YES I ita-0.0m,tca 48.0 -52.0 Double 7 3 / / / ! YES f ! .T-8'"' S 5 =7� _ Ca�olFn,giezcte �w75007 _: r-r 48.0 �2.0 Double �/� 3 1 �/ / /- / i y T_g.-" 4 Florida P.E. # 51737 tss 48.0 $20 Double '� 5 2 % / YES T_g 5,57Professional Engineer xai prbvidea oriy twtsr 48.0 -52.0 Double / /7 3 / / /// Y ,B._�„4 4 IMPACI'RESISTANC var:'icatbn of t:'ind food corstrcction detoiis. rr 48.0 $2.0 Double / �� 3 1 /YES 7�a+n 48.0 $20uSj 8'-0" 5 5 7 nis 4"4 poduct: has been evaiac:ed fer use in seCion is z4 - FL #77430.2the 1F.{eYimum neight :n: .. HiyF. Velocity Nurriccne Zo^e (M'itZ'). s-r 46.0 $20 Double i i / 7 3-1t• A44' 48.0 $2.0 Double / / titax.acor hciahi rs to tt.tIPTIOf�• . 16'2"fII'b00.70Q 2000, 800@9005FnIFs 46.D $2.Q DOUble Alt tlaars. even :^ese above the (esiec hie are f/ u 445IIVIIZWILDLOADSECI'bNAL000R ovailaDle P:iih jamb brackets er commarcioi (uii 7tr-a 48.0 $2.D Double 7 3 YFS ong!c. the quantity and eimens;o,^.et bcation of • ,;.ass .. DESIGN PRESSURE �JHW-52o P5F ini3 proCuct is ovai!able m narrower sizes faith tha some PSF end censt ucted os shown. the jamb brackets/[racy, ,;x";a �' clips and the ;ernb - 311AW EU VL NOW&W-MITYU151M. IQ3 65Y, C This product fs designed and so;C by pSF. 1'he AHJ or Engineer cf Record is responsible fer aeterm.;ning Inn mounting shun stave s6cultl tie ma:ntcined. tattcary •RNiEtIM 12/Itl4 iaMWEIttt NIVS PSF ( raquircd inr any g}ven sire. vCW4"W4_ NODEL(Z SceShce13 I 0 2 ADJUSTABLE 70 FtXTURE iL GC F 9 ° o NUT 7/ i 5" ' i I See DETAIL. K for ouch i 1J I nut place�.ent j r � \ a TEK SCREW Hecd y. 3/4" Hex 4perr Head Seif Drilung (4 per BrcckeT) DETAIL A �E D DETAIL C TEK SCREW 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head 23n Se;f Drilling 13 Par Bcttom & 4 2 per Adiastob'e lnner Bottom / BOTTOM BRACKET 13 G. Gahron'zcd Steel ADJUSTABLE INNER. OTTOV,, BRACKET PUSH NUT 7/16" See DETAII K for pusn nut ptccement. BOTTOM e-E& a PUSH NUT 7/ 16" See DUAII, K for push nu: placement. d fj TEK SCREW J !/4" X .1/4- Hcx w.shc Hea; n Self P,N;;ng (2 per Bracket) f LOW HEADROOM TOP BRACKET LOW HEADROOM TOP BRACKET INTERMED!ATE HINCE 18 or 14 Go Calvanized steel - TEK SCREW 1/4" Y. 3/4" Hex 1Vosher Head Serf Drilling 14 per Hinge) 0TE: The location of ie intermediate hinges is ind"sated by the DETAIL D toggle lock dimples of I top of each section. ! o fI li io e e i COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY CO3i6SERClAL HEAVY DUTY For Standard, High & For Low headroom With Vertical Lift With 3 Track 3" TrccK and Double and Double End Stiles End Stiles ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS N*-E: The - tom .racket tesatl (.nosh Ln MA'.. G) is ne lgnte_sl JJ pr<c.ct wa0abc. BI SLIDE L Sides a, apopo�! h h I LOCK B ll SLIDE '� i i II ' I t Enaae frock Dodo &- 'I \7 door TEK : 1/4" Head DETAIL G Slide 'Jamb Lccd Jr b Lood = ./- 390 ices/!t toll t Vt . 1 At[n. I ECLT & ';1AS ER VERLCAL 1RACY. - 2" N minol � 5/16" Y 1 5/8" Log FOR & 2" G.O. x 7/16' 13 Ga G-!•ranized Steel te Ied. WOOD JAVB u Fict '.'I.- r " N—L— IS Cro :s also The ve.^:k:cl Hood omD A NOTE_ Jemb bra°kef mast be Ln d7ecl contact 1 epprcvetl os cn ailc•noie. fesreners oe c°urter sur. e.•:tE the 'Ix6 (No Cryn'o9 o:�ezM}. may to pro Title a nct mcurt;ng NOTE: A 5/E" qu*-dal , 'lot has^.cr (net cce. See iomD attachment prov:ced; a required for _e rrounl. eeto;;s on coca( 3 for aucch,g CCe,"e'im o o Icmps to Ire structure. s DETAIL B DETAIL E — DETAIL J Allerrate Loci( ConligurcS:m END HINGE 14 Ga Galvanized Stec! TEK SCREW 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Woaser Head Self Drif ling (4 per Hinge) PUSH NUT 7/!6" See DETAIL. Y for push -nut placement 3 1/2" x 5" E STRUT 18 Go 70 KSI E'lntrnem 7 Calvanized Steel /- JA'v:B BRACKET 1 I 12 Go GcWcn;zed i—J i Steel 32.BOLT I! a : t 1/4— & NUT 1/4-20 X Sf8" TEK SCREW Carriage Bolt & 1-14" Y. 3/4" Hex Washer 1/4-20 Hex Washer Head Scif Cri:t:r.g (2 per :dot (1 per Jamb End & (rtermeniate Stiles) DETAIL F Brccket) ElevenBall �Ny:on or Ten Boll Steel with a Minimum 14/orkcbla S loft Length Shown. i L 1/4" -- DETAIL K There should be a space c£ 'f4" between the ro;!er nuo and the Outside edge of the roller holder which is Set by Ire push rut. NOTE: Deta:Is on some vietfs omitted BRACKET for clarity. Double era stiles and end horde ore may be required on under or heavier doors. 80LT b/16 X 1 5/8" -og Bait (4 per Flog Bracket). LT & NUT 1-20 X 5/3" Trcck Bolt 1/4-20 Hex Woshar Nut for Horizontol & 2 for :;col hock) John E Scctes, P.E. 3121 Fairgate Driva IMPACT RESISTANT Carrol:ton, Texas 75007 F!.,Ida P.E. # 51737 FL#174302 Protc sioncl Engineer seal provided only for v rl!icatio.n of wind loud constructlon details. IB r t[r 600. 700, 20 W. SOD S9U0 SERIES tMiZ WIND LOADSELTIONAL DOOR DESIGN PRESSURE + -52.0 PSF 7nC.— 1WI[a>st IVI114 'DRAWIIlT. MVS .cm,tHms liMODEL(S): SceShcet3 M u — I 5 6 jPASTTO ERCONTWUE '--1 (—.—I-o i s S • j I ! a 2 X 6 GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN PINE JAMBS. I j V SEE CHART FOR WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT TO BUfLDING STRUCTURE o j of o: E OPENING ^r1 HEIGHT 1117 of u MAXIMUM ON j CENTERSPACING WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT Ba9dltig Stnxbee l mw— FaslelrerTYPe-.�Pe & Mht— Mif - timk— Elp 1 d Iro sw �a AW..bk T� Min 2500 PSI to 4000 PSI Cenoels Tiparu+((PUJS) I 114• w/ 1' OO mstler i 2' _—_�.1, 2S0' 15.00' 24' 551 Solihem P m 1 1� OD-w � I 1S0' 1-W 1-W 24" 620 Spruce Pine Fir 1 V6' OD 9trrsher 1 1.50' 1S0_j-1.50'--24•- 482- . _--.----NOTE: -NOTE: 2X6 moaoted to 0}e wall must be Soalhem Plne Grade 2 or better. •Ti FIRST FASTENER I to -I j -i-ABOVETHEFLOOR 1 I • i i s l o l i O I OPENING WIDTH 1j' TH'CK - HT 600 sE4'.hS _ li'2- TMCK - 7 f00 $EttES 2' !KCK - MC 7000 E-UESSERIS ' 'HACK - H' E00 SERIES I •� 26 GA MOT. N . T, G4C 005 CR CS C STEFt. SK7i }WV -C TdP PANTTOED. SW.CD-oN PU.YESIE(t ay PANT TOP CCA'. 1 MIN. `IE.D: 25 KSI C I I —26 GA M. INTERIOR CS S vi SKI\ I %-H C40 Net. GA'_VAN!ZFD, EAKED-0\ ! POLYESTER PAN. 70F COAT. f ti MIN. YIE_0: 35 KSI a1. B _ TDNGLE AgD G.4CGfE JO:1T. d VI ; FIRE A01 %J! 1tS1AT: T�pLW<E:YAtC FC LT;CN .. �r 7 A SECTION A -A 4SEeTwNS 5SrCT1DR3 6SECTIONS Y STRUT CONFIGURATION MODEL NUMBERS MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE HIT_14 & 2 14 SERIES HT-16 &-2 16 SERIES HT_32 & 2 32 SERIES HT_33 & 2 33 SERIES ---HT _10 & 2_10SERIES �HT 12 & 2 12 SERIES HT_60 & 2 60 SERIES HT 61 & 2 61 SERIES_ ! HT 63 & 2 63 SERIES _HT _64_& 2 64 SERIES HT_70 & 2 70 SERIES HT 71 & 2 71 SERIES_ r HT_72 & 2° 72 SERIES HT 73 & 2 73 SERIES HT_74 & 2_74 SERIES _ HT 80 & 2 80 SERIES i HT_81 &2 81 SERIES j HT 82 & 2 82 SERIES _— HT 90 & 2 90 SERIES HT 900 SERIES I / '0a01111�11l/�j�����/�/ ? No.51737 �'O ; 5TATEOf ;� /0.tL •... OR10P• /��l NIONAti` Jchr.E Scc te.., P.E. AVACT RESISTANT 3121 airgote Drive C—otton. TcxcS 75007 F'lor:da P r, e 51737 FL#17430.2 Preessiono; Engineer seal orov:dee only for Yer:CcCtion Of V;;nd 1000 constrccc:on detoil& l e =•-� OESCll ON: (y��'��b�`". INPfR fib. 700.?000. 60049005FJtIES HVHZ WIND LOAD SECt10KAL DOOR Iwo Dtla6 DESIGN PREss44W-SZOM Z 'A 9MI180Ip: R7.ra011131800M 1 WIp 3 OF 31 M. C .�, � IaATEalltf: 1=14 10M"OC MVS 1 cwo-M4 1M00Et(S): SecS4eet3