HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1025 364' _..-.-_.~...,.".... '. __ _..___._n. _..._ _.._._~_...___._.._.. ._....__.._~._ _.____ __,.._._.._. .....__. .___.__."_____._ ..___ 4 __ .._-.-.--.-..-. _._. ___ ,_. .___...... ___,~_. ~________ "._+ '. '-...._---- ---~ ..-...~ _.------~----- - .~-------.__..-..-.__._---------_._---------- ~--~._---_._--- -----_.,.------- ._--------~_. - '. - - , separately and apart from her seid husband, aoknowledge and deolar~, thai< she Ulft4e hereelf '--r---'.' '-- ,-,..-1 i 8 party to and exeouted the seme for the purpose of role6sing. relinquishing. renounoing ant oonve1ing 811 her right of dower. separate estate and homestecd, end 811 her rights in and to the londs in seid d~qd desoribed and granted. and that she exeouted the 8eme free11 and voluntarily. without,eDy o,onstraint, apprehension feor or oompulsion of or from her said husbsnd. J Witness my Beel at ~'ort 'Pieroe this 6 day of t.II,~. D. 1923. Chas C. Burry Uotary Publio, :3tate at Large, My oommission exnires leb 6. 1927 8ta~1 of Kentuok1. Count1 of Whitle1 On this doy personolly appe6red before me Hirbm H. T1e to me well ~nown as the ~erson described in. and who exeouted the for~going Deed of oonveyanoe. and ccknowledged thp.t he exeouted the 8ame for the ~UPpose therein expressed; whereu~-n it is nrayed that ~he oeme may be reoorded. Mey hereunto bflued my name ond offioial sel:;.l this 9tt day 01 KentuoQ. ~eb Ylard uotLry Public for uhitley Uounty, i..y. My oomm io s uotary Public will expire January 31. 1926 " , .iled and r,pord~'~is ( (Ct.ct.seal) \\ ) , ~ 1Ft day of "une 1923. I 'n ,f c{\\\C "(\ o('~.o- l-"~ P. C. Kldred. Clerk Cirouit Court ') By /It.?I)l''IAAJl~ ~~ D. C. .................~............................................c............................. ~ILLlbM H. ~uHHER TO l-.l,LEr: H. SMITH nrn COR~ E. HE!LD li!RRA!fl'Y D:?"EJ.l THIS j):SED, J.t8de the .J."wenty-first day of Karoh b. D. 1923. by \!illiam i~. .tIo~r a Single man of the County of S. Lucie ~tate of ~lorida hereinsftFr oulled the grantor. to Ellen li. ~mitli and \.:ora 8. r:eald of the ~ounty of Uuvel :5t!:1te of ~lorlda hereinafter oelled the grantees, WITHKSSETH, ~hat the s*id gra~or. in consideration of One dollar Bnd other V6luable oonsiderations tho reoeipt whereo1 is hereby bcknowledged. does give. grant. bargain, sell. alien, remise, rele6se, enfeolf. oonvey and oonfirm unto the seid grantees, and their heirs and assigns in fee simple, the lende situate in ~t. ~uoie County, ~tbte of ~10rid6, described , as follo.s: ~~e Uorth forty 140) feet of the Weet one-helf (1/2) of tract thirteen (13) Seotion fifteen lIE) ~ownship thirty-three lZ~) ~outh, Bange thirty-nine (39) Bast. as the 88me is designoted on the last general plat of the indian Hiver larmB Com- pany filed in the oftioe of the Clerk of the Uirouit uourt of St. Luoie County, ~lorida. ~ubJeot to a oertain mortgage dated ~ebrU8rJ 1st. 1~23. for ~lVB HmIDRHD DOLLARI (.600.00). for one year, given to Knooiv6. Riohards, whioh now enoumbere 88id porperty, together with other property, whioh mortgage the urentor agrees to P81 in full. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the semetogethtr with the hereditaments and appurtenanoes, unto IJ j ~ . .the s8id,gr8ntels~ end their heira and a8signs in fee simple. AID ~. aeid grantor. for "himself and hie heirs and legal renresentatives, oovenant8 with Baid grantees, their heirs. legal re~re8entatlve8 and assigns: That seid ~.ntor i8 u.....~ ~ 4-.~ .4,. tu It k /1..vJ o..aL. ~ ~ uJ ~. LJ.. r ~ I in4eteasffi1 selled of sdd f8lidsl.~ee eim~r;;;S aforesSJ1d; that it Jh81~' 18wtul for ,';; :':~>',~, ~ ?<,;F: ~~. ~~;:,~,'c'~ '_~'~~. '~>,:., ~ ~&. ~- :~:' ~ ~~ :.'~,_:' :'~:--.'.': ,> '-~~-~ --~ . -"....<.'." . ~. .... .....';1e>s./: