HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum To Report GEOTECHNICAl ServicesPoquSigh Emvel e V_AD_0,A.8IA1-dAF&.4D5 - &9791-- 38E829D672Z
3866 PROSPECT AVENUE- SUITE 9-a WEST PALM,BEACH, FLORIDA 3304'0 (561) 88-1--1.939
.4 NoveMbe'r-20-21
'11,60'. Jbg' Road;' 8.0e.1-26.
West Palm Beadh','-FL 83411
Sulolect. Add0nd6mto-Report I of Ge-otechni6all SeMces =0-&i?vet tuitoM Home
6024 South, Ocean- 60ive,:Diamond '-S-a*hdi Ldt 117; Jensen ,Beach; 0116dap
Allteiffa Engin6.6fihg &Tesbrig respectfully tub-Mits., :this', i-AdIdOndUrn, Io''itt report of
06.6tedlinibal services for the subject prpj66tI:dqt6d M Aulgiui'A: 2021. Thi&4dd6hd6hi
vises. conclus.i - ons and recommendations _ datio . ns :about auger-costpile. capacit
j load
deflection; and design. ,This ,addendum is-AMterra' instrunent=df-servica, provided.for sole, reliance and use'.by;Ph0enIX'Custorh Hornes, -Thirdparties may --read- -this report for
.A digital. 'copy of I a memorandum. dated October 1, 8-', 26-2 and. entitled Oesign Wave.:
Condition, 8624.,$';. 066M B6016V6td, Jobs6h BdAch, St. Lucie- .County, Fldtidsi by
isfiming6r4, Stubbs, Engineering 'was provided f6e._Allf&r6's-r6fpnbe in p6rfdtffi!h0- its
services. 'AcL :is. 'The memorandum presented'irif6rmatio-in o designeroded-qrcadd-elevation; -eo
breaWng, wave. crest elevation; -still, water elpyOgn, wave , and: -debris impact forces- --Om
'd: - piles; - __ I - wave __ . and . .- I -
square and, round p. and fbrc6&
Allterra, applied the, mernora n um sinformatiod:aind: conctiMiJitl sulisurface:pr6fild;k6rh,
the ;st-2ogi-ge6iec,hn-ical.servicesreport tb'its design.!model. Allie'r,ra-4stirhated:
ftfolloWlng zap-acities.-f6r 14-inch -- auger cast plies; installed to, approxima.t6ly- 4: feet;
bel6wsuff ace §iiade (approximately 20 f6etbel6W.Mdo-ut grade).
14. inches. '166-Kip$ 80 Kips - -.07-___ -1-02 Ki0s:___
-16 inches- ------- 200 Kips Ia.O'Kfis�
.. _--. ]'___ .80-Kips— P
'dALLOWAB - LE aiio-wgble:c-or-6-pr,ess'ive-ioad, capacity.,
Uplift Resistance _" (weight skin -frictio-h)/1.5.
Kips.= 1000-06uhds.
Considering the-breaking
breaKing, wave ,crest elevation of + fg:$ feet INAVO: and F17- elevation. ,''
,from site plans; Allterra'_assjurned' a - Jow,. structural'floor, ;beam at: *19* Jett :NAVD
'(approximately 20 feet 6660- eroded gfddib); Model labeirg(displ6c.6meritt for fimd;.toe,
mhead' piles , install ek to 'approximately 29 feet beldw sdftce-, 6j6poedkirriat6ly
26:fedt below s66-U'r' grade) -are - suM. " summarized 1h, following.- . . t6ble;.
Pile Diameter Single -Pile Displacement 4-Pile-Group- Displacement
Addendum to G bbteichhida/ Servidesi .4024South
buth Ocean Drive, jeh,86n Beach,. FL
4 November 21 - 179
DocuSign Envelope ID.. ADDA8lAl-CAF8�D58=9791B38E829D6722
For auger--ost,olles; -Aliterr"a recommends:.:
00 .-
Re, MAW6& Piles-gh6ll 'be- f6friie''formed:With rr inlrnur m 4060 PSI gr6utpidded Uhdar. pressureas-the�.,- auger is progres withftWil,froft. :the borehole; Pilesi;(14.1rich.
diameter) shallbe. 'reinfor
ced; -with- five, full -depth number w5steel -:bars -and Aftmb&-3 ties
spaced not more -Wclh' 16 iffdhds-,bn;--dentee_. Piles(16 ;Inch e reinforced
with seven 16117de Oth hUmber-5 steel b6rs�;;iirid nii�nbdr'3 ties -p-'pa-ced not more -than '16
inches on;scentei�'."Tfid structural*'e _"ibe'ier', h'ah. determine the number'bri-d-distributionof
i. ng- . . �6 11 V.
o,iliDs-�doht,iderihg,s�tructuraI loads -andgeometry:
Pile: Layout Thd num"iWArld distribution djp_iIetthalbe.,d.,6t6rm by the 'structural
. and geornetry'. . Piles hall. - be.. spaced , ,at -least 3
engineer �,bq§ldeidn prpJqOt, 1001s
diame oerjtor!tc�qentar to a .ws - - -void 'group, eff
ect on stress distribution in the: beFeidhg
Piki-_fnitalfifi6h Wfftonnc., LigRge A,11terra-to mothor
installation of ,piles. For
au,gar-c_ast: piles, monitoring shallInclude:
_iJile=layoutforconformance to design founda Ion -plan;-
2-. Observe field trial '.and 'daic-pla't6-op-'Ut--p-'ump:fgdtor.,
I Observe drillingof
4- Observe. -�rodtngof-pilftborei*AoveriN-9-cb-6oi6bl-i eprwt-tetarft.
_f f 14-strength' 5'. Sample 0 grout orzompres�p
je g' sting,.
6. Obs6fV6 irstaildtibn of reintecing steel -to verify full -depth th., .6h6traton.
7. Tetst grout- spocirner% toverifydesign c6M-0b6.ssiVd strength is achieve_
061cul6fe,,-gro'ut'f6dicirsra.nd summarize ilibaelzeinstillation Aafta,foir-each pile:
.9'. Peepa16reportof-work sjgtWd And_ _s_o_al.Od-.b-yProfessional' E ngineer.
Aease,:cill the undersigned If
;one; .has questions' about -this' repciftt, or :needs other
,411-torra Ehgin6#r1hO-W,,k9flhU 11.►tali
Registry Nb�A,1_319;
GuS gned by,,,
8328A23B3DAP44F 0. 55960 1P %:
iFl_ Lidi- No
C`Rob A'gsteh;PE '�,�`r��IVAL ,� G �`
M0606rhi6 Ge_o_tb6hW_qa1SerWceS 2
4WOvembeiW2021' - .
Thisiteni-, has been
by'WMfidell K RMger6j.
04aC6nt,t6:tha 7 seal:.
RE on :'th6-.date .
PHn-t6d',zc_-O_P'_i6Sdf`this _d_0_6urhdn't_are
not d6n-siftred--si gfied- Afid.s&aled and
thd signature -.fnust.be1verified om
8024 $o0tk Odean.Drivb,.jeri-ten,80&cti,,FL
Charles C , lsimiqtr, P.E.
DarwinC'nWb6s, P.E.
Mark .A.06w-ell'OR -
O�ctober. 18,,'2021
.Engineering - mhe' 6nnIg. & Testing
AttftWendell Rodgers,,, P.E.
9E: lie'sigm.."Wave Conditions,
� Wave
'- - 8024 S. OcdAnBou1dVafd"
. " Lucie
Jensen Reach. St:
e County, Florida
This islofollow
-worthe, -design wave conditions for the: r6fordiited.'-PrOjec.t. As iqquested,we.ha
calculated the` predicted iflood -loads asSoci4t6d,wiihthe -1004year-return _interval storm -.evert. ,
assumed design: stormconditions.O00- ear -return interval storm) ,per the ,"6ie=Hii4re47Year-Storm;
Elevation .!eqiiirdfientsfor habiiable StrueturesLocated.Sdawardofa Coastal Construction Control
Line" (DEP; November 4999. revised February. 2002) and ilie, "C6nibinedT-6fal Storm Vdi,
Frequency.A'nadysis"'(DEP;.r lost
recent :.available) afd.orovict6d asl6llcws;
Design r
ign -Eroded We G a (DEG.
Design Breaking 0
Brd9king-W-avdCrd§t-(Di3W, --VC j 10 -yfstoh-n6l6va0qnY:-+-15. '10- AVD:
S611 Water -Elevation (gwrrri surge and wave set 4):4-1-0.1 ' NAVD
Please be--a&lsed that, -the,
d,' sign droded.grade; elevatiol.i does -nofinchide 'localized SqQ,4r. iAMA
idcbbihen&,applyiigpscour '.depth qfl-pil'e'd'fameterg-f6rk�s"gl-p*'Ie. an 6-pile diameters
group of Ph
ws (,Unless -a non -erodible Soil I stratuiri is efio
Thd 'loa&-areouilitted below:
L Pilings (extendingbelow the ljtO and'abojid. DBWWCY
The maximum breakipi-g-miavejoad",on 14"and 16"
- -- uareP inp or columns Atd,'e9firated to be '
apppoximately,3.890Ibs,od4,450�lbg�tegpedfivelyL(f6f-6aehpilipgWithma4yihore;DaraAil row
Of Pilffigs).F6krbund pilngs.6r.C6102fig.
She estimated: breaking wave load. may be reducedby
6.. The'resultant break i f acts`
on orcead. �6rfthdfflh h `-&e�sdlfwateret�w-
(I O.v NAVD)..
-- . wingsatt. O,ttpprq�qm. elevation;
At the; sAiiie iiiii6:the ,remaining pilings are gubjgqt:to :4=rq4xinj 7hy&odynamic. load estimated;.
lo'bi leappr9kni elysOolbs -ipilings);and
at '(fdr squar( squampilings) FQr
e estimated ' hydrodynamic load may, be, rdduded.'-by ,40%., It �18
round, pilings vrzolumns, the g d'
no, adsare based `expected o . w
note theFse4o
-iiii,�.th-e"'-',-e"x--p-'-ce( upper -u.n 'jjo6d velocity which -
,is likely conservative The -tegultantlydrbdYnaM'Q w
-ave:fbrce,acts;on, the pilings-, t thd,--
,app ate -still V Inid-4ep1h elevation 'k-,NiD
xoXim Y*4ori--(57' N
PO..,'%x-44761,* - :- 649-U." Highway North,'
PalmBeachFlorida 53408
Ph6ne!-561`881-060.3- - Fak:-SK881;8.123
Ldfteri- toVenddll.'Rbdger� - -
October 1g,-.2021
"Page 2
2. Debris Impact Load
FEMA,r,e0oftftdndg�-iii�luding�n�aIIallowance 6*an---fdr-deVrfs-im-p loads; imposed on the building by
. _ - I - - - .
objQpts.carried by -waves and currents, The debris. imi '16" -t
pact ad ig:dgfiffiatdd� 6 b�& approximately
6,780: Ibs. This load may impact - any piling: or �sbe- Will-
ar and4#ywhptp within the still,vater
column (between 162' .NAND' and
d, IA I' NAND). Per . - VEMA.-guidtit c6i one: such impact load
should be iiidliided'ih-c6mb-ihEitioti-with ih -th ;es e:o -..er loads, timated above.
It is,urlportarit fo note that; the values. .provided -above Az6-based on conditions -4at1would rresu-l-t:in the
load; This: -maximum, load. _condition -occurs when the' irrekti6xi of WaV6 travel_ is
perpendicular to thd-.-shor lei rows: Iof pilings.
These calculAti6fis,'And re'domnien.dations.. are based" orithe Cbqstqt-,,C-onqt'Mcd6n Minual, Fourth.
Edition (FEMA'PS5,.A_u - 2011) .and Minimum Design Loads i7i-d-,t�o-cia-tM., Cfihendfir
Buildings and PtOe Structures (ASCE 7-16,2017), and the; -loads PT "provided haid -,not been: factored.
Additionally,'it is important to note that: the --formulas :used to calculate these forces -and
.-the :dcis-ip--
storm 00ilditiodiS are based -on theory wiffi. lim'ited:supp6rti-'- - ff data. 'Thus, these* -calculations
should be considered rough, approximations supporting empiri.ca.
... Prpxim4tions�at
:Registry -No. RIM,
October 18', Z021
-Mark A. Powell, . E.
Litense;14; 6567-3
'21121. 19T -9f
cc: -Alan, -Tar a--
11 OX
It J
�.d by Kok'A, on, ocfob6r,
,02.1using,a.Digital -Sjgn6Wrd.-
:dd co-pie-s of this'document-are-not