HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1066 4.05 i J li OJ b~ lmmediate11 jorfe1ted anti terminc.ted. '~:a:he deed to be issued under this oontraot IIIlall ,oontain appropriate olauses for the enfroement of this agreement. j (6) The Vendor agrees to oonstruot throughout Baid sub-division. Conorete Sidr:.alks end !Hard ~urf8of streets, ell without oost to the Vendes. Boid improvements to be oom~enoed end ioomPleted os soon ae ~ractjoeble, b~rrlng ranios end depressions or other serious hindranoes ! to the Vendor. ! (6) It is mutually agreed that the first oost of building streets, end eidewe~s, es ! provided in J'8regraph five hueo! willl be paid b:l the Vendor, but that all other liens e ;assessments or im~ovements inoluding taxes eocruing after the date of this contraot shell I !be paid by the Vendee. (7) This agreement shall be bindiDf on End enure to the benefit of the suo~ee~ors, heirs, .' ! ;legol representatives I;;nd aesigns of bot}~ the Vendor and the ~endee. III \nT~;ESS ~.:r~H1WF we have hereunto affixed our nc.met< and eet.ls on the date e:nd year first : above Ylri tt.en. Charles U. ~\ose VWDR.I:C ( Seal) HOOSIlf.-i HEALTY COUPl.NY By u.~. dilli6ms Pres 'i,l tr.e S88a: L. A~ lioeller r- ,HOOSIER REALTY COMPANY TO COn~CT CHAS. C. ROSS . '11e4, 14th day 01 June 19~3. .,(.,~ .# 'r....). P. C. ~1dred. ~lerk Cirouit Uourt By 4~~ D.C. ,.> . . . . . . . ~~~...;". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ , i. L THIS ....GRE~;,n.:~IT. Made thie 28 day of .lJec..1921:bebeen H-JOSIER REf.LTY CO~.1P;.!IT. o~ l!ero. ,~lorid&. herein called ~endor, and Uhlis. C. nose herein celled vendee, ~IT~G~SETH: ~he Vendor hereby agrees to sell and convey to Vendee the follo~in~ described re&l eetete " ;in ~t. Luoie County. ~~oridat to-Wit: Lot 21 end 22 in Blook Uine in Adgewood f.ddition, Leing & subdivision of port of the North iHelf of the Southeast ~u8rter of :3ection 2. Tov;nahip 33, nonge 39; exoept Ii "!)srt of ~~~--" 'Avenue ~n ~he ~outh of said 6dge~ood lddition. which extends into and is pert of the ~outt 'Half of the !lorth z..ulf of the SoutlleLst OLuart~r of ('oid Seotion 2. loS sl:oi'in~ by the plat of . B&id s~t-divls1on. reoorded in the of110e 01 Clu'jt u1' Ciro..lit Court of ::it. Luoie Coanty. , Flor ida . (1) ~he Vendee egreef. to purohase eeit.i Lot 1:6 t;for6b8id sud ~y ~6ndQr therefor tLe sum 'of ~6ven hundred Dollar~. ss follows: SeventJ uollars C6S0 down; the reoeipt of which is : herer.:1 6oknowledged, lind at least Twenty Dollars a month on t,he let dey of e, ch month. and . i, I If , every monthe~ery month from I:nd after the dste hereof until psid. llo interest .111 be ohe:rg" ;ed on p81ments if paid ~hen due, otherwlEe 6% interest "!)er annum WIll be oh6rged. (2) When all payments of ~he purehsEe price for said Lot have been naid os above ftipu- ; lated. the Vendor shell exeoute tb the "fendee a 'Ilarrenty Deed for 881d Lot Dnd deliver -r.ith ; 601d dee.t an abotraot showing gOOd\title up to th~ date of sold deed. (a) It Is mutually agreed thctfn the event Vendee falls to mske the ~oyments hereIn speoified on or before the date agreed upon. time being the eeeenoe of thIs contract. (pro- ! t ~ i f I l 1 l n ! t l, 1 vided, however, tl~ t should the VendI(; be dlsobled by illness from follo1ting hie usual V008- t tion, end shall furnish a Physioian's oertifioute thereof ~etisf80tory to the Vendor, the I date of PByments eh&ll be extended for 6 period of sixty days) the Vondor may deol~re all . ! rights of the Vendee under this agreement to be forfeited and o~no.ll.d wit~out giving notic. to the 'enle. or making any demand of the Vendee wh~tsoever, end the Baid Vendee shell lose (~ _ _ ,,:::>_~',{ .-_~-~~c~~..(..:\:-:_,'\: ~.~_ ;': ::~ ,:~~':. ~ _ . ~-,:'..-_ ~.'.s _.-:~__. .~~._-._: #.{ ~. _~.. ~:'~ .~ ..' ~'. _~>~ "-~._f.:~~'".':_".....~..~ "- . ,. - -. .. '.. - ~ -." ".,' ~':"~...'''-~ -::.~ ~:~_. - - ., -- . :-...!'. -- -;.. - -.- ..' - -