HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1070 40n f IT.-.. L -, -" . . -'I 'U~d e~ 'reoor4eo. ti:iS'- l8'h -d~1 ~t -June .i91:5~ -., ,... " . f"'!. . '... .~ ,J.. . ! I COt~Ot.S8Dl) , " d ''-.,. "ftec.ord VerH\C , , ,,' P. O. Eldred, Olerk 01rouit Court By ~D/lM.J~ ~ D. C. ...................................................................................~............ .,/' ~ OonSOLI});. TE..i Ll.HD COMPJ.NY . TO \':AI\RA un DEED THIS IDDElITURE. J.lade this 9th dey ot June, A. D. 19~~. between CONSOLID;TED L:.IID COUPJHY. a oorporetion organized end existing under the-lows of tre Stote of ilorida, party of the first pert, end J. J. Helm. of Kansas Cit1. Missouri. party of the seoond part: J. J. REIU ~ITNESSES: that the said porty of the first port. for End in coneiderstion of the eum of . ; One DOll.r (~l.OO) and other vcluable oonsiderations, to it in hand ~id. the recie~t wtereof i is hereby aoknowledged, has brbgaineJ, sold End oonveyed. end by thele ~resents doee b.rg~in. -..11 and oonvey unte. tue said party of the second plirt. hie heirs nnd 8esigns :forever, all , the following de80ribed land. situote. lying and being in the County of St. Lucie, and ~tate , of 110rid6. to-wi t:- l'he Nor"th nine ty (90) feet of tl.e i{orti:\~e st querter (lftli) of the South....eet quorter (Si'f.) Of Seotion ~ight e(8). Township ThirtY~Bix (36) South. ~en~e ~hirty-nine (39) ~fst. TO IUVB A1ID TO HOLD the t;ame In fee simT"le. together dth all the tenement~, heredita- ments snd appurtenances thereunto belonging or in llnJlIIise e,!>pertainine, unto the seid -oerty , of the second, pert, his heirs end assig-ns forever. l_ AIID tr.e scid p~ty of tr.e first y.ert does coven~nt ~ilh the party o~ the second uJrt thrt it'iB'1a~fulll seized of the said prE~ieeB; th~t the~ are free from ell encumbr~noee, end thLt it hss good right end 1e-,,-ful eut!orit:; to sell t}-,e BE1:lE; and t!:llt it \7111 "~rrant sr.d defend tte Sl,me sgein:;t the lawful olaims of all perrons; exoept aB to the tsxes for t::e year 1923. and thereefter. wtioh the psrt:; of the. seoond --plirt herein. hareb:: assumes end egrees to ; Jl6Y. II ~IT!~SS ~H~iEjF, the COUSOLIDiT3D LJrp~ COU?f!IT bas oeuced these ~reEents to be executeJ by itE ?ioe-President, ~nd ite oorporste seal to be hereunto affixed. ~ttested by its lesis- ,tEnt ::lecretary, by due oorporc.te 6uti'~'\Y.,t;~e day 6nd .;e"r first &bov6 written. / " , , \ 001l5OLI.1;... TE1J L;':J> COlJPbHY, " ~ ;", " , Signed, sealed end delivered in the ; pr..eAM 0 of Laure M. Begg B. U. lelmer. (Corp.beal) .~~' Attest: By Ch~6. L. Gaines Vioe-?re sident. J.. H. .Johnson Assistant ~ecretary. ii I:: , r- r ! 'SUT~ OI'~ J'LORIDA) OOUUTY OF DUVAL J r I ~~ t :0 i ~: U Before me nereonelly sppebred Chas. L. Gaines end A. ~. Johnson, to me well known, end known to me to be the individuels described in end wi'o exeouted the foregoing instrument 88 Vice-Pre e1dent end .;.ssleta'nt Secrettiry of the Lboye named "onrsolidated Land Co:n':.eny. end · severel11 aoknowledged to end before me that ttey exeouted said instrument a. such Vloe- : President end ~e8iBt(jnt Seoret6ry, respeotively, of said oorporution, end tht:t the EeE.l effix- : ed to the foregoing instrument is the oor~orote seal of ceid oornoretlon end that it was ,ett1ud to Batdi1netrument by due and~~.gu18r .oorporete authorit1._snd that S61d'inl!trwtlent I l.~. tlu~-:f~.. ~9t_~~~ 4_e4 of said oorporation. WItlESS lIq hend, eMf ott1oisl se81. th1e 9th / ! ct,'P' Seal): / day of June A. D~ 19~3. ti ~ !': f' (~ K ~ H I~ ~'! ,> 1 t! I ~ Laura Y. Begg Notary Publio, Stete of Florida 6t Large Wy 00~i8&ion expires October 4, 1923 ~': ..L. .... { ., ~:'} ~'. '~'r~;~ ~.~, ;:,