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0 k1wal Ranf and tVall Systems Houston, TX 67141 s6224 Ada1,CA66G4466224 Atli nU, CA 61Il512.6224 Atmahr, CA60082"24 Dania, TX MS536224 wampoirs, C160ar►a66224 raakwn, Me to3152,24138 La a Wgai, W 617Q136224 L4n14v1ne, TX e77a136224 Lubbm% TX 6004166b224 41at10oA, ll b6a'L6So<W 9w1hN IN 6e7II06.6234 Ckliho"u City, OK $WS476224 oreaha, NE S004Sa6224 GENERAL DESCRIPTION- Pboanla, AZ e8z533-6224 Akhma,d, vA 600R296224 Rom., Ny 4C0.SS"N4 Sill We City, UT M1074-2401 San Anloole. TX 600.SS66224 36" 12" PBR PANEL Coverage Width 36" Minimum Slope - %:12 Panel Attachment - See page 8 Panel Substrate - Galvalume® Gauge - 20 standard - 29, 24 and 22 also available Coatings- Galvalume Plus®, Signature® 200" and Signature® 300" ARCHITECTIENGINEER INFORMATION 1. PBR panel is a structural roof and wall panel. Thls panel can be Installed directly over purlins or joists. Several different UL 90 construction numbers are available for this panel. 2. PBR panel is recommended for 1:12 or greater roof slopes, 3. Field applied tape sealant is required at panel sidelaps and endlaps, 4. PBR panel Is a through -fastened panel. For proper fastener application, see page 3 and page 8. 6. The information in this manual Is believed to be correct and accurate. It should not be used for any specific application without being reviewed by a registered professional engineer. 6. Galvalume material must not come In contact with concrete or pressure treated lumber. PRODUCT SELECTION CHART GAUGE GALVALUME PLUSP SIGNATURE0 200A SIGNATUREO 300" 22 gauge • 1 24 gauge • M 26 gauge 0 • 0 29 gauge ® e • - Available In any quantity. 11- Minimum quantity may be required. 'See Commercial/Industrial color chart for available colors. FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVALS WIDTH PURLIN PURLIN FASTENER NUMBER OF STITCH STITCH FASTENER RATING PROFILE (INI GAUGE SPACING GA. TYPE FASTENERS FASTENER SPACING 1-136 PBR1 38 24 5=31/4" 16 114-14 X 1 1/4 ZAC3 3 114Z1011718 20" o.c. 1-166 PBRi 36 24 5-3.1/4' 16 114.14 X 1 114 ZAC3 6 1/4A4 X 718 ZAC11 20" o o. 1 Alf roars are Class 4471. 3 FastenerplE, it Fastener 94. State or Florida Approval Numbers. FL1041.2 (cool), FL4101.3 6YarO, PL6222 (light VensmTUng panels). Miami nade County NOA: 02.1010.04 (root . 01.0417.12 (hell), sea special Installathn rn6tructions, NA%wmiamldade.gov. SUBJECTTO CHANGE WTHOUT NOTICE - SEE W%YW.mbCI.0Om FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2012 Hw%tagTX$n[11U224 UsVega r,XVWflt"224 PhoentY,Azlaass 6M A644CA5WtW224 LawtS,m.,sxennls-M24 Rkhnwne.va6sm2"2z4 ABanu, CA 877102-61W Lubbak, lX 6M584224 Ro,i►, W OWSSM24 Atnter,CAVAV29-4324 N.aUoonjL&WW5614a 3e1tlakeCity,VT667,9/4.2401 Dace f, TX 6MVM224 4..GVh1W THE0072b&M4 S.nAnlonro, TX 9=5286224 O k,denlydb, W b00a&"224 oLehow CUy, OK &L%197-6224 . a..,...,- l,alMC"-IC%A Owl% RE SW45M224 _ Metal Roof and Nall Systems A. PBR Panel 1. General Description .................. . . . .. .. , .... , ......................... 2 2. Architect/Engineer Information.... ............................ . ........... . ......... 2 3. Product Selection Chart ....... . ............ ................... . ........... . ....2 = 4. Factory Mutual Approvals ................... . ....... . ....................... ..... 5. PBR Panel Section Properties :.. . ....... . .... . ..................... . ............... 3 S. PBR Panel Fastener Locations.....................................................3 7. PBR Panel Allowable Uniform Loads .. . ........... . . . ......................... •......... 4 9. PBR Panel UL 90 Requirements.... • ............. . ........ . ........ . ................5 9. PBR Panel Product Checklist ...... . .................... • ................ , ....... 6-7 10. PBR Panel Attachment........................................................... 8 11. PBR Panel UL 90 Light Transmitting Panel Installation ..... . .. . ...... . ................. 9-10 C, Typical Details 1. .20 2. High Side Eave......................... . ................ * — — ,.................21 3. Hip.......................................................... ............22 4. -Valley...........................................,...I.....................23 5. Gutter............................................................I............24 e, Eave Trim ................. .................................. ............25 7, Rake.........................................................I.............28 8, Parapet High Side Eave ...................... ...................................27 9. Parapet Rake...................................................................28 D.Instaliation Guidelines.......................::.....................................33 0CopyrigtitMetal Building Components, L.P.2012 All flights Reserved For the most current Information on our products and erection procedures, please check the MOCI web site at %mv.mbct,catn Descrlptlons and 6pedilcallons contained hereln were. in affect'atthe time this publleallonvies approved for pdnling, in a congnuing effortto refine and improve products, MECI reserves the right to discontinue products st any time or change specifications andlor designs without incurring obiigatlon. To insure you have the latest information available, plea -so inquire or visit our Web Site at www.mbcl.com.Appficaflon details are for IgusUaUon purposes only,and may not be appropriate for all eWronmenial conditions, bullft. designs, or panel profiles. Projects should be engineered to conform to applicable bullding codes, regulations, and accepted Industry practlees, insulation is not shown in these details for clarity, If there Is a conblot betwooF1 this manual and the erection drawings, the erection drawings will take precedence. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WLTH0UTNOTICE sEE www.mbol.coin FOR CURRENT WORMATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2012 File Omv A Houston, YX8778138224 Los Yt9as, W 677/lIU224 phoenix, A2. ae&W3-6224 Ad440Aa8N44"224 LwAis%ir.. TX 87717IM224 Rlchr'nnd,VA8OW19-6224 Atiants. OA 8r7/512.6224 Lubbock, TX SC-OR68.6224 Rorno, KY eOMA11-6224 Abrite, CA aM62"324 24aItoon, IL M28514 EJ 6.11 Lsko City, UT M374.2404 Mass, TX 60QgU224 Y.emphls, 711 606=64O224 Ss Antonio, TX 6r-MB-6224 ksdlenspotts. IN a[OrIM224 OUshoms city, oK 6ttM537A224 Jackson. 11390022-4156 on„h., NE M459.a224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems A. PBR Panel VIA ll • 1. General Description...................................................... .....2 2. ArchltectlEngineer information................................................... .2 3. Product Selection Chart ... .................................... ................2 4. Factory Mutual Approvals ..................................:..................:..2 5. PBR Panel Section Properties...................................................... 3 6. PBR Panel Fastener Locatlohs..................................................... 3 7. PBR Panel Allowable Uniform Loads.................................................4 B. PBR Panel UL 90 Requirements ............................................. ....... 5 9. PBR Panel Product Checklist ...................................:................6-7 10. PBR Panel Attachment...........................................................8 C. Typical Details 10. Corner ....................................................... .............29 11. Corner Box ............................................... !.................... 30 12. Base.........................................................................31 13. Head Jamb.................................................................32 D.Installation Guidelines.,............................................................33 © Copyright Moist Building Components, L,P. 2012 Ail Rights Reserved For the most current information on our products and erection procedures, please check the MBCI web site at Www.mbcl.eom Descriptions and spedficallons contained herein were in effect at the time this pubiicallon was approved far printing. In a continuing effort to refine and improve products, MBCI reserves the right to disconUnun products at any time orchange specifications and/or designs without Incurring obligation. To Insure you have the latest information avallablo, please Inquire orvlsit our Web Slte atwYnv.mbcl.com.Application details are forillustration purposes only and may not be appropriate for all environmental conditions, building designs, or panel' profiles. Projects should be engineered to conform to applicable building codes, regulations, and accepted Industry practices. insulation Is not shown In these details for clarity. If there Is a conflict between this manual and the erection drawings, the erection drawings will take precedence. SUBJECT To CHANGE WITHOur NOTICE sEE www,mbO.cotn ff. F T 1opr EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1. 20112 Houston, TX 877MM224 A444 OA488'44ab224 Aesnu, CAOTIM2.6224 Aunts, CASM12e-9224 Osass. UMS536224 b,drsnipols, IN 6OOr W224 Jstlsen, as axie22.413e Las Wp+a, W e17n 136224 LG%WN1a, TX 077r713b224 Lvbboc74 TX WBq"24 1%Moan,II.6"4 W68 lhtrghls, TH aa6'20da224 OUshami City. OK SWA91fi224 Omsbs, ire M*86224 PhwAb,, AT 9e815336224 Rklumnd.vA WW298224 Raw, W 6=5SM224 estt We Ctty, UT r4)Ct'214-2404 son Antonlo, TX KkkS%6224 PBR PANEL • 36" Metal RoaJ and Nall Systems The Englnaedng data contained herein is for the expressed use Of customers end design professionals, Along w ith this data, E Is recommended that die design professional have a copy of the most wrrent Version of the North AmBdcan Specprcallon fOr the OOstgn Of COfd formsd Steel Structural Afambers published by the American iron and Steel InsiMule to focdAale design. This Speculeatfon contains the design criteda for eolddotrned steel components. Along w hh the SpeciTicallon, the designer should reference the moll current building cafe applleabla to the project)obs16 In order to determine environmental toads. irfunher tnformallon or guidance regarding coiddomted design practices 1s desired, please contact tha manufacturer. PBR PANEL. FASTENER LOCATIONS_ PANEL ENDS INTERIOR OF PANEL APPLICATION PREVAILING WIND --4 NOTES, i. - The PBR panel has an unsymmetrical purlin bearing side lap leg. Panel side lap with extended foot to bear on frame. However, where possible, the panel should be lapped agalnst prevailing wind. 2. The above are typical fastener spacings. However, they may not be appropriate for all applications. Consult a professional engineer for use on any specific appllcallon. 3. tdlnlmunt W x Y=1 tape sealer required at panel side laps when used as roof panels. 4. Side lap fasteners are required.-Pipleal spacing is 201 O.C. However, this spacing may not be appropriate for all 6, applications. Consult a professional engineer for use on any specific appllcatlon. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE WWW.MbOI.COM FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER i, 20i2 3 0 Metal Roof and Wall Systems PER Panes SECTION PROPERIIES NEGATIVE BENDING POSITIVE BENDING PANEL FY WEIGHT Ixe Sxe Maxo NO Sxe Maxo GAUGE KSI) (PSF) (IN.41FT. IMIFT, KIP -IN. IN.41FT. IN.3lFT. KIP -IN. 29 60' 0.75 0.0215 0.0325 1.2656 0.0238 0.0230 0.9859 60• "4--• —0=0 .0449—.. .._ 1,8015 0.0387 --0.0381 t 375g 24 50 1.14 0.0420 0.0570 1.7060 0.0551 0.0587 1.6968 22 50 1.44 0.0567 0,07.39 2.2119 0.0754 0.0787 2.3553 • Fy 1s 80-ksl reduced to 60-ksi to accordance vrith the 2012 edition of the North American Specification For Design Of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members - A2.32. NO7 Si 1. A9 calculations for the properties of PSR panels are calculated in accordance vA1h the 2007 edition of the North American SpecificaW For Design Of CoWl'o med Steel Structural Members vrith 2OD9 and 2010 Supplements. 2. bce is for deflection determination. 3. Sxe is for bending. 4. Maxo Is ail vabte bendng moment b. All values are for one foot of panel width. The Engineering data ionlained herelri is for the expressed use of customers and design professionals. Along vrith this data, it Is recommended that the design professional have a copy of the most current verslon of the North Aredcan Spedficadon for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members 'published by the American Iron and Steel Inswe to factUte design. This Specification contains the design criteria for oolddormed steel components. Along with the Specification, the designer should reference the most current building code applicablo to the project Jobsde in order to determine environmental bInformation ads. If further Infoation or guidance regarding coid•fomxd design practices Is desked, please contact the manufacturer. Subject to change without notice. Effective November A 2013 Metal Roof and Wall Syste►ns ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PEIR Roof panel 29 Gauge 0.0133" Fy = 60 ksf, Fu = 61.6 ksi SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0. NEGATIVE WiND LOAD 93.75 52.73 33.75 23.44 17.22 13.18 10.42 1-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 67.01 32.63 16.66 9.64 6.07 4.07 2.86 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 61.91 37.19 24.61 17.42 12.96 10.00 7.94 2-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 70.40 45.18 30.41 21.76 16.28 12.62 9.40 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 73.01 44.74 29.96 21.37 15.95 12.36 9.84 3-span LIVE LOADMEFLECTION 80.00 53.43 36.52 22.73 44.32 959 6.74 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 69.51 42.31 28.22 20.08 14.97 All 9.21 4-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 1 77.00 50.82 1 34.56 24.74 1 15.58 1 10.44 7.33 26 Gauge 10.0181" Fy = 60 ksl, Fu = 61.6 kst SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 133.48 75.08 48.05 33.37 24.52 18.77 14.83 1 span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 119.08 52.22 26.74 15.47 9.74 6.53 4.58 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 114.41 66.59 43.33 30.37 22.44 17.24 13.66 2-span LIVE LOAOIDEFLECTION 105.50 71.09 46.37 32.55 24.07 18.51 13.88 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 138.49 81.62 53.46 37.61 27.86 21.44 17.00 3-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 120.00 86.91 57.11 34.86 21.95 14.11 10.33 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 130.70 76.70 50.12 35.22 26.06 20.05 15.89 4-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 1 115.50 81.75 53.58 1 37.71 1 23.77 1 15.93 11.18 24 Gauge 0.0223" , F = 60 ksl Fu = 60 ksI SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 126.37 71.08 45.49 31.59 23.21 77.77 14.04 i-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 126.69 70.70 38.61 22.28 14.03 9.40 6.60 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 120.59 69.04 44.56 31.09 22,91' 17.57 13.90 2-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 117.33 69.40 44.80 31.25 23.03 17.66 13.97 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 148.17 85.44 55.34 38.68 28.53 21.90 17.34 3-span LIVE LOADtDEFLECTION 133.33 85.87 55.62 38.89 28.68 19.34 13.58 RAU NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 139.13 80.03 51.77 36.16 26.66 20.46 4-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 1 128.33 80.43 1 52.04 1 36.35 :J 20.81 20.57 1 14.45 22 Gauge 0.0286" Fy = 60 ksl, Fu = 60 ksl SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 4.0 6.0 6.0R29.91 .0 8.0 9.0 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD i83.85 92.16 58.98 40.96.09 23.04 18.21 1-span AWE- 174.46 98.14 52.70 30.50.21 12.87 9.04 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 168.30 96. 4 61.98 43.21.83 24.41 19.31 2-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 158.7 90.50 58,30 40.63 22.94 18.14 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 207.24 9.12 77.03 53.80.8730.44 24.09 3-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 195.75 112.25 72.50 50.61.24 24.95 17.62 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 194.44 111.53 72.04 50.29 37.06 28.43 22.50 4-span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 1 183.56 105.06 67.79 1 47.29 1 34.84 1 26.64 1 18.B4 Notes-, 1. Strength calculations based on the 2007 AISI Standard "North American Specification for the Design of Cold -formed Steel Structural Members', with 2009 and 2010 Supplements. 2. Allowable loads are applicable for uniform loading and spans without overhangs. 3. LIVE LOADfDEFLECTtON load capacities are for those loads that push the panel against its supports. The applicable limit states are flexure, shear, combined shear and flexure, web crippling at end and Interior supports, and a deflection limit of U180 under strength -level loads. 4. NEGATIVE WIND LOAD capacities are for those loads that pull the panel away from Its supports. The applicable limit states are flexure, shear, combined shear and flexure, and a deflection limit of U60 under 10-year wind loading. S. Panel pulldver and Screw pullout capacity must be checked separately using the screws employed for each particular application when utilizing this load chart- 6. Effective yield strength has been determined in accordance with section A2.3.2 of the 2012 NAS specification. 7. The use of any accessories other than those provided by the manufacturer may damage panels, void all warranties and will void all engineering data. 8. This material Is subject to change without notice. Please contact MBCI for most current data. The Eng naerirg data contained herein is for the expressed use of customers and design professionals, Aiorg with tts data, ft is recommended that the design professional have a copy of the most current version of the North Amedcan Spo6r4aton forthe Do&fgn of CaN-Formed SiM Sfructura/ Members published by the American Iron and Steel institute to faci4tste design. This Speciffcalfon contains the deshgrt criteria for cold -formed steel components. Aiorg with the Specification, the designer shoLdd reference the most current Wilding code apocable to the projactjobsite In order to determhe environmental bads. If further information or guidance regarding cold -formed design practices Is desired, please contact the manufacbxer. Subject to change vdihout notice Effective November 18, 2013 now taA TX 67WO 6224 Adel, CA 6661((66224 Adanta,eA=51245224 At me , cA SM220-9324 D,t». IX 66t W6224 WbriPoRi, IN 67Y7a56224 J, ekaon. US OM622-4136 Us Vegas, W 8771?iM224 1441ni1H, TX 677771"224 I.0tock l)(MR6"224 lS"tom,16 8667d65046s Y.ernphls, T1r 6OWKS6224 aktakaea citf. OK CM97.6224 on,hv, h'640p4666224 PhoeNy AZ 668W"224 Rlchnww, vA 6AX7298224 Rome, nr SMSISV24 Silt Lake GM UT M1Q8744401 sanAnlonro, TX6 0a.6224 UL 90 REQUIREMENTS PBR PANEL Aletal Roof rind Wall Systems Construction 930, 26 MSC Min. Gauge PBR Panel over Purlins at 6'- 0 W O.C. 1•. For Class 90 -Panel to purlin connectons to be #14 Hex Head with a 600.13. washer Ina 4-8-4-8 In. pattern. Panel to panel connection to be 20" O.C. with fastener located over each purlin. 2. Purlins - No. 14 MSG min. gauge steel, 65,000 psi min. yield strength.) Construction #79 26 MSG Min. Gauge PBR Panel over Purlins at 6'- 0 %" O.C. 1. Panel Fasteners - Panel to purlin connections to be #14 Hex Head with a 6/" O.D. washer, 6" O.C. In 5-7-6-7 in. pattern. Endlap spacing to be 6 In. O.C. Spacing for panel to panel connection to be 20" O.C. 2. Purlins -No. 16 MSG min. gauge steel. (56,000 psi min. yield strength); or min. H series open web steel joists. Construction #161 26 MSG Min. Gauge PBR Panel over Purlins at 6`- 0 M" O.C. 1. Panel Fasteners - Panel to purlin connections to be VA4 x 1" self -drilling Hex Head with a 6/" 0.0'. washer, 12" O.C. Spacing at endiap to be In a 5.7-5-7 in. patterns. Spacing for panel to panel connection to be 20" O.C. with a fastener located over each purlin. 2. Purlins'- No. 14 MSG min. gauge steel, (55,000 psi min. yield strength.) Construction #642 26 MSG Min. Gauge Pi3R Panel over Purlins at 6'- 0 Yls" O.C. 1. Panel Fasteners - Panel to purlin connections to be 12-14x1" self -drilling Hex Head with a W O.D. washer,12" O.C. Spacing at endiap to be in a 5-7-5-7 in. pattern. Spacing for panel to panel connection to be 20" O.C. with a fastener located over each purlin. 2. Building Units - Translucent Panels. 3. Translucent Panel Rib and Purlin Reinforcement - See UL 90 light transmitting panel installation Instructions. 4. Purlins - No. 16 MSG min. gauge steel. (65,000 psi min, yield strength). IMPACT RESISTANCE PBU panels Carry a Class 4 rating under UL-2218 "Teat Standard For impact Resistance" FIRE RESISTANCE RATING 1. Deck: NC Class A incline: Unlimited The panel quallfies for a Class A Fire Rating In compliance with Uoderwriters Laboratories Standard UL-203 when installed over a non-combustible substrate. A Class C Fire Rating will be ttuelified for over a combustible substrate. Look for classification marking on product. CAUTION The above llstlngs are summaries of Construction Numbars. For UL 90 rated roof requirements and complete design Informal on, see the Underwriters Laboratories BuNding Matedefs Directory. If you have any questions, caII M80 before proceedlag. SUBJECTTOCttANGEWITHOUTNOTICE SEE www.mbcl.ComFOR CURRENT' INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER1,2012 AW-10 Metal Roof and Wall g3w1,6Ms Houston, U 612m 36224 AdaI GA688.'Ne6224 LA%Veg#e,Nven11136224 1.41M+N118, IXW17134224 Pno4nh.Az66&63T-6224 Rkhmm4,VA4W0029•6224 AG4nb,CA8771SI2.6224 Atx&Ic,oAT.Q M9324 Lubbw%TX6WA666224 Mltloon,I.M1850(66 R&w,W60W%%6224 alit tAk.Coy, UTaft'd14.2401 DWAs, TX M050.6224 µon wo. TN 4 MQM6224 SanAAIM&. TX 600,S96.0924 Indhta polls, IN 6000356224 Okkhoou city, OK OWS91.6224 jacm.n. kla ortuht. by EW4566n4 PRODUCT CHECKLIST PBR Panel Ridge Cap Sculptered High Side-Eave COLOR`- r 4' �.12• "�' 98' 1'�4 4' i_Y: 2' PBR Panel Elspecitypitch FL-49 2'.6" 11 Maximum Roof Pitch 6:12 FL-51 3' 0" Q SP"y Roof Pitch High Eave part at comer to be mitered. Specify Left ofFdght FL-17 ❑ Fiat Ridge/Hip Flashing Valley Flashing SCUIptered Rake SPEC{FYANGLE b• I've oo 4' COLOR Standard 11 t—�g SPECIFY ANGLE ?• fit' 2• FL-874 ❑ Extended 45• FL-558 © Rake part at comer to be mitered. Specify Left or RlghL FL-18 Q Parapet High Eave Parapet Rake Eave Trim COLOR a COLOR 1 b' s" 1 o/4 t 6" 3rfy Specify Root Slope FL-874 Q FL-952 ❑ Specify Roof Pitch FL-19 ❑ Sculptered Hang -On Gutter Sculptered Eave Gutter Gutter Strap, r. 90• - • OF ROOF PITCH4 rT AIM. • -1. 4' go* + of 01M ROOF SLOPE A FL-893 0 Gutter End � 901 OFU a• 7� of 0 ROOF PITCH Specify Root Slope Gutter part at comer to be mitered. Spec4fyLeftaR1ghL FL-18C❑ ROOF SLOPE Specify Roof Slope R Guttec paA at caner to bo raftared. SpocdyLeft orRlght. FLAB © Specify Left or Right I Spa*Gutterpadno. FL-18AQ 6 SUBJECT TO CHANGE MHOUT N0TICE SEE www.mbol.com FOR CURRENT INFORIAMON EFFECTIVE OEC£hIBER 1. 2012 Itouel.n,7=101IU 24 Ad4L oA sM4464224 Atlenll. OA 8771512.5224 Ablaut, CA VRS-9324 Digit, TX M16SU224 tnJbnepot ,,n4 sown*224 L.15 Vc-8e s. W 577r71U224 Link edDe, TX 811171U224 Lubbock TX &XV S"224 A4etlom IL emus-Wo hlemphls, TN tN'MM224' o5lahoma Cly, CH ZOW-e714 om,he. he wa�4sa4n4 phoeAbr,Ax8d&SW224 Rlchnwn4, VA WW2aV24 Rom., t1Y "'M94224 Salt Lake City, t1TM'874.24e1 eln AMena, TX WGE2d4224 PRODUCT CHECKLIST. 8 klefal Roof and Wall Sysfetas Inside Corner Trim Downspouts �I 9• Corner Trim - Outside 41h" COLOR W 3� � FL-31 -Straight ❑ 3�'�`. 4h COLOR Ile `./v7'�'` FL-800 -4` ❑ FL-31A With VJCk-Out ❑ FL-830 Q Base Trim (With Sheeting Notch) Base Trim (Without, Sheeting Notch) Jamb Trim COLOR 2. io/{ COLOR COLOR { — 2. 3'h - F 1'/a' le 1V, FL-72 ❑ FL-530 ❑ FL-23 Gl Fasteners LTP Head Trim 12-14 X 1'/." griller #17A ...., ❑ _ - _� r %'-14 X'/: Lap Tek - - - - 2'k' MA ❑ - _ - `'U``�"'UUU j a/9* 12-14 X 1%i Long Ufa Ddler Non -Reinforced Fiberglass ❑ COLOR ,,,L il.`— #3 ❑ Hlgh Strength Fiberglass ❑ " High Strength huyl-ILIUM. Resistant ❑ Ft 26 ❑ /:-14X/. #4 Long Life Lap Tek Sealant t W X */,• t 507 © Closures . 0 HW-455 ❑ %4`-14 X 1'/+` Long Life 1` XInsRda Dnlier %qhh I `/e` O.D. washer Tripla Bead ❑ 4rees 4er�ls >� #43L IMBHW-502 ❑ Outside -14 X'/: Lang Life Lap ^= _ seveled.tnside' HWA66 ❑ Tek with 1 W 0.0. Washer #44L Urethane White /. X Isee Stainless 'CUBE SEALANT 11 07- HW540 ❑ Steel Pop Rivet Beveled Outside #1d .ee 0 NOTE: 2B Per Me at YO bead Olher ColorsAvaMble 1peelal order- requires M"ieek lead t4na SUBJECTTOCHANGE VVITHOUrNOTICE SEE www.mbel.COmFOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVEQECEMBER1,2012 7 i r Metal Roof and Wall SpsteMs ENDLAP ATTACHMENT (SEE DETAIL B) H09040, 1X611013024 Add, OA SEd44"224 Aesnta, OA 6771512fi224 Atxate64AM*2849324 Digit. TX MSSM24 Indlanu pars, @7SOMS4224 Juks", LI8 M622 413a FASTENER#3 ` � SAVE ATIACHI,IENT (6 FASTENERS PER PANEL) FASTENER #4 2W O.C. @ ROOF 24' O.C. @ WALL JR X 5/ti TAPE SEALER DETAIL "A" Ue Vepa s, W 87717 f34224 PhmaLc.A2L68153M224 U'htW% TX 8T7111"224 JtPhnond.YAWW246224 Lubbock, TX 6bX W224 Sl.ItuoNIL882.T"66 Romp, W SMSSOM24 SaltLake Cftur6MS14.2401 Y.4(1VMv, III 600/64224 sa nAntonlo, TX 600.SW224 o> loom. ", OK 60 PI.6224 Omsla, Re 600r4:$6224 ATTACHMENT PBR PANEL PBR PANEL' FASTENER 03 HIGH SIDEATTACHMENT (H FASTENERS PER PANEL) PBR PANEL FASTENERN3 INTERMEDIATE Pt1RLIN ATTACHMENT (3 FASTENERS PER PANEL) 4' FASTENER #3 8 EACH PER PANEL r `-'IV x MW TAPE SEALER (TWO LAYERS) DETAIL 1413" NOTES: Sidolap 1. '/a' X'1=' tape sealer must be Installed between weather Infiltration point and fastener. 2. Install fastener 94 (%4`-14 X % Long Life Lap Tek) at 20. O.C. at roof panel.side laps and•24' O.C. at viall panel side lops. S. When possible, Install panels such that 61delaps are nested away from prevailing winds. 4. 4. Fastener 94A (%'-14 X 7/.' Lap Tek) are available as an altemata when long life fasteners are not desired. Endlap 1. Stack 2 continuous layers of W X'/u' tape sealer on top of each other and must be Installed between weather Infiltration point and fastener. 4. Install Fastener #3 (12A4 X •f W Long Life driller) on each side of major dbs of panel (two fasteners per fool). 3. Fastendr$17A(12-14 X I self -driller) are available as an altemate when long Ufa fasteners are nbtdoslred. 8 SUBJECTTOCHANGE WTHOUTt10TICE sE$ww wabcl.00111 FOR CURRE INFORMATION EFFECTMEDECEMBER 1.2012 How Ion, TX 577a1 M24 Ade6 OA 66&144"224 Adand, OA 67MQ-6224 Atwater, CA6M92&9324 Dellis. TX rAQuW224 Nmstupotls.IN 6(XV M224 deekson, MS M6224136 .1501'/ LIONT TRANSMMING PANEL. PURLIN' LOWER PANEL FASTENERV43 (98 MINIMUM)_ usVets%kV677R1b6224 uYAs% .'1X WWI3-6224 . Ph99n1s,ALttdl53U224 Rkhmad, VA6=729-0224 Wbb*C56TX600Vr mz4 Mattoon, IL66I"Som Rom, trr60th5698224 Salt rako Citfi7T60 W4.2464 m4mpbh,IN60300"224 eanAnwja.7x60015454224 oNiomma CHI, OK 1=07.6224 onuhs, ft 60014$M224 Meral Roof and Wall Systems CONSTRUCTION NO. 542 UL 90 LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANEL INSTALLATION Install roof panels, leaving the light transmitting panel run open, except for lower light transmitting panel run panel. Install tape sealer to panel sidelops and across panel width as normal. Attach light transmitting panels at the tow and mid - slope connection to the purlin with nine Fastener #43L (%- -14 x i YV Long Life Driller with 1Y." O.R. washer) per connection. SUBJECT TOCHMGEwITHoUTMOTICE SEE vmw.mhCLc0MFOR CURREM'INFORMAYION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER1.2012 0 Metal Roof and Wall Systems PURLIN \ LOWER PANEL FASTENER HOL (18 MINIMUM) 10 rr4usto1%TX87771136224 [is.Ve9s5.IN67711136224 pMm%AZ6W53M24 Add,OA 868:441t6224 Lo14IsMlh TX077pr36224 Rkh*w.VAWW22b224 A910U.QA6TlIM4224 LuDbxk7X40017566224 Ron1a,NYfw1kSS9s224 Atn+ttr,CA6M''329•'i224 Mittoon,ILWA&SOM $.I, w.aty,uT6m,3Y42401 Dia.s,JX8%6536224 U..4nWbts,nl4G6i200,6224 8anAntaA%TXMSi"224 Indlsaspens, U140p723S6224 Okuhomcit/,oxM $97a224 . Jackson, me M16224156 0fmta,rCQW45"224 FASTENER#3 (8 PER PANEL) FASTENER #44L i0.O.C. LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANEL CONSTRUCTION NO. 542 UL 90 LIGHT TRANSMITTING PANEL INSTALLATION (Continued) le sure the light transmitting panel sidelaps have wplete run of (w x'/s:") tape sealer between he right transmitting panel and the PBR panel. lee Page 8 for lap detail. Fasten light transmitting panel vdth Fastener#44L (W - 14 x'/V Long Life Lap Tek with 1%".O.D. washer) at IW O.C. down each side lap. Install upper metal panel In light transmitling panel run and fasten as at a normal endlep with nine Fastener #3 (i2 -14 X 1 Y411 Long Life driller). SUWFCT70CHANGEWIMOUTNOTIM 8EEWWw.mbcl.G0MFORCURREWINFO116117foN EFFECT1VEoECE1daER1,2012 v- -0 Metal Roof and Wall Systems xov:mMTxenntss22{ L..Vats 1,IN$777r13bi24 pho.dz.AZ88315 "224 Adel, oA 466'4<t:b224 LadsA0*.TXnin"224 P1.h>lond.VAWW2"224 LubboeY. TX 8�A7rSb8224 Roma, W cass"224 AUent., 0A 6TI1512•6224 rha000, 1TZ smg6"22 SetttAke City, UT10Q874.2404 Atirele,CAvA-a9-9324 ValtactalLavYe00a3 $inAnla a. TXOV5988224 O.Oi.,TX140.6OW3 o htAm.C'dg OXW0.491-W4 isti aNme6y ID22-4 b224 onum.AtBgW"M4 �IeYaory me tM622ir38 TYPICAL DETAILS Moe PBR or Pau RIDGE CAP E. FASTENER it3 & EACH PER PANEL �— PBR or PBU PANEL 1. X 314? — PEAK PURLIN TAPF- SEALER FASTENER 64 PBR or PBU (4) PER RIDGE CAP RIJ)G CAP (SEE DETAILA) FASTENER f{3 PBR or PBU PANEL 6 EACH PER PANEL PEAK PURLIN 1' mw TAPE SEALER NOTES: formaAmumslopeforeachridgecap. 1. When ordering ridge caps, seedy roof slope. Refer to MBCI price pages 2, Insto it 1' x y/m'tape sealer across full with of ridge cap on both sides. Tape sealer must be installed behveon weather Infiltfallon point and fasteners. 3. Install 1' x'/n' tape sealer to the sldelap of the. ridge cap thatwlll lap onto adjacent ridge cep. tape sealer must be Installed between wealherinfillrallon point and fasteners, 4. install Fastener #3 (12-14 X 1 %: Long Life driller) on both sides of major ribs (two per fool). 5. Install four Fastener *4 ('/+'-14 X %' Long Lire Lap Tek) in each ridge cap sidalap. Place (1) ane Lap Tek in high db on each side of the ridge cap centerline and one lalinordth puriin fastener on each stda of ridge fine. .mbCl.ComFOIZCURRENTINFORMATION EFFECTt11£CECE161SER1,2012 20 SUBJECT 70CW+NGElM7F1QUTA10710E SEEV1rJY1i7 }(aulay TX 677171&6224 las vaoss. hV 677/r13622.4 L&U%469, TX 6T7n IU224 ph"%AZ$&W5W224 Mhmc,Sd, VA loo72M224 Add,QAW086224 AosnU, QA8711512-6224 - Lub6cV, 7X&M66.6224 Malleon,%LWffla5-W66 aomc, 2rr 6oa%M224 $,It late C,tf Ul 10M41.2464 AMr'IU, CA 83029-024 Dills, TX 6oa8S3.6224 fil"his, Tit &)U2 "224 San Mlonto,TXtW96-6224 Wampolls. t26pyry5.6224 OW)IO ps Cir/, ox 66af397-5224 omshl.HE60044.04 4 Js<Yson. 1156M1522.4136 - _ TYPICAL DETAILS High Side'Eave TAPE SEALER FASTENER#4 dal EACH MAJOR RIB SCULPTURED HIGH SIDE EAV E OUTSIDE CLOSURE Metal Roof and 1Yaft'Systeuls PBR orP13UPANEL —� *::F�- 7ENER1f4 O.C, FASTENER #3 OUTSIDE CLOSURE s EACH PER PANEL SAVE STRUT FASTENERfi4 HIGH SIDE EAVE ®. EACH MAJOR RIB VxYn• TAPE SEALER 0 OUTSIDE CLOSURE - o FASTENER43 6 EACH PER PANEL PBR or PBU PANEL G SAVE STRUT NOTES: 1. Install outside closure, with 1" x'/42' tape sealer top and bottom, aaoss vrfdlh of PBR or PBU panels. 2. Install Sculptured High Side Eav4t to PBR or PBU panels at each major fib vAth Fastener f4 ('/,'-f 4 X %,` Long Life Lap Talc). Sculptured high side save tdm should overhang,otdslde closures VT -1`. 3. Attach front face of sculptured high side save trim to wellwlth fasteners or deal as required for v►alt substrate. 4. Trim laps should be approxfmately 3" wlth sufflclent amount of Fastener #4 (%1-14 X W Long Life Lap Telc) to hold lap,together. Apply bead of urelhane sealant between Win at 3' lap. SUBjr:OTTo CHANGE 1A4THOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbcl.COM FOR CURRFM INFow-nON EFFECTIVE OECErlBER 1' 2et2 21 Metal Roof and Wall 501e111s rww5o+nrannr34zz4 LA.%glo.we71r713422< LaxSsille. TX 471nl"224 Phosnbr,ALE�5333224 RRhmond,YW*724A224 Ade1,0,, 464:t46G2M Adenp.aAe77/St2b22{ .TX 4pOrl56622{ La6600tIhneen.IL6U0&SOtw Ronk% try&=$$"224 salt WeORAVfSM1814.240I Atmau, CA eOAM"324 oatlu,tXOMSSM224 kt„,ph% TH 6224 p omeCiHp1C4W'S31.S224 SmAn WO, TA SCOM54224 VA,,i9�t.8rfXn354224 Jeckton,1584006'22-It36 O)MO Ira400NXM5 --=,e TYPICAL DETAILS Hip FASTENER 114 @ EACH MAJOR RIB —i'x35i TAPE SEALER FASTENIER#4 -- @ EACH MAJOR PBR or.PBU PANEL 1' x3A�e'TAPE SEALER) PURLIN FASTENER #f 2A SD; (2 @ EACH PURLIN) HIP FLASHING - BEVELED OUTSIDE CLOSURE HIP PLATE FASTENER #12ASDS (2 @ EACH PURLIN) FASTENER #R3 6 EACH PER PANEL rHIP FLASHING PURLIN BEVELED OUTSIDE CLOSURE NOTES: 1. Bove1 Cut and instal! PBR or PBU panels to followbevel of hip. 2. Instal{ beveled outside closures to panels, vdth 1" x yet• tape sealer top and bottom, fallavting bevel of hip. Beveled Closures must be special ordered and require a Iwo week lead time. 3. Install hip flashing,to pane! at each major db with Fastener #4 (Xe -14 X Y* Lang Ufa Lap Tek), Hip flashing should overlap outelda closures WA 4. Trim taps should overlap approximately 3" vdlh a bead of urethane sealant in between. install a sufficient amount of Faslener#4 (%=i4 X %: Long Life Lap Tek) to hold lap together. . 42 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WTHOUT NWICE SSE yyWW.MI3Cl.00M fORCURRPNTINFONT,1A710N EFFSCTIVR 6EGEhiBER 1,2012 VALLEY TRIM BEVEL CUT PANEL TO MATCH SLOPE OF VALLEY TRIM Ls Yogis, uV aTH f34224 L—im7.'4, TX 377i1 136224 1.01,04% TX eW16"224 V.attoeN tt.a6d76lW" µ6AVhrs, TM SOW2064224 okuhatna CHY, OK 601Y697fi224 onut a. J?E 6W4!J*-W4 Phxnb,,AZ666Ya3"?24 Mbnwnd,YAWW234224 Rmx. #Y 6OWS4224 Sall Lake uTy, Ut EM74.2404 San Antonio, 7X em*?'ba224 TYPICAL DETAILS Valley 1, X FIELD CUT TAPE SEALER INSIDE CLOSURE r VALLEY FLASHING Mewl Roof and Wall Systems TRIPLE BEAD --� 1— PBR or PBU PANEL TAPE SEALER ::7 VALLEY PLATE FASTENER 43 4t/� FOR STANDARD VALLEY 8 EACH PER PANEL g• FOR EXTENDED VALLEY PBR or PBU PANEL FASTENER#3 (12) PER PANEL TRIPLE BEAD TAPE SEALER 1' X W TAPESEALER FIELD CUT INSIDE CLOSURE NOTES; i. For valleys 3o, or less In length, use standard valley trim. Valleys over 3ot in length require extended valley trim. 2. Apply triple bead tape sealer to valley trim parallel to the slope of the valley. Lower edge of tape sealer should be d'/i irom center of valley for standard valleys and 9' from the center of the valley for extended valleys. 3.' Install high rib section of inside closure that lies been laid cut from standard 3'•0• straight closure. Piave the cut closure square with the rib of the panel. Install 1' x W tape seater to top of Inside closure prior to toying panel '/ tapevdih proper [astener sequancevdl! seat the minor ribs of edge down on top of the cut closure. The 1'x the panel that are between the malof ribs. 4. Bevel Cut PBR or PBU panels to 5t slope of vailay and Install to valleyvAlh Fastener-0 {12-i4 X i'Ji Long Ufa driller) at 4' on center. Fasteners must be Installed through the closures and Into the triple boad tape sealer. 5. Trim laps should ap open,Install Fastener61 vith a #4 VWa 44 XW Long Life Lap ad of urethane Tel4)In Into each deot d0t of wateradivylaps erterwhlte together. if laps gap p holding tap lightly together. SUBJECT70 Ct-IA1r'DE VATHOUT, NOTICE SEE www.mbcf.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATLON EFFECTIVE DECEMBFR i, 2012 23 m Metal Roof and Wall SyStersS Las V4215. W477a114724 Lrers11MOX8771713-6224 ' Lubbock,TXbb 446224' Mattoon. IL 650tt 58 ' usmphts, Tit6W206M4 waihems city, CK 8=597.6224 orn+As, M EW45MZ24 Howton, 2Xd7rr1131i224 AdA,QAdbOr4 W24 AUsnU, GA 017r512L224 AtMler, CA MV9.9324 Psflss, 7X VA6W224 Indlsnspa(1s, W MW3"224 JutsoN KS MS22.4136 TYPICAL DETAILS Guiter pb.,&,Az glP &W6224 R-Amnd, VA 60A729.6224 Rom!, NY W &U"224 SLIT Like City,1A $AV74.2464 SS', TX t WS05224 FASTENER #4 1' xi2 PBR or PBU PANEL TAPE SEALER INSIDE CLOSURE GUTTER STRAP FASTENER #4 INSULATION SCULPTURED EAVE GUTTER DOUBLE FACED FASTENER #3 TAPE (6 EACH PER PANEL) FASTENER#t4 POP RIVET, (2 PER TRIM PIECE) WALL PANEL PAVE STRUT f'xyn' PBR or PBU PANEL TAPE SEALER INSIDE FASTENER 44" CLOSURE GUTTER STRAP INSULATION - FASTENER 44 DOUBLEFACED TAPE FASTENER #3 SCULPTURED 6 EACH PER PANEL HANG ON GUTTER FASTENER#14' POP RIVET (2 PER TRIM PIECE) WALL PANEL 1•xw TAPE SEALER BOX PANEL CAP TRIM FAVE STRUT NOTES: Eave Gutter 1. Ailach gultar to eave strulwith two Fastenar #14 pop rivets per sectlon. 2. Install Inside closures to top leg of guiterwith i' x'/*a' tape sealer top and bottom. 3. Install FOR or PBU panel with Fastener 93 (12-14 X t 4/4' Long Life ddter) on each side of major dbs (byo fasteners per fool). Fasteners must be installed up slope from Inside closures. 4. Gutter laps should be apprmdmately3' yrith a bead of urethane sealant in botween. Install a sufficient of pop rivets to hold lap together. 5. 5. install gutter straps W-0' on center with Fastener44 (%"-14 X % Long Life Lap Tek) fasteners at each On Hang -on, Gutter 1. Attach Box Panel Cap Tdm to top of eave strutvdth pop dvot #14 (tyro per I W-W secgon). 2. Install Inside closure on top of Box Panel Cap Trim ydth i' x'/=" tape sealer top and bottom of closure. S. Install PBR or PBU panels vdlh Fastener #3 (12-14 X 1V4! Long Life ddlet)on each stdo of the major dbs (tyro fasteners per fool). Fasteners must be Instated up slope from Inside closures. .4. Attach gutter to roof'paneis with Fastenar#4 (s/a'-14 X W Long Life Lap Tek) at each end. 6. Gutter laps should be approAmalely 31 Wth a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a sufgclent amount of Fastener 014 (pop rivets) to hold lap together. 6. Install gutter straps V-0' on cenlerwlth Fastener-#4 (A -f 4 X %: Long Life Lap Tek) at each end, t A4BER 1, 2a12 24 SUBJECT TO CHANGE VATHOUT NOTICE SEE W WW.MbCI.COM FOR CURRENT INFORIAATION EFFECTIVE OEC HA treuston, TX 87TnIU224 Ad-4 CA 6634466224 Amnu, CA 6711512a224 Ataalm OA SM'329-8324 Oil&% 77r6QQS"24 Indi.n.yoas, iN eM3M224 JuksoM 11.86OV22-4136 Las W235, IN 677p135M4 "Ab4AZ643733362N Lawisr10e, 7X 677gMn't Rt:hmond, VAWX296224 Lubbock 7X e06rf6W24 S.Ae. QF U 422474•ziD{ rt.nooa, IL 66tI6354)466 TX Y.mpids, 724 0040S6224 s,n Anlenb, 6d]3%6224 OKshorm City, OK =327.6224 O"to, NE IAJ.'4566224 TYPICAL DETAILS have Trim 1' X oaf TAPE SEALER INSIDE CLOSURE ° EAVE TRIM FA6TENER#4. _ Ce O.C. OUTSIDE CLOSURE WALL PANEL PBR or PBU PANEL SIDEiAP ATTACHMENT (SEE DETAIL A) INSULATION NTH VINYL FOLDED BACKATEAVE DOUBLE FACED ;r TAPE e .lD Metal Roof and Nail 4sfenis PaR or PBU PANEL INSULATION OOUBLEFACED FASTENER#3 TAPE (6 EACH PER PANEL) FASTENER #14 (2 PER TRIM PIECE) - EAVE STRUT 1' X i�a2`TAPE SEALER (SEAL TO TAPE SEALER AT EAVE AND SEAL' FASTENER #3 (6 EACH PER PANEL) Ste' X W _ TAPE SEALER FASTENER#14 (2 PER TRIM PIECE) v �' 7`X qAe TAPE SEALER FASTENER 04 EAVE STRUT 20` O.C. INSIDE CLOSURE FASTENER#4 WXW TAPE SEALER EAVE TRIM DETAIL. "N' NOTES: i. Install save trim to structure with two pop rivets per section. 2. 2. Install inside closures along top leg of eave. lom with V x V,- tape sealer lop and botlrim. 3. 3. Install PBR or PBU panel with Fastener#3 (1214 X JW Long Life driller) on each side of major ribs (2 fasteners per fool) allowing panel to o0rhang JW plus vial[ thickness. Fasteners must be Installed up slope from Inside closures. 4. Attach front face of eave trim to wait with fasteners or steal as fequired for vrall substrate. 5. Tdm laps should overlap approxtmatety 3' v71th a bead of urethane. sealant to between. Install a sufficient amount of Fastener #4 (W-14 X Tle Long Ufa Lap Tek) to hold -lap together. SUSJ£CTTOCMGEWITHOUTNOTICE SEE www,r bcl.COMFOR CURRENT INFORIAMION EFFECTNEDECEM©ER1.2012 25 9 i - B Metal Roof and Nall Systems SCULPTURED - RAKE TRIM Houston, TX an7n&6224 Adel, OA46&4464224 Aasnte, GA 6771512,4224 Atrater, CArpa*aM14 DsRss. Tx6AW34224 IndianApotr6,n4t0 r7J5-6224 Ackson, Ms ras622-4 M Las Veg■s,1N6771704224 PhWtr.A2862M"z24 Lexli,tlle, TX e77170$224 F&hMotW VAWW72M224 Lubbock, TX 40A1a604224 Retoe, rlr 8=596224 Nsaeon,lll66.255Lt63 6tItLakeCity. UT&MW4.2404 Uurptds-atMVZO64224 61aAoionlo.TXMIN S*224 Oklahoma City OK eCAS27.6224 onuhe, t1E6W4$a4274 TYPICAL DETAILS Rake 11X3,k' 1'X1 — FASTENER TAPE SEALER TAPE SEALER 12' O.C. PBR or PBU A ff4 F PANEL ME ANGLE FASTENER -H4 — 12.O.C. OUTSIDE CLOSURE BEGINNING ON MODULE PURLIN PASTENER ff4 8" O.C. FIELD BEND 1' LEG FINISHING OFF MODULE NOTES: Beginning on Modulo 1. Install i' x a/tt'tape sealer to top of FOR or PBU panel rib. 2. Install rake trim to PBR or PBU panel rib with Fastener#4 (WA4 X % Long life Lap Teks) at i'•o" on center. 3. Attach front race of rake trim to wall with fasteners or cleat as required forwall substrate. 4. Trkn laps should overlap approximately 3" with a bead of urethane sealant in between. Install a sufficient amount of Fastener 1R14 pop rivets to hold lap together. Finishing off Module 1, Cut and bend a 1" leg on PBR or PBU Panel, 2. Install 1' x'/a.' tape seater to top of PBR or PBU panel. 3. Install rake trim to PBR or PBU panelwllh Fastener#4 (W-14 X'/: long Life Lop Teks) at 8' on center. 4. Attach front face of rake trim to wall with fasteners of cleat as required for wail substrate. 6. Trim laps should overlap approximately 3' with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a sufficient amount of Fastener #1 4pop ovals to hold lap together, 26 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEEwww.mbol.com FOR CURRENT {NFORMATtON EFFECTS MCEM8ER1, 20t2 7iowi4n,rxe77n134224 t.s Vegts.Wa77L7tsb224 aye„t:,l¢668f53"224 Ade%43ASW44"224 ltniW2le, TX 87701IM24 R1chT4r,VAWK7M22.4 A9en140AAM512fi224 Wbboek, TXa0b7f"224 Rogw.?J 13S9-b?24 At-W, CA e6XKIM24 lVrivOn, lL 8a3L854169 sin Lak. cub UT4M74.2461. DIRea; TX M65I AllTH 867126•u-4224 SiaAN,;rft TX6WS916224 rndUnspoc, W &=3 8724 o'deho a CNA 6K a67,6973724 Jxkeon, MS t461622400 We m4s"M Metal Roof aHd Nall 4slerrrs TYP16AI- DETAILS Parapet High Side Eave PARAPET HIGH SIDE SAVE WALL PANEL FLASHING FASTENER #4 @EACH MAJOR RIB - GIRT OUTSIDE CLOSURE INSIDE CLOSURE , 1•X�ht' , TAPE SEALER FASTENER #3 PBR or PBU PANEL 6 EACH PER PANEL PURLIN WALL PANEL PARAPET FASTENER #3 HIGH SIDE SAVE FLASHING FASTENER #4 13GIRT @EACH MAJOR RIB • O FASTENER #3 6 EACH PER PANEL o r c 0 1•X! 0 TAPE SEALER 0 Y' moo. PER or PBU PANEL 0 ; c • 0 OUTSIDE CLOSURE PURLIN NOTES; 1. Install outside closure, wllh 1" x %s= tape seater lop and bottom, aaoss width of PBR or PBU panels. 2. Install parapet high side trim to PBR or-PBU panels at each major rib with Fastenl (W-14 X7/7 Lang Life Lap' Tell Trim should overhang outside dosures 1i - 1". 3. Attach top leg of parapet high side trim 10 wall with fasteners as required for wall substrata. 4, Trim laps should overlap approximately 3'vLith a bead of urethane sealant in behveen. Install a sufflclant amount of Fastener#4 (9"-i4 X'/e" Long Ufa Lap Tak) to hold lap together. SUBJECTTO CHANGE WTHOUT NOTICE SEE www.mbol.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTNE PECEMBER 1, 2012 27 i O Metal Roof and Wall Svsteors Hoaslon,2x67717IS0224 LasV49ae,rN67rn134224 Phocnh4AMN53"224 Add. OA 6044"224 1.4µ4syt3e,MV1713424 Rkh+mnd,VAOW294224 Atlanta, 0A 9771512-0224 tubbed; i%400R364224 Ram, rrt VA1594224 Abntc , CA 60=9.9724 r8R4on, rL 66421SOr W sift Lake City. VT 400174-24 W ocncs, 7XL00.C3U224 YempNa, TN t/}7d034424 Sin AntWo, TX M3241024 Irdlan3poUs,1N 400RS5-6224 c Okishma Ctf, OK600' I-024 Jackson, 119 M6224136 0mftn.hV1Z0.'0M224 TYPICAL DETAILS Parapet Race PARAPET FASTENER #4 12' O.C. TAPE SE PBR or Pi PANEL FASTENER WA @ EACH PURLIN PURLIN DE CLOSURE iSTENER#14 DP RIVET I PER TRIM PIECE) rSTENER'#3 ELD BEND LEG NOTES. Beginning on Module - 1. Install 1' x'/m* tape sealer to top of PBR or PBU panel db. 2. Install parapet rake film to PBR or PBU panel rib with Feslener 14 (s 4.14 X'h Long Life Lap Teks) at 1'-4' en center. 3. Attach top leg of parapet fake trim to 2' X 4" angle with Fastener #14 pop rivet. Elevate horizontal lag of parapet trial slightly, to provide for positive drainage of water. 4. Trim laps should overlap approAmately 3' with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a sufficient amount of Fastener 474 (A -14 X Ye Long Life Lap Tek)-to hold lap together. Flaishing off Module 1. Cut and bend a 1' leg on PBR or PBU Panel. 2. Install V x 3/a` tape seater to lop of PBR or PBU panel, 3. Install parapet rake irim to PBR or PBU panel vilth Fastener #4 (Y, -14 X W Long life Lap TOO) at W on center. 4. Attach top leg of parapet rake trim to 2` X V angle with pop rivets. Elevate horizontal leg of parapet trim sitghtly, to provide for posliNe drainage ofWater. S. Trim laps should overlap approbmately 3` with a bead of urethane sealant In between. Install a suMclent amount of Fastener #4 (14'-14 X X Long Life Lap Tok) to hold lap (ogaitwr. 29 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE www.nibci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMAnOH EFFECTIVEDECEMBER1.2012 Houstoq 1X 67717IM124 Aden CA SW446.M( AVenh.OA 5771512-GM AWatq.CA.8%M34224 Wis. UWASSS6224 Whmpo6s, 11116=3S-M4 Jackson, Ns MS224136 wy&2se,uva'r711136224 Phmn1r.AZUW533-W4 Len4nW, TX 67777 M6224 Rlchmnd, VAOM236224 Lubtaek, TX 6MM6224 Row, II(SM59-6224 Uttt60A'L8WM54463 SIRLIks cry,UT6c0.'d242401 Mtmplds.Tii60MM-G224 SmAntonto,T7C2AG'S9 SM omm home Cft OKFZ0497.6224 Omshs, W8=4656224 INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Metal Roof mid Nall Systems 1. Pre -Order A. Prior to ordering panels, all dlmenslons should be confirmed by field measurQment, 11. Job Site Storage and Handling A. Check the shipment against the shipping list. B. Damaged material must be noted on bill of lading. C. Panels should bb handled carefully. A spreader bar of appropriate length Is recommended for hoisting. D, Check to see that moisture has not formed Inside the bundles during shipment. if moisture is present, panels should be wiped dry, then restacked and loosely covered. so (hat air can circulate between the panels. III. Application Checklist A. Check substructure for proper alignment and uniformity to avoid panel distortion. B. Periodic check of panel"alignment Is crucial to proper panel installation. C. For proper appearance, ribs should.line up at hips, valleys and ridges. D. Panels should be cut on ground to minimize cut filings on roof. Keep panels dean during Installation. Do not allow panels to come into contact with water runoff from lead, copper or graphite. SUBJECTTOCHANGE WVOUfNOTICE sEEwww.mbCI.comFOR cuRREmriNFowannoN EFFECTIVEDECEMBER1.2012 33 ,Llelal Roof and Nall Sivienis Houston, TX 87117136224 Adel, CA H81446-(224 Atlanta, CA 8771512-6224 Atwale,, CA BOU329-0324 oapas, TX M%65418U24 lndl—p lis, lil eOY135L224 Jackson, MS 6=622-0136 Us Velln, IN 57177iU224 Le:Hssil% TX 67777136224 Lubboc% TX 1l0W50.5224 Malfoon,ILeb3,' MLS Memphis, RI e11U07 OWZ4 011ahom City, OXMIOI-6224 Mwhs, NE60W4588i24 phoantx,AZ6=63"224 llklh ,id,VAN&122L224 Rome, NY e00M"224 $Ali LAM City, VT UGa74-2404 Sin Anlonto, TX 9ME9&6224 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 36" 12" � 1 Tea„ PBR PANEL Coverage Width - 36" Minimum Slope -'/:12 Panel Attachment - See page 8 Panel Substrate - Gaivalumee Gauge - 26 standard - 29, 24 and 22 also available Coatings- Galvalume Pius°, Signature® 200' and Signature® 300• ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION 1. PBR panel is a structural roof and wall panel. This panel can be Installed directly over purlins or Joists. Several different UL 90 construction numbers are available for this panel. 2. PBR panel is recommended for %:12 or greater roof slopes, 3. Field applied tape sealant is required at panel sidelaps and endlaps. 4. PBR panel is a through -fastened panel. For proper fastener application, see page 3 and page 8. 5. The Information In this manual Is believed to be correct and accurate. It should not be used for any specific application without being reviewed by a registered professional engineer. 6. Galvalume material must not come in contact with concrete or pressure treated lumber. PRODUCT SELECTION CHART 2 GAUGE GALVALUM6 PLUS®' SIGNATURE® 200" SIGNATUREe 300= 22 gauge • A 24 gauge ° E m 26 gauge • • ° 29 gauge • • - Available In any quantity. t - Minimum quantity may be required. 'See Commercial/Industrial color chart for available colors, SUBJECT7b CHANGE WTHOUr NOTICE: SEE www.inbui.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2012 Houston. TX 877r71&6224 Add, GA 6a344a-B224 Aaanh, oAa771612-6224 Atera ter, CA 6COM'-9724 Dallas, TX OKS59b224 Indtan3po83, iH aoma'56224 Jackson, 148 =1122406 PEIR Las Vegas, rN 877171"224 mm nix, AZ 14sr.33-6224 Le%j%%Ve, TX 877At&6224 IUfimond, 4At=29-6224 LubbocY.7X80.wt"224 Home, ICY S11559-6224 8Gt1"on, It. 88d'8850168 bah Lake City, UT eoa974-2404 Y.emphls, 7116=03-6224 San Anlono, TX COMM6224 oklshonea Cit/. OH 8nM597.6224 omaba, hle$0356s224 PBR TYPICAL DETAILS Corner OUTSIDE CORNER DETAIL 12--l-faMmam ftftm ��' O Heta! Roof and Wall Sysfe7Hs SIDE CORNER 4 ) FASTENER94 24" O.C. INSIDE CORNER DETAIL NOTES: 1. Install corner trim with Fastener 94 (t/, -14 X 7W Long Life Lap Tek) fastener T-0" O.C. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE YJWW.mbC[.COITI FOR CURRENT INFOMIATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2012 29 O Metal Roof and Wall Systems SCULPTURED EAVE GUTTER (MITERED) L , kleges, lei 87711134224 Phoenh, Az B 5"2224 Richmond, VA 1.101110a.TX877a13-6224 Lubbock 7X —5"224 Rome, try ByW"224 331t Lake city. -ECA174-240t Metloon,I1.868B656466 McmPhle, T118o8 A"224 BenAnlon[o, TX &WS954224 oklshome city, ci4 mn"*6224 onsaha. Ile 660745"224 ' Hons ton, TX 8771113.6224 Adtl, CA 8867416.6224 AIWU GA877512-6224 Atxate7, CA 200.'628.9324 psllae, IX 6IXt6536224 lndlanapolls,itl COW356224 Jackson, Ms f <1G224M TYPIQAL DETAILS Corner Box GUTTC•R STRAPS 3'-O' O.C. GUTTER END --- CORNER TRIM PSR or PBU PANEL SCULPTURED RAKE TRIM (MITERED) PBR WALL PANEL SCULPTURED EAVE GUTTER (MITERED) GUTTER — / END SCULPTURED EAVE— RAKE TRIM (MITERED) NOTES: f. Gutter and rake trim must be ordorod v7ith a left and right mitered and, To determine left or right, stand on ground and look toward eave. Roof elope Must also he speckled. 30 SUBJECT TO CKANGE 1MITHOUT NOTICr' SEE www,mbct.C011l FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SFFECTf4£ DECE7dBER 1, 2012 Houston, TX 07777136224 Adak GA SWA4114224 Atlanta, GA $771512.6224 AWI1r, CA 008929.9324 Oaths, TX KAV53-6224 Indtanspola, IN 00M354224 Jackson, MS VAS22 4128 Las Vegas, nV 077l7136224 L.j,vWo. TX 07717f 34424 phoenl,,AZOW15334224 IUchmend, VA 6=20$224 Lobback TXS0W686224 ASaHoan, ILbE1Vb95.8768 Rum?.NYM*594224 a, it Like CU 1N MIS74-2404 Memphb, TN E00/206-6224 San Anto01-, TX 2CG5984224 011shoma MI. OK t=697.5224 omahs, l.'E &=45"224 TYPICAL DETAILS Base PBR or PBU --\ PANEL DOUBLE-FACED - TAPE '/e M1N. _= INSULATION FASTENER N3 - 2' x 4' BASE ANGLE - FASTENER W @ 3'-0` O.C. ,Metal Roof and Wall SysteDIS INSULATION PBR or PE41JF�Z�z FASTENER'H3 PANEL. 2' x 4' BASE ANGLE FASTENER @ 3'-0` O,C #11 1 DOUBLE-FACE(i TAPE BASE TRIM -- NOTES: r double face tape to 1. Wall with vinyl Insulation, pull back fiberglass appro)dmatety 4 pullover end and staple. Apply base angle and slick Insulation to It before applying panel and faslening vdth Fastener#3 ('/ -14 x i YO Long Life Driller), six each per panel.. rivets until panels 2. Should base trim be desired, temporarily attach trim to base anglovrith tvto Fastener•&14 pop P are Installed. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE WwW,MbCI.COt11 FOR CURRENT INFORIANTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2012 31 A CME Metal Roof and Wall Systems Hoar,ton, IX 077n13-672.4 Adcl. GAP &M-6224 Las Vegas, IN 6717iU224 Lani svnso. TX$7717136224 Phoantr,A26E815336224 Richmond, VAI=29.6224 Allanh, OA 0711IM-6224 Atnater, CA e4J.'a29.9324 Lubbock TX 80CV75&6224 µaltoon,11-08 854168 Rome, W 243f559G224 Sall Lake Ciy, Ur 6MI74-2404 Dina s, TX U4.5536224 Momphls, Tii P.t OMS6224 5:nAntonlo, TX 6COM&B224 tndlanlpoll+, IN 6{0l7356224 Oklahoms City, OK 8M3976224 JaeHson,'MNdta622-im38 Omaha,NE807C458.6224 TYPICAL DETAILS Head Jamb FASTENERWA WALL GIRT @ EACH GIRT --------------------- =- DOORJAMB PBRor P13U PANEL 4 PBR or PBU PANE r FASTENER S-0' O.C. HEAD FAST ❑111.r\ R 11 /\ @ 12' O.C. FASTENER#3 @ EACH GIRT JAMB FASTENER #17A @ EACH GIRT HEAD TRIM FASTENER #117A @ 12' O.G. NOTES: 1. Install Jamb and Head Tdrn with pap rivals as required to support flashing during panel installation. 32 SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SEE W WW.mbC.LCOM FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2012 r Houston, TXET71719-6224 Las Vegas, NV8r7n1a6224 Phoenix. AZ58W 3.6224 Adel, CA68A'4466224 Le•,risville,TX677l71&6224 Itl:hmond,VA9=29-6224 Atlanta, CA 8771512-6224 Lubbock, TX 8=14, t224 Nome, NY EMS59.6224 Ahvala,CA6M1129.9324 Matloen,IL6E9fE65df66 salt Lake city, UTEM74.240i Dallis, TX M053-5224 Memphis. TN 600rda,6224 Si n Antonio, TX E0015ta-M4 Indlanap Ws, IN 9 M13M224 Oklahoma City, OK ECOIS97.0224 4ackaon, M9 M'622.4136 Omatw, NE 9W4`5-5224 INSTALLATION GUIDELINES 't Metal Roof and Nall Systems I. Pro -Order - A. Prior to ordering panels, all dimensions should be confirmed by field measurement. if. Job Site Storage and Handling A. Check the Shipment against the shipping list. B. Damaged material must be noted on bill of lading. C. Panels should be handled Carefully. A spreader bar of appropriate length ks recommended for hoisting, D. Check to see that moisture has not formed inside the bundles during shipment. If moisture Is present, panels should be wiped dry, then restacked and loosely covered so that air can circulate betwoon the panels. Ill. Application Checklist A. Check substructure for proper alignment and uniformity to avoid panel distortion.. B. Periodic check of panel allgrlrneult Is crucial to proper panel installation. C. For proper appearance, ribs should line up at hips, valleys and ridges. D. Panels should be cut on ground to minimize out filings on roof. Keep panels clean during Installation. Do not allow panels to come into contact with water runoff from lead, copper or graphite. SUBJECTTO CHANGE wITHOUr NOTICE SEE wWv7.Inbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1. 2012 33 3�01 2 631111T;� � Metal Roof and Wall Systems PBR Pane SECTION PROPERTIES NEGATIVE BENDING POSITIVE BENDING PANEL IFY WEIGHT Ixe Sxe • hlaxo Ixe Sxe Maxo GAUGE KSI PSF IN.41FT.)_ IN.31FT. KIP-IN. INAIFT. IN.31FT. KIP -IN. 29 60• 0.75 0.0215 0.0325 1.2656 0.0238 0.0230 0.9859 28 60, 0.94 0.0300 0.0449 1.8019 0.0302 0.0381 1-6759 24 50 1.14 0.0420 0.0570 1.7080 0.0551 0.0567 1.6968 22 50 1.44 _ 0.05ti7 0.0739 2.2119 0.0754 0.0787 2.3553 Fy Is 60-ksl reduced to 60-kst In accordance vBth the 2012'edition of tho North American Specification For Design Of Cold-Fonnpd Steel Structurai Members - Ae.3.2. DOLES' 1. All calculations for the properties of PBR Roof panels are calculated 5r acca dance with the 2007 edition or the North American Specification For Design Of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members vdth 2009 and 2010 supplements. 2. Ixe Is for deflection determination. 3. Sxe Is for bending. 4. Maxo Is allowable bending moment 5. Ail values are for one foot of panel Wdlh. The Engineering data contained herein is for the expressed use of custw iers and design professionals. Along with thts data, it is recommended that fhe design professional have a copy of the most current version of the North American Specification for tho Design of Cali -Formed Steel Structural Members published by the American Iron and Steel Institute to facilitate design. Tile Specification contains the design criteria for cold-fonned steel components. Along vrith fhe Specification, the designer should reference the most axrent building coda applicable to the projectlobsfte In order to delsrmino environmental bads. If funhertnfonnatbn or guidance regarding cold -formed design practices Is desired, please contact the manufacturer. Subject to change without notice. Effective November 18, 2013 r r t Metal Rout and Wall Systetrrs ALLOWABLE UNIFORId LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PBR Wall Panel 29 Gauge 0.0133" , FY = 60 kal, Fu a 61.6 ksl _ SPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET 3.0 40 6.0 6.0 7.0 17.22 8.0 13.18 •9.0 10.42 1-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 93.75 _ :t2.73 33.75 23.44 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 67.01 f:()8 26.29 18.26 13.41 10.27 8:11 2-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 61.91 37.19 24.61 17.42 12.96 10.00 7.94 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 70.40 45.18 30.41 21.75 16.28 12.62 10.06 3-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 73.01 44.74 29,96 21.37 15.96 12.36 9.84 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 1 80.00 53.43 36.52 26.39 19.89 15.50 12.40 4-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 69.51 42.31 28.22 20.08 14.97 11.68 9. • LIVE LOADR31E LECTION 77.00 50.82. 34.56 1 24.89 1 18.72 14.56 1 11.03 26 Gauge 0.0181" , Fy = 60 ksl, Fu = 61.5 ksl SPAN LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET TYPE 3.0 r..tt� 5.0 &0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 133.48 l` :C8 48.05 33.37 24.52 18.77 14.83 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 119.Ot3 G?.83 44.09 31.04 22.80 17.46 13.79 2-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 114.41 6F.59 43.33 30.37 22.44 17.24 13.66 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 105.60 _ '11.09 46.37 32.55 24.07 18.51 14.66 3•span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 138.49 81.62 53.46 37.6 27.86 21.44 17.00 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 120.00 Sti.sii 67.11 40.25 29.85 22.99 18.24 4-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 130.70 `lG.70 60.12 35.22 26.08 20.05 15.89 LIVE LOADIOEFLECTION 115.60 1;1.7;i 53.68 37.71 27.93 21.50 17.05 24 Gauge 0.0223" , FY = 60 kst, Fu = 60 kal SPAN LOAD TYPE SPAN IN FEET TYPE 3.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 126.37 71.28 45.49 31.59 23.21 17.77 14.04 I -span LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 125.69; Wi._J 45.25 44.56 31.42 31.09 23.09 22.91 17.68 17.57 13.97 13.90 2-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 120.59� 69.04 LIVE LOADIOEFLECTION 117.33 6 .40 44.80 31.25 23.03 :17,66 13.97 3-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 148.17 8'. 44 55.34 38.68 28.53 21.90 17.34 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 133.33 8!i.87 55.62 38.89 28.68 22.02 17.43 4-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 139.13 8D.03 51.77 36,16 26.66 20.46 16.19 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 128.33_ 80.43 52.04 J 36.35 1 26.81 1 20.57 16.28 22 Gauge 10.0286" F - 60 ksl Fu = 60 ksfSPAN TYPE LOAD TYPE _ SPAN IN FEET 3,0 <.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 163.86 97 ', fi 58.98 62.81 40.96 43.62 30.09 32.04 23.04 24.53 18.21 19.38 LIVE LOAD/DEFLECTION 174.46 96 14 2-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 168.30 i5.14 61.98 43.21 31.83 24.41 IWAl LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 158.71 91).`.i0 58.30 40.63 29.91 •22.94 18.14 3-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 207.24 19.12 77.03 63.80 39.87 30.44 24.09 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 195.75 117.7� 72.50 67.79 50,61 50.29 .47.29 37.29 37.06 34.84 28.61 28.43 26.72 22.64 22.50 21.14 4-span NEGATIVE WIND LOAD 194.44 111 LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION 183.56 1ti5a)G tes 1. Strength calculations based on the 2007 AISI Standard"North Am❑rkxmi Specification for the Design of Cold -formed Steel Structural Members' with 2009 and 20.10 Suppl+:r,r•its. 2. Allowable loads are applicable for uniform loading and spans without overhangs. 3. LIVE LOADIDEFLECTION load capacities are for those loads .that;:ustithe panel against Its supports. The applicable limit states are flexure, shear, combined shear and Iloxwo, web crippling at end and interior supports, and a deflection limit of U60 under 10-year wind loadin0. 4. NEGATIVE WIND LOAD capacities are for those loads that pull the panel away from its supports. The applicable limit states are flexure, shear, combined shear and firx::r<;, and a deflection limit of 1_160 under 10-yearwind loading. 5. Panel pullover and Screw pullout capacity must be checked separately using the screws employed for each particular application when utilizing this load chart. 6. Effective yield strength has been determined in accordance with sacicn A2.3.2 of the 2012 NAS specification. 7. The use of any accessories other than those provided by the rnanuf;+ntijrer may damage panels, vold all warrantlea and will void all engineering data. 8. This material is subject to change without notice. Please contact M. 111,'I for most current data. The Engineerng data contained herein is for the expressed use of custotnets a.+•1 ensign professlonals. Along with this data, it is recommended that the design professional have a copy of the most current version of the Nortl: Mrertcan Sfx , r xat nn for the Design of CuH,Formed Steel Structural Members published by the American Iron and Steel Institute to facifilate design. This Specification cootn'v,s ram, design criteria for ookManmed steel components. Along with the Specification, the desrgrier should reference the most current building code appiicabb to the p ca:t :: '. situ in order to determina environmental loads. 9 furOw information or guidance regarding cold -formed design practices Is desired, please contact Om rn wfachv er Subject to change without notice Effective November 18, 2013