HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT01/10/2018 13:29 FAX 7724606929 WILCO 2001 PERMIT # S&W Electric Inc '7! *2r 002 I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOP�"NT S 1J CES K�C�I Building & Code Compliance o wn JqN Z O BUILDING PERMIT sr �vclQ co 2��8 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT untY. Perms//n9 have agreed to be (Company Namc&dividual Name) the Electric Sub -contractor for Wilco Construction (Jl pe of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 117 Queen Ann Ct. (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pwsuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 9-i-yft ZOONCTOIL SSIIG1N/AAAT/1U.RE (Qna fler)rtUM-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualiflcr) V V (U i a r r- .r -e rlc e G./ -5 �z PRINTNAME-PRINTNAME COUNTY CE111'1FICATION NIOMBER . State of Florida, County of . � Lk+4�3— f� � foregoing instrument cons signed before me this { +T day of dma 20,A y��`1� who is pereoaaily or ham produccd a am ideutl6cadon• STAMP Signature of Notary Pa 'c DAWN FnZGERALD MY COMMISSION # GO 162348 EXPIRES: tt MMber11,2021 psbW1luuNtumyPuh Vr4etwrbm Revised 11/16/2016 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER (( State of Florida, County of f:jLX . `L' The foregoing instrument was signed before me this t U day of G"'ups 20 IT by �c e - 1 who is permonally known ✓ or ha6 produced a u identification. STAMP I ,�atatti Not�gry, P%njbYIlic L/ , �.�C/eCr PrintNwnzANotaryrubrc LUCY WHEATLEY a� Net Public - State o1 Flotlda, ` Gommissi0n FF 818791 ttid',F, My Comm-.Eitplie6Jun 29, 20101