HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORTJAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888342 7343 info@lameshardiecom RONALD I.OGAWAASSOCIATES, INC. 5801 WARNERAVENUE, #376 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-202-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RID-MOO-11 DEC 0 12017 PER."01178NIG St. Lucie County, FL PROJECT RIO 2300-11 ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE® BRAND FIBER -CEMENT PLANKS TO WOOD OR METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE PAGE 1 EVALUATION SUBJECT 2 EVALUATION SCOPE 2 EVALUATION PURPOSE 2 REFERENCE REPORTS 2 TEST RESULTS 3 TABLE 1, RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING 3 TABLE 2A THROUGH TABLE 2N, ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH 4-8 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES 9-54 TABLE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p 9 TABLE 4, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B 10 TABLE 5, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C 10 TABLE 6, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 10 TABLE 7, ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED (MPH) FOR HARDIEPLANK SIDING 11-54 LIMITATIONS OF USE 54 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7 -10, THE 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. PREPARED BY: RONALD I. OGAWA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5801 WARNER AVENUE, #376 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX Page 1 of 54 I JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-8WS42-7343 info@jameshardie orn EVALUATION SUBJECT HardlePianke Lap Siding James Hardie Product Trade Names covered in this evaluation: HardlePlanke Lap Siding, Cemplank0 Siding, PravaprP" Lap Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7-10 2010 Florida Building Code 2012 International Building Cods® EVALUATION PURPOSE: RONALD L OGAWA ASSOCiATEa INC. 5801 WARNER AVENUE, #376 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292 2602 714.908.1815 FAX PROJECT: RiO-2300.11 This analysis is to determine the maximum design 3-second gust wind speed to be restated by an assembly of HardiePlank (Cemplank, Prevail or screws REFERENCE REPORTS: I. Intertek Report3087913 (ASTM C11t18) Material l propertiea HardiePlanksiding _--- with nails 2. Randech Laboratories, Ina Report 10593-9811395 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test, 5116' Thick by 7.51nch wide HartliePlank Lap Sing installed on 2X4 W-Firwow studs epaco at le irohas an center with a 0.093 tech shank by 0.2MInc;h head dlamater by 25 inch lira galvanized siding nag 3. Ramtech Laboratories, Inc. Report IC4034-88 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 06" Thick by 9.6 inch wide HardlePlank Lap Suring Installed on 2X4 Hem -Fir wood studsspace at 16 Inches on centorwith a Number 11 gauge 1-914Inch long galvanized rooting nail 4. Ramtech Laboratories, Ina Report IG7020-88 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 5116" Thick by 9.6 inch wide HardlePlank Lap Sliding installed on 2X4 Hem -Fr wood studsspace at 16 inchason centervii0t a6d common nap 6. Ramtech Laboratories, Ina Report 2149-07-10 (C) (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 6MU' Thick by 8.25 Inch wide HordiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Doug -Fir -Larch wood studs space at 16 Inches an centerwith an 8d ring shank box nail, 0.113 inch shank by 0.2M Inch head diamoterby 1375Inch long S. Randech Laboratories, Ina. Report 2140-07-10 (4 (ASTM E33CD Transverse Load Test 5116" Thick by 8.25 Inch tide HardlePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Doug-Flr-Larch wood studs apace at 16 inches on centerwith a 0.092 inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter by2.6 inch long galvanfzedsdding nail 7. Ramtech Laboratories, Ina Report 2341491.06 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Teat 6116" Thick by 8.25 inch wide HardlePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Doug•Fir-Larch wood studs apace at 16 inches on centerwith a Qp92Inch shank by 0.222Inch head diamter by 2Inch long galvanized siding nail 8. Ramtech Laboratories, Ina Report 2149-07-10 (F) (ASTM E339)) Transverse Load Test 5116" Thick by 8.25 Inch wide HardlePlank Lop Siding Installed on 2X4 Spruce-Pine-Furwood studs space at 16 Inches on centarWth a 0.092 inch shank by 0.222Inch head diameter by 25Inch long galvanized siding nap 9. Intertek Testing Services, Inc. Report 3166993MID-0D4 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 6116" Thick by 8.251nch wide HardiePlank Lop Siding installed on 2X4 Spruce.Pine Fir wood studs space at 16 inches on contorwith a 0.092 inch shank by 0.222Inch head diameter by 21nch long galvanized siding nail 10. Rarr&ech Laboratories, Ina Report 11149/1554 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 5116" Thick by 6.26 Inch wide HardlsPlank Lap Siding installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 241neheson centerwith EraF knurled pin fastener 11. Ramteeh Laboratories, Ina Report 11149115548 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 5116" Thick by 825 inch wide HardlePlank Lop Siding installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 24 inches on cerderwith ET&F knuded pin fastener 12. Ramtech Laboratories, Ina. Report 1114911554A (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 6116" Thick by12 inch wide HardlePlank Lap Siding installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 end 24 inches on centerwith Er&F knurled pin fastener 13. Ramteoh Laboratories, Ina ReportIC4035.88 (ASTM E130) Transverse Load Test 5116"ThIck by 9.6 Inch Handiplank Lap Siding installed on 20ga Metal Stud Spaced 16Inches an Center With No. 8 X 1 114" long X 0.375" head diameter ribbed wafer head screws Page 2 of 54 e es n oad -fasten m O it 0 r J HardlePlank Width(inches) [g 5.25 1 18 0.4444 -138.8 -80.81 6.25 16 0.6556-109.45 -60.61 7.25 87 - 7.5 18 �0.7500 .6944 -87.56 80.81 8 18 81.07 80.81 8 25 16 .7778 -78.18 .60.81 9. 16 .8869 -68.41 011 9.5 -199 16 .9 67 -66.33 -6o.81 1 1.1 4 50. -8081 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 Info@)ameshardlecom RONAL.D L OGAWAASSOCIATES, INC. 6801 WARNER AVENUE #376 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-OW1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2300-11 Table2C Allowable Design Loads Bawd on Constant Fastoner L'oodmo;1162. 4199nal1-iA Ham=Fir.Studs `fastenars concealed (blind nalll HardlePlank Width inches JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 Info@)ameshardlecom RONAL.D L OGAWAASSOCIATES, INC. 6801 WARNER AVENUE #376 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-OW1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2300-11 Table2C Allowable Design Loads Bawd on Constant Fastoner L'oodmo;1162. 4199nal1-iA Ham=Fir.Studs `fastenars concealed (blind nalll HardlePlank Width inches S m� v 5.25 16 0.44`4 -67.73 30.1 18 0.5558 F -- 7.25_ - 16 , 0.668T.- A5.15, ;r90. 1+ a 7.5 0:944 =49:34 30.1 8 8 0.76001 A0.13 -30.1 8.75 16 0. 6 38. 0 30. 9.25 18 0.8889 33.86 W.1 9.6 16 0.9167 -32,84 30. 12 16 11.19441 -25.20 -W.1 co 9d � gp -. N 0-9 W0.66877 -45.153_-36.12_0 n,30.10 "7- -" -2&9Q_24 -28.76-25.3 2258-21.89 24 1.7917 6.80 Table 20, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Lead. 6d common nail Z L, Hem -Fir Studs, fasteners exposed (face malQ Check for resultsusfng 95 Inch plankvahles from Report Number IC-102M Design bad = ultimate failure load/FOS=-199psY3= -W.3 psf Btedive tn'bu lW- (()lank vAdlh exposed to veather X" spacing)114) = ((9.6.1.M X 16)1144 = Q9167 sq fL Fastener load = design bad X tdbu" area= -W 33 X 0.9187=-60.81 pounds Calarfated alta�vabl d er load tested c anion divkled by area t"bumni for the condition to be calculated .s m 0 m o, 24 0.6587 •9121 24 0.8333 -7297 24 24 1.0417 58.37 4 .1 54.05 24 1.1667 5212 24 1.3333 5.60 24 1.3750 4.22 7 33. Table 2E, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, 8d (2-319"L) ring shank box nail, DFL Studs, fasteners exposed (face nell) Check for results using 1125Inch plankvahm from Report Number 214947--10 (4 Design load= ultimate (allure IoaMS=-290psfld=-98.7 psf E3feaft tdbutery = ((plank w1d6t exposed to vteather X stud Wadng)1144) _ ((8251.25) X 16)11144 =0.778 sq.fL Fastenerload = design bad X tributW area = 4&7 X0.778=-78.74 pounds Calculated allowable desicrt load = fastener bad tested condition divided bv area tnbutarvfar the eandithn to M ---lama g� v 0 _1 HardlePlank Wdth inches 5.25 16 0.4444 47267 -76.74 8.25 16 0.5556 -19813 -76.74 7.25 WS 0. 67 -115 -76.74 7.5 8 Q6944 - 10.5 76.74 8 16 0.7500 -10232 -78.74 8.25 296 6 0. 78 -88.b-f -76.74 9.25 18 0.8889 -86.33 -76.74 9.5 18 0.0167 -83.72 -76.74 12 6 1. .25 .7874 �� i�U JC asjri� 24 mbWI -11'a11 24 0.8333 52.09 24 .0000 -76. 24 1.0417 -73.87 24 1.1250 -68.21 24 1. fi .78. 24 1.3333 57.55 24 \ 1.3750 55 81 24 1.1917 4Z83 Page 5 of 54 Table 20, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Lead. 6d common nail Z L, Hem -Fir Studs, fasteners exposed (face malQ Check for resultsusfng 95 Inch plankvahles from Report Number IC-102M Design bad = ultimate failure load/FOS=-199psY3= -W.3 psf Btedive tn'bu lW- (()lank vAdlh exposed to veather X" spacing)114) = ((9.6.1.M X 16)1144 = Q9167 sq fL Fastener load = design bad X tdbu" area= -W 33 X 0.9187=-60.81 pounds Calarfated alta�vabl d er load tested c anion divkled by area t"bumni for the condition to be calculated .s m 0 m o, 24 0.6587 •9121 24 0.8333 -7297 24 24 1.0417 58.37 4 .1 54.05 24 1.1667 5212 24 1.3333 5.60 24 1.3750 4.22 7 33. Table 2E, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, 8d (2-319"L) ring shank box nail, DFL Studs, fasteners exposed (face nell) Check for results using 1125Inch plankvahm from Report Number 214947--10 (4 Design load= ultimate (allure IoaMS=-290psfld=-98.7 psf E3feaft tdbutery = ((plank w1d6t exposed to vteather X stud Wadng)1144) _ ((8251.25) X 16)11144 =0.778 sq.fL Fastenerload = design bad X tributW area = 4&7 X0.778=-78.74 pounds Calculated allowable desicrt load = fastener bad tested condition divided bv area tnbutarvfar the eandithn to M ---lama g� v 0 _1 HardlePlank Wdth inches 5.25 16 0.4444 47267 -76.74 8.25 16 0.5556 -19813 -76.74 7.25 WS 0. 67 -115 -76.74 7.5 8 Q6944 - 10.5 76.74 8 16 0.7500 -10232 -78.74 8.25 296 6 0. 78 -88.b-f -76.74 9.25 18 0.8889 -86.33 -76.74 9.5 18 0.0167 -83.72 -76.74 12 6 1. .25 .7874 �� i�U JC asjri� 24 mbWI -11'a11 24 0.8333 52.09 24 .0000 -76. 24 1.0417 -73.87 24 1.1250 -68.21 24 1. fi .78. 24 1.3333 57.55 24 \ 1.3750 55 81 24 1.1917 4Z83 Page 5 of 54 Table 2E, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, 8d (2-319"L) ring shank box nail, DFL Studs, fasteners exposed (face nell) Check for results using 1125Inch plankvahm from Report Number 214947--10 (4 Design load= ultimate (allure IoaMS=-290psfld=-98.7 psf E3feaft tdbutery = ((plank w1d6t exposed to vteather X stud Wadng)1144) _ ((8251.25) X 16)11144 =0.778 sq.fL Fastenerload = design bad X tributW area = 4&7 X0.778=-78.74 pounds Calculated allowable desicrt load = fastener bad tested condition divided bv area tnbutarvfar the eandithn to M ---lama g� v 0 _1 HardlePlank Wdth inches 5.25 16 0.4444 47267 -76.74 8.25 16 0.5556 -19813 -76.74 7.25 WS 0. 67 -115 -76.74 7.5 8 Q6944 - 10.5 76.74 8 16 0.7500 -10232 -78.74 8.25 296 6 0. 78 -88.b-f -76.74 9.25 18 0.8889 -86.33 -76.74 9.5 18 0.0167 -83.72 -76.74 12 6 1. .25 .7874 �� i�U JC asjri� 24 mbWI -11'a11 24 0.8333 52.09 24 .0000 -76. 24 1.0417 -73.87 24 1.1250 -68.21 24 1. fi .78. 24 1.3333 57.55 24 \ 1.3750 55 81 24 1.1917 4Z83 Page 5 of 54 �� i�U JC asjri� 24 mbWI -11'a11 24 0.8333 52.09 24 .0000 -76. 24 1.0417 -73.87 24 1.1250 -68.21 24 1. fi .78. 24 1.3333 57.55 24 \ 1.3750 55 81 24 1.1917 4Z83 Page 5 of 54 Page 5 of 54 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888.542-7343 Info@jameshardle.com RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 5801 WARNER AVENUE, #376 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 7144908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2300-11 414017- p( A"„_ . w = lr . �C�M$F' • A • �- Z,.i+•'.. fC��=6�++���. 0i�%�H��, �� I7{1{ �'•� rr7r 2012 C o oFBc 20721 2010 c C°eBelams used In Table 6 calculations for V„y Pilo ilahle, Ultimate Design Wind, Speed, 3-second ust m h Allowable, Nominal Design Wind, Speed, 3-second ust mph) Applicable to methods specified In12012BC, 2010 FBCI Section 16020121BGd2etermined 010O FBCIbY Figures 1609A B, orC. Appltcebfetomethods specifiedln Excepiloml C• through 2010 FBCI Section 1609'1'i' Product Pr°duct Thickness (i-�) Wddr (inches) Fastener Type Fastener Spacing n9 Frame Type YP Stud icing (inches) Building Helght1•t (teat) Wind B ezF2sure C categorV D Wind 8 sure C cats ary D Siding Allonable Design Load (PSF) Esp K. B Exp C Exp D Ij IV GCS GCS HardiePlank 5/18 5.25 No. 11 ga. X 1-1/4" tong Roofing nail Blind pall 2X4 Noad Hem -fir 24 0.15V167 160 146 137 124 113 -452 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 h>60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1 095 -1A 0.18 1 0.85 AA 0.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 156 142 137 121 110 -45.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 25 153 140 3 118 105 .45.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 30 9 137 97 6 108 -452 0.7 0. 88 1.18 35 147 136 134 114 105 -45.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 40 145 134 131 112 04 -45.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 E -1.4 0.18 1 0.85 -IA 0.t8 1 095 -1.4 0.18 7 0.85 -7.4 0.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.78 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 45 43 33 129 111 03 -452 0.785 106 1.2 s 50 142 131 27 110 102 -45.2 0.81 1.09 t.27 55 140 130 128 09 101 -45.2 0.83 1.11 128 60 100 160 133 139 118 129 111 08 9 00 88 -45.2 -45.2 0.85 0.99 1.13 126 1.37 1.43 HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 No. ti ga X 1-1/4" tong Roofing nail Blind nail 2X4 mod Hemfir 24 0 5 158 144 130 111 101 -36.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 Mo h;60. 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 1 0.85 -7.4 O.iB 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 158 139 127 108 99 -36.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 25 158 136 125 06 9 -36.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 30 58 134 723 04 95 36.i 0.7 0.98 1.16 35 155 192 121 02 ji 84 38.1 0.73 1.01 7.19 40 162 130 120 101 93 -36.1 0.76 1.04 122 45 149 128 119 99 92 3&1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 o.es -1.4 1 0.85 -IA 1 0.85 -1.4 1 095 -1.4 1, 0.85 A.8 0.18 0.10 0.18 0.18 ,0.18 5o 14 127 1 7 Be 91 -36.1 0.al 1.09 1.27 55 144 120 117 97 90 -3&/ 0.83 1.11 1.29 60 144 1105 124 116 99 98 82 Do _.77 -36.1 -36.1__ 0.85 -099 1.13 126 1.31 1.43 {HaidiePiank HardlePlank 5/18 ; 7:25^ 7.5 No. 11 ga. rX1-1/4' r . r rong�;t 9 � No. 11 ga. X 1-1/4" ton9 Roofing Hatt -ram2X4-„ ,Bl0 11-il Blind nag : "Kootl_ - Hem -fir, 2X4 vt00d Hem-f8 _�� 24 -144, . t13W % 119" 01. ;:592 ?f-30:1v:a S0.T 0.85. •` M' hs60_' - Mho hs60 M60 We Y'A:85-1.4:'0:18 .7 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -7.4 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.18 20 4 12 18 12 99 90 -30.1 0:7 0.9 1.08 25 144 125 1 4 112 97 88 -30.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 30 44 122 1 2 2 95 87 -30.1 0.7 0.98 1.15 35 141 120 111 110 93 88 30.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 40 139 118 109 107 92 85 -30.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 5 1 1 7 108 1� 91 84 .30.1 0.785 1.065 1245 i 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 O.te 50 134 16 107 104 90 83 -30.1 0.81 1.09 127 55 133 115 108 103 89 82 -30.1 093 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 100 015 131 108 141 114 96 128 1W 90 117 88 74 0 82 70 g90 -30.1 30.1 -2&9 0.85 0.99 0.7 1.13 126 0.85 73 1.43 1.03 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -1.8 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.1a 0.18 20 141 125 11497 8B -289 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.18 25 4 122 295 M114 8 -289 0.7 0.94 1.12 30 35 40 45 141 139 136 1 120 118 118 115 110 109 07 108 103 93 91 g0 89 85 84 83 82 -28.9 -2990.73 -28.9 -28.9 0.7 0.76 0.785 0.98 t.o1 1.04 1.0115 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.245 1 0.05 -14 7 o.as -1.4 0.18 o.1a 1 0.65 -1.4 1 OBS -1.4 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 1 13 QS 02 88 8 -20.0 0.81 1.09 1.27 55 130 112 104 101 87 81 -28.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 60 100 20 20 25 128 108 136 36 136 111 94 124 120 717 103 88 112 110 108 99 82 105 105 105 Be 73 96 93 91 80 68 87 85 83 728.9 -2&9 -26.8 -26.8 -26.6 0.85 099 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.13 1.26 0.85 0.9 0.94 1.31 1.43 1.03 1.08 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 1 85 -1.0 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 .1.4 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -1.4 7 0.85 A. 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.10 HardiePlank 5116 8 No.114' X 1-1/4" long Roofing nail Blind nail 2X4 wood Hem-lir 24 30 136 06 05 9 82 -26.8 0.7 0.98 1I 18 35 40 45 50 55 133 131 129 127 125 113 112 110 09 108 104 103 1(Y2 101 100 103 101 10D 98 97 88 87 85 85 [i4 81 80 79 78 78 -26.8 -28.8 -2&8 -26.8 26.8 0.73 0.7B 0.785 0.81 0.83 1.01 1.04 t.o65 1.08 L11 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.85 -7.4 0.16 0.19 t 0.85 -7.4 7 0.85 4.4 1 085 •1.4 1 085 -1.8 O.ta 0.1860 0.18111D 0.18 102 07 9 W 85 96 79 83 70 77 fib -2B.0 T8.8 0.85 0.99 1.13 128M60 Page 20 of 54 RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES. INC. 6801 WARNER AVENUE, 9376 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2300.11 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888.542 7343 Inro@jameshardie,com Table 4. Allowable Stress Deslbn .comnonwnt and rlarldlnn rrurl a,eaa...ea road *., w o .�.. ..._ . .. ..n . ti__ ._ Wind eed 3 second us 100 1o5 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 et ht 0 B 8 B 8 B B e B.. B. B -14.4 159 -.... -1 5 191 -1.. -28 244 . 88.3 32 7.0 41 46.8 52.1 -57.8 -63 .14.4 59 -1.5 -9.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 370 47 . 46.8 578 -63.7 14.4 5 17,5 19.1 20.8 4 . 88Z5 4. ,1 521 -57.8 -63. 144 -5.9 -10.5 -9.1 -208 -24.4 . -0.20 . 6.8 -521 -57.8 -03.730 3 -15.1 -16.8 48.2 . . 44 -29.5 -33.9 38.6 -43.5 48.8 -54.4 -60.2 -66.440 157 17.3 19,0 -20.7 -226 6 -30.7 -353 40.1 45358 566 62.7 17 9.45 1&2 17.9 96 24 2.9 27.37 36.4 -015 -06.8 55 755 64.8 -71.418.7 -2. 27 37.8 28-083541 -B... 603 85 _73.755 ... 0.`0 28. 3 36 . .. ... 6 -75.6 100 -2 a -25.2 -3 .0 -33.8 38.9 43.3 7.8 •65. -74.0 -82.9 -92.4 - 024 - 29 Table % Allowable Shwa Desl90 - Colaponent and Claddlna IC 0 Pressures IPSR to hw Rwalatw t at variwna Un-a c- M. _ I. -A _ ..._ Wind Speed 3-second 100 05 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 18D 190 200 210 He" ht n C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0-16 -17.5 -19.3 -21.2 -23.2 -25.2 -29.6 -34.4 39.5 9 750.7 56.8 -63.3 -70. -77.3 20 25 -18.6 -20.5 -225 -24.6 -26.7 31.4 .36.4 -41.8 -47.5 -53.7 -60.2 -67.0 •74.3 •81.9 30 19.4 21.4 23,5 25.6 2.9 3211 38.0 -43.6 -49.6 56.0 52.8 -70.0 -77.8 -85-5 35 -20.2 -22.3 -2 .5 -28.7 -20.1 -34.2 -39.0 •45.5 -51.8 -58.4 -85.5 -73.0 - 0.9 -89.2 40 -20.8 -23,0 -25.2 -27.6 30.0 -35 2 -40.8 48.8 -53.3 -60.2 -67.5 -75.2 -83.3 -91.9 45 21.5 23. 26.0 28. 3 -9 36.3 -420 48.3 -54.9 -62.0 -69.5 -77.4 4 8 _94.6 50 22,0 -24.2 -26,6 29.1 3.6 37.1 -43.1 49.4 58.2 -63,5 -71.2 -79.3 -87.9 .90.9 55 225 24.8 27.2 -29.7 324 .0 441 50.6 57.6 65.0 729 -81-2 89.9 99.2 229 -25.2 27.7 30.3 33.0 -38.7 -04.9 51.5 -58.6 -66.2 -74.2 -827 791.8 -101.0 - 28 35.9 3 - -03. .8 .0 -63.8 -73. -83.4 -94.1 -105. - 17.6 -13 .3 - 43.6 Tabl9 & Allowablw Rtmaa nwaian _ Mmnnne..t e..d nr..wwu... •non. e____.._._ ........._ � _ .-_ _._._ � __ .._ .. _ .._ - _ _ _._ _ _ Wind Sneed second ousti 1 100 105 110 115 i 120 130 140 150 1 160 170 180 190 200 1 210 e hl D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 0.15 20 -21.2 .23.4 -2.7 -28.1 30.6 35.9 41.6 -47.8 54. -61.4 -6&8 -76.7 -85.0 •93.7 25 3 -2.6 27.0 •29,5 2.1 3.7 -43.7 50.1 -57.0 -64. -722 -WA .80.1 -98.2 30 -23.1 -23.8 -25 -28.4 -2&0 -29.0 -30.6 31.8 -33.3 34.5 39.0 -45.3 -520 59.1 -66.8 -74.9 -83.4 -92.4 -101.9 35 -24.5 -27.1 -29.7 325 35.3 -00.4 -0 -08.9 -0&1 -53.8 55.2 -61.3 59.2 -77.5 -86.4 -95.7 -105.5 0 25.2 27.7 30.5 -33.3 36,2 .5 -42.5 -49.3 -56.8 -62.8 64.4 -70.9 727 79.5 $1.5 -88.6 -90.9 -98.2 -100.7 -108.3 -111.0 45 50 -25.7 28.3 31.1 34.0 37,0 •43.4 -59.3 57.8 -65.7 -7 .2 83.2 -92.7 -1027 71133 55 2&2 -28.8 31.7 34.8 3 .7 -04-3 51.3 58.9 .67.1 -75.7 84.8 -9 .8 -104.8 -115.5 -28.6 29.3 32.2 3 .-2 36.3 A5.0 -522 99.9 -68.1 -76.9 -88.2 - 66.1 -106.4 =117.4 h •8 . -9 . 9:8 .133.4 7.9 - 63.0 Tables 4, 5, and 6 are based on ASCE 7-10 and consistent wHh the 2012 IBC, 2012 IRC and the 2010 Rodda Bunting Code. Page 10 of 54 f, y DEC 0 ,9 2017 o �o �� r' _ I;,s" � JamesHardie HardiePlank "�e Lapse tr ,, y-, FL EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2013 ME INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS - PRIMED & COLORPLUS� PRODUCTS Visit vvwmiarneshard,%comfor the most recent version. SELECT CEDARMILL° • SMOOTH • CUSTOM COLONIAL'" SMOOTH • CUSTOM COLONIAL'" ROUGHSAWN CUSTOM BEADED CEDARMILL° • CUSTOM BEADED SMOOTH a STRAIGHT -EDGE SHINGLE PLANK IMPORTANT FAILURE TO INSTALAND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WIT H APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND JAMES NARDiEWRIt ' BV APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEADTO PERSONAL INJURY, AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, VIOLATE LOCAL BUl.DINI G CODES, AND VOID THE PRODUCT ONLY WARRANTY. BEFORE INSTALLATION, CONFIRM THAT�DU ARE USING THE CORRECTHARDIIZONE"' PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION OF HZ100 PRODUCTS OUTSIDE AN HZ10O LOCATION Wil I VOID YOUR WARRANTY TO DETERMINE WHICH HARDIEZONE7 STORAGE & APPLIES TO YOUR LOCAT€ON,VISIT WWW.HARDIEZONE.COM OR CALL 1-865-942-7343 INSTRUG11011S Store flat and keep dry and covered pii&r INDOOF?5 ut to installation. Installing siding wet or W t� lVubpt�dlrstars I. user 1.Cutanlyusing score OM d ��.1:' c1. saturated may result in shrinkage at butt 2 U v gar q ®�� 2.Position cutting statMpW ffi,41 Y CORREC WORK joints. Carty planks on edge. Protect a. est LScore and snap INSPECTORS THA edges and comers from breakage. James 1 Shears (manual, electric a pmaimatic) - NEVER use a paver Y JC T Hardie is not responsible for damage b. Baer. L Dust reducing circular saw equipped weh a - NEVER use a circular T®ade tratlanadt caused by improper storage and handling HadeBlade° saw blade and FERAvacuum extraction -NEVER dry sweep— s F 1B66 �9BlrS, of the product. c.Good: LDust reducing dreuWsari Y0aHardEBladesawblade ,qua s, (only use for lm to moderate cutting) ImpodaatNae: For maxirratm protection povrstresp'rab".edust pro duclim),James Hardie reda}rriprentts atyrays drug "Besr'-letelcuUarg methods, where feasb!e. NIOSH-apprrnsd respiralors can be used in conjunction with above cutting practices to further reduce dust exposures Additional exposure inormation l at wsw.jameshardle.com to help you determine the most appropriate cuttng method for Sourjob requirements. If concern stil a dsts about exposure le do not canpyvrdh the above praidfces, lou should zMays mnsrlta quafiiFed industrial hyg!enistorcontact lamess Hardie for fudher infamatior iswaiiaUe %els or )ou GENERAL REQUIREMENT S: o HardiePlank" lap siding can be Installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24" o.c. or directly to minimum 7/16" thick OSB sheathing. See general fastening requirements. Irregularities in framing and sheathing can mirror through the finished application. o Information on installing James Hardie products over foam can be located in JH Tech Bulletin 19 at iamehardie.com A water -resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water -resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements. James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. James Hardie does manufacture Hardiftap' Weather Barrier, a non -woven non -perforated housewrap', which complies with building code requirements. v When installing James Hardie products all clearance details in figs. 3-14 must be followed. • Adjacent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local building codes - typically a minimum of 6" in the first 10'. Figure 1 Double Wall Sin left' e Do not use HardiePlank lap siding in fascia or trim applications. Construction construction o Do not install James Hardie products, such that they may remain in contactwith standing water realer-resisrue barrier let -in bracing • HardiePlank lap siding may be installed on flat vertical wall applications only. rikywoll or 24' o.c.max. o For larger projects, including commercial and multi -family projects, where the span of the osesheathing wall is significant in length, the designer and/or architect should take into consideration the coefficient of thermal expansion and moisture movement of the product in their design. These values can be found in the Technical Bulletin "Expansion Characteristics of James Hardie= Siding Products" at www.JamesHarcrie.com. DO NOT use stain, oiValkyd base paint, or powder coating on James Hardie° Products. INSTALLATION: JOINTTREATMENT One or more of the following joint P oint treatment options Figure 2 Nail linepf nail are required by code (3S referenced 2009IRC stud Tine is hatt present place R703.3.2J ;'h. fastener li A. Joint Flashing (James Hardie recommended) - _ behveen 3/4" & 1"from top B. Caulking' (Caulking is not recommended 'r�'erul IB•rmm of plank) / N� for ColorPlus for aesthetic reasons as the carder edgy of plank Caulking and ColorPlus will weather / �7 differently. For the same reason, flashing . 1 G °o� j water-resisfi e do not caulk nail heads on — COUN B DING � r ° bonier ° ColorPlus products.} Hare CO TAKE ° /o ° ` fastener C. "H' jointer cover i .. �� ,BY 01 ° Install a l 1/4" starter slip to D� tnstel planks"' S ° o n ensure a consistent plank angle I'i.AM AlvD pEIIL . MUST BE I{E T I�1 JOB Oli�AOINSL°EC'CIOiot WILL BE MARE. leave appmprete gap bameen planks and trim, then cauk-- Note. Feld painting over caulking may produce a sheen difference when compared to" field painted PrimePlus. 'Refer to Caulking section in these instructions. ror aaamonai mtormation on Harotewrap- weather Barrier, consult James Hardie at 1-866-4Hardie or mwi.hardiewrap.com WARNING: AVOID BREATHING SILICA DUST James Harde products contain respirable crystalline suTca, vvh ch ist novel to the State of Caufama to cause cancer and is considered b/!ARC and f be cause6cr, VrV:s1i.=:1 sources. Breathing excessive amounts of respirab!e s'dica dust can also cause a disabling and potentialy fatal lung disease raged silicosis, aid has en I I ta smoking may increase thesedit Duringinsta]lationorhandling:0)%Yorkinoutdoorareasittharrp!evenilation-(2)useribercemerdsheamforcuttergor,wherenotfeasble,useaHardieBlade'sawbidr@ and dust -reducing ciircularsaer attached to a HEPAvacuum; (3) vram others in the immediate area; (4) wear a properly -tilted, NOSH -approved dust mask or respirator (e.g. N-95) in accordance with aliftable government regulaEons and manufacturer instructiars to further lima respirab!e silica exposures During clean-up, use HEPA vacuums or%%atcleanup methods - never dry sweep. for further information, refer to our installation instructions and Material Safety Daly Sheet availabid atymNi fameshardlecorn or by calling 1-800-gHARD!E (1-800-942-7343). FAILUF E TO ADHEFE TO OUR VIARNNGS, MSD.S, AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD To SERIOUS PEPSONAL INIURY OR DEATH. b wa H311119-P7/4 6/13 ICLEARANCE AMD FLASHING REQUIREMENTS Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Roof to lull Horizontal Flashing lockout Flashing Slabs, Path, Steps to Siding Figure 7 Deck to Wall Figure 12 Drip Edge Z-Flashing Min. %4" Do not caulk Figure 8 Ground to Siding x a" Figure 9 Figure 10 Gutter to Siding Sheltered Areas Figure 13 Figure 14 Block Penetration Valley/Shingle Extension Ilf HAPPp"! AP-1p,11 rojo�l Figure 11 MortarlMasonry FASTENER REQUIREMENTS Blind Nailing is the preferred method of installation for HardiePlaN- lap siding products. Face nailing should only be used where required by code for high wind areas and must not be used in conjunction with Blind naiing (Please see JH Tech bulletin 17 for exemption when doing a repair). Pin -backed comers may be done for aesthetic purposes Only. Pin -backs shall be done with finish nails only, and are not a substitute for blind or face nailing. BLIND:NAILING I FACE NAILING Nails Wood Framing Nails - Wood Framing • Siding nag (0.09" shank g 0 ;22, HD x 2' long)_,,,_,, •�t�ga roofing r all•'(0+121'tjsf ank x 0.37r1� HD.x11r25-.ioong} /. • 6d (0.113" shank x 0.267" HD x 2" long) • Siding nail (0.09" shankx 0.221" HD x 2" long) . Screws - Steel Framing Screws - Steel Framing • Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 1/4" long x 0.375" HD) Screws must • Ribbed Bugle -head or equivalent (No. 8-18 x 1-518" long x penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. 0.323" HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing Nails - Steel Framing • ET & F Panelfast' nails or equivalent (0.10" shank x 0.313" HD x 1-112" long) • Er & F pin or equivalent (0.10" shank x 0.25" HD x 1-1/2" long) Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4" into metal framing. Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4" into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16" OSB minimum 7/16" • 11ga. roofing nail (0.121" shank 0.371" HD x 1.75" long) • Siding nail (0.09" shank 0.221" HD x 1-1/2" long)' • Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 5/8" long x 0.375" HD). sa" �-► Figure 15 Figure 16 Minimum overlap for Both Face and Blind Nailing !I min.1 114" ovedap i� II t �'I i� 1 114' min Overlap �.� O.C. max. 1 1l4' min. ovedap 31a'-1'— �� o ` face na0 water -resistive barrier '�— Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after installation of each course for ColorPlusO products. When face nailing to OSB, planks must be no greater than 91/4" wide and fasteners must be 12" o.c. or less. " Also see General Fastening Requirements; and when considering alternative fastening options refer to James Hardie's Technical Bulletin USTB 17 - Fastening Tips for HardlePlank° Lap Siding. HS11119-13214 6113 GENERAL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS Fasteners must be corrosion resistant, galvanized, or stainless steel. Electro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion. James Hardie recommends the use of quality, hot -dipped galvanized nails. James Hardie is not responsible for the corrosion resistance of fasteners. Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing James Hardte9 products near the ocean, large bodies of water, or in very humid climates. Manufacturers of ACO and CA preservative -treated wood recommend spacer materials or other physical barriers to prevent direct contact of ACO or CA preservative -treated wood and aluminum products. Fasteners used to attach HardieTdm Tabs to preservative -treated wood shall be of hot dipped zinc -coated galvanized steel or stainless steel and in accordance to 2009, IRC R317.3 or 2009 SC 2304.9.5. • Consult applicable product evaluation or listing for correct fasteners type and placement to achieve specified design wind loads. • NOTE: Published wind loads may not be applicable to all areas where Local Building Codes have specific jurisdiction. Consult James Hardie Technical Services If you are unsure of applicable compliance documentation. • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. • Fastener heads should fit snug against siring (no air space). (fig. A ) • Do not over -drive nail heads or drive nails at an angle. • If nail is countersunk, fill nail hole and add a nail. (fig. B) • For wood framing, under driven nails should be hit flush to the plank with a hammer (For steel framing, remove and replace nail). • NOTE Whenever structural member is present, HardiePlankshould be fastened with even spacing to the structural member. The tables allowing direct to OSB or plywood should only be used when traditional framing is not available. • Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, or clipped head nails. "- fo. NERM PNEUMATIC FASTENING James Hardie products can be hand nailed or fastened with a pneumatic tool. Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended. Set air pressure so that the fastener is driven snug with the surface of the siding. A flush mount attachment on the pneumatic tool is recommended. This will help control the depth the nail is driven. If setting the nail depth proves difficult, choose a setting that under drives the nail. (Drive under driven nails snug with a smooth faced hammer- Does not apply for installation to steel framing). . Q snug flush' Figure A countersunk, fill & add nail Figure B /q�s QP 0. DO NOT DO NOT under drive nails staple PAINTING IDO NOT use stain, oil/alkyd base paint, or powder coating on James Hardiep Products. James Hardie products must be painted within 180 days for primed product and 90 days for unprimed.100% acrylic topcoats are recommended. Do not paint when wet For application rates refer to paint manufacturers specifications. Back -rolling is recommended if the siding is sprayed. CUT EDGE TREATMENT Caulk, paint or prime all field cut edges. James Hardie touch-up kits are required to touch-up ColorPlus products. CAULKING For best results use an Elastomeric Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C920 Grade NS, Class 25 or higher or a Latex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C834. Caulking/Sealant must be applied in accordance with the caulking/sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Note: OSI Quad as well as some other caulking manufacturers do not allow tooling. COLORPLUS° TECHNOLOGY CAULKING, TOUGH -UP & LAMINATE • Care should be taken when handling and cutting James Hardie® ColorPlus® products. During installation use a wet soft cloth or soft brush to gently wipe off any residue or construction dust left on the product, then rinse with a garden hose. • Touch up nicks, scrapes and nail heads using the ColorPlus Technology touch-up applicator. Touch-up should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up, replace the damaged area with new HardiePlanK= lap siding with ColorPlus Technology. • Laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. • Terminate non -factory cut edges into trim where possible, and caulk. Color matched caulks are available from your ColorPlusP product dealer. o Treat all other non -factory cut edges using the ColorPlus Technology edge coaters, available from your ColorPlus product dealer. Note: James Hardie does not warrant the usage of third party touch-up or paints used as touch-up on James Hardie ColorPlus products. Problems with appearance or performance arising from use of third party touch-up paints or paints used as touch-up that are not James Hardie touch-up will not be covered under the James Hardie ColorPlus Limited Finish Warranty. PAINT ING JAMES HARDIE" SIDING AND TRIM PRODUCTS WITH COLORPLUS° TECHNOLOGY When repainting ColorPlus products, James Hardie recommends the following regarding surface preparation and topcoat application: ® Ensure the surface is clean, dry, and free of any dust, dirt, or mildew • Repriming is normally not necessary • 100% acrylic topcoats are recommended • DO NOT use stain, oil/alkyd base paint, or powder coating on James HardieP Products. • Apply finish coat in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage, application methods, and application temperature • DO NOT caulk nail heads when using ColorPlus products, refer to the ColorPlus touch-up section HS11119-PY4 6/13