HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1164 JAMBS A. PRANILIB, Master TO KASTER'S DBBD . rRABXLII LAID COMPAn ( THIS IID&BTURE. Made the 11th elay of June 1923. be~...n JaMs A. 'r&Jlklin 041 SPBOIAL KASTER II C~BRY. o~ the first par t. aDd frenklin Land COIIlJl&D7. a oorporatitn o~ the seooDll part: WllBBKlS. the Cirouit COlUt ot the 16th Judioial C11'0111 t ot t.he State o~ nor iela, in anC\ for the C01lDV of St. Laoi... in Chanoery. on the 24th day o~ August. 1921 among other tbings orel.red. a~jadged anel a.oreed, in a oert~in oaus. then pending in the said Court. between 'ranklin Land Company, a oorporation oomPlainant. and I1mer B. Hine- meyer ad! Gertrude A. Biumefer. his wife, defendants that t.he mortgaged premises mentioned in saiel deoree, and hereinafter particularly described, be sold by said >>Bster, at pUbllo auotion, the said Master fir~t giving four ..eks notioe of the time and plaoe of sBle. In a newspaper published in St. Lucie County in the said State. AID WH&RE.AS, the said S}II oial' Kaster, James A. hanklin and part.y of the tirst part, to these presents, in pursuance of the saiel order and deoree ot the said Court in Chanoery.diel, on the 4th ela)' ot June 1923, sell at publ10 auotion the said mortgaged \- premi.es, hereinafter particularly desoribed, having first given previous notioe ot the time and pl..e~ of sale, with 8 description of the said premiaes. agreeable to the order ator.said'; at which sale the said mortgaged premises. bereinatter particularly desoribed. ~~ ----- [ were solel to the said party of t~ second 'part for the sum of ODe Thousand Dolll,;rfl Dollars. that being the hi~est BWa bladen for the same. JIOW, THEREFORE, THIS IND~BTUR& WITlIBSSB'lH: That the said Speoial Kaster. in . 'order" to oarry into efteot the said sBle so made 88 aforesaid. in plUsuance of the said decree ot the said Court of Chanoary in consideration of the preuises, and of the said SUll L.~"'--- of One Thousand Dollars dollars, paid at the time of the execution hereof, by the said par ty of the second part to the said Special Kaster, the receipt whereof he does hereby aoknowledge, haR granted,'bargained and sold, aliened, released, oonveyed and confirmed. and b)' these presents does grant, bargain and sell, Blien. release. convey and confirm unto tho said pa%ty of the seoond part. and to its aucce8sor8 and assigns, forever, the certaIn paroels of land In the County of 3t. Lucie. State of Plorida, described as follows: Blook Two. Lots One, Two, Three and loar. of Section Seyen. !ownahip [ '!'hirty-saven, south ot Range lorty-one Baat, deaoribed aocording to plat of St. Luoie Garden'. reoorded in Book 1. Jage 35 of the Publio reoDrda of St. Luoie County. together with-all and Blngular the ri~hta. members. priTileg.., heredita;ents sad appurtenanoe. to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE ARD TO HOLD aU and 8ingular the aaid premi.es, abov~ menUoDed and eleBoribed, aDd hereby granted and conveyed. or Intend~d 80 to be. with the appurtenance8. unto the Baid party ot the 8eoln~~~ its 8tlOau.on and a.signs, ~~~~.AAAL ~~ ~l ~~~~BOl',~'ih' satrs;;Jrr:f.~a*t~ho;~e;;::a;:-~8aid. ha. .. hereunto Bet his hanel and seal, the 4&1' and year ~lrst a~ov. writt,n. Signed, 8ea~ed"and elellvered 1n the preaenoe ~f: Jaaes A. hanklln (aeal) Helen A\'81'1 ~t J. A. Yates .A.8 Special Kaster in Chanoery. afor esald. i- I j 503 ~ . ~ -,; , '"' 1;0; I; I" ! ; , ~ -... ,," ;1 I' j; ~ .;. ; ~.. ! ~~ : ~ ,~; f~ L: ! --; -:..;: . ~.' i~ ::~ ,;: j~ I! ,~ l~ '''' l' j { .~ ! ~~ a Id j\ -' 11 $.;; L! ~ ;~ ti oft :J :J 'f i r1 '~ J '< ,~ j J " ;! ;: ~ 4 j < :t . i 'l j :~ , .. , 1 -J! 1 :1 :} ~ .. 'i ~j ~ ~ ri I j s . . . 1: . ~t, _~~~~ '- ~ ~~ ~;. ~~. ~ ~:.:"I . . . '. "~. _ ~.~~..: r _ _ . _ . ~;. .- --: ~ + .~; .:::... ~ ~ -' i . '- . '''-'. "-' . . -,,:.1.; _ :_...:.. ~ -..- '1 ~(~:. -;. --;--r. . :~ \i :.'.< ~;':-<.: .....:J ):~~'