HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1271 I. ~- - ~ ,. , 10 .,..~ \. ___ a_o. .." ~"~IU!"U,:(", ._".l~.' WARRANTY DEED IlIDUll RIVER FAIDlS COVPAUY to Jom. })ERr 0; __'0- -=_~_~~.=.;:.-:.~_-_.:-::::-_-:::':--";::-":'-=;-.~.~:-':':"-:'_- ~--;~-";::,,~,,,=:---:-::'~-=~-:'=.=-..;.-:.-:::-== --:--=~-.-:::;:=;==--==:-;-.''':~~--=-~-~'';;-;:=--~-:-:::-_~~-:::--: Tms ItCDMTtJIlB, Mad~ th~ 31st <1:0.)' or Vay A_ ll. 19 2.L by Ib" I:';DlAN RI\'\iR FAR;\IS COll\'.-\NY. a _poration orc>niud and ~.Istinl unckr Ih~ I:o.ors 01 tb~ St.t~ or Florida. ""rly of tb~ fint ....rt. to John Bert 01 th~ COUDt)' 01 .ndStat~or Florida ....rt1. oltheSC<OD<1 part. WITNESSETH. That th~ said I'3rt). 01 th~ first p.ut. for ;lnd in conoi<l~r:ltion 01 tM sum 01 St. Lucie One ($1.00) I){)LURS. lawful mon~)' or tb~ t'oitro Sut.... and otllrr \1lIU1bl~ cons..lcrations. to it in b3Dd paid by tb~ said ('llt)' or Ih~ _d ....rt. ..t cr ~f...~ t"" ."....Iing 3JId d~Ii\'UY or tb~ I'<"""to. and th~ ~i"t ..hutof is hrr~by 3clooakdctd. b.\d u.ntN!. ....rc..iMtl. soIJ. rekaud. ronnyN! 3Il<I roof,"MtI. aDd by t~ p"'it'Dl. .1oM h..cby CraDI. oor(3in. ~U, rdn.... ron\~y and """firm unto tM ukI part1' 0111>. 3tCOOd p:>rt aM his h.irs aDd assi,w. in f~ simpl~ aU the hwl in St. I.ude Count).. Flori.b. dt"S<'lihtd as follo>n: The South Fifty (50) fect of Lot Do. One b) in Block 110. Two (2) In Booker T. 'Iashing- ton Addition to the City of Vero. Florida, as the same is designated on the plat of Indian IUver PanTIs Company's subdivision recorded in the office of the Clork of tho Cir- ouit Oourt in and for said County. RESTRICTIonS. 1. The purchaser must clear ~is lot of all underbrush or undesirable growth ;, within 90 days from date of ~uTcha8e. and in the event of biB not complying with this, .. the Company shall have the right to do suoh olearing and charge same to the purchaser. 3. That all buildings erected. must first compl;,r with the restrictions with re- ference to placerr.ent of building on the lot. and th~t no residencc shall be placed closer to the lot line than thirty (30) feet. Subjeot to all taxes and di tch assossments or any special assessmonts, if an:; be levie d. for the year 1922. and all subsequent tax~s and assessments. 2'4.........t. b_.....n.. u~~ li&'''~ ~ '- 'lI\oa 1 .i.. t!b_~." ...~_h.. 6Al tlit_k_...... Shu.u ~ (bll:' Vlat 01 U:fiI ~.d... ~ l)y nil r .,7 of-tb.: &~l ~. TO HAVH A:';D TO HOLD THE S.\MH. tocctMr .ith all the herrdil.3mrt1U aDd al'PurtcD3ncn thereunto Ixloogin,. unto the ...;,1 put)' of tl", ......0<"0<1 put and his hdrs and assign. iD fre simple forcftr_ ADd the..id party or the first ....rt).. ror iudl and its s!JCttS>Or<. ~ henb)" co'-nunt witb...iJ puty of the suood part. his "~irs. ~pl rt~l.3ti\'es. an.1 assig'" that it i5 indd'e2SibI)- StuN! or said land in f<c simple; that it h... fuU pow... and hwfnl rilhl to COIl"')" ..id bod ia r", simpt.,. as arort"5aiJ; th3t it shall he bmul for uid party or the -.I part. his h~irt,lcpl r.pnsml1ti\-e5. atWlL'Signs at all tim~ pncr.bl)' and quietly to 'DtrT upon. hold. oexupy. and enjoy said land; that ...id hnd is rroe from all nlCUmbnncrs; tbat it wtII Dl1k~ such fnth., llS6UT"""" to p~dttt th~ Ire simple tiU. to udl bod at IDa)' r~_b!y ~ rtquired. and tbat it does benby rull)" .arrant tbe titJ~ to ...id bod, and ..-ill def'Dd th~ DlDe "plDst the bwful cbiou or an pullOllS .bu<rnotnr. IN WITNESS WHI-:REOF. the ""rty of th~ 6rst part. 00 tb~ day and )-C2r first ..bo...., srritt.n, had ca.-d iu DallK to be signtd ..nd its _pont. seal to be affixN! to thev ('<<Vnts b)' its President and its Secretary. which officen ha\"e bren duly authorized an.-I ~mpow<red by resolution 01 the Ilo3rd or Du..:ton or the INDIAN RI\'F.R F.-\R~IS COlIPAXY. p3rt)' or th~ first part bereiD. toutcUte and ddh-er tbis dttd. IIIDIAH RIVER FAR1iS CO. By He~n J. Zeuch I] (C<<p- Sn~, It!t I'rC'Sidtnl. Sign<d. s.-akd a!l:J Dt-li\-ncd in Pr<~tt 01 us- Chatles Duncan Vera ~atterson It... Scctct3n" .. O..__;{. Schrum C501 Doc. stamp cancelled) ---- ---- -------------- -------------- -- ----. ----------- -- .-,--------------_.-- -- --_.~_._--,..__.------_._---------------- STATE OF IOWA, }u_ Couaty of Scott. I. an offittr <1u1y authoricro to tak~ ACkt:owkdg_nt. 1<> dudt. do htnb)' certify that on this day lltnoaally appea<<" ~forc ...... Herman J. Zeuch "nd Charles Duncan, to me ..11 "D01I'II as the l'rt1idcnt and Sttnt.uy. r~.p<cti...ly. of Ihe Iadun Rh...r F..rOll Company. t~ cupoution described in lhe fo<.png dttd . and th~yacknowl. <deN! befon: me that the)' _re duly aulboriztd by ...id corpor..tion to n<"CUt~ t.... furquios dud on its Ixhalf. and to sicn ils o..n.. and alii.. its seal therdo. lbat the 5<:&1 :<ftind tbucto is the CDr)lClr2.lc scaI 01 said corpor~tK>n. aDd that Rid ~ ln5 UtcUlN! by S3id awpc.ratio:1 f"" the purposes tbt:rdn u~'reucd.:lDd they 5C\-.:raU)' acknowl, edced th~ e..""",lion tbcrcof to be u..... frt< act aDJ d<<d at JUeh oftittn, foc the usu &ad pur~ tlltrcin mtntx-,l. and that th. ...id Io;trument_ is tbe act and dttd 01 uid corpor..!-t,ioa, _ /..' is WITSF..5S WH\;RF.OF, I h...-e ....~nto alIi,N! my 01_ and olIirial scaI. Ihi, 3t t~ City 01 Da\~nport. County and Stat. aloresaid. 31st da)' 01 Usy 1922 {N.r.SEAL) My Commission npir~ 'rances E. Plath Solary l'ubJic in aDd far Scott Count". 10.... July 4tn 1924. .:..::=----....:::=:r= _._:::=~~:_:_--==:::::~~~~:::~~=-_:___=_=_..::::.=.;..::,=__:_:_:_=~__==~_:.-_-::.=: :..-:=:--==:::-=====-=-:::=-::-:--.:- ~....:.=~:=_7=~------- , STATE OF FLOJUDA,} C4uDty or St. Lade. n~ rf RP.MEM8ERP.D. That on tbis 3rd da, of Apr i 1 A. D. 19 24 I, pC. vld td Clnlr or the Cirntit Court in and f"!. said County ha,e duly r<'Ull:dcd th~ fonr;oing \Jud in tb~lPublic Record.:r SatJ C:O:ntf. r IN WlTNF..5S WHHRF.OJl. I han: htrtUlllo at my hand &lid th~ wal or taid C....... tile day aDd ,car abo\~ wnttftl.. '~i" / (C'fCT.SUL) -\ , ReCOrll . ~.1ied ) P. C. Eldred/SEAL) Ckrlr Circuit Court. ~. ~~ \..-- .. [~puty Clrrlr .~~. By , \ " . :-~__.~. .'_ . .).-_ >..." " o.;<~-::. ~"-':-.. :.';' .- 0, -- '0' ...~ ' ,. . :- " . - ...:"; ,':' '::,~.,.::.. . ~', : <:..... <0 '" ~ .-"< : - + - - , . .,.. .. :~:~~':...:~,:/.:<~~: j:- \.