HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1311 50 Cor:t.. ...."u~'" (!).".~e-\,i" r " WARRANTY DEED tn IlIDIAN RIVER FARMS COUPANY WILLIAM L. WELLBR o --_._--~-----_.- --_._.,-~ - -~.__._- -._-- - --. .-.----. -_._- ------ --- --~..- -_._--- .. -- - --------------- ~---------.-~ ..-- ---- -- ...~_._-- ---- --_._--. -. ____.._______ ___._._____._h___ _____ .__._....__ __.'_____ ___. _._. ._ ._. ___. __ ._. __ _"___. _ _..___ .___.____ ____._ _____. _..___. .___._._ __ ____________ __ __ THIS INDENTnB, Made tbe 18th lla)' of August A n.1924 ,1')'lhe ISIlI.\=-: RIVER fAR:\IS CO~II'AS\', a corporation Ofl.nbed I1IId ubtL'lI undor the b",. oIlhe State 01 l'lorids, pally 01 the firsl 1'.111. 10 William L. Uueller 01 tbe COUIIly 01 Soott and Stat. 01 Iowa put)' 01 tbe _,J pall. WIl'=-:ESSh'TII, Tb:lt the said ""rt). 01 the first ",,'I, loc and in ron<id<ntioa oIlh" sum of One ( .1. 00 ) I>OLL.-\R!', 1a.IIIIII>llmY or the Vnilw SI:ltos" aud olh.. \1lluahk ~....tions, to it in lund p3iJ h)' Ihe said party c.I the stroll.! pall, at 0' belore the OM<",linl and deli\wy 01 those prOloOllt., and tho <<<<il'l ,..belool is hercb)' ad:rKl1l1wJCtd, bd vsntttl. bal(ainaI, ""'d, rek-a.w, ron\~)'N an<l coofilmcd, ap.d by t...... p."wn.. dOM bel.by lrant, balrain. 00:11. rek~, roan)' and """firm uoto the S3itl palt)' 01 the _'OI\d ""rt ;tOO his h.ir. and assigns, in I~ simp~ aU Ihe hnd in SI. I,ucir Coonl)', 1'lorUla, do.;cribW as l..no..s: The &as~ Twenty (20) acres of Traot Seven (7). all of Traots Eight (8). Nine (9) Ten (10) . Eleven (11). Twelve (12). Thirteen (13). 'ourteen (14). Fifteen (16). Wld Sixtoen (16) in Section ~wonty-rour (24); also all of Seotions Twenty-five (26) and Thirty-six (36); all in Township Thirty-three (33) South. ~nnge Thirty-eight (38) East. containing One-thousand six-hun~red sixty and 02/100 (1660.02) acrea more or loss. as the same is designnted on the la8~ general plat or lands of the Indian ~i ver Farms Company. filed in the of:f1ce of the Clerk of the CircUit Court. in Saint Lucie County. Plorida. SUbJeot to all taxes and ditch assessments or any special assossments if any be levied for ~he year 1~24. an~ all subsequent taxes and assessments. F.x~pt, hO.....\~I, the rirht 01 ..y IOf pllblic rocllts, draWl" an..... aud dit<hes as she.... OIl tho pial 01 said lands made by the pari, 01 tile first p.ut, TO HAVI-: AND TO HOLD Till-: S..UIH. tog.th.. .ith alllhe bc.wit:lmcnls and appllftonaccn tbe.tunli) btlonaing, Uilto the sai.1 "'fly 01 the ..-cond PXlt and bis hdrs and assign, in loe simple lor.\'... ,\nd the aid puty or the lint p3fty, lor itse.ll and its SUCttSSOfs. does brnhy co\...runl ..itb sai.IJMII)' 01 the sr<:ond pari, hi. h.irs, !taxI ..prcsenl.1ti\'e!l, aDd a,,,.ign. that it'is inddoasibly Rittd 01 said land in ltt simplt; that it Iou lull po.... and Ia.lul liltht to coony said bnd in lot >inri>le, as ar..c:uiJ; tb;tt il sbU be .....lul IOf $;lid party 01 the St<VDd ""rt, bit hein,ltgaJ .tpresentatil'ts. and assigns at all times puttably and <JWetly to ."It. upoa, hold. OCCUP)', and enjoy uid land; th.1t said bod i. IIOC: rrom aU ODC11!DbI'UIoCU; tJut it will make such rurtbu &S$UlilRCU to perlect the Itt simplr titl~ to sz:d land ILS lIlil)' rUiOGably be l.quirW, anJ th;tt it 00es bor.by lull)' ....rrant the tilk to said bnd, and will ddond tbe urn<: a(:linst the lawful daims 01 aD pcnnns .bom._n.. IN WITNE5S WIIERE(),F. thr p3rt)' 01 the first part. on Ihe day and )'cn 6rstabove wrrittert. bad caU$W i~ aame to be sipled and its rorporate seal to be affi...d Ii) tbosr pr...eob by its pf(~mt and i15 J~" ...icb 08iun ba\'r hem duly autlwrittd and empo...cd by .osolulioo 01 the B<>>rd or Di"tton of tho 1:-i'D1AN RI\'ER FAR:\IS CO:\IPAX\', ",,'I)' 01 the first part rria. to urcule and delh-c. thi. doed, Indian Ri ver Parms Co. . By Herman J. Zeuch rc...p. Seal It. I'rnideat Charles Duncan Signed, Sr'alnl and D.linr P......n~ of us: I Dorothy U. Baoh -.- Its Secular)' O. H...,Schrum '-~~_'-""'_~,,"=,'~p. PQ,=2:.c>J'''.=EJ ~~p~_~~.=_-=c'=-:, STATE OF IOWA. }ss. Connly of Scott. I, an ofli<n' dul)' autborittd Ii) tAb ackno...lodvaents 10 duds, do bcroby ullily that 011 this day ptr>OGally appearw berfA'e 1IIr, Herman J. Zeuoh and Charles Dunoan Ii) _ ".11 kno.a ,.,. the Prosidont &Dol Strutary, rr:spedi\-dy, of the IndiaD Rinl Fums Ccmpany, the: CtJrpllI'iltiou de.cribW in thr> lorr&OiDl doW . and ~.y adD01<I. ~ brf...e me tbat thc:y .we dilly authuriud by ..ud rorporatioo to e...cuto the IOfq<Aac dttd on its bebaJl, aad to sign its Il1DK< and affix its s.eaJ thc:rdo, thai tho ~ aJliud th..eto is thc: corP0f3te seal 01 s.Ud e<<pOfatioo, and that said deed ..... tlecUltd b)' said wrpontioo rt>< thc: ~ thcrrin rlpn...w, and thoy sneraBy atkno.l- ed&td thc: UtlCUtioo th~nllll tD be theu f,u act ..nd doW as sudr oI6tt'" r... thc: uso and pur~ tha~in -..tiooaI, and tbat tire said in.uum.nt i. thc: ad aDd d~d of <aid corporation, IX WITXESS WHEREOI', I ba\'e Ire-cunto aIIi.w my _me and oc'6cW snl. this 18th day 01 August 19 24 at the Cit)' of Danuporl. Counly and State alorrsaid (H.P.Seal) i &rna L. Bokort =-:otary l'ublkin and lor Scott County. 10... ~Iy Commission upir.. July 4th 1927 @) I STATE OF FLORIDA, \ Connly of 51, Lode. J . BH IT Jl.El\IEllBF.RI-:D, That OIl this 29 ~r 01 Sep t. A, D. 1924 I, p. C.' Bldrec1 ~ol thc: Ciralit Court in and IOf $;lid County baTe dilly .cconkd the forqoinC DeW ia Ibe l'ublk Rtrord. 01 said Couaty, hI) IN WITNESS WHEREOft, I baft IKJ_ art Diy..... ~"'r -' 01 aid Court, the day.... rear.boft wriUca, ~~'<it" (Ct. Ct. Se al) P. C. Eldred rSE,-\L) Clod: Cirnlit Court ~ Ily ~ ~ . .Deputy Cklk ~ -.,...... 7r~(' ~:::~ (f!':~~:;, ,>/: ,': '.' -:~"~\"..:",~~:~i~<"~~":" ~~.:<: .. -" . - . - : < - -. -