HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1316 65 , ~C>. i\. 1A",,:>t,. ,~~. "'.tC'.a1 [' __nl I t \ I . I ! f ~ I s i i ; ~ WARRANTY DEED to IllDIAll ;lIV3H ?ARJ.:S CO~ J. L. l:llIGHT .-.---.--.---.----------.-----.-..-..---..~----, --.." - -.. --.-"---...--------.-,-----------~-.- -______ ___ _____u__ .- ------.-. -----.----~--.----------.- --.--.---....- ----..-...- .--....--.-------.--._.______ ___.______.._.____0.__... ____. l'mSlNDUTURB,~bdethe 11th day 01 Ootober INDIAN RI\'J.:R FARMS CO~n'A=-:\'. a rorpontion orlraciud and tlistins undel tbe h". oflbe Stal~ 01 l'loritla, tnlly 01 the linl p;lrt, to A. I), 19 24 . by tbe J. L. Knight of th~ Counly 01 and Stale of Plor it.:.a tnlty 01 the 5ItWDd pari. WITN":SSETII, That the S3id !'.lIt)' 01 Ibe fint p3rt. lor and in comid..ation 01 the sum 01 One (.al. 00) I>OI.I_\RS, bwlul U>;)Qe)' 01 the l'nitod Statts, and othu \'a1uabt~ ronsid<rations. tn it in lund F'lid by the said I'art)' of tbe SOt'Olld palt, at Cr belOl~ tbe en_ling an.1 ddinl)' 01 tbose p:'<'St"Ilh, and tbe P.'ttil'l .. h.,oof is hereby ad:nowlwgw, had granted, bar(.1intd, solJ, I....astd, ronnYN and ronf1f'nW, ..nd b)' these plt'Wnts doo1; hu.b)' (lant, Inrg:.;... \ell, re~, roo\~ llnd confirm u..to the aitll'ut). 01 Ibe s<<ond p;lrt and hi> t..irs and 3.....i(l1S. in Ice simple ..II the bnd in SI. Ludt' Count)', Flori.j~. dostribW :u 1ollo",: st. Luoie '. (7) in 3look 1fo. ~wenty-eight (28) in on the plat of the Indian Hiver farms ~lar}: of the Uircuit Oourt in and for ~3STRICTIOlIS. 1. The purchaser r.lUst clear his lot of all underbrush or uudersirable growth wi thin 90 days' :rrom <late 01' ~)Urcbase', ~d in the event of his not complying wi th this, the ;::ompe..ny stall hln-e the !ight to <10 such cloaring at n cost not to exceed $10.00 per lot nnd chnrge sume to .the purcnaser. 2. That the uurchftserJ. will, within one year from date, ~ least :rive orhnncntal ~reos on the lot, and at leost two and. curb lino, which will bo cared for by tho Campan;? lit purchnsar is no t on the ground. ~. That all ou11d.1:'.gs erected, oust first CO:':1pl~' with tr..e restrictions with ra1'crence to placement ot' building on the lot and tl:ut no residence shall be plncod ..:loser to tte lot lil~e tl:an 'thirty (:10) :feeft and no ::mildhllS shall be erected wi thin the restricted district which entail an expelll\i'ture 01' 1038 than 3600.00, wi thout speoial per::,ission of the CO;3pany. All buildings. inolllding roofs, shall be painted withiu 90 d~;s froT:l c')IJpletion. This contr:.ct applies obly to lots in the restrict,}d dis<;;rict ill t.he city of 'lero, &s is shown on the Company's plot ,)f the fero townsite. Lot no. Seven 1s desi gila ted. O1'fice ot' the ~he city of Vero, Floridn, os the Oompan;'s subdivision recorded in S8 id Oounty. sOrJe the set or cause to h~ve set out, at ornn[1iH~tal trees between the sidewalk a nouinnl cost, ie the evant t~nt [ Subject to all taxed both regular and special, if an:: be levied i'or the ;"eor 19::'3 ll::d all subsequent taxiJ:3 l.nd llssessme:, ts. ~r. h<1tI~ ~ ~&frt el_r\erpBhlir _.ts:-<kai_"'<'IIJIll..,..Jtd.di~Iw_ .be.~__~..Itl....J.Iao4..aola &.J'-tII..p&JtJlotil ~ &\.p&ll_ To IIA \'B AXD TO HOLD Tim s.\~m, t<>getbor .ith ..II the boreditamcnts ..nd appurtonanttS tbo,<unto belonging, unto tbe said put)' 01 tbr S<<OItd I'alt ..nd bis beir..and ..~n' in Ice simple lor.\'.r. And thr said p3fty of thr first put)., lor itsoU and its SIJCUSS(J<<, docs hueby (O\'.nrot ..ith saitl p3lt)' or the S<<'OIId tnlt, his boirs. !<-gal r.l'r"~lIlati\~. and as.ign< lhat it is io'lddt"&Sibly sciud 01 said bod in Ice: simple; that It bas lull po." and h..lul .;(bllo conn)' said hnd in Ice simple. as alon:.t.aid; that il shall be Ia..lul ror <aid part)' 01 the 1<<0:1<1 p3rt, hi< h.irs, kpt nprosr..tati"",,, and a..<sigm at all times pc.1..."bly and qu1"11~' 10 ~nl.r Upoll, hold, OC\.....P)', and .ujoy said land; that said hud is rroe Irom all =mbuOttS; that it ....0 mal. "",h furthu assur....Cl'S to pttf,ct tbe Ice: siml'lt' till. 10 sa~ land &5 may rouonably be loqUirW, ..nd that il docs h....by rull)' warrant tbe titlo to said had, ..nd will ddend thr 5.1,..., against the ......f..1 claim, 01 ..U porsons ..hO!I1<OC\'er. IS WITXF.5S WHF.RF.OF, tht' party 01 the lint pul, 00 the day and )'car first abo\'C> ..ritt.n. bad Clused its uam. to be signw and ils c:orporat~ seal to be affi.w to tbne \l'l'OKnts b)' its Presi.r~nl tar}', which offittn ba,~ hem duly au,horizN and empow...-d by nsoIution 01 the Board 01 Dirtttors 01 th~ ISDIAS RI\'EK FAR:loIS CO~IP.\XY. p3fty 01 e 6nt part b. i.., to ..""'te and deliy.. this d<<d. By Indi n r. Hi vor ~'CirI:1S Jo. Horraon J. Zouoh I.. I',..i<k..t n~ of U~: ChLrlos :;)U110an Dorothy M. Baoh Its Sttr.tar~' o. E.. . Schrum ...... -_c==~.,--~~1.,~ Qf).~dQc~-=~ tm.nlL.cOJl.~7'~-_~--o===~c====' .-- -- ---- -_.~------ ------,------._---~ --.- ---.--------. ---'________.__.._ .u__________ STATE OP IOWA, }s... C<>uoty of &ott. I,lUI oo;.",r 001)' autb<>riud to tal" adOOlOkdgments todet.ds, do ht,reby ttrtir)' that on this da)' p<r>DIWly appnrro belOf<' IIM:. lierman J. Zeuch and CharI es :ir.moan to 11M: ...11 knowu as the Pr.wJent an.1 ~crd;uy, r.spoctinl)'. oIlhc InJun Kivor Farms Company, the rol'l'oution <kscrrbetl in tb. lorL'lroing dtt<1 , and th.y arlo:no.l- wceoJ bolore me that tb.)' werc duly autboriud by said ~poration 10 ,,,,,,,,to 11:. roregoio& dttd on its l",haIl, and 10 ,uK" it. DlInc and alii" its scaI ~huclo, thaI th~ seal allind thcroto is tl:e ~al. _I of s.~id <or1'o<1l1oo, and that said dttd wa, executed by sai,! rorpo....lion for th~ purposn theroin '''prcssW, and they se'~raUy ulo: nowl , WgN the uenrlioo Uw,rtol to be tlw'r f_ 3d and dttd as such c;ffict,rs. lor the uses and purposn lhenin IIM:ntio3od, and thai the uid instrumtnt is the act and dcod 01 ....id cocpor..tioo, IN WIT=-:F~ 11 th day 01 o~to b'Jr 19 24 ..t tlw- Cily 0( Da\' -~------------------------_._._---------------------- ~------ ----------.--.----- -'--.- --------- .'~---'---"- ---.--. .------.----.-----.--- ~._- - :';rll8 L. 3cksrt Notar,.Publit:inandforSrottCount)'.lora MyCommis<ionnpirt< July 4th, 1927 ~ [........... '. , ~ ; STAU OP nORmA. \ County of St, Lade, ) DB IT RF.~n>:\IDERE{), That 011 tbis I. P. C. 31dred Public kKOnh 01 said County, IN WITNESS WI 24 da,.of Oct A, D, 1924 Cluk of the Cirntit Court in and lor S.1id County ban dul)' rororckd the lorecoing Dttd in Ihe I ban: btttunto at lilY band ~ war of sald Court, the da,. and year abon written, () n o . ,~ g C") '4 1'. C. 31dred .. .(SI!.\L) Cluk Cirntit COUlt. ICt'~~)1 8)' ~ ~ . ..I~puty Clttk I~ i ... i ! ': : ;,:.,_..';; .'>:';}: ,( s,:):' ,'. c. _ '~., .....:.::.' "\' ?~~:; ~.;: : ~ .';'. -. .: ". ~~~> '; ~ ~'~:~)i:;-:2~~ . ":.-. -~