HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1337 I. 76 "o.D.aall~U~;:" \~..".\C'oi\lo r I ~ WARRANTY DEED INDIAN RIVIm PARKS OOMPANY 10 0"0 H. SOBRW a =.=-=::.-= =::::::::=--===-___~~...~:~.=_==_-,:._=:_=....~=::;:..-.;.=:::::._':.,_..-. -.:-:-=:. :-..-::- ~ _ ~'.7_~-=-_"::'-=' .":::-~'=7_-;-_-::-~ --: - ~~.~-:-::-.- =-=":"':;":!...~~-__=__~n._=,:,:~--:=.-===:~C"::-;-: -..,:.-- TIDS INDENTURE, Made the 318\ da)' or )(arah A. D, 19 24. Ioy t\tc I~()I.\N RI\'ER, P,\R:l.IS COMPANY. a corporatioo <<poized and ..\istiuJC un.lrr tbe bws of th.. Sute 01 FIoctda, palty 01 the (lnt put. to Otto H. Sohrum olthe County 01 !\'ott and Slate 01 ;to party 01 the _d part, \\'ITNJ>SSDII, That the $lid ",,'I)' 01 tbe 6rst p<lIl. loc and In oacuidcr.otioCl 01 the sum 01 . One (A1.00) I)QI,I..\RS, bwful mOIl.)' of the Unit... Stat~ and olb.. ...ahuble COIIsid<-rations, to it in h.1nd paid by 1i,';; said put). or the _d pall. at or 1...1."... t\tc e....-:oling "n<l dtli\~ry of th.... pr_nt., and Ihe .......il't .bt'ftOl b b.nhy a.kn,".kdled. had gnntw. Inr(alnw. sold. rtltased. connycd and ron'"med. and b:or these l'rt'Wnts doo1; h....b). (rant. bal(\in. ...11. nkast, toIlvt)' aDd ronfirm unto th.. said ""rt). oIlh.. _d part and his h..irs and :usi(fU, in Ice simple a;t th.. bnd in St. tun. Count)', florid.. d.'$ClibM as loIlow" Raet !wenty (20) aore. of the Weet thirty (3Q) aores of traot \.0 (2) in .eotion eeven (7) Township thirty-two (32) louth, range thirty-nine (39) 8as\, al the .ame is design- ated on the la.t general plat of land. of the Indian River ParmB Oomp8D1, riled in the offioe of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court of st. Luoie County, P10rida. Subjeo\ to all taxeB and di\oh aBBeBBments or 8D1 speoial aBs..sments if any be levied for the year 1924, and all subsequent taxel and aSee88m.n's. E.<tpl. hownor. tho rigbl 01 ..ay IOf public: 1O.lds. drainage ..nsl.. and ditchts as shOtrlJ DO the plat of..id lands made by Ihe p3fty 01 the first palt., TO HA\'F. A~D TO HOLD THE S..\ME, tog.th.. with aU the b..witammts an') apl'urlcnsnces tb...unlo belongiar. unto the Solid put). 01 the S<<ond put and bis h.,irs and assign' in loe simple (onnr. And th" 13id p3rty 01 the fint psrl)', lor itstU and its 5UCttS5OfS. dots bcnb)' to\~n1nt with said puty 01 th" _d palt, his h.irs, Iopl r"pRSOntati\'~, and "...i!:n. that it is indolcasibly st:i.ed 01 said land in loe simple; thAt il ha. full powtr and lawlul riihl to roa\'.~' S3id land in Ire simple, as aIOl'tUi,l; thAt il shan be lawful lor uid party of the S<<OlId ""rt, bis heirs,lopl ..pr....nlati\~, amf:u;igns al all timos pc3<:ubly and qu;'lly to .,nttr upon. b.lld, occupy, and mjoy uid bnd; that said bnd is Ir... 110m aU mcumbrl.tlC6; tbat it ,"II n.akc .uch Imher assuranttS to pclf..,t th.. Ice simple titl., 10 u;.t bod as may ..ucoaNy be ITquind. and lbat it does h....by lully warr.wt the titk 10 sa;,l bud, aud wiIJ dolond th" S1rne agai...st the bwr:rl cbims of "D poISOns ..hoauoo...,r. IN WITNess WHEREOP. the party or the fint put. DO the day and )'..r fint abon mlt.n, bad cauKd its JUDIe to he ,igned and its corporate ~I to be affi,w to th~ prnents hy ii' Prtsidenland its getrttary, trbich oIIittn ha\'C! been duly authorirod 3IId ompo_rtd by rC!50lution 01 the 801rd 01 Dirt<:ton or the 1~J)fA=-: RI\'ER FAR:l.IS CmlPANY, p3rty oIlhe first ",,~rcin. to uocute and doliV'Cr tbls doW. IlJDIAN RIV~ P AlUlS CO (~""l . ";);,~ \ By H8RlWI J. ZEUOH . (Corp. Stall It. I'rcsid.nl J Signed, S<-altd and DrIiTorW ia P~n... 01 us: ~. CH.lRLBS DUlICAB .., . YOn. P. ll'8e1 Doro~_bJ 11. laob. Its S<<tdar~' .C~~"-'~.~ ===-_=~~_~: .~.-==-~:.o.~l~~ ."!.-t~c~~~~._'~ .~~]..=--==_~. STATE 0' IOWA, Connty of Scott, I. an offittr duly authorized to tal.. ad:nowkdgmtnts to <keds. do hel.Ior ttrtily that 011 this day pcnoaally apptarW belOf. roe. Herman J. Benoh }ss , and Charl.. Dunoan to me ....0 k......" as the Pr..idmt aDd So.T.tary. r<<l'<<tinly, or the Indian Rh-n .'alll15 Company. the ccwporation r!eKribW in th" lor~oing dttd . and Ih"y arkoo..t, al&w beloro me that 1My _re duly authoriz.d by said corponti06 to exteutc: the IOfocoinr doed on it> bebalf. and to sign iL' n1me and affix its st:allhc:r.to. that the ...al allixed thn.IO is the corporate sal oIlUid ccwpoulion. and that said dttd ....s e,~t'" by uld corporation lor the purposn tootin elproswd. and they "n~rally .c1:r.....I, edged the erOCl:tioo thutol to be tMIJ' I~ act and deed as sucb oftittn, 10: tbt u.... and purposes tbt-r..in mcntioMd, and that tilt uid iR5tr.Jmtnt is the act and d.~ 01 <aid rorpoI'at;on. I=-: WITNF,SS WIIEREOP. I tn.~." he-eunlo affiud my name and oIIicial-'. this at tbe Cily 01 Da\'ftIporl. County and Statyl<.<<said 31st day 01 lIaroh 1924 My CoramissioCl expirts ~ltt;.,IfJ a.l1m.1 Count)'. Iowa July 4th 192.. H. P. Seal u~_u I STATE OF FLORIDA, } CowlIJ of SI. Lucie. BB IT RHAlE:\tBJ>RED, That DO this 6th day or , J~ A, D. 19 26 I, P C !LDR&D Cluk or the Ciralit Court in and I.". sUI COXInly ban: duly rtcordnl the ror~ D<<d In tbe l'ublico Rcrord, 01 uid ~ount:, IN WITNESS \\'IlEREOP. I ban: \lneuato set my ~ tlw waI of .id Court, tbe day .ad y...r aboft .nUea, ~ P. C. &lJ)RED fa) "7 ~ 1rQ ~ ~ Ot. Ot. S~ fSE.\L) r'~.... _ ~ 1_ ,...I'L Cluk Circuit Court. II)' / ~ ~PUIYCkrk ,.: ::~(:T; ::'< >'t"'?::~Y;~ -~"'.-.."" . '. - . .'~ "...~:-~:\~::-{~~~(::;:~.