HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1340 [ -'-'r'O" I I j I t f [ [:.:..... ;. t 79 !lof').. ....1lI..u~:U. '~.U.,......h~ WARRANTY DEED IIlDIAR RIVER 'ARKS CO to ROBBRT D. CAR!BR -----------.- -~_.. .-- --- ..,-- - ------- ------- --.-.-----.--.. ---.. --.. -___~____~___.._. __ _____.___~_____ __.__..____ - '._____ ___.-0 _.._._____ __ __. "-'-~----'-'-"--' ------- --.-...'.---------.----. ------- "---- -."- ----...--.------.---..---...- --- --_...-.._-..-- - ---- - .-. THIS INDIlICTUR.B, Miule the 20\h tb)' 01 "ebruer)' I=-:OIA=-: Rl\'llR F,\R:\JS COMl'AX\'. a ror\>Clatioo or(aniud and u:.ting und... tb.. bIOs 01 the Slate 01 Florida., p3rty 01 tb.. first put. to Rober' D. Car\er A 0, II) 23 . t.)' th.. '1 oIth.Countyol S\. Luoie and State-of Plorida pUI)' oflbe S<<'ODd I"'rt. WIT=-:F.SSF.TII, Th1t tbe ...i.t p3lty 01 the 6rst 1>.:111:101 and in roasid.ratiou 01 the sum 01 One ($1.00) OOI.URS. b..lul "'on..)' 01 the l'nitro Stairs. and olber \-alu:lble ronsid.utions. to it in band pcli,J by tbe ...itl p.lrty 01 tb.. SttOnd "".t, at cr belore 11:<: CIlSNlinC and d.li,'.,y 01 tbesc prosC'Ilt.. and tbe rtttipt .".roof is her..by ad:no.kdgw, h.1d (l1ntw, biu.cainw, sold, rek:>..<ed, <OIIvcy.d:and rollfllTllCd, aud by those pr~nts dtx. but-by (rant. barpill wll. rcka.sc. <011\")' and COI!/irm unto lite said puty 01 Ib.. srcond put and bis heirs and ~,in lco simpk aU the bud in St. Luc~ Count)', I'b;.t.. dosnibt-d.n 10110.." Lot Ho. Pive (6) in Block Ho. One (1). In Booker T. Waehinston Addition to \he ~ity o~ Vero, Florida, as the 88me is de.isnated on the plat o~ Indian River Parms Compan)'ts subdivi8ion reoorded in the offioe o~ the Clerk.of the Cirouit Court in and for ..14 Count,. RRSTBICTIOlIS. 1.The purohaser mus\ olear his lot of all underbrush or undesirable srowth within 90 481. from date of purohaee, and in the evellt of his not oompl)'ins with this. the Comp- any shall have the riSht to do suoh olear,~ !, That all buildings ereoted, must first oomply with the re8triotions with refer- enoe to plaoement of building on the lot, and tba\ no residenoe ahall be plaoed oloser to the lot line than tbirt)' (30) ~eet. Subjeot to all \axes and speoial aseessments due and payable after this dato. E1~JI'V"'~""'-~';IlOY"---OOllll "'~)eIQft~~~~I:.r..,.!_.A-A,~Ib~ TO IIA\'E AXD TO 1I0LD TilE s..\~m, lo~<tb., _ilb all tb. huwitam.nts and apparlrn:lllttS th...unlo t..1on"ing, unto the S:li.1 puty 01 the SOCODd ""rt and his heirs and assigu. in I~ simpl. Cor.\..,r. And the said !'.lrt)' 01 th.. first palt)', IOf iL<.1l a.:1d it. sUCttSSorS, duos ".,.b)" conlUnl .ith ...i,II':1II)' 01 tbe 5l'COnd !'.lIt. his b.irs, kg:lllcproscntatin., and a.....ign.< that it is inddc:a.ihly ..,iud of said hod in I~simple; tbat it Ius lull po...r anJ b"I\1J ri~ltt to coo".y ...i.1 hnd in Ice simple, a. aloros:>.id; thaI it sh.111 b~ t."lul lor <:lid p3fty 01 the SKond part, hi. b.in, k,alnpr_ntati\'e5, and a.ssi"n.s:lt all times ~accably aIld quietly to .ater u~_. hold. OC'CUpy, ar.d .njoy Slid bad; th:lt said bnd i.; Irre Crom all encumblluttS; that it ..II malo.. sl.K'b lurth.r llSSUfanttS to ~.Ioct the It:<' simpl.. tiU.. to ...;.t bnd .. ma)' I..uooabl)' be roquirw, a",l that il do>es h.,<b)' lully W'arra':.t the lilk to said "n.J. and '"'!;ldead.~~ s:llne ""ainst the b.luJ dlims 01 all P<'rsons .hO'...5<<,..,. IX WlTxtsS WHF.RE ,the- p3rty .;"be first part, 00 tbe d:l)' and )'03.r first abo\'e ..rilt.n. bad caused ils n:lltlC' to be signW and its rorporate seal to be affixed to thC'$e p~ts by it. l'rrsidcn nd its Scorotary. .,!icb oIIittn bne boen doly authorized and empo....w by losoJution ollhe noo..1 01 Diroctors 01 the IX[)J"\X RI\'F.R I'.\R~IS CO~IPANY, p311)' 01 he first part bonin. to ........t.. and dC'lh'er this dttd, INDIAlI BIVRR "ARIlS CO #~~,.: t". ....u } By H3RllAl1 J. Z8UCH It,. Pr~Hl~nt VERA P. HAGEL CHARLES DUHCAN Its Sc:-..:n'.J.r~- 0... H. SCHBUJI --- ----..-.--------. -- -- .--.-.---- ---"--------- .--"-------.-- ___._._ _ _ ._.___..__ __h._ .._ __._ ._ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ . __....__ ~-- -------- .---- "-- -.-----.--- "------- STATE OF IOWA, }os. County of Scott. I. an oDic", duly "otboriud to t..le ackno....kdgmmts 10 ckech. do h~r.by certily tbat on this day ~15OI13II)' appearw belore roo, Herman J. Zeuoh and Charles Duncan . to me "en known as the I',....xul and Se-<n:tuy, Icsp~di\'t'Jy. 01 the In,lian RiYC'r r-'arms ('omI'3'.Y. the rorpor.1tion ck!.cribcd in tbe lo<r,oing doW , an.1 th.)' :ackno"l- wgoo before me that t""y ....e dol)' 8utborir..d by Slid COfP"f.tion to cnn1t~ the lorexcing dttd on ils behalf, and to .;gn its name and afIU its se~ therrlo, that the seal affixw thert:lo is the corporate seal of Slid <Xlfpo....tioo. and t:.at said dttd .as elttUt..l by said corporation lor the purposn tlkrdn e.prC<5Cd.:lad the)' .u'....U)' aclmu..I, wg.d the eucution thtlcollO ~ the" II"" ait .and dt..,.) as sucb oIIittrs. loc the u..-. and purpose. ther.in IDC'f1tiomd, and tbat the ....id i~tn1tlKnl is tho acl an.1 d~ 01 ....id corporation, / I=-: W1TXtsS WilEREOJl, I han he-cunto affixw DIY Dame and 08irial......1 tbio at the City 01 Dannport. Gounty and Slate alorCS3id. 'N.~.~' 20tb .ebruary day 01 JI)23 ~Iy Commis.ion <xpim PR!HCRS E. PLATH Xotary I'ublic in and lor Scott Counlr, Io.a July 4th 1924, ------ ~- --..-- ------ ---- ------ ._-~-- ~-~--_._-------- ------.-.-------- ~----~--_.~------- --_._-----_._--~--~-----_. --....-------- ------.--- _._- _. ...- .--------.-- -------~ ------_._--- .------.-,----- -----------------.- -- -- ~- -_.- STATE OF FLOIUDA. " Cotmty of St. Lacle, J . ..~ BF. IT RE!om~IBI~I}oI.D, Tb..t on tbis 6\h day 01 Jan A, o. 1926 I, P. C. $DRSD Ckrk 01 the Cinuit COUll in and (Of said Count)' bave doly rKOrded the IOfego;ng Dttd in the Public R.,..,.d. 01 said Counb', t I=-: WIT!\F..ss WIW-.REOF, I ba\~ hereunto srt DIY band aoo tlw _I 'Court, the day and y.... above 1ITit.tC'll' '.. . ,/ .. P. C. 3LDRED (SEALI z& ~ Ckrk Circuil Court. C\. Ot~ Se.l :; " _' .' L?L _ I:JJ ~IYCIoI" ,I%) ~Q. .,/~ >:,.: ./:\':t/:' ~':a-'~'~:~-\~~ '. ~f I ~ '. :. . ; ~_~ _ --: ~~~~:'t~:: a. M'~_~ ~ ~_~- -- . ." $~::~'~ ~"'~'-_:: ~ ,.~- ~'"