HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1354 93 __'-'." D, .~.'UO. I'. ~"I I!. ~00.;1. I' ( T 1 , i 1 : I ! WARRANTY DEED T ) ,. tn INDIAN RIVER P ARKS CO. NEWton R. FROST ,----==-~-=.- ..:~=..=~~--=.::.=.~~=.--=. -==-..==-_~.:-===...=":.-=.::_;;:;==:..= ':":'_:' ':'"--=:. -..; ;-=-=:;;-_--- "---'-:=':;:=---:::='="-_~~-~7.=-==-~-=~-'_. ---- :::=--=~~..::..-=~=:-:-_--.:..-~:-_-=:.:~..:.-:-_~ Tms I1fDUTURB, Made the 9th da)' of Deoember ,\ n. 1924 ,b)' the I=-:DIAX RI\'F.R F,\RMS CO~IP,\=-:Y a corporatioa ....canized aDd nistiq .....J., th~ I...,. 01 the Stale 01 Jo1orida. I'l'ly 01 the fint put, 10 lIe1l10n R. Prlet oIth~COUDtyol RlUD8ey ud Sute of Kinneaota party of the-.J part. WITXF.SSETII, nut the said p3f1y of the 6rst part. lor ...... ill roruidttation 01 1M 5UIIi 01 One ('1.00) . I>OLI-\RS. lawful ~ o! the l"aitecl SUtts, aDd ot:'>ff ,-ahDble a>asickrations, to it ill hand paid by the said put)' of t!:t' KCOOd palt. at cr belOfe the motaling and dolinry 01 these prttDt.. aDd the ncript.br:roof is bonby actDowled,od, Jnd (lUlted. barcainW. sold, rckased, con\~ and COIlIirmw. and by those pr.,..-nts ~ Iwrt'by eranl. bnr~"ill. ...u. nJease. CCGn,' aDd oocfirm U!lto the said p3ft)' 01 the K<oad p2rt and his heirs aDd :usigns. ill loe .uaptc aU the b,'ld in St, Lucie Count)', Flor,.b. ~hw:u 10110." !. tbe _e8t thirty ~d 80/100 (30.80) aorea of ~raot Eleven (11). and the Weat ten and 81/100 (10.81) aorea of ~ract ~en (10), in Seotion .en (10), township thirty-three (33) South, ~ang6 2htrt,-nine (39) Aast, in all oontaining 'orty-one and 61/100 (41.61) aores more or 1es8, a8 toe same is desi~ated on thG last general plat of lands of the Indian Biver larms Co~pany. filed in the office of the Clerk of the -irouit ~ourt. Saint Luoit Gounty. 'lorida. I Subjeot to a~taxes and diton assessments or any speoial 8~8essments if any be levied for toe ,ear 1925. and all subsequent taxes and aasessments. K,i,;,' ( Exttpt. bo"na. U:e ~bl of >ny foe public- loW. ~ canals, and ditches as s!>o.... 011 the pial 01 said 1ands made by the part)' 01 the fir<t ""rt, TO HA \'E AS 0 TO HOLD TilE S.\~IE. I~thtr with aU U:e hcr.lIitamrnU and appurt~ theleunto belonging, unto the nid I'ut)' 01 the SttOOd p3rt and h:. heirs a:>d asair-:. in foe simple fon..",. ' And the said p;lrt:r of tbt tint part)'. for it.>dl a.cd its~. ~ benby cm~111nt "itb said p.1rty 01111<0 5<<000 pall, his hcin. k~:ll ropnsenbtin's, and assiJCn< th.at it is iDde{cuibIy soU:ed of said land ill loe _ple; th>t it b:u lun power and l.1"ful ri,tht to COQ\'ey said IL'ld in loe simple. as aloros:>id; that it sh311 ..., ""'ul IOf <aid ~y 01 tJ>e secoacl part. his heirs,loga] ropnstntati\.... and assiCUS at all timu pe1<eably and quktly t!l t'0((I upon. bold. "".:up)". and enjoy S.1iJ "nd; th:>.t said bud i; Ir..... Irom aU oncumbn1>C'OS; that it .uJ mak. oach lortbtt usnnncu to porfect the fee oiD:ple title to u;d land as may ...1.SODab1y be r.quirt<!. an.! tb.1t il does hercb)' lull)' ~t tbe ti!lo to sail! bad. and wiIJ ddond the same apmst the h...,ul claims 01 aU puSOllS .hom.oO\'u. IS \\'1TSESS WHEREOF. the tJ>e fun part, on the cU)' a....s )'Clr first abo\.., .-riu.... bad caused itslU!De to ~ signcd and its corporate seat to be aJfu.w to tbae pnllnlts by its Pr.sident and' Sttrrlary, idJ otfittn ban beaJ doly authorUw arK empo'ftrCd by r"":ution oflhe Iloonl 01 Dirmors cl th~ I:'\DlAX RI\'ER F,\RYS CO~IPAXY.p3rtyof partberrin,t ftCUteandddi\'Uthisdttd, Indian River i'ar:ns Co. By Herman J. Zeuoh It, Prcsidt'nt 01 u" gnarles >>unoan Dorothy K. Baoh O. H..-Schrum . It. Secl.br)' J~ ~OO ,~~,Qg~._ _~1:~p,s _~ ~,~==---O='='=_~~~'=",-~7 o-_o~_~-=~-===--=--== STATE or IOWA. }ss. eo.raty 01 Scott. I, aD o5a:r daly authorized to l3ke ackDCJlrIod(IDCDts to doNs. do Iwrt'by ttrtily tbat oa this day p<crsorully appored bclon 1Ilt', Herman J. Zeuoh Charles Duncan and 10 _ wdI ~ as the PrnidtDt and &-::ntary, respectinfy. 01 the In1iaa Rh~r Farms Company, the corporation desaibW in the IOfocoing deW ,and tl:.yacl<nowl- ~ brion me tlrat t1ey WttO duJy a~ by said corporation to Cl<<ut" tbr 100000iag oleed on its behall. and to silCD its ruIDC and aJfu. its scaJ Iburto, l!tat the """I 31IUcd tbeRtD is the corporate se:a1 of sUd corporum. aDd that said dttd ..... <:ucutw by said c:upontion lex the pur~ therein upnssod, and they su'\C...Dy a<:l<oo..I, edged the euc:atioa theno( to be the... free act alld deed .. ouclr oft;cu.. I.. tbt' uses aM pulpo<es tb<1'~in mentiooW, and tbat the said UutrUmetit is th~ act 'and dotd ,.., Wd cuporatioa. IX \\'ITSF.SS \\' . baft he-nrnto alfuod my name and oftirial ooaI. this at the City of D:nulpor Cocmty aDd . 9th day of Deoember 19 24 ij:',. t ~ STATE (I' n.OIUDA, " c-ty of St. Luci.. J BE IT RElfEM.BERF.D, TlIat 011 this 26 day of Jen. A, D, 19 25 I. P. c. Eldred 'I-n of the Circuit Court in and I.. said Cocmty haft doly recorded the fort'Coina Dttd ill the PldlIic R<<ordo of said CClUIlly, 1P.. IX \\'lTSESS WHEREOF, I Inn: benuato Rt Dr)" band and ~ooaI 01 said Coart. the day aDd year &bon written, Charles Grilk XOUry Public in and lor Srott Cowrt)'.lowa M.yCommis'iooupirn July 4th. 1924. ~ lid 'U ~ p.e. Jlldrod ... .(SEAL) Clttlc Circuit Court. By (!~ iJ~ .. . Doputy Cleric /:':);~. :,:,;;: ~.' \:';(. , ry' -.. ,; . ;, ~\: ~':~~~~:~:\~;'-'~'-'~