HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1412 151 [Ii':.... l'>' ~!~ t~ 1\.' fIHDI.\:l mn, ?.\-~'S -~'TAlrr. . ! -------- - I -,------.- I ! ~ ~ ~ i i j ~ ~.O..&a......~rt~t... "i:.I~.l:,,='S. WARRANTY DEED ~. ~ :; to William C. H. Heuok -- -~~--_.._._-_._..-------------- -.-.- ---- -_._- -.. -_._--_.~---_._------. -.._----- ----.. --- - ----_..._----~------ .-------------- --.---.------.---..-- -- ----------~-+-- --..--- - ..---- --.---- ----. ._------- ++-- Tms IMDUTUJUl, Mati" the 6th <b)' of IrQ INDJAN RI)'IlR PARMS CO:\II'AN\'. a corpontioa or~al!iud and uistinc nnd.. Ib.. b... of tbe Stal~ of I'bida, I'llt)' 01 the fusl part. to A n. II) JUS . b)' th~ William C. H. H.uok of the County 01 800" and State of Ion put)' of tb.. sccond put. WITNHSSIITII, Thsl th.. $lid put)' 01 the first put, for and in co'1.<id<r.llion of th.. swn 01 9 On. (11.00) HOLLARS. b.luI -y of tbe rnittd StatH, and oth.. \':lIuable romid<fatiolls. to it in hand paid b)' th.. said ~.ty of th.. sn:ond put, at c. L..fon th..<'tUt-:llinx and ddi"'f)' of thtst pn$tnt" aod Lh.. r.....ipt ..htrrol is be,.,by ad;no.ltdrrd. h:ld cra.nloo. barcai..oo, soW. ,ekasOO. cO:1\"r)'td and C<lnflfmtd, and by th_ p.csrnts dOo.~ htrrb)' cnnl. b:lrpin. ~I. nle:l2, ((lO\'t)' and confirm unlo Ihe $lid p:ltl)' of th.. S<<<<!d "",I :lod his hti.. a:1d :u.si;tDS. in f... simple alllhr Ltnd in 51, Lucit County, FIori,h. d....'Ti!>td as 1ollo...: fraote On. (1), !wo (8), 8.T.n (V), Bight (8), Bin. (9), !.n (10), Bl.T.n (11), W.., lfh1rV and 40/100 (~.40) aoree ot !rao' :rourt..n (14.), !raote Pltt..n (16), and 8b;.. '''11 (16) 1n 8.0"on 8iz (6), !cnrnllhlp 'h1J't7..bo (as) DaUB' !hlJ't7..n1n. (89) Baetl .1eo '!raot !w'lT' (18) alll the ..., ftlrty and 84/100 (ZO.U) .or.. ot !raot !hlrt..n (13), and 'h' Wes' '.n an4 89/100 (10/100) .or.e ot 'raot Pounlln (U), 8.oUon 8ntntlln (1 V) , !ownebip 'hiriy..thr.. (83) 8outh, Bana' !blrty..nln. (39) Ba.t, ~l1ns Pour HUD4red 81ldy )llY, .Dd 46/100 (466.46) .on. 180ft or 1.ee. !hI purp08. oftb1e d..d 1. to oorr.ot .rror 1n .ddr'Bs ot GraDt.t in D..d dat'd Varoh 8th, 1984. [ Ihttpt, hO...t\...... Ih~ right of ..a)' for public ,o.lJs, dninagr l'3IIar., and ditch..... sho...n on Lh" pht 01 said bnds made by Ibe party 01 the fast pa.t, TO HAVE A~D TO HOLD TIfH s.\~m. to;telhcr with all .he h~fl-dit.lm.nts and appurlen"l~ tb..tunto btlonging. unto th.. said put,. 01 tbe s<<ond put and bis heirs and :ASSigns in I.., simp)., forenr. And Ibr said p,..t)' of I.... first puly, for itstll and its s~s, dotS brew)" conRan I ";111 said put)- of the s<<ood pa.t, his h..irs, l<'gal .ep......ntath-.s, and assigns that it is ioddeasibJ)' scized 01 nid Ltnd in f.,., sin'\lI..; Ih31 it has full potrr:r an<l b..Cul ri~ht to COO,,,,)' said hnd in f... simp.... as afor.-said; tb:lt it sh:lll "" h..cul for uid poartYof Lh.. s<<ond poa.., his ....irs. kp.I rtpr<Sftlt:lti\'ts. and assigns at all timts ptattabh' and qui~t1y to tr:tt r upo~. hold. OCCUP)-, and tnjo}' ui,j bud; Lhal said hnd is Crt<' rrom all alCUmbnncts; Lh,t il will mak" ,neb furLhtr assu'olDtt.S to perltct Lh.. It<' simpk Litle 10 sa;.] und. ~ '1U)' rt~b1y be rtquirtd, and that il dots htrcb)' rully .,UT3Dt tb.. tit'" to S:lid hnd, and .,11 <kEtod th.. $Ome .c:>inst thtl1..ful chim, of all ptnoDS ..homsot\'u, I~ WITNESS WIIHREOP. th th.. lint put. on I.... doly and y"'"' lirsl aoo\" ..nlt.... had callStd its 1U_ to b., sirned and its corporatr scal to bt aJlhtd to thtse prtOtnts by its I'rtsidtnt an Sco-eu".. 'h olIittn ba\'t Lem 0.1,,])' :lulhoriltd and ~mpo....c:d by '''''''ulioa of tht 8o,rd of Dirtctors 01 the IX VIAX RI\'J;R FAR:\JS CO~II'.\XY. lurt)' of tli 1St part L..rtin. t~ .<<ut.. and dtli.-.r this lkro, In41an B1 y.r :r.1'IIB CO. B)' H.r.D J. lIuob Sigotd, St-altd and Its p.rsMknt h ])orot~ M. Baob ..0. H~ 8,~hrua Charl.. Dunoan. Its Sttrcluy -------------_..~- ----------- ---------.- ------ --...--- -------+- ---.----.----..-- ---'-- --- ------- --- ---.-..- -.----_____ ___ u__+__.___..__ __ _ ____ ___ -_...... -___~ ______u__ _____~___ ____ _________ ________.____ STAlE OJ' JOWA, } County of StolL ss J, an Ilflictt duly authorized to tab acknollrltdiwtnts to dttds. do I-,tltby ce.tify 111at on this day pu""wly apprartd bdore...... H.:r.an J. I.uoh and Charl.. lhm,08D. to me wrll known.... 1M P,<'Si<knt and 5<-=0.)" r...pectin')', of the Ind..n Rinr Farms Company. th.. corporalion dtsctib.,d in th~ fOl'<Coin, dttd . and I~.e)' aclmowl- td!;td b..fon m.. tli.at they .....r duly aut.boriztd by S3id corporation tl) CJ<cut< t1." fort;;oinc "uti on its L..balf. .nd tl) sip it. n~_ and nllU: its _I tllntto, that the S~"21 affixtd thtttlo is the corpo.-..te seal 01 S3id corpoutio:J, :md that said dttd .... ..s<cutcl by !>aid corporation loc the purpootS thtrtin npnsstd. and tbe)' sc\,.,all)' admo"I, tdeed the utcUtion thtnof to bt to.... I.... act and dttd as SIKh olIico:rs. lor the usn and purposes tbruin mmtio:Jed, and that the ...id instru_nt is th~ act and dt<'d 01 said coq>o<ation, [,.....'....... , 'i " ., IStJa day of Ka7 1926 1r8Z'T7 B. .......r. C . P. 8..1) --:--.. Notary Publi.,;n and for Stott Count:'. 10";' , My Commissior. ..spirts do, ~ / # / q :z. Z ==-=-==,' C' ~-~--==~.~-=--~._'-~=.,- ~-==-~,=.~~.-=--~-=-,c-.o-o'" '"_ ''''--==-=_==0-,===,- ~'n=~~=,~'=-=c',-=c~, .o.~-=.=~,~==~ I STATE A, 1 Coaaty of St, Lude, J Be IT RHlII!MIIF.RJ-;D. That 00 this 8V.. . 1b dolyof KIll' . A, D, 19 26. I. p. C. Kltnt Orlt of t.... Cirruit Court in and lor said Coual)' ba\"!, duly rrcordtd the for<coinll>ttd in th~ l'ublie Rtmrd. of said Count)'. ~ IN ."F. 'WI~I!RF.OP. J haft btt~unto Itt my Itand a~... ttaJ of said Court. the day and y...r abaft wntt...., a..1J II?;;:::Z (SEAL) ~ /' ('It.t Circuit Court. . ~~Dt~tYC~'k .~ .:' :<;~:/. < :T.:-~ /0' , __ ',',~' ~:.- "-~~.~~/<~~:Z2~~. ,,' -=- . . ~ -- - - ~