HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1483 22 ..,...-....... --. . .. a. - ..;.;;... ... ..,. Ttlll lNDRNTURF.. Made 1hI. '-4 t.b _day of Joh:q ~h9r~8Qd pattie, B.. .~horn. hie .if,. of the Co.lJ of St. Luo 1e 'nd Stal.. of lk1ry Hoot of the CluIJ of_~t. Lunj,(I ~nd State of j'l~ WITNESSETH. Tbu the $lid part.llJt of \be 6nt put" f~ ud ill alIUlduatioa of the sam of- Jun. 0\. D. 19~ BiTWEEN :rlorida ps~ of the 6nl part. and put~,_ of the lICCood p1rt. J TAn dO'lA1"8 am nt.hGl" va) llllh'A oonaid.el"lltion ~hoL ia IlaDd paid, tile receipt .hereof is btreby acbowlcdctd. ". ve DoIbu. &. . >.tIed. baraaiMd. IOId and lnDsferrtd. and by thrse pr..stflls do ...... bupia. se1I aDd trausfcr unto the said ~ of the aecODd put aDd_har Mira and assigns fo,nu. all that certain parcel of land IJing and baDg in the CoantJ of norida :3 10 0 j,y,tlJL .__-and Stal.. oi more puticalarly described al follows: ...fhLWAet. tAn end Aij-'hty_t"nul" hnndl".aA (10.84) sareA o-f treat Sixteen 11~~o.!.12lL~U\ -LlQ,h ~O\lnBh1n thirty-three (3~)~irtlLH8nge thirty-nine (39) 38et. 88 the_I!~I!!!!.-.!_~__ ...Atl..Bi.4alued on the 168t genel'el 1>let of .l,ji.JldLQJ. the Indien BinX' ~'srm8 l.lo.-.!ped_1E_ the office of the I.llerk of the ~ircuit I.lourt. of ~t. Luoie Oounty. Ylorids. TOGETHER with all tit<' tmtmmts. hertditamtnts. and a~rttQancts. With """Y p,i~ilcg.., ri!lht. tilk, inltrtst and e<lal... dolO''' aI.d right of . do,"" rt\'trsioo, rtmain&r and ~mmt thttrto bdoo8in& or m anywise apperlaining. TO HAVE A~D TO HOLD tbt same in fee simple for....r, And the said part_iLsof the first pa,t 00,_ covenant "ith lbo: said pa,t.-3-, of th.. s<<oed part thaLthe~.-U.r.e. lawiully stiztd ) of tht oaK! prtmi..... that they an fru from all U1cUmbrancu and tbaL,tb.Q y,_h8_Ve, good righl and I~....iul authority to ..II Ihe ....,.; and 111<: said part..-.!~ 'i\f \be first part 00.,_ hcreby fully warranl tho: tillt to said land. and will dtfend the sa_ again.t the b.-ful claims of all person!" ..hom~\"f'r. Ill: \\'IT~ESS WHEREOF. Ih.. said parL~e eo and It'ar abo\"e wriUe-o. rt ha.....!e__btrtunto '.L,_~.!!_e i r__._---=------.hand..~ and ..aL~~ the day . Si;(ntd, S,,~.d and I}.,linrtd in our Prc.entt: 1) .._ hhPaul Ji... JUsle,.._,_.._..,__..,.._..__. (.J..~.. srs 1) "0. 0." _ H.. . ..i.iuthire -,...,__ __m...._"...._....'m_ -- '..- ~ I , ' I -~/ ..... . ,0." John'ihorn "0."0."_'_ .......,.._,.._.._..._.... .0.' mh ,(&~l) ., 'h'h__ He.ttle . r;. '.L'horn .._....__.____.....m._...._"'_,_..(s,al.l ~:~::~:o~.~,_~~:~':~~~~:~~1:..~~=::=':~'=~~=:=~--"~:~~=:=~:=~= } I HEIU::BY CERTIFY. Tb2t on this..._._.. _n.__<. 14th-....... ...1:,:" I_.~,- -- June ptnooa1ly apptartd ____,_.._iJQhnhfhorn hand Halt.1e ~o ..;L'horn. _ hie. Wii:a._..,..,_.__,_ . h" ".._......._--\, D, 1923-_. btforc m.. t.:> n:e "r.o,,'n to bo: the ","OILS dtscribcd jn and who utCuled Ih.. i',rrog "og C<Jn\C)an<c to,......,..,.._..,... U!>.r y _ ~.Qo.k. ,.....:...,_..,..__ .m..'..'....._....,. and nvtraUy acknotrlc:dgtd the cxttU.ion IM,.of to) \,.,....,...tb.e.Jr._. m__.ir..: art :In.l ,I~ for lh<' c.:, ~nj l'urpo5<< .!t.r..in mm.ir_d: and Ihe .~1.l _,_....,_____.l!s1. tIe.. ~.. _ ~horn_, . _,,_.....____..___ m"_"__"" .' .. _ '_h___h_.._____,_.....,.__.__,___.___, _, 0.0.' 1M "if.. of Ihc said Joh!~ ThOr.!l,.__,_....._..__...h____,_.__.,..,.._.. __'__,..___.._______,._,___,_."_..__.____,._. ,_ Oft a sq>arat.. and print.. cu.mnalioo laun and made by and bo:iorc ....., and "pa-raldy. and apart from her said husband,. did ;;cKlIOY<ltdg. th~t sh<' mad.. bo:r,,\i a party to lhe said Deed of Con~ for the purpost of ,mouncing. rtlinqui,biDg and conv..ying all btr right, tit!., and inter..t. whtth<'r of dowtr or of sq>arak proprrty .talutory or cquilabk in and to the lands thunn duc,ib<'d. and that Ib.. ..xecukd said dttd frt<'ly and .-oIunt.arilT ano! witbo"t any eon,train\, fear, apprtbm.ion Qr compulsion 01 cr from bo:r said husband. . WITXESS my sipatur. and officUl ...al. :&L_..,... Yero~...~lor .1d!L,....,.,. . ....-,.---,.,-".,..----,---,--__....._,___,___,...in th.. CoU"ty oi .._~:t..,,-,J~ua.1e ___u....._,..__,....."..,..__,.uHI Slale oL,__,_.__...,..__,.,~'l.orldl!___.._ __,_____"....,,___,..th. day and "tar last ~foresaioJ. @ . ..._~cuL.H:..,Uiale ...... ___ ,.__,....'___.__...____.... ,.m_...eSt'a!.) Juetioe of the Penoe. 6th Diet. St. Luoie County, ~lorida I I I , . i I I i I ~. 'I ~/ STATE OF FLORIDA. } County of SL Lade. ~ 'I' ~: , f; On this ' 16th_,_..,._..day of_,____ "unl---,..,--.- . ........._.__,.", D, 192,.3_..., al.....,_____,_..___,__o'c1ock. __,__....11. this instnmwnt was likd for record. aod btina daly ~lc:dced aDd pronn. I have "corded the satM 00 pace...-..---.- 22 -_,..___.._,.of Bod[._,_.~.~____,__._~ in obIic Record. of said Count)", I~ WITNESS WH .. F, I ha ba.....to Sd lilY band aDd afLud the $<'al of the Circuit Court of \be- Fiftttath Judicial CU,uit of ~d State fr. :lnd for said COUIIty. _.__"..,.,~~ !...g~Lt~_______.CI"k. .J~.A/J!~. ~ D. c. ~ .. ,,--' . -Xi*' ~. . . . .., . -- . ....- ~~'1 ~<~ji~"-, .~ - ~_~,~~~~>,.>~':~~~~:~ -. _- c ,_~' ::.:~_.,.:.-.~ ':'.:. '.::' , \: .. ". .. ,:. .~ ~.....w._ ~ '. '-_' ~ _