HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1556 95' __.:.....:..:.:.....__-..;.,.a ~,. ;~...' I i \.. THIS INDENTURE, Uade ~ 1 Sa.._~_day of Rat'l' Jaoklon. w"Oneao. Ja.)[8011. . Theodore . Jaok80Q of the County' of_aa1I1LLuo..le ~ Slate of v- 1l.lIIia bines. puty ot tht.-8eooncl part.! M7 -7-.>/ - . A. D. 19-U BETWEEN v V--' " Ileaal ti ~ Jaokaon ~l)..,.Eli.e' Jaolcaou. :rlor.1.~ . ... .part.1e.a of the &rtt part. and of the County of..__..s&1llt-ltuct.ll___ ''',d State of_.n.0I.14&.a..___~part..y-- of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the Aid part1e.a. of tbe first part. (or and iA comideration of the sum of . - - -- - - - Stztl- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dolbr!l. tOnthem._ iA band paid, t!re receiPt whereof is hereby aclarowledged, ha..V4 __ granted. bargained, sold and transferred, and b)' these presents do- grant. bargain, sell and tram fer unto the laid partY._ of the .Ccond part and hel heirs and ass~s forner, aU that ttrtain par<<1 of land Irina and beiAg iA the Coonty ..f_..3.a1D.l._LD.cl.1Jl .and State of ..___ .l1.o.r1.d.a. more particularly described as follo,rs: HAg1nn1ng ,t .... n^""., ot H1r-t ot s1i n~ :lAot.i on #P'Q 9, R, gg .&..-TwIl..---- S), Rnn n1 ng HIW tl\ ( 6ee) li't. 'l'ltAn()A ~J:lIIlt. 1 9 9 Jilt,. 'l'ltenQ8-3.0.-Ui2..8l....1'.t. 'l'ltl!no.a._.______. __lbat...J..Il.::.:Lt. to ~n1nt ft~...B.ag..nn..ng~...c.ont8jn1ng 12) An1'AR Un1'a .ox-.1e.a.a.. / 'v This ~ an..!.. 1 Bin Rl ROk- #R A~r"" ng :tJLDr 8lI1ng.mada...b;y._.C..__;h_.8 tea.l..____...___..._.......__...n n ...-.-.--.-----------.-----. ~-----._--------_._--_._-,+.---._.__._---_._------_._._-.--....-..-..--..--.....-------.-.----.--.-----.-.--.--.--.--- tl r ! i I TOGETHER ,,'ith all the tonement.. hereditaments. and appurtenances. \\'ilh ..~r,. prh'il~e, righl. t'tk. interest an<J estate. dower and right (Of do...er, renrsion. remainder and ~ment thereto belonging (Or in an}-...ise appert~ining. TO II.\\'E AXD TO 1101.0 the same in fee simple forever. I And the !aid part.1aa of the 6rst part do_e8._ covenant with the said !""rti.-.. of the second part that.._.th4~halJ.e_lawfully ~il<d of the said premise., that they are free from all encumbrances and that_.the,. ..haVI.___....:.good right and lawfut authority to ..II the same; and the said partie.a.. of the 6rst part do &a_ hereb)' fully warrant the tillc to s~id bnd. and will deiend the same ag~inst the lawful claims of a.II I'Cr!-<'<ls whomsoen:r.' IX WITXE!:S WHEREOF. the said parLU8 of the 6rst part ha..B ..........herwnto seL_..the1%.__handL_ and ..aL.. _ the day "n.j Jear above ,.. ritttn. ..T..~'l"--.31ble.;y-.N....P...-----.--.-. 1 .... Ji..A..Bdgecaab.--------........---.-- t , I J ~igned. ~a!ed and Delinred in our Pre.entt: Hattie Jaokson (SHAL) L!oNeal JaokBon (SEAL) ..._. .Theodoxe . JaoksOD____.._______.__._.......... .(~a!.) irffJr }:o ~~~.~.~-..-..-~..--m-...-..--..- ...m h~ STATE OF -'l.tu:1d&..--=--_.._.___.....___....._._.... 1 C<:>unt). olnSa1n.t.-~4--------- .---.-.. ....- J I HEREBY CERTIFY. Thai on this._...._. lllth. .... _....._......n_...u.-!.1J of. ... ......... . Jul.y .- .... "_00' ...................._... ....-\. D. 192.3.~ hefore ll'.t r/ a./ pers.omlly appeared ____.Battz_..Taokson.. and .li'ou -.SOD;! y.........._... ,"'_.00' .-.... I r to me known to be the personS._ dcs<ribed in and who executed the foreg ring cOI1\'e,ance tlL.. ....... "- Kam1.e ..~1na8----...._---........_ and ..verady aclmowlcdged the execution thcr~o be.:_._......... .......u......_iru acl and dttd for the uses and purl"'stS therein mentioned; and the saId _Hat.t1.e._..Taokson.-U ...:the.-.W1ddow- af-.T... li. -.JMo.kSOD. tk.tl-~.. .._...______.___.~_u......._.. WITXESS mj signature and official seal. at..___.. W&basBO?___ ____.__....._. _...__...... ..__~_______..._.....in tM e....'nty t'f i II the wife of the Wd ..__.____...._..__........._n.____...__.___._.___.______...--.--...---- on a separate and private txaminaticln talttn and made by and before me, and separatel,. and apart from her said h~band. did acknowledge that she made herself a party to the Aid Deed of Coanyance. for the purpose of renouncing, relinqui.hir.g and COllYqing all her right. title and interest. whether of dower or of .eparate property statutory or equitable in and to the bnds therrin deKribed, :u>d that she utalled said deed freely and rohmtarily and wiilioot any copstraint. fear, apprehension or compulsicln of or from her said husband. .. u.. ...._.3.&1nthLDo1e.._____.and State oL..____norid.a...__...______._.__ (U. P. SeW.) . the day and Jtar last afor~said. I Hotall Publio fOI the State of Plorlda at . Large. My Comm18Bion axpir.. Deoember 18. 1926. ___T...ll.._.i1.ble3-_B.-.P..____._._u..__...( Sea!.) Bo~y Publio for the My Commi8a1on Expire8 December 18. 1936. STATE OF FLORIDA. } County of SL Lucie. ~ tlUs_.Ilth-._.__day oL______Augua~_.h.h---__U--^. D. 1?;6._~ a~lO.-.o.clock. _.__A...M1 this in.tnammt was filed for record, aDd beiAc dulr acbo_ledced anct pronn. I ba~e recorded the same 011 pace___.95 of . 62 ' Book._.__ ~ io the PobIic Record. of. said County. IN WIT~ESS WHEREOF, I have berCQJIto ~. m)' hand and afthed the _al of the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said State in aDd for said Count)'. p... ~ i., >-" .,., i _~~ V. Eldred, C ~ba..:~_,"_"'~'~ Cleric.. (qT. aT. SK}L), r ./ n.c <'.~.~ .~~~;,': < ~; '. /,:;.' ':',' r:~"-f