HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1615 -~~~"'-,~ . -- -------........-... --. <' 154 THI. INDaNTURF. Ma4e thb.. ~.p.~2-Dlp~l\ JlalY T. Qre,~ (W~dQ.) -cla7 of of> the A~\\EI~ :QQ~OnihQ1:, ~la! nf>hl(}. Hew .T8:t "87 -part-'b- of the fint part, and A. D. ~ !JETWEEN o~ lht C-lJ of ~n~]'ftet; .1'4 State of R. ita....i!ltes St. L~oU_ ."CI State of J'lorlda put~ of the I<<ODd part, o of th. Coot)' of WITNESSETH. That the pHI part_3- of the firM part" for lllId iD consideration of the SlUII of Ten Dollars & Other VQluable COQsidefations DoIlar~ to--hu- iD haDd paid, the receipt whereof b hereby acbowl~ ha.8... - aranted, barpiDed, sold and tnnsferred, and by these "resents do_(Ul._ arant, barpiD, KD and trusfcr an\:) the uid par~ of the IeCOlId part and_hiS_ hei" and .nips forenr. all that ccrWa paC(d pf bnd lJina ud btiag io the COIIntJof~.~t. I.un! ",. sod State of _p__.Flor.1da more particolarl, ckKribed.t follows: . Lot Thh,t8en (13) Rlonk One (1) of Hopkins SubdivIsion &a..J!BZ-llla.t reoorded in BOOk 3. Pa~e 18.. Publio reoords St. Luoie CountL.i!.9.!J~~_~____ '" ~ J .j! .1 :! ;~ 1~ I 1 f j . .-.-------..-- ----_..-..-... ----._--~ .-------------..---------- ---------------. - .----------..--..-.-......-. --.--.--.--.--------------.--.--------.---..-..-.... .--.--.--.--..--.-...--..--.-.-.....-.--.------------.-.-.--.----.....+-...-.-.. ----.-.- -------- ----.-.--.-.----.-.-.---.-------.---.-.---.--.-..-.--..----..-.--------.-.--..-..---.----------.-----..--. -_._-- _.-._._._--~--_.._..._._--------_.-._-------_.-...------~---------._---_._-_._---------_._.._--.-....-..-_... TOGETHER with all the t~mtnt.. btreditament.. and appurtcmncos. With e\'t:ry pri,'ik,(e. rigbt. titk. intrrcst and estate. dower and right of dower. rnersioa. remainder and easement thereto bc:loogi". or in anywise appertainina_ TO ll.-\\'E .-\~D TO HOLD the UlDC in fee sim;>le forenr. I:" \\'ITXESS WHEREOF, !he said pULY_ of the 6nt part b.~___ ~ _bereunto seL________hQ.l_ and }-ear above written.. . band__ and seaL~ the day , , . il' I I I '1 \ .-~ .\nd the said parLJr-_ of the 6nt part do-- eovClWlt with the said patt-3_ of the second part that SA9--__lawfully seized of the said premuel. tbat they are free from all encumbrances and thaL_____._ good right and lawful authority to sell the same: and tilt said parr:l.- of the fint part do__ hereb, fully warrant the title to laB land. and wiU cidend the same against tbe lawful claim. oi all pt"r~s .-ho:r.st:'t'\'t'r. . ~;gnrd. Seakd and [)dinrcd in c~..r Pru<<lCt: 1 ._:Hal tar R. Hufield __Jr t_________.______ I n___l!~'b131 _L. ..Ha% lng.____.__ __.__________________..__ ~ I , I J -- Ma%Jr'l'. 'Jreor _ .----__._____________._______ _____(~at) _(~al.) r - - . -.- ~- - _.~. ---+-~ --.---.-------- ~:::~ o~F_:-_~::: __::=::::_~:~::: ; ~~.=~~___::___.:____:_::__:.::-_-_~::____ } f Hf.RECY CERTln'. That on tl-~..._ ___.__2 9th _h_ _""~' ,. ~"..'naIl)' ap~ared __________. _n_n__ _. .__ ____.w~r '11_ T. . G.re_8 r.__( Widow) _ -.August _ .- ----- .___-A. D. 19_23_ be;..re me -' tC' me l.'1.)wn t? be the person___ _ dt!cr~d in a"d wh? extCUt<d the ("reg ,in!! ccn.-r)-ance to_._.__ R. .W... .&atea.____.____________.__.__.__ anrl Stnra\l~ aclmowledgcd tbt execution thereof N be._______.. her. .. _________.fr.~ a<! an.! ded for tho t:!CS ,nj t'".lr~S therein mtr.tiooed: and the ""i<l ____.__._._..__.___h.__.___.__....___h_.____.u . ._._________._.~_._.. _"_ - __.__._._._.._.___..._...._... _. ._...'__........_._. ... ...."_._.__ ._._ ..__..____n.__..._._ _._.__ _.._____.__.__._._ __.___... tf-.e wife (If the u!cL..______.________ _____._______. ________ __________.___________.______________.____ on II separate and printe eumination uRn .n<l made b, and before me. and separatel, and :apart from her said husband. did 2daowleclge that .he made hersclf . party to the said Deed of Corn-eyantt. for the purpose of renouncing, reliDlJUi.bing and connying all her rij[ht. title and intere.t. ..belbu of dower or of separate property .tatutory or equibble io aad to the bnd, therein described, lUId that .be executed said deed fre.:ly and \"O!untarily and without any constraint. fear. apprehemion or compulsion of or from her said husband. ,or .~ ( B. P. SEALr .and Slate 01.._________________ NeW. .--- Jez 881--------------------.r-.---------the day and year ~t afore..id_ --- .--- -----.------llabelL.-llull1g ------.-----___.____(~c.l) notary Public, 3tate of New Jeraey ~y commlsaion ex~ires, Hov. 26, 192' J. ~t WIT:"ES5 my .ignature ~,I officQl seal. aLthe -- BOI.O ugh- of. Uort.h.Pla1nf1eld_______________________..in the Count}" of _. 3om.Gx.sd.________ _.___ _.__ ,/ ST,\TE OF nORIOA.. 1 Count, of SL Lucie.. J . On thi,__2J.aL___----_______:Aa, of-_ '_' -a~p-tGlIl~Z- ._ .__ ____ m.._____A_ D. 19!~___, at--_l.O~OO....o.dock. ---.J.. _____11, t!Us m:trUr.ltnt .-u filed {or record. and ~ dal,. .dr:'t!Jkdged lUllS peonn. I bne recorded the ume oa paae--.-----llL_______.____.of Book______.._~~__.___, iD tbe I'oblic Records of ~Cormt}.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ban: herelUlto Iet."ii1 band and aftUed the ~I of the Ciraa.it COQt1 of the FiCtccuth JadiciaJ Circuit of aald State i:J . and Cor said COWlt,.. . . :: D . j, I ...'.:"4" t _' CO'll C'l. saU,) /1 '.~." :~ /D A: .~ - ~/ Clerk. -_D. C '~4 4 _ ': . :-:, .-~" ...-... .:., . ~ -~~_;. ~~~..~. :~~.~.-..~~~-> -':: ~:;:: .:...~~.-:t;:~-. --=--...::..:~~:-~":--~...==:.-~.~~~_.......'::~.~. - --