HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1662 201 THIS INDENTURE. Made tbl. 2'th day of. Ootob.az.. JaBk Jo.ter ~ Dorftthl L. ~O.t."i bi.wifA .... D. 19.21 BETWEEN [~ f J of the County of__.M.a...I.t1ftiA :.--and State of nO%lc1A.. . ~rl1..a of the first part, .nd Kathe~ln. A. Allison And W. R. Al1t~op, hAY huaband' of the' Count, of . a.,--~ --and State of.---7.&.oz.1c1a- WITNESSETH, That the said parlJ~80f t~ fint part. for and in consideration of the sam of ~DollM8 and olhL't-yal uahlA 0011111 derat.1o.na . .pa~._ of the t<<ond part. Dollar.. to-._'lh1lll- in band paid, the receipt w~reof is hereby aclmowledged, ..--- gnr.:M. baraained, sold and transferred, and by these presenll do. grant, bupin. stU and tnnsf<< UIlto the said part---1e.a>f the second part and the iz----- htin and assigns forntr. aU that certain ~rc'el of bod lrinc and t.cing in the Coun17 of !Ut....1L~. .and State of _____ nOr Ida. mort particularly described as follows: Lota Two (2) aM ThPAA (3) in l\1oft~hz.e. (3). of K4g8WOod. A<lUt1-oD----tc..-- .Ve%o. llJlrlda aooording to Plat r.BoYda. on PAgL2fL.Q1~.-nal__Jlook._2Lo;f._the___ the reoords. of at. Luole 00 un tY___fi or Ida. ___._.___._ ~. ! " .' " " r f, f TOGETHER with all the ttnemtnts, mredilamtnts. and aJ>purttlW1ces. With nrr}' pri..;~... rilthl. tit"'. inttrtst and tstate. do..-tr and right of dowtr. rt\'<'uion, rtmaindtr and ea5emtnt thtmo belonging or in an)..ist apptrtaining. TO H.-\ \'E .-\XD TO HOLD tht same in f.., simple fortvtr. I ! t ~l.." t I ~ And the said part_1a&>f the first part do_ cO\'tnant witt. tht said part.lea of tht stCOnd part that .-t.ht'1 lawfully Ki.ed Signtd. 5.-aled and Ddinrtd in our Prtsmce: I. I i , t ! . I . :~. of t!1t said prtmisu. that they are fr.., from all mcumbr3l1<ts and tha'--1ib.i--Aa-Ve--good right and hwful aut!\ority to sell the samt; and tht said part.__LSof the first part do_ her~by fully warrant the titlt to said land, and ..-ill dtftnd the same again.t the lawful claims of all I'<'r>Or.s wbom5Otvtr. IX WITXESS WHEREOF. the said part..1.tl8 of the first part I>LY8 __ _. htrtunto s<l._.__.__. the1z.--hand___8 and seal a..., the day and )ur abovt ....ritttn. .-.-.-.~ ...-L....-lCn18ht- 1 . ..-. Haze1G.-.3wu-twollt------- t I J .---.----------. Jaolt. . loa. t8r-.-.--------.---.-----.-.-...-...( :;"al) _______.__.____.. Dorot.hyL. -Hoate:r.--- _____..______. ___..__(&al) , ~.. f; .. '" . ~ ST.-\TEOF__.l'loY1da..... ____________._} CQUntr of._.3..t.. L 11018. __.. I HEREBY CERTIFY. 'That on thi271ib __._______.___.________.__.,1.)' 01.. .._._ Octo be r ---.-.-.-----------.-----..-.-\. D. 19__23.. befMt ITlt personally appeared .__.!!~Q~.__lQ.IEt_aDd ..PorotQ..L... 1'oater 'j-~-~ --------------.----.--.--------------. .~ i , 1. I' t i. I, t to me I..-.;o..-n to be the person. a_ dtKribed in and who t:<tlcuttd the forqping convtpn<e to.___ Kath.r1B&-....-A11--19~rr.&--WiB..llllson and senraUy acknowkdged the uttUtion tbtrrof to be.__ their .________.fr.... act and ded for the ,,,.. and purp<ms thertin mentioned; and the said .Doz.otQ._L..__.J.oatu_______._____._..______.__.___.._______.__.-----..--.------- ----------.---.----..-. . the wife of the said- .. ~laolt_jl.oJltu----------.-___--.---.--.--u.-.~..---.---.-----u---.----- on a sepante and prTnte examinatioa bkm and made by and befort 0It. and separattly and apart from her said husban-t, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to the aald Ined of Corrrepntt. for the purp<>>e of rtnouncing. relinquishing and c:ony<'Yinlf all htr right. title and inttrtst. whether of dowtr or of separate property statutory or equitable in and to the land. themn described. and that she utcUttd said deed freel,. and voIuntanl, and without any constraint, fear, apprebauioa OT compulsion of or from her uid busband. WfT);ESS my signature >.nd official seal. al-_____Y.lrO. ..'--____._____________.in the Count, of _._.~_~!___:L~tl... __..and State oL_______.1'1or1.da ...____.____.tht day and rear last .fort~id. ~!... ~ H f' (lI. P. 3&&) . -----.-Hasill-G.-.-.8wartwou..-----.-(5.-al.) Jotary Publto. State of Florida Ilt Large. My oomm18s1on expires 2/28/1927 STATE OF FLORIDA. } Count, of SI- Lade. On tbis._---ID.at.__~.day of-Ocdo.be%-. ______._._.__^- D. 1923_, aL_9!OO.-----C).dock, --A._M.. this instrummt wu filed for record. ana btioc dul, acknowledged ~ono. I b&n ruorded the same on ~ 201 ----of BooIc .fi2 . in the PobIic Records of aald County. 2 ,;. IS WITSESS WHEREOF. I haye hereunto set m, band am ~ed the seal of the Circuit Coart of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of aald State in and for Aid Count,. ( CT. CT. SBAL) ~ fD :1. t:: a Citric. ..'. 7." . '..Y-.~" . ///;; . <. '.. . . L:::-o . -' - _, . - ':10 - ~. . _. -. . - .:.' .~<...-:- ;~..~_!.~ .'~':' '::.,~ ,; -:../. ~: .'" '. .' /~..;.'.