HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1687 ?26 THIS INDltNTURF.. Made this. 11Ua .tal of ~O..beL O. B.. .ftft and BY qoOPKR WI.'t. llt. 1f1~, ot. "IIDi~tOD ~. of the C~ Ol~. tP4 State of Yb.tnl-. .TUU P..IlJIGfOl. ot J1el1-~lt. of the Coat, of St.-t.M1. -"CI.State of-no.U4ay- WIT~ESSETH, That the said pan..ie. of the fin. put. fOl' &Di! ita DlDSiclentioa 01 the _ of orwl.JIPD'RKJ) JlU'l'Y (t2D.O..OQ) A. 11. l~ BliTWEEN aart--iU of the 6rlt part, f.nll .part-7- of tbe _d part. n , Dollar~ to. n.. io hand paid. the rcuipt .hereof is bercby acbow!edaed, ""' T. ar&llted. barpiacd. sold aa4 tn.nsferred, and by th~.e pr~nts do grant, bara.u.. tdI and traDsfer UDIo the aald ~ of the 5ecoad put and. ~irs and assigns fore.-er. all that etrWn parcel 01 land 1,JiDc aD4 beiDa io the CoeD" or S t, Luo1.. hd and State of __ROllh. more partiaatarl1 described AI folio..: I '1tt.. ~S.L...lLi.~~16) - ..on 1a1D1Jla.~Jl__ _11 'tll..t .....bin South ...10 QWl1' tn ot traot OM nOIl.-"" in 'town_hip thb~ O~. (Sl) ~ft..~h. B.... ...,,*' Sh: (S6) Ha_t, ___AoreL-L10~A) IIOIe or 1ea8. ftl. oCllWe,eao. 1. _b~.ot 'e-&11.-~...z-nllOD&-~-4Ia1D888-0an.1..__a\__. ----.--m-di-'obe..-&D4-~.Ia---H..... .. .hp'.-b7---p1at.,-z"'OJ4..4--.l'D-.the-.o~t-l..-o~.th. O:a.1k ------.----O%.-.th......uu1 '.Cou'--ot-a~-I._l.. 4ount7,.--fiOzl4a.-----____.___._._____.___.. .~ ---..-----------------------....--........ - --.-----.---..-- -...---------.----- .---------...---..-- ---..... --------.-.----.--..-......-.-.-----.-----------.- --.-.......-.--......-..-.---..--.---.----...___..._.__. _'__._.n._. ._._ ... --_.-..- .-....-.----.. --------.-----------.-.-.--... .-----.--..-..----.-----.---.--.-....--.----..---.--.-..__.-------.---.- --..-._-_.-.-.. --.---..---.--------.--------------..----- ..--. _.-....._--~_.__.._- ---------.-..----......-.-------...-----------..-.--....---- --..-..-.-.-. And t~ ~;aid parL.!U of the first part do._ COftlWlt with the said parL~_ oi the s<<ood part thaL_tlll)'_.A%.e b..-fully ..i,~d f I j j j If TOGF.THF.R with all the tmtmftlts. bereditaRmlts. and appurt<nanca. Witb n~r)' pri,'ilt'):~. rilrht. titk. int~rt;t and ~stat~. do..-., and right 01 oower. r~\tr';"". r~mainckr and usement thueto belonging or in aD)"1fUc apptrtaining. TO H.-\ \'E A~D TO HOLD the same in fe~ simple for~..<r. oi the said pr~mis~ that thq are i",~ from all ~ncumbranees and thaL__. --..:tihe1__ hU_A__good right and lawful authority to s~1I the sam~; and the said ~rt t..a of the first l"lrt do._ her~by fully .-arrant the tille to said land, and will defend the same: against th~ Iawiul clai",s 01 all f"t"rsor-.s 'II. h()ms:.Jt'\""Cr. I~ \\'IT~F.SS WHEREOF, the said r;u!._.lea,f the first put ha-__Yl_btr~nlo .~L_______tM1%_______hand_a. and suL.. the day and ~-t'.l.r ab~\""t' ,uittro. ~i;"'td, ~"J.d and Ddin.r..d in our Prt..,nce: 1 __.___..___._])e1 be~ 1; Shwut____._____.... I ._..___.8s;v fa.r aon.. .___.____. __.___ _ ~ I I I J o. I. __W1". ... ..______.___.____.__._. _.mm.____..( ~al) Ma7 Coopez W1U __. .____.__ ______.(s..al.) .:'i. 'l '~ '?/ -:J .:of_ ~ ~ ., 5T.-\TE OF._.m_.m_VUglJl1a..___._.________u__ u____ .____ 1 ~ Count}. of____u.__ .____ __________._..__.__._. __.L..... ~.________...______. .__. .____._____ I I HERF.BY CERTIFY, That on Ihis ._., l~\h.__.n ..r.;) "c ])eO_be% ,',crs<.nall). appemd .----.-- --..---..--.-----... O.B..._1r1 1ita.nd. .lIa7. COOpeZ . W1 t1i. .____. . .__...__.._ n._ -~, .:3, ,.- .- ----- .-.--\. D. l?..U_. ~f"rc m.. " ,";' t<> me kMwn t> be the person. -- d~?<ribed in and who u<<uttd the iottg ,ing CGll\cY"",'e t.,.. .-- -------...-. _JI.Kl. paUl IQTOI..-----.u. .. and s<....rally acknowledged the ~xecuti'lI\ lhtr~of to) k..______1ihllr_ _ ___i="" :oct ",,1 d....} i'.r th~ u.:, an! p::rpo><s th~ain mcnti.-"'cd: and th~ s.M -.--.--.-- ---------..-----.Ka7. Ooopez...l 'lit.. _...__.__...._....:..c_____. 'i: 'l-. -1: -...--. - -...._.-.._- _"__U'_ ...__.. . ...._____...___n... n_. , .~; f .:~ I ~,~61l ;. the .nfe of th~ sai<Lu..--.---___._._.__________.___uC.._.X...._titl..u .______. _..______________________ _____._______.____.____._____._ on " sq.arat.. and pnnte ~xamination ulan and made by and before me. and scparattly and apart from her said hn,ban<l. did :acknowledge that .h~ made heruli a party t" the said DCN of Conveyancr. for the purpose of <<flouncing. rdinqui.hing and eonnying all her right. title and inter"t, whcth~r of dow~r or of sq>aratc property sututory or equiublc: io and to the laneh th~rcin du<:ribed, ":.d that sbe ClC<<utcd said. deed freely and -roIuntarily and without any con>trainl. itar. appreh~n.ir,:1 or compulsion of or from her uid hns!>acd. \\'IT~F.Sg my signature antI official .~.. ~L_--.-.-------:-----.--.--.-.,.nn1l.gton QaP....-..------..--.--..----._~__.u__._in the Coar.ty Qf u.",n' :Lf.I.____._ --.--------- .- .u___n__._."'nd ~te of.__._________.___._. Vb ain1a. -.-.-___n____.___.___.__.__._tbe da, and J'nr Ia.t aior..uid. . 'If-;1t.;----.-- u -- _____.(s..al.) =-=i==-=';"";'~- i' I' M1 oo..l..loD explr.. .art.bez 20'h. 1923. STATE OF FLORIDA. }' . Connty of St. Lucie. On this____16tA______. da, 01....___.__ lar..bez--.-. u.____._._.___A. D. I'a.-z.~ aL:. U t09-.-.o'dock. '_"-._.11. tIIis in'tro_llt was 61cd for rcwrd, ud 4c1ul, adcDowled&cd and pronlL 1 ban rtcorded the same 00 pagc-__ aal -'--.-__...of Book._m___I2~___.____, in the PobIic R~!fs of wd COWIty_ IS W1Tl\ESS WHEREOF. I hue ~r~ set m, hand and affixed ~ sui of the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said Sute in and for said County_ .~~ \( O!.~J~f./8&&L) ,. ,,- '"" (',! ~" --~~-tlr~~-~~-=~.~ ... <1 ~~ .::;.,. .~f. --a -~-.!' .~ P",;~ . ....:..".-:. ;.~;~ <-: '"' '::'..'.>~.: ,"',:'!':-- _...~ 4 ~ .,:.....-; '.' ~ ~:=..'_ _;-~: '. . ." :'