HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1696 ~ 235 ....,,"~"""...v~ rr- . THIS JNDESTURF.. Made this.. 8114 da,. of IIGT..b.1! J. Q. 00.'- a Ill. J'l.olenoe O"~.t biB witl ,.. D. 19.:21 BETWEEN );t.. r ~? ~~ t { I of the County of._.8.'---ldIl1.11.- _nIl... Q. of the County of._8h....L.Dl1JL.. and State of ~0%..1da .put.j.ea of the first part, and Ilan.,. aD d Ala!! Ula .... Ran". ~ ~ ..nd State of. l1Q%1k-' part-Ua of the second part. Dollar!.. ;~ :l. ~~ 'J! I '.1 r , .'.~ ~~ " ~ .~ j;i .i . .~ l .~ . ,} :~ 1 ,:1 ,~ ;~ ~ i ~, f >~ WIT~ESSF.TH, That the said part.1-... of tbe first part, hr and in con.ideration of the som of 'len 1)ol1ar s ~~ o~her_.1~lt-o..Q.uA.41n112Da to._.1ih__ in hand paid, the re<<ipt whercof is hereby aclOlowledged, ha._...... granted, b&rpined. sold and transferred, and by the.t prescnts do..____ grant, barpln, sen and transfer unto the said part1... of the second part and_tla.11.__~___ htirs and as.ign. forner, all that ccrtain parccl of land lying and being in the Count,. of S\.. Luole and State of .._ Jl10%14a more particularly described as follow.: !hI .BaRt Ipl.' ~ (.at). ft~ ~il!l 80Dt;h_..~ Q..rter (sat) ot the ~uth.eBt Quarter 1.sJftLaf-kaUon !lhirh8ll_-U.al f."lIlli~ th1rn~t..J..3JiL...om.b.....a.I8. !hh~-.i.. (a) BaR \ oonte 1 D tM_\!."ll'Z__CW."Q 1.1 ....lIOX.. OI_.lA_......___.___._.........._..._ . I"l . ... .__u..._...___...m._....__......_ (n....Gx...i.o'Lhu..111._1..._.1ih...__......P.UIHI1..Il.@IlI41._..ft..gJ.~..D\''-.. ..\o~wl t ......._m..__..._..u.._.__..._._.....J. _ G._.Qoate.~...1..D-.a..Qu.u1Jl.-clMcLoonyal.1ns-thB.. P%QJlutJ.hBr au .... . . ...____.m_m.__m.u...____. oouyQa4_4.a.ted..JuDa..l.O~-J.i.22uaDd.%.oor48d..iD .hed.Book .~7..._.... .._..._..._u__.__m...._..u..___. d..page..U.3.. ..3.t.._L.uoi....COIlni1. Bea O,JU. )__u___.______m_____..._....._..__..m.. I I(...]$.II..U_....... ...__...__.____u__.u_.__u..___. , I Ir a lID 0 a . Ilall. owe 1---.----.--.---.---.-..--.. t I , j J. G. . Coat_ ...----.....-.........-.-. ..- .....__(Stal) . noren O8CO&\...........-...-.. ......___(Stal) :;~ J! ~ ;:; ;j i .~ .~ ~ ij rj ;i f; ~ ,;1 t~ ~ I I I TOGETHER ....ith all the ttntmmu, htrtditamtnt.. and ap;.:.:rt.nanc:.s. With enry priyikl.:t. ri~ht. titk. inttr.st and .'Ut., do....r and right of dowtr. r....rsion. remaintkr and UStmmt thertto belonging or in anywise apPtH~ining. TO IIA VI-: A~D TO HOLD the "me in f.t .imple fort\'er. ( And the said puta. of the (iut part do..__ cO\'tmnt with the said pard.... of the '<<Ond part thal..._.1ibl)'_U...._.Iawfully seized "f t~e said pr.mises. tmt the)- are fr.e frOlr. all cncumbranct. and thaL-..l\."p-the1z-__.good right and lawful authority to sell tht same; and Iht said parLUliI of the (iut part do.._ hereby full)' ,,'arrant the lit!t 10 !;lid land, and wilt deftnd Ihe sante against the lawful claim. of all pt'r~(\!l s whomsoc,.cr. . 1:-: WIT:-:E~S WHEREOF, the said parl..U.. of the iirsl part ha.... TO ..herrunto sct_.____._.1ihe lZ.._u_.._hand..._ and staL.a.~ the day .an.i. :"tar aoo'"t writttn. SiRnc.!, Stakd and Ddi...red in Our Presence: STATE OF _____lL.ORInl.__________.____._. ....- } Count)" oL.._.._..__....aT..._.LUCII.___.___u_..._.___._.~..... ..- f HEREBY CERTIFY, Tmt <In this ._..m.. ..18th. .."")' oi. .....lO't'_bu .. ....._................_..._.....\. D. I'L2a. before mt pmooall,. appeawl ____.._..____m.Ja._Ga.. Ooats and nQ%eD08 Coats... hi. wita -__._......_._.._.____._...__...____.______..___ t" nle known to be the ~rSQnq.. dtscribed in and woo executed the for<g'~g coo\'t)alltt 10 Will1am .G....Bufl.l....aDd..lIa%.tha..Jl...aufi7 and st,.trall)" acknowledged the: execulion Ihtrtof 10 !>t.....thelr....... _ .....fut acl an<l dtt<l fM the u<t'. and purposc. thtrcin mtntioncd; and the !aid ..___.m.______u_..___...________..______.n a:rana8 . Coate.-_..._._.. _._.._.........._._.___.______...__.._.._.,......__..u.._____.__.__._____...__._..._ _.._..._._.._ the wife of the said...._.J.t.._.G. ...Q'O.ll1L.__..._.._.....__...._____.______.__..__._....__ .____.___.._....m.......____. ._._...__.._ on a Y-parate and printe txamination ulcrn and made b,. and before me. and SCl>arately and apart from Mr said husband, did ackllOWI~dge that .he made hersclf a party to the said Deed of Connyantt. for the purpo.e of rmouncing. rtlinquishir.g and cony.ying all Mr right. titk and intuC!t. wMtl-",r of dowu or of separa~ property .latntOf)' or equitable in and to the Iandl therein d~scribed, arod that she executtd .:aid deed freely and volunUrily and without any constninl, ftar, apprcMnsioo or compulsion of or from Mr said husband. WITXF.SS m)' .ignaturt and ollicial .eal. al.______._....._....I01'.t. PWO.._...._____..._._..___.______in the Ccunty of .8i a. LuolfL........_......_._....u_u__.._.___._.and SUte of........_._____..._..._..__.._.1'10%14&. _____.__.the day and ynr last afortsaid_ ________.Jlw:z.Q._.&.._JIAll_._u_____u_um_.._. _(Sd) .0\ar7 Pablic :ltate ~ nOr Ida I (I..P. SUI,) lI.1 oCDlli..ion upire8: J.1I8 11. th-~926.. STATE OF FLORIDA_ } County 0 f SL Lucie. On thu..._._1'fUl_______.day oL__.__bea___ ...._____.._.___..A. D. I?l.~.u., al~..---o'clock. __~_}l~ this in.trumtnt was (iIN for record, and being duly acknowlcdged and pro\'(1l, I hue recorded tbe same 00 pace 831i --of (0'. 0'. SUf,) Book___'__._'~~--_.___'___1 in the PobJit R<<Ord. of said CounIT. ." . J~ WIT:-:ESS WHEREOF, I han herC1lJlto let m)' band and ~ the Inl of tM Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said Sute . ", . in anol for said County. /.,t.."" J:.... V. '~.1 /_? 1:;/ . .. ---- P. -o.--BJ..be4 .~~ 'b~..la\~_J Clerk. n. C. ; .'., ~:'.:- '::.... ".'.;~-.'-~.~.~;': -:-:'/~; ':.":..j,. o-..- .. ..~:.- ..~. ." ~-.! ~. ,. .. .n . . . ::~::.'::,~ .:.~:;; -'. .:.~.~~ :'." _'. . - . . . -