HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1756 " :r I J"~,~...'" 295 l. . III - , ~;':.' .i ~ ~~ THIS INDRSTUR!.; lIade thlll _2&1IIl day of.._---Oo.to.be~ J. B, JlO\.JI~S .UdGI.GI G. Bobetla. h18 wife of the CCUllt, of._'~.-- --and Slate of._ .1.o~%14a ....Oharl.. B.....h))er and jt1)8a ..hu_h1a._n:fa .. A. D. lea.... BETWEEN .pard,"" of the fint part. a~ of the COIInty of. -.and State of._ _____.part..J_e8 of the _d part. \\'IT~ESSETH. That the said part..-1e.a>f the fint part, for and in consideralion of lhe lum of. . --Tan.-dollUJL8Dd-o.tha.r._YalllabJ e -oo-nalduatl.on8- DoIIa.... to--.thea_ in hand paid, the rempt whercof i. hereb,. acknowledged, ha._~.____ granled, barpined, sold and transferred, and by Ihue p~Stnts do_..... grant. bargain, .eU and transfer unto the said part._.1....f the 'ttOnd part and_.thaif hei!, and ".ign. forn~r, all that artalft parcel 0' land I)-m. and being in the COIlnt,. of St.-IallQlCI..__-:and Stale of _.__~_.no.r..1da.. .more particularlY descr~" follows: COIlImAnnhtg p.f>4 JA"'f\II-.lIt t):t t.l:1e SQutheaaL4OX-Dar ef the QeU tbw.8t-~.te.~--o.:f-tb.._ SQ.uthwaat quarter of i3Aotion 36.....Ta8nahi p ..3Lilnu.th..Jlf' R8ng....39.~t._an4_.%.un.hBO.%.th.__. _.22.o._~8I.4.lL.thAnnA WARt. AA )'A'" d 8. t Nil I'Irl~ou.th..220_)'a.%..da. the DOe_~at.-88--)'a.r.cla..to..___m_. __lloiJ1:t....oLhAgi nn1 ng.:-contlli n, '1g-h..uz_aQ..%..a~. more.--o%.leaa.-=-___.__u_____'-__....h._. ._.. _... -.---_..!...-_-- -------...-..---------------.--.----.--..--...... -- _-.-!-._--.-..---.!._-------.--.-----..=...-------:.-..----.-------.-----.-------.-----------.-.-.--------..-- ..-. . " .---------...-..---.-..--...-...--.--....---.------------------------..-----------.-..-..--.---.-...... -..--....------ -----.-.---.--....-...--------------.---.--.-----------.--..------.----.-..-.---.----.-.--.--.-...-..-- ..- ._-...-. .----. . .-------.-..--------.------.-.---.----.--.----.-...-..---'.--'-'-'---.--- --.-.-.--.--.-.-.--.-. ..--. . 1': t I: l: :"! .-.---..--.------------.....-----------.--.- .'.------- -..-----.-.-.--.....---....-.-----..------.....-.. ----------.__.___._._..._._u_____u__.._._____..__.._._._____._...__._____.._._.__._____...._.._...___..__.__..... . ...._ -..--------.-.-----.-...--------.---.--.----..-------------.--.--------..----- .... ..--------------.----.-. ..-.--.-- -....----.-.---.--.-. -----.--.-..---. .----------.------..-.------..-----. ,.). iOt' ~ TOGETHER with all the ttn~mcnts. ~rcditament.. and appurttoanc~.. With enry prh'iksr~. ri~hl. t;tk. intrr~st and ~'tatr. do~r and riKhl of dower, rcnrsion, rrrnainder and us~mmt tMR!O belong;ng or in an)-wise apprrlaining. TO II.-\\'F. AXD TO HOLD the same in fre .imp!r forr,'rr, n U And the $aid part _.1e.lI>f the first part do..a8_ covelWlt with the u;d put le8 oi the .t(Oftd f.art that-___.t..b87__lawiullr seizrd S~!'J. S,..lcd and Iklinrrd in our Pnscncc: 1 I . ___...__JU:u. ~~ HA:tkJQ _. ..__.__._...__.___ .____u..__ I , h__ H.. L. ..11.1 tz.___ ._.____.H_....h_.__._._.m 'u_"_._ } ! I , J. ~,..Roberta . Graoe. 9. Rober ts ___(SuI.) hi !-~ r; ') ~ ~.~ I" .'1 !'I f"' U ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ d Ir.', said prrmi.... that !hc,. arc fru from all rncumbrancr. and that..__they. have~__ Kood right and lawiul aUlhorit). to .rll the same; and thr said p"rtl~_ of the fint part do~_ hcrcb)' fully .-:>.rrant the titk to said land. and ..ill ddrnd the same agaimt the lawful claim. of all rersO!I~ .oomV\C:\-cr_ 1:\ WIT:\ESS WHEREOF. the .aid part. lea of the fir.t part IlLVe._._hrreunlo srl.....--------.the1r______--hand__S an'.! .eaL.S, the da,. aDd )~ilr ;It..Jln'e written. __ ...( ~aL) STAn: OF __.'10f 14..______ ______._..____ _ __ .___m_.u__.__ _""U 1 . J Cc.unt}' oL_.___. St.. Luo1.-----.---..---...---.-----...___.u. ".... J f 1Ir:1~F.BY CERTIFY, Thai on thi..___.__._..... 22nd . ....!..,. of.... 00 to be~ (otrsonallpl.prmd ___u_.... --.._.~. _a..B()\'l~r't8an<l ~I'aQ~L G.. Robuts hie wi:te .. ........... ...-\. D. I<,U__. before u;~ 10 me k"';.,. t() be the prrson8'_. dt<<:ribc.1 in and ..-ho u<<utcd thr iorrg ""If c""rr,-an',e tr. Cba% lea B. . ..bex and-Rose... ".hex hi. wife an'.! .rnrady a(kno..kd~<:d the ~xcc~tion thercof to t.c '_'._. thei r ._....__irtt act an.] dtti for Illr ,,'c. ..not purpose. thtrrin mrntioord; and th~ ...,,1 -.-..---.. -..----Gz.a.oeG.Ro belts --- ---.-.--..---_..____._._. .. ..... .__._......_. the wife of the said.....---..--..J....L~_Robal.ta-_ ...~___.__u..____~__.____..__.__...______.___...__._.u._ ...__.__._.__~______ on a separate and printe examination takrn and madr by and bdor<: ma. and srparatcl,. and apart from her said husband. did aclmowlrdK" that .he mad., hersclf a partr to the said Dud of Conveyance, for tM purpo.e of renouncing. relinquishing and convrying all Mr rilrhl, title and in!rr..t, whetMr of do"'~r or of .eparatr propert,. ....tutory or equitable in aud to the IandJ tMmn drscribed, and that .he uccutrd said dted fr<<ly and ,-oIuntaril, and wilhout anr con.traint, frar, apf nhcn.ion or compulsion of or from her said husband. WITXF.SS my .ignaturr and 08icia1 seal. al......__.....___.._ ...._u.--Vez 0 __......_ _._ ._._ ......._._.... ._... -----u----__.___._______._....in the Coontr of ._S_~!.._~~~.l.,""'_.-.---...--_-_.-..-_---_...and Stale of__.__.____._. l1Qf14.._u....__..__u._...._____.uu.___.__the dar and yeat last afc.resaid. '\ I ( B ~ P. S~) I ___Jf1ll.1am. AtklJL_..____.___._..____.___._____.___ h_.__ (Scat.) Botary Publio. ~tate ot ~J)rlda at Large lI.1 00lllli8Blon a.pims September,7, 1926 [ STATE OF FLORIDA. 1 Count,. of SL Lacie. J . On thiL.___._..29.t h ... .____._____..-da,. oL._--...Deo.c bl %__ ..... . _ "'" ......__ _..__."'. D. 192. 3.___< atu_.._ _. 9.;.oo..__o'dodc. _u_._____~, M thil imtrumtc': was filed foi- record, and bdPg duly adnOWkc!lcd ancJ proven. , ban r<<ordcd the tame Oft pqe....----.a96------...of ,v Book.._____ 5.8..________..____.< in the Pob;k kccords of said County, (I IX' \\'IT~ESS WHF.REOF, I hue hercunlc. tel 01)' band anf: .ud tl-.c _I of the Circuit Court of tM Fiftccnth Judicial CirC1lit of said State in and for said CoaDI,._ . "..1 !~~~ :.. ~~. :(I4~..._ '11 if . .'~~~:.' ":'":,,{-;'i;.:';. .,.::';;:: Clerk. (Of. Of. SaAL) n. C.