HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1765 304 -~- TIDI lHDIIN'lUaF. ),I,ada ,,,;. Wa Jol:a LtJlhon .l-t....J ~ . ~ . ~O\h ~ of 381lHmbe~ and Sul\!1 La LaW~OD. hia WU. onll ~ 01_..::.. ,:.P1or!cIa .j.\ ~ I). tt2Q. A1WF.EN .. die eo.., .. porflBa... of tJr.e "ll tall" ud u n. l{. ~n.ffiA' It ....c-tp.L St.. LUOi. "nil Slate of .10\' 1d a. . P"~~ 01 tll.t ~ pan. WITNESSETH. Tbal tile ~ ~ of th& int ..... '- .. ill _iIIaatian ol .. _ ... T.n Dollar II am otbe r vel table cOllllider& tiODII Dollan. to..-.th8DI.- .. ~ ,.od. ..' remipt ""-of is berch, ad<Dowledccd. "" VIII ....eI" ......... IOId .... uuurerrcd, and b)' h~ IMM pr~ lIo ~ ....... tell aDd tr-w tMo u.e Mid ,.n..Z-- of ~ __ JUt ."" Ileirt Md _ips foreyer, all tIaal a:rtaia parcel of !aDd l,uw ... .... ill tile c....., oL- 8t.. Luoie FlOrida on" SUte of onore ~17 ~ lit fclIIaon: Bei1nntna 98v8nty-i'iye ('Iii) f'_t. ~Qrt.h rI th8 3outh-_.t ao~nBr of 1Q.t. t",ntY-1'ive (26) of th9 G1ff~d .Kstate. shown on plat reoorded in Plat BQoL'Yl.c...._. ._-+~, :p ~t.~ ~~~~Ilg. ~~~ b.~~~~ (13 !'; t.~ 8Btli'::'of' 1:L~l!I8~ ~_.fiEY_~L.aou.tlL.;fllt~;f8e_t.._._S-tw, . _..C..6(\) to th 8 hAg1 nn 1 ng. RA t 1)g...a.paz..t....o.f'...Lo.t.-i'aen.tJl.~v.4--(25)_.of-Jhe._jiU.ford._.u___ Xa.ta h. 13'1 08 4.D-Se4-~..oD.-~~T-rOWR8hl.p~hi-%-~--th-r........'3a).-~o.v.thr.Rang.-'-'---"'h fbirt)'-n1ne Kaa~ TOGETHER with all the tmemmt.. Ixre4itarnmU. and appurtCJWICn.. With nery privi\q{t. right. titlt, ir.t<rw and estate, do....r and right of do...u, rn...1ioa, rcaaaiadcr ud asanmt thcmo beIongiDg or in an,-wise apptruining. TO HAVE AXD TO HOLD the same in fee .ilDp!e for.nr. Anll the &aid parUu of the hrst part do.- connant ...ith the said part-J'-... of the sttoCId part that - the3._tl%L.--1awfull,- seiz.d of the aaid 1""....;,6, that th~ arc frtt from aU cncumbranc:ts and that___u.. have good right and lawful authority to .ell the same; I and Ih. said part.1e.a. of the 6rst part do_ hordly full,. warrant the title to >aid Land. and will ddend the same against the Ia...ful clailD' oi all IWnons .horr.~\-rr_ IX WITXESS WUEItEOF, tho said part1~.!l of the first part ha _!_e _.h.r.unlo stL.__ the!!...._--hand..!L and sat~ the da,- and ,-tar aoo\'e \0 ritt.n. .n'_ Chas. B.... Jenn1Dg8...._un...u_.__.___,____ 1 I .... 3. . D. .. Gaines _..___n. .....n" ____'.n' _...__.nmn_ ~ I I J Signed, StalM and Deli\'erM in our P",stn<e: W.E. Lawhon.n._n..u..m.__ ._.u..._._____..__n____.......__t ~~a1.) Sarah L.. Lawhon... .._. ._n_._....__.___....__._..__._....(~a1.) SHTE OF _...__.._.___Flor1da............._._.____.m._._.__.. ) } Count,- oC........-_-._3t.. . Lucie...-....-.---...---..--.. "'_"".__", ! I !IF-REB\' CERTIF\., That on this.._..___.301ih ._...... .. ....." ,,! 38 ptember. .._.._.___.._.._-\. D. 19__?Q._ !>tior. m. ptnonally appta,.d ___'ll. ~.LawhQn...and _.3s.r ah. L. .. Law bon. hi a . To ife .... _...____....__...__.._nn.._.____..____...__ to me kno....n to be tho p.rsolL.- dc.cribed in and who u<<ut.d 1M iurqping cuovf)a.nce to.__._O._..K.. _.3het:f'.1..~d..__._ ....n.... ..__ and Ifnralh. acknowkd!(M the nuution ti.c",of to ~_utheu ..._.._ ....._.fr~~ act ani d..d for the u;:s :m.l purpo... thcr.in m.ntioncd: and tho ..M __________.nu____3uah L.Lswbon .-"-'. the: ...if. of the said.___.______....__.._.u______u.._n__._.W.._.E.. .LawhoD.. ...___.__.._.._____...__....... ......_.. .._.__ ._.___._.... _.._...__._...___ on a separate and p,inte examination talcm and maclc by and btforc me. and _atdy and apart from htr laid husband. did acknowltdge that .he made heoclf a part,. to the said IUM of CooYCJOlll<<, for the purpo<or of rtnouncing, rdinquishing and con~)ing all Ixr riJIh\' titl. and inte....\, ...h.ther of dower or of separate property statut.,..,. or cquiuble in and to the lands th.rcin d.Kribed, and lhat she exccuted wd deed freel)' and \-otun!uil,. and ..itho-,ll any constraint. feu. apprehension or compul.ion of or from ber said ha.band. WITNESS m>- signatur. and ofticiaI >tal. at ...____.. ___.__.._.. .. . - VeIO. ---.--.~:-.----.-..--_._...____._________._in the County of --.-- St. ..Luo11-----:....--..----- . ......____..and State of .-.-....-.-____....._.... ..........l'lO%1da____.___.._._..__...u__.._...tne day and year Ia.t afore.a;,' (B. P.. SlW.) ..___..._.Chaa. . B. JenningJl.....__.u Botary Publio >>y oommi8sion expires 6/26/22 ...... .(~at.'l. ST....TE OF FlORID.....} Couaty of 51. Lucie. Op Ihis._ 5th _____....da,. of.__.._._ January.._...... ..... ___.._.___.__.A. D. 19L4._. at ..._. 3:ZO._____..__.0'clock, _._ .....P. ~I, I '. c'; ..: :' ::'" ::, :,: ::: : ~::.: .r(:~ III;' instrvmtal was liIcd for r<<ord. &lid btlU duly aa-kd,M and proved. J hav. rtCordcd the ,ute 011 ...e.__~____n_.._. ...... ...._ of ". Hoole._..__. ..62_._ ___u_._.__, in the Poblic ~rdl or said Count,-. JX WtTXESS WHEREOF, J haft ~f&nto oct ray !laud and afliud lbe .ul or the CiuWl Coast of the Filtctllth Jllclicial Cir~ of nid SUtt in =i for said C(>llJlty. ::::- 'C '- o ~. (OT. CT. 8KAL) ..- R.-C~-JUU,:.~O'~'=------- .. _..Clerlc. . .-..---~~.-6~-.----._..-.--_D. C. :'. . .....~.:,. :,' .--: _ ~ '_ -0 ~ . ., . . . .! '..., .~.~'~_~ir >'~ . - C' :