HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1769 308 THIS INDJtNTURE.. ),fade 1"'_ ).Oth ~ of A.1l! 11 A." .14, HU1 aDd ~~la ~ Hi+1t hiB witQ A. Do 1~..2l BETWEEN of 1M ColIIb' .f S\. . Lug it .A. ... y"" R8 St., :t.Qnte ~"d State of 110: 14. l'lrt.,J,ftIof the finl pan. and ,I of tilt C-t:r Of _11 TrlDe D. YO'Ulg -"d State of_-lU..oll da --awt--l- of the -.s pan. WJTNESSETH, That the taId part....j,.eeof the lint JlIU\ few a&ld fa ~idenlioa of the _ "f_ ~.Q Oollaz.a-AUd 0 thAT VAl'lA'ble onnAid elAt,i O~ Nnlaxx k..-~ fa IIMcI ~ the reccitt .be.reof is bereby acbo.lcd&c4.... 'We put~ Ilupiaed, IOId &lid lIaIlsfernd. and br these pwetlll do I1'UI, Ilupin. IMD aud lnDIfer lIDto the Mid ~ of Ibe tICICIODd JUt aud the i~ Ilein and usilos forever, all that certain,rwcel of bnd 11m. and bciaa in the c.., of lJ1;a Lon" 8 .n.! State of IP1 n,. id A more particaluly clactibtd.. follon: 'l".O-t ninA-tAeQ (19) 'D tbs 'lO,.-th hA1-f> n RAnti on brA_nt1-ni~ (P.9) -t()wn*lp ~~. Ilo'tth rA~e 219 eARt.. AR t}lA RAnIA 'A rlA.ignA-tA~ on the laat ien~al plot of ~ndion River FarmB Compan)' filed Ip tlI.e offloe at. the ClErk of_ihD.-llia.u...1t pourt o.L~t.A_L.UQ1.iL_..c.OJm.1iJ.._____ nor Ida. TOGETHER with .11 doe tcnemaats, hereditammb, ..... ."..rtcnan<:eJ.. )p\\'ith eru)' j.n~iltxe.. richt. titJt, ..taut &lid estatt, d01nr aod right of dollft, rn'~ ~ aDd easemmt tbemo be~ 01" IS anywise appatainiae- TO H.-\"VE A....n TO HOLD the _ in fee simple forn-u ADd the said ~ of the first part 110_ COftDallt with the said pu~ of the _d part tho. tl-Je1-u.a._Iawiullr .eiud I of the ~d preas.:.. dial they art f_ from aU encumbrances and tbaL_.t~._J:aVA good ri&ht and lawful autborit.. to sell the sa..,.,; .. and the said part-.!QJIof the hst part 00_ hueby fult,. _rnm the title 10 said la.cd, aDd .iU defend the same against the b...ful cJai!ll' or all J>('r:;orl!, whomsot,"cr::_.. ~ .......... ,. " " .- JX \\'I~~ WHEJitOF,'the "id Jqfl~df.~the 6rst part ba--_y&..::...J,trcuoto scL--tba..1z..__ ...owI 8 and seaLa~ the day and YNr aoo\'e )rOlltD. . ..... ~ . ' , ~ill...,d, Staled and Delh-n-td in our Prumce: ...........~. ___.______ . ___u.. Geo..l'..._T1.P])UL____ 1 I _'_"."'''' _.....K.._ J....--Woo.d._____ u_.__._.____...._______ ~ I __._lle.l1..1.lLll---Jlabb_____._ I I ---u-1>aul--H-.-lilal.e-------- J u.____A! _.M....Hin ..._.___.u___.____.u.._.____.___._..__......( S~al) _.Ka t Ie .K. ...H111__.___._._._.u__u__u__._.____. __( Sul) STATE OF .__.__.fl.9rJ4. ._.____..__._..____.__.___muu.m_____ 1 Count). of.__._..._.__~.!iL..L.~Q.1~___:________u_u.__......_._.._ J I HEREBY CERTIFY, That .00 this .__nlO.1ib .___.___ d.. _ _...__....t~;,. 0;... ..._. 4pr1.~___...._. .-.--.-..-_.._____A. n. 1923-, befor" me pcuonally ~nd _ A!_M!._ Hi,U_ flll~)'~_tl eur.:...H111. _h.1.a_...i~8 -u;-_.__..__._____._.___u_.________._....u.mu to _ known t() ~ the ptr50n.-B. ck.<ri~d in an" who ex<<uted the forcg.ing e<>onya.oce: t,,---------.A...-~.-YollDg----n-..---.....-.....--- aod senralh' acknowledged the uttUtion tbc~f to ~__.__.the1.x__._.__.___frtt art and d<<d for t". u'c:s :md pur~J there:in menlioned; and the ,ait! __.______.~_~:t~L.~, ...H111.._._.___.____.__.____.____.._________.._.___.._._.._. .'" ....._.._.... ......... the: .ire of the saUl ___ ---.--...-.--..-A..-.ll..-.H111..________.____...._.._.u_________._.._____..._ on a ocparate &lid prime examination ukm aDd made by and before mr. aDd sq\&nttl)- and apart from her said husband, did arknowlc:dae that .he made: herself a party to the said D<<d of Coave,.antt. fM the purpow of rmouncing. nlinquishing and COOftYln<< all ....r r~bl, title: and inltrnt, whetl-..,r of dowc:r or of IqlIaratc propc:rt,. statut<X}' C>r ~table in and to the lands thcrein dc:sc.ribtd, and that she c:x<<otcd said deed fr<<1y and .-.;!ontaril,. and without any comtraint, f.ar, apprrhc:n.ion or compulsion of or from ber said husband. WITXF.SS my .ignature ani official sc:a1. al.______V 8% 0__. _.._ .._,._....._._ ..__._____....__._.._u.__.____.__ .__._in the: Count,. oi __.._.~.1! ~._~QQ..1_'______._._._.._.and State oi..,___.I'~OI 14.&--.-.-_n.__----,-_.___._.____._.the da,. and ).tar ~t alor.said. ( B..P.SEA.L) -- ___._._..#.ell.1e...II.. Ba b b___._._____....._.__._._ "_'n' (Sral.) "ot~~~~1>td:<<..~~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ f..y\VA.........~ ~,I~1..y STATE OF FLORIDA. } Coanty of St. Luc~ On this 7th __-da,. of--JJ8nua%l' .___..____._.._. _._A. D_ 1!12-4-, at._.._.___E:O(l.o'c1oc:k, _ p ......11. d1is iAstr..-nt W15 6kd for record, ud'~ dul,. acbowlcdgcd and !Konn. I have r<<orckd the: same 011 pace.... B08 _____._._____of Ilock ._.m'.' 62...__.______ in the Poblic R~ds of said County. IN WfTNESS WHEREOF, I ban herc:ulll9 Jd ...,. ba&d and alUed tbe lul of the Circuit Court of the FHtemth Judicial Circuit of said Stat. in aM for said COIIIItr_ . .1 \1 (or. CT. 3BAL) ,i \J. _D. C. :~: ~;~.~~ ~. ~:>.-.'...::.~t~.o-~ '..~~.~:::--. ~i".:.~_ _~ ~'.'_~. :.~-'l. :t~_~_~~._ .'::'4.-:':-,_.7. -':: _ . '"' 7- -. r _ . . - : -"--';, .,- '::' . . . . - . , - - '. , '. :.1 '''~\: ~~. .;~j-,~'~' . :':~ _ j