HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1800 I: 339 [ TillS ISDF.NTUR~ Mack this-,---.'" hallk Q"8 _4 >>alla. .~U It. of the Count). "f. Ib__ltUk.._-.:-;.._and A. B~ .JlP..tl.U. cby of __.:..J)aoeaMt-_ hi. wl~e . -........ -'. State of.---.:---'1t.I_l4a..__-,-,_partl.. of the fint part, and A. D. 19_JI BETWEEN of tht County.oL_______A_1.._.LDA18_________and State oL-____nO%14a..._____-'-_.part_.-J'. of the s<<oIId parL W1TSESSETH, That the said part._lall>f tbe first parI. for and in con<ideration of the sum of~. ___tu..J)oUUJL.t.nL.t.lll'.I._..YJl._bl..__a..QILI1uz..~1QU_. __ Dollar.. to.._.~..._ in hand paid, the receiPt whereof is hereby adcnowledled, ba-__Y8____:.____ Innted, bargained. sold and transferred, and by thut pr~nls do_-,--__ lTant, baf)fain, sell anJ tnnsfer unto the said part._~._ 01 the second ;>art and__hU_____.___ htin and auiRns forn"tr, all that certain par'cel of land hing and being in the C"unlJ ol..__8.'._.Luole__ __and St~te of _.________ooo__...nDLi4&a.. more particularly deKr~ as follo..-s: --...:.....____________._________~___ Bellnninc at .. ))Oint .i:r hnnlhed atd.,. (AA.{)L1.at. ...t. ot -1iha._.lo.r.th__Kaa'- Oorner of ~he SOa.the.a.\. Qaar '-z-ofJ.hL.l.QUh..fL..qIlU.H%._.o1.Jieo.t1o.D.:bdn,.. .1YL(_aa.) !,.n IIIb1.JL..iha.~ao--!w--a.o.tlth.-ian8L.~%~~.Il1.De-(39L.&aat,-IQJl lJoa.'h 11 ft~ ~.Y..J~D~~MZ._.!I1q. .JJAA4J_''''''''{ 64.291_t..~. _,:\henoe. W..t ten .__ __..____...____.______.____._Igg4lt~L.f1f:\1'-f1y..--a.D4....1x~-.e".D. hun41e4.th..( 1066.67) _:taet, . . thena. .oz ~h . _____._.____..___ ___u__._...__.__al0Dl.~1x1...B1ahlla~.. fift7.8tptJ68 L:teat,.th..llCe .Ka.t >>_ -thousand "'Yent)' ..._____ _____.._..___h._.___..._ _..T.,DhaDd.hf1ft7_.1ih.ul.. hundr.d thah( 1077 .03) --1..t -M.. p01D~ h o~. be81DDID8. ..h_h_______.._ .. __.h___..Ooll..~lg...9~. g4._ tb1rh~7.-\..,oh.U4ud th.h(1.. 82 L 801.. ao leh 01 1.... u_.._.....__..__...._..h..__n_.. ._... ________._..___.______.._____._..________....... .__u___ .____..._____..._ .._._.._...__._....._....__ .....-._._.._.._. [ TOGETHER with all the t."em.nts. htreditament.. and al'purt.nancu. \\';th e.-cr~- l'riyik",.. rij{ht. titl.. ir.t<r..t and e't.... dower ar;d oj(ht of do..-.,r. renni"", rcmainder anl casement thueto belonging Or in an)wise al'prrtair.i.~!/_ TO II.\VF. :\:\I> TO 1101.0 lhe s~me in f.e simple lore,'u. And the said p~rtl.. of the first put do___ connar;t with Ihe ~;d r,art..1e.ll,i the s<<ond I",rt thaL..__.___~h.7-_________Ia...fully seizro d the sai<l ,.r.mises. thatlhey are fr.e from all encumbrance. and thaL._thq__haYI._____._______.good right and Ia..-ful authority to sell the same; and the said part _1.'of tht Ii..t part do___ooo hereb)' fuily warrant Ihe tit!e to said Lmd. and ...i11 defend the same again;! the Iawlul c1~ims of all tK'l!-(lrs ...homSM\Oer. IX \\'ITXF.:!':~ WHEREOF, the said part _1.. of the 6"t parI Iu VI _ _hrrecnt<) sCI.__h'the1 J .h_.__h___oo._hn_hand8n. and seal _IS, the <by ar.d Y~J.r '1bo\'~ "..'rittca Si{;nrd. Sealed and Ikli,."red in oor Presentt: .. B11Iabenhrrl11 .,,"h._____. __oo._ .Baze1G.SwazhOll\ .. J'zank Alel. De.ll.. Ayu. _(St-aU _ _i~al) .~._---, ---------------- ---.-.----------- u.__... .__ _.__.,______, ___.____.______._________. __.~____+__._._.__ ~T,\TE 01-" ..._ -.-.- nO%l4a .-. -.--.-------- --. C"cnt... d_ - -..-.-----S\e-- Lu.ol.. - .-------.- I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this_ 1 I ..- ! .2b4 .. .. '!:~). ,.f ))eo_ber _\. 1>. 19 _ 2Z_. hcinr~ "'~ l~rY>n3i1). appmed ._. _________:...____J':tau_ 47.1. aall .0&11... .)'.1., t<> me knolnl to be the person_. described in and _1m uecutcd the flllT1Pir.,( <<..ne::m'~ to. A. B. Oharl.. and senraUy acknowledged the execution ther~(lr ro t.. _ __ the 11. _ _ _ _ free ad an.1 .!tt1 ier the u>es 3n,1 l'urr-_s therein menti<->ned; ar..l Ihe .~id ______________.___.________.__._ -DaUaaA"I. ------ -- .---.... ------.-..-... -.. .. the wife of the said_. ____________,~_~k:._.~1~~_~____._. _________.____.......______.._ ...-----.-.------ n_______ _.__n .----._._._ __._.....nn_ on a separate and private examinatio!> ta1ctn and rna<le hy and belGre ~, and sevantrlr and aparl from her said husl>>nd. did acknowrl~e that she made herself a party to the said Deed 01 ConTtJantt, for the l'urpo3t of r<nouncing. r.1i"'lui.hir.g a"d eon.-~iln{ all her righl. title a_nd int.rest. ..hether of dow.. or of separate property statutory or equitable in and to the bn<Js Iherrin described, and that ~e execut.d said deed freell' and ,-oluntarill' and without anl' constraint. fear, apprehcns;oo or compuliion of or f,GIIt her ~id husband. -- '",,", __ _n_ 8t.---LI1O 1e_.___._.____n_..____.and Slate of_.. ___u__ 'U 0 ____.. ..___..n._.__._.___.. __ _.._.n___._. __.in tbe C,,"nt). oi ______________...___110114a .._.___.._..._ _ .___ _____________..____.the <by and Jeu bit aiorc,aid_ .Bas.talJJ. ..hut.u'__.._..______.... ..._..__.._._ _. n_(Seat) 10'a17 Pu.b1.10, ~\at. O:t 110114& at Larg8. 117 oo_l_lon expir.. 2/27/1927 WIT:\F.SS my .~Iure and oflicial tal, al_ _.___. ___.__n \ (I. P. am) ~ , : It 7 STATE OP fLORIDA.. } Conntl' of SL Lucie. On thiL_. .....16th_.._______._______._.my oL .J&Dllal)'__.. ...._ ..._..._...._ ..A. D. 192. _4____, aL_.._i: 4D._____o'clock, ..Aa..____~f., this instrument was filed foe record. and being duly ad<l1o....ledgro and prq.-tn. f ban recorded the same on page.__ooo__U9.__________.___of (OT. Of. ~) BooIc.____.fi2._.__.____._____._ in the Poblic Records of said CQ.tr. - - I~ W1TXESS WHEREOF. I ban hereunlc sct my.:/#nd and aBixed the seal of the Circuit Court or the Fifteenth Jud;clal CirCtlit of said SUt~ in and for said County. t: ~ -e 8 q, .____.___ ..._ _t;Ji! _ _ ..O._11AI....p.__.~~ ___Ckrk. __~__ _ D. C. , , \,/ . ., -.... "-..... ~ -.... - , ,~~:.<.~ :./ _:._?<~:..::. ~~;..~,::<::..\.r: