HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1808 347 a.;.::-.:-.-'.-T-.- -.... ~MI..............., ....1Ull. 811..Ua In... :Nta-t\I. CO. cu-..~ .. I'..-at [ THIS INDl-:NTURF.. Made tlUs.._1IiDulUb.____cb)' 0(.. ".oall Oharl.. W. B1uhqt tilt. .11.... 8UjIlh .1., lijM))-~. of the Coullty of._-iftIllIl-e-_- a'lC! State o(___Jl1a8D.Ul ,107d JghUOD. A. D. 19..16 BETWEEX -part._.18..ll>' the fint put, and (I' the Co,",ty oL_ . ~__al.....LllG18..___and State 0'--_____.1'1.0%14&.__ part~_ of the se.."OIld part. WITl\ESSETH, That the said partie.a o' the fiut part. for and in coosidention 01 the sum oL_ 2.81'LDo1.1.u....anLolhar_T81..aa.bl.a--Oll.Da.14a:ra.t10Da. .... to.-the..._ in hand pa~i, the receipt whtreo' is bereby acknowltdged. ha__~.____-=-.._ aranted, bargained. sold and transferred. and h)' the.e pre~nts do._. grant, barpin, seU and tnnsfer unto tbe said part..~_ o( 'le secoad part and___hla hdrs and assigns forever, all that certain patcel d. land I)-ing and being in tbe CoUllt)' of.__.a..~~_..LIIA1.._ and State 01 --.-----noz-14&.- .111 that part of thl South-..at Quarter of the lor\ll!.,at .1I1O%tl.l..._J.a......._.o.L_ ___I... i) of Seo.t1OD !thl:rtl-hC4-1.a.2L.1JLh1DLBh1.lLZhUtJ-:tiY..-L.alil_..sQ11thm~_lianga _fh1.n,.-ntu. (SQ) EA..t. 1~1l18--ha'-.oL..tha-mtuohoM....Boaclr-o_-\&-1AUg-.1'h-ll""-OM 1D..ll_.S.11.~nln. OM RnndreJUha_L.3l...69.)..acU...IIO..o:r .1..a. --&Ooard11l8 to IUI'YI,. mn_.___._____!hl...Deld_1..acla--an4.n.ao.oa pte4.,.-..~Jeot -t.o-.the ..t.axe..-both- geDual and dr ainage_ __.__n._..n_.__.for_~.lea:r ...19.2.4...aIld_8D.b88ql1ent..,ea:re.anclalao.- al1b,ect- to Puh1..-1o Boada. ani n.._._..n___.___ J)z&1l1a,...r iibUuo.f__ .Q.andhQaml...._.___ --...__._._. _._____m.____m____ _more particularly ckscribtd as 1001ows: .__..__.....~.u_._...__ ._......__...___.___..._.._._...._._..__._____________________________._..u.._ . ___._______....___._.....n...___...... .. .._-.-..- ...m _m._._..___._.__________....h.__..__________l t!.50-.DooumaDtu1-hatampa.oenoell e4). _...__.______n..____ -..-- ---......-.. _ ........ .______.__.._..._..___n..... '_"0 ..____n..._._..____.____________.___._______._____ ......___....___.___________.________....h.._n..___ ...._____....________._.__..___.._____.._____.__.___._____________-'_____.________________.__ _... ..______~_._.H__...__h_._...._. .n.._...____.__....__.. . uO"'_'_ ........ ..n.___+_.__n____. ._n.n________.. ____h.____ ________________".._ _._____n_____n.__+__ _ .__ _....._._ n___ nh.__.__ _..._ .h __..._. _ ._____h."___. ..__.____.__ _......_.u._______._ "_h' ......_n_ --.... ....- -.--. TOGETHER with all the It....__r.ts. hueditamenl<. and appurttlU!lCts. \\"ilh es-cry priviktl:... rillht_ t;t.... inttrest an.J est~le, do.....r ~nd rillht 01 dower. rev..rsion. nmainder and ustment thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining_ TO H.\ \"F. AXU TO HOLD the same in fee simple forn'''_ r' I I I L .-\nd the said partin oi the first part do_ connant with the said parL_'.__ 01 the s<<ond part thaL___t.h83_alli_.____Ia.dully sdzed of the said prcmi...., that they are irce from all encumbr3llCes and that.___..the'__have_.____ "rod right and 1~'Kful authority to .ell the same; and the said parl.__18801 the first part do___ hcreby fully warrant the titk t" said land. and will defend the same again;t tht Ia.dul claims oi all 1"''''''15 .homs"ntr. .AJ(~.x OA.. L~<.. 'YV~A . IX WITXESS WHEREOF. the said parLU B of the first part ha._.. 'Ye . _"cr..unto .cl._.______._. ._.____tha1:r___ _...hand_____8 an" suLa, t:,e da)' 2'_nlt "-~.3.r aOO,-t ",'ritttn. . Bdwln Radin8Q...._________._.. ilaz ~ozh StantoD.-.....--.... ) I I I __mOO I S:l(nt,J, Seak-d and l>c1inrro in our I'rcscn<<: Cbar1es W. Rinehart Suu .1. Rinehart. __. ___._...__ _. _(Scal) . __., ..___n/Scal) --- -------------.-- - -. ---- _...__._-~- -- ..- STATE OF __..__...__.__ _...fio:r ih. .-------....---.-. Count;: oL_..__.._ ---..-.--..-S't. -I.uele,----- ......---.---------. I HERf.BY CERTIFY, ThaI on this. . _ Sixteenth _ .1:., ro! .Tanuax,. .. .--.-\. D. 19_.24. before me I>Cr",nal:). al'pe:md .__ ....____. __ .. ._. _____ . Charl ea .. ..~ 11l8har t. . and $arab .1.. RID1 hM t. - hi. wif.. ----.--....-- to me known to be the person_.a ducribed in and ..-h" uttUt~d the f"rrfP:r.~ c~n\.e).n(r t., --.-no,1 C..JohOIlGD-...-..-n--.--.- an" st'"erally ack"'....kdged tl>.- execution thue"i I., be.._ . 'thei.r _ _ __._.inc act ani .ll",,! lor Ihe use. an.! pur posts therein m..nt~: and tll. said .__._____...________ Su ah A. _ JliDehar t. - t~ wife of the said..___..__...______..__Ch&:r le.n W.....i.1n.h&r.t. ______.._.____._ ______m -.-----.. ----...---.--..------..-------.---- on a separate and printe examination talttn and made by and before 1Dl", and separately an,J al>2rt from her .aid huohan,J. did acknowledge that she made herself a party to t~ said Deed of ConYCJ&ntt, for the purpose of renouncing. relinquishing ar.d con...ying all ..... righl. tille and interest. ..-hether 01 dower or of .cpar;.I', property statutory or equitable in and to the land. therein described. and that she CXCC1:ted said deed freel)' and yoluntarily and without any con.traint. fear, apprehen.ion or compulsion 01 or from her said husband. WITXE55 m):. ~igna:!Ir~ and official seal. aL_._____...._.___ -.. ---- -------- - -----Port. - Rle..e ...___. _h. S'.Luo 1. _...____. ....___......_....~,J Slate c,{ .____...__._..._11 0114.. ___ ....._ -no.. ___m _______...._..._.m..._._._.____ln the County 01 __________.____ ....the day and year last ai"rc.aid. (I.P.SBAL) , -- .Kclwlll-llad In*1 _m._....__. ---..--.---.------.-- _...-.-_ _.(S<-al.) .0'81' Publlo Co_l.B1on expir.. Oot 6-1927 [;....:.. . ~~,' ~. ST..\TE OF FLORIDA. } Countl' of St. Lucie. On thiL....._L_____~9Q ........_..__._cIay of.-..----.---- -.Tan..:r,..--.~ ___ .._.____...__._A. 0_ 1~1_4_ aL----a~OO .____o.clock. __..p._n_M., ~ ~ Ihis instrument was filed for record. aDd being dull' acknowledged a.ud proy~ I han recorded the same 011 pace_______ K-7--------of C Book ._._..___.D.2_____m___._...~ in the PobIic Records 01 said County. ;: IS WITSE~S Wm':RF.OF. 1 hay~ hereuntc sct my hand and alIixed ;be 1<&1 of the Circui1 Court of Ihe Filtttllth Juclicial Circuit of said State - ~- in and r.,r ~ Countl'. IJl · i S; lb" Q. ---D.C \1 (01'. Cf. 8UL) __.___..___~.....a. -n4:r~=_:..o:: Lh-. '--'--'~.I~- ~ Clerk. , - ~.... / -" - '- ..... - . :/:.~: - . - _....; ~~ .' '.'. -. >.. ./~...: ~. .';. '~..' ~~~~ - ..- ..... ~ .. - ..) F:.."..- . . /'.....,. ~ - ~ :.. "::\' - ..... -- .' 4 ,,_ _.;- _ , ~ ~ ..;-.... _.,Q' . . .-:: . ~ . . . . - .,.'. ',- .. - ,: --:' ."....~,'<:.'~,.:.,:<:.<:.(.- '! ~.. - .