HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1829 .. 368 r . ! TIIJ8 lND&Nf'UD. Iladt &b!s-JODP ~ABn~1t --da1 of :o.oelllbel RfthAp~.. ~A~~O~. ~nl hi. .i~.. ~l~a~.t~ B, LaRO~~_r A.. D. 19.u. BETWEEN of .... c-t)' .' Dr ...,4 -"CI State of Bubut P_ bant. 1(' "8 -~ State of 1'1 at' 14- ~f &be in, put. aDd el tile c-.;, ., Hili. ...IAI~ part~ of the KCODd part, J WITNESSETH. That &be aaid ~rtk-aJ. of &be lint put, fOC' IIId Ie COIIJidcratiou of Ihe _ of T8n >>011a%8 and othe~ 'Yaluable oODs1deratlons. Dol~r.. D 1:h,1II .. ..... paid. &lie recdpt wbenof is hertbl' acbo.lcdaed. "" VA ...-red. barpiatd. told aDd Lransferred. and bl' these JlCtKots do I(fUI. Nrp/a. ItII and lrUSfer !illIG the Mid put....J- of &be IUOIld put pA Itdra act ~ forner. aU that urtain parcel of 1aIId IIi. aDd beiDe in the Cout,. of St. Luole .1 tI p 1 4 A more partkularlJ dtJcribed AI follows: hill-- -"4 State of A .trip tllzlO (.I) _alai _4 ~e~-ii.vU aDd. 0119 lI~lf (77.) lhkll w14e ft~ n~ 1:h8 Stlnth Aide o~ Lnt Oae (1).. Seot.1oQ Tw.1ye (1P.) To.q~)dp ~p. ~~uth~_ RA'J8' Tb1J~ _iDe (3~) Kaa.t Q4--a---aU1p of the same wldth oft of the-South.___ ..ld. n of Lft t ~1l8 (l), dARt: 1ftn ..:iay.en_('1l~o1lll1..8h1.p....'lh1.J::tJ~i'lilO_{.32.L.a.outh+ .____.._ RaQ 88 pn.. t.1 .1.40) KA At of.-fal ~ahaaaee...Jle%i.d1an_..aJ1lLho.u.nd8.d__on_th8.__.BOI-tlLb1....... __. _ lR nd Bold :t.o~L-BU.tu_-oonta1nlng_ai1t.un__ancL.Thut8.8n_Bundt.e.d.__(16.1a) .._._ ... tpr811. '" I.tl...50....Doo..--a.t.aapa-oancui. ~.dL TOGETHER willi .11 .. taoemmts. bueditameftts, and appnrtenan<:CJ. With ever, pri~i\q~ rigbL tilk. iJlterut and estate,. do.er and right 01 dower, ron-end. ~ aad easement thereto beJonaiag cw ia an~ appertainioa. TO H.\VE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple fo~r_ - And .. said parL!e..a of the first part do...- COftDaUt with the said part..J-- of the scrond part that th"Y U____~.fplJ). seized I of . wd ?ttmistl\, .. the,- are Itet from aU tnCUmhra.n<<s and thaL.___the y ha VA good rigbt and b.fol autboritl' to sell Ihe ..m~; ad th~ AMI ~ of . first part 110_ herdly folll' warrant the title 10 ..:d land. and .ill defend the same ;ogaiJut the bwfol daims of all persons ..-homsoc,-u. . IX WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part1.U. "f the linl part ha-__"'-.hueanlO W and yeu abon 'Io'ritten. theu. h2nd 8 and seaLJI_, the day 1 ___Albu'-_L..__llclGeaun._____________ I I ___...Baom1...Q.._Bon.rb..__.__._______.._____.__ t I I J ~igned. ~Ied and Deli.-tred in our Preswce: ..m_m__Rnt-vct;fL_lo..~' _(s.al) -~~. ..t.o.~._____(Sea'-). ST.-\TE OF ____J'LORIl1.A.__________~mh_h_...__ 1 . ~ County oL...___.BB.KV.ARD_ _____.__.__.____ , " I HEREBY CERTIFY, ThaI on IhiL______.---.....-----.-..------ ._.hy .,f .____Daoembe:r ____.__...:..____\.. D. 19..2.3.~ belore rr.e I . per50u;IUl' apreared ________ RQ but; _.B.. LaHoohe ..anci..4l.1z.abe th--B.-LaRo.ahe_____________ __ _.____ . to DOe kn01\"l1 t() be the perso"-_;_ described in and ..he> executed the forqpiJ:g con.-t)UICe t(>----Huber:t--Jt..--n8D~B-.--..-.-----m.-..._- and sc...nDy acltDmrltdge4 thr exCCllUoo rMlwf to be-.th8_1r_____.ircc act znd deed fl>r th: uses ...:1 P'.l.posu therein mentiODCd: and ,h~ said ___._~ ~;$f1_bQ_\b..Ji ..._LaRooht__.._______ ___.________.__.______.__..___________ __.__._______~_._._._. the ...ire or the saicL________..._________________Ro.b8Z1i...B._.LBRooh8.________.___...m___.__ __________._________ on a separate ud printe examinatiun ,aha aDd made b,. and befor~ !Dr. and separately and apart frum ber said hnsband, did admowled..e that she tude b<rsdf a party to the said Deed of c.....qaoc~ for the purpose of renounrinlr. relinquisbing and CODTtying all Mr riJl!t1, title and Inlttnt. ..beth"" oi dowtt or of ~.- po'OIlCrtl' .tatut<><J or tquitaNe in llOd to the lands therein descrihed, and ahat sbe utt11kd A,d dlCd freely and \"O!wntan1y and without anl' comtr.,;,,!, fear. apprtbtnsioo or complllsion of or from mr u.id h.sband. wn:,a:ss 11\." sign:.lur~ arid ctKial seal. at______h_______._.C0008__._._______.____.________ -Jo tbe eour.ty of ---,.'..:..J:lJ...Y.DIJl._______.____.and State or._______.__....._J'lOIl1da. ____________the dal' and )"ur bst afprrsaid. ("If.P.SIW,) " I -----U bel.~-J.. .-M6QeaWl---..------------------1 S'31.) Notary publio State of.rIor 14a Ily oolimlle on expires .T1Jl1 7,1925 192 . l STATE OF FLORIDA. } Connl)" of SL Lucie. I ~ j . i J On this__2.5ih_~_~l' of_;Januaz1--.-- _______.___________A. 0_ 192.."~ at.__..'~OO o'cloc:k, _1!.._..l.I. IIW .u...trwuJII .... Iikd !or record,. .... bem. 401y ~kdged aDd pro,.cn. J ha"f recorded thr :same oa paat___.~6B._____..of Dock___._.~2____.__. in the Poblic Records of ~d Count,. IN 'A'J11'E$ WBatEOF. I haft ~ 1Ct'\,y baad and afind lbe Ital of !he Circuit Court of the FiitctDlh Jnd:i::rc Cucrtit ~f Wd State i:l~1~~iT: ~ , a. .! .' ::r. I .~ 'eT. OT. 8JW,) !.i -..... '- _~....c...;.El4r ~~-:v. -~T--..,iO"'-' Clerk. D.C \l a;. .~ ~. ~.~..... 'f '. _~~~~~~ -~~;...~.~-~a. ~: .::.' ___j c> I :~~_I. _' ,._ ~ , _ -. _ ~: . =- -: ..-'~. ~>- .. ~ - . . _ ... 'C' f. . - ~ ~_........"", "-' ~- ~,p---- " .. .... . ':',:;' J~' i--.:.- . ~.'." : : , -. '. ~ ...; ".6. -. :. 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