HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1881 I i20 t , I' s' === ..~....... ....--.. ftUI U1DllNt'UaF. JoIadt thl, 1fUh. d-., of Jo...:aa J. a.s. (,111.1....) . _. ~._ _.._... ..0..__...... .... ~_a_ ......_ / ..1>>. 18t~ A. D. LP.U. BiT\VEEN ~ .f the c-tF of .T.ft~.AD ."'<1 Stale of ~.I'\OD. R..U7 gO. 8~.L~le ."41 Stale of 11ft. . porLL of &be 'nl tilt. and fIl die eo.., ., fiorl48 , par!!..!L of &be _d part. I WITNESSETH. Tbat &be aaid partJ.- of &be lint par\ for aDd ia coasideralion of Ihe _ o' .ftnr hnnllr Ad Dollar$. IO.-it..- ill IIud ~ .. receiIt .bcffilf Is bertbJ' acbowledaed, h. · ,rutecl" bar~ IOId aDd transferred. IJId hy these prtStJllJ do e. Fmt. Ilupia. acU aDd IRalfer lIDto tM aaid pan.!!! of &be MlCODd put and_thail btira ad usips fornu, all that ttrtain pared oS land IJinc aDd bciDg in &be c-at.r of lliJ.uole .nd State of fl.otl4& more partiaalarlT desaibed.. follows: Lot 10. 28 in ",ravll1a Subdivision of oJ,a 21 TownshIp 36 ~. Bans, .0 reoo1'4~~...i..n P101: bftR .. at. })Age ~, o~ St. LDtI".a OftDnty reoorcls. TOGETHER with all the tentmCllts. bereditammts, and appurt~"Wlces. "'ilb every pri..ileac. righL title, interest and estate, do.er and right of do~, re.-enao.. .-iDdtt and castIIltI!t thereto beloogiJlC or in an)..isc appertaining. TO HAVE AXD TO HOLD the same in fee simple forenr. ADd tIoe said par~ of the first part do...JlL COftlWlt with the said part.-i8.f !he second part thaL- be Ia.dully ~ilcd I of thr &aid premises. that the,. are free from all encumbrances and tlut_____._.......hLhu good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and thc said put.....J.._ of the first part do--8.JI herdlJ' fullJ' .arnat the title to said land, and .ill ddend the same ajtawt the Ia...ful c1ai:ns of aJl pc-rsor.s ...homs~\~r. . IX WITXESS WHE.R.EOI', the said partJ'__ of the first part ha.. I____hueunto set and ).ear abo,'e_ written. h1.a___. ""M and suL_~ the day ~igned. Scaled and Deli.-~red in our Prescnce: 1 ____nO __plesg7...Co.nen._______..___________ I I __________ J... _~J__J4Q.gO,Q_..___________________._ ~ I --PegQ--Oone I I ____.l..__.8...._.Jaa.ka.olL______..___ J ..---.-------..--.. --- .10_ ph .1... a.la---.---.---------.- ..m..(~all __ __ .._(S<al) ST_-\TF. OF __.________"__J'LOB.IDA..________._____.____ 1 CO:Inty of---...--_____M._LVCIK________________..._.___......._ t I HERF.BY CERTIFY, Th..t on tms ____._18th .--.--- __ -:. _.,13: oi J'eb%wu 1 --_ ._..__._________-\. D. 19.2~_ before m~ ~rsooall)" appear~d ____.J'..._J._B1UJl.._ (..14.0.%) ._.,_. ___.__ .____.____ .__..._____._________-..--.._.__..____....._..__________...______... __..._ to me \r.n""OD to be the ptrSOl1-;-- described in and who u<<uted the foreg>int!' ccnvt'}auct t,,------..1CEY3TOBK R&ALTY-.OOMPAlIY_. aDd sC1lerally aclmowledged tbe uecution thereof to be____.____ hie ____. __frtc act ani deed for t'te a.cs an1 p::'~s therein menliontd; .~..~ ~ .. ------...-..----------.--.---..---.-.1. -...--...-.- ..-------....... .._.___m__._____ __ ___.______m__......_....__.____._____. .___________..__. __ _. __ the ~. of the said.....--=--__..._____._____...________m___~y .___ . _______ _____._._____~__________._.___.._____. _______..____.__..___________ 011 a SCIlirate aad pOnte examinatioo taktn and made by and befo'" me. and seoaratel,. and apart from her said husband. did acJrnc,wlcdge that she made bWelf a party'" the said Deed of CalytpJltt, fos- the purP<l<'e.Jif renouncing. reliDf}1lhhing and COC1nylnjt all her right, title and int.nst, whtt""r of dower p of MPlra~ pt'o~rt,. .tatutor,. or equitable in :lAd to tlitvlands therein described. aDd that she: utcUt.d said deed freely and .-oIuntaril,. and ..itlv.lllt any constraint, fear, apprehension or compulsion of (" from.fler said husband. WfT:';ESS my sipature a:1;) official ~I, aL__________.____.___,_OI..~____fl ~I._O,____...__________..__..._______ __ _._.in tbe Count}. of ____..__.8.t.. :l;, DO ie.____________----..and State of_____.__...__..__ -..-----.---.---:!1.0%1da____._________.._. the rial' and :rnr wI aforesai.t. .......... . " .________'?'1~...~.n_...___. ..___.______________....___..__.._ __C5<-al.) \ Botaf7 Pub1.1o. 3,*~. of Plorlda. (lfeP.sx.u,> lq oolDias1 on expires .l\lne .. 1924. ;' ,/ I STATE OP-E1Q~lDA. } CountJ' of St. Lucie. 00 t!ti$_ 181ihu.___...daJ' ;f________~.:b.rWl.tYn... _ __....__________A. D.. 19l_4_~ aL.n__.2 :OO---__o'clock, -..P. ____lL dIis in!~t ..as file4 for record, ... Lc~y acbo.-Icdged and pronD. l ban rccorde4 tbe san:e OD page-.__.__420.....________________of BooIr____.6.2__~ in the PobIic Rroa, of said Count)"_ . ~N Wff)o~S WHEREOF, l ba.-e ~ let OIJ' band and aftixcd the ~a1 of the Cizcuit Court of th~ fift~ Judicial Circuit of said State in(" <J for said C~. ~. , . 5 ___.f._C.._.BlU~.4 -. -- _ _____Cle.k_ \ (O!.O!.SIJiL) ~ _~~_.. ~. D. C- \. / l ,. j . .. L~:; ~ }; !:\::" . ; ~ - '.:; ~.;;;