HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1889 of the C-ty of hi, :L. R. 1'1'01" ~t. L~te ''ld Stale of_--'lo.r..1d.a.- .pa~ of the second part, I 428 --r...... ..-...... ........ ......._._. AAA _..... _~........_.....~_ THIS INDBNTUIlE, Made this '7~}I Oefta Bat.v Pilla day of .TaDl\UY · oJ . .tng)A ma~, ft# ~n.Qftn A. D. 19.1i, BETWEEN , . of .... Cc-.., .1 ond Stale of Ar IUD. ~ of the first part. and WIT:-iESSf:TH. That the said P;rt~ of the 6nt part. I~ and in oxuider.tion of the _ of OlE HUl~D1lRP ABD PIP~l IJll.Q.&o) Dollar!\. to him Ia IlaM paid. the rmpt ..bueof is hereby acbo"ledaecJ. ho . . puled. barpiaecJ. told and transferrecJ. aDd by these pt~ts d0.A8- Ifant. barpia, adJ and transfer IIDto tbe uid ~ of the .ecoa4 part and_hex lotir. aad assi&ns forever, all that amio puttl of WId Irillll and beiDg in the CoaIlt1 of $1:.LDc t A 2nd Stale of }l].o%.J..d.e more particularly described.. follows: All tho.. t.o.oertain lots D~b'l.d BeTeD (7) and ei~ht (0) in ~ook Dum- ber 101, in the Town ot....r.llJuDeu. County ot >It. Luoie, State ot J'l,orlcla.___ troDting ODe hundred t..t OD OIJtIlBl.~uet and rllDniDI baok one hw:ld.z..L.__ and fftrt.J teet. ttt. A 'bentJ te..L.id8..-al.~..-.ao.cO%d1ng.-to_:Uul..-P~at_o:t._.the._.__. TOWD 01_101l.ul.e re J:eQ.ar..clI.d_iD._:thtt...J?u.bll.o...lie.o.ar.d_.Q.:t. ~t.......LDQJ.fL.c.ounQ....Flo- .'. h. r.1A.~'TJIl.jb.'-.o.Lfi.Q.L..2f_t.b.t._Ole.r k...ot._.thiL.oJ.l.Q.u1.:LQ.Qi1tl._~hf.lu.1n..______. ._... ... .__1601i._Doo.a_.atampQ8Doe.l.ledL TOGETHER with all the ttntmenlJ.. btredit.malts. and appurteaan~... With ever, privilqe. right. title. interest and estale, do...er and right of do...er. n.-ersioa" remaioMr and taSCIIlall thneto he\onginc or in &n}....ise apperuininc- TO HAVE AXD TO HOLD the same in fee simple fore.er. AM the said puLL of tht firsl pars do-- conlWlt ..ilh tht said past-L of the second part thaL--he fs l.."fully ~ize<l I of the said ptemisu, that they are fret from all encumbrances .nd that__.ha_haa iood right: and Ia.ful authority 10 sell the samt; and the said part..L- of the 6rst part do......e.a.. hereby fully ....rrant the tilk to said land, and ...ill defend the same again'~ the lawful claims of all ""rSOlls ..bornsoe\.er. IX WITXESS WHEREOF, the said parL._.J.. of the 6rst part haA..__-he:eunto seL._.h tll and lur ahove ..ritten. "20M and seal~ the d.y 1 ___...__l'.._W..L.!!!I!omt~ .~____.__ I I _._.. .__.ArDolL.T.u&n1th._.______._._.___._ ~ I I I J S;j;ned. Se.led .nd Ddi.-ered in (,ur Presetltt: . _. . . a. QJ: ge Bal' r.u.__.__.___._un___..__......_.mn (SeaL) n. .._n . ._...........__......_.______._..__... __.._(~.t) STATE OF .~______.___AIUZ.OBA.___._n_.__...._._ n . .____ 1 ~ C'Unl}. 01.__________. P1aa.------.......-----.. .-...- J I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this ... .__.__7.:th.._....u u' _.. n..of>;- <If. Janu.al)'._m.m._n......_...___-\. D. 19.a~ ~iore me personally apr-e;tre<! ________u..GeO.. _Ba1.0I,.&..Blngle.man. of .'lUSCOB,. .Azl~ona--..------_.......... .._n...n to me kno..n to be the puson._.... de~ribcd in and who uccutcd the io~>intr CODv~...n:e :o...-..1(%a. .-I,... .R. .-lvozy.---....- '.'._'n'_n' and "nn!ly aclmo"lcdged the neculion thereof to be_... n_..h1a ......_..._fre u! ano! c!rt-d for I;'. us~s :ud I-urposes Iherdn mtnl;."..n!; om"'~"'ri+ ~-.rif~.~~...WJ... .__.._n._..._..__..._._...__..._.__...._____'-..___m__.__._u._._.__n.... _.. __.......,.w- __a1B ...h......'AINI............. ..&.1.__ .......,,~-.....-"" k.... ~....___..,..ti4....._~IMt-... IIlJI!oe ~.......,. ~!4.-..o-. g.....~ '-w"-- ..........."*~ ...._iQ.4N...;.Ioi......,. _~a1'-lM.. ~-titl. ...~...... .ttl.u -lI'f-cktw__ef............ ~"',.._...._....taW..... "'-ta -....-I. tJow..... ~..aa4.dw.w~...w.... '{tINl~ ....s-~y M~t-IlIl1~tNiA&.-~...a,prehell6io;.....-.w_4_.J_~<.ai.t,~ ,/ (~ my signature and official seal, at_._..'lloao~. -.--.-- . -_._._ . ____ -.--..-.--------...---_._.___....in the Counly of _. ...1'1m.a~_\ _ ______. .._.. .. ....______.and Stale oL__ _ .. -_.. .-Ar 1r;ona. ________.. .____ __ .u_..__.. the day and }ftr ''"',t ..fortsai,!. (B.P.SJW,~' . -....-..- to\~i1~ll10..--.-----..------._-...--(Sc.I.) ---. ~' _, ./ M7 Comm1sfl10D expires Jlay 12th. 1924. . - J-- STATE OJ' FLORIDA. } Conoly of St. Lade. ( On this._-20.th_.___day of ______.._.:1. bll18tJ..-...-.- ;o..---...A. D. 1924..-~ aL_.uao.-o'clock, __p__..~I. ~ this in.su~nt ...as filed for record. and ~ina dilly admowledlled aM proveD. I fJ'e r<<orded the "!de on pace.---""88---...--.-.-.---of BooIc._._-fi2...._..-.._..-. in the l'obIic Records of .aid County. /1. IS WI' . EREOf, I have bcrClUllo Sd 11I1 band and afliud ~I of the Circuit Court of the Fiftoenth judicial Circuit of said St.le in :did for id Counly_ !Zl. . i-_-L_o.~n'.4_____~__'_'-'-:""C1erk. . · --W'.t-(. ~~__-=-D.C ,) . .." ~ ..,: . ~ . _.. _' .~ '.'W ,: <:":.'. ~~~ /~~,:.." ::'~;':.~:~:;:. ": :....:./: . :~'--~'