HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1904 \/'" ~~3 -~------ .....~"'~" IInO-&OV .-.:.....~" " ,! ~~~ TIUS INDF.NTURE, Mat!ethis. . J... B. i.lh_--:"___dayof -!'eb%.U!UJ,. A. D. 19.24, BET\\'EEX .Tlt.OQsoP and .WnIDLThomp8ftn. .ht..i~8.. '. and Stale of O.klAhOIll.l!.______:partUJl. of the firsl part, and [ of Ihe County of.. TQlu.. W1lllam)l. ThOllpRon of Ihe Counly of..____Tulaa. --<lIld Slat~ of.___...OklahomiL___.--"-.part._l__ of Ihe second p.lft. WITNESSETH, That the S3ld part...1.e80f the lint rart, for and in consideralion of the sum of. TQ!LJ!o.ID.LIL~.!HlJ.th~tLY.N.~blL_Q.ond.!1.u.Q.t1.o.DL Dollars.. I . : I(\..~~helll.- in hand ....id, the rtttipt ..hereof is hereby acltnowledgecJ. h.1._.Y.8___.__ grantecJ. bargained. sold .1nd lransferrw. and by Ihese pre<enls do.___~__ grant. bargain. seU and transfer unlo th~ said p1rt...Jl- of the '<<ODd ....rt and____h1.B____.__.__ L htir.;' a~d as.igns forever, all that ttrtain p1rttl of land l};og and being in lhe County of.___.__ .____.and 51ale l'f .more particularly described as follows: __---'--___._____.___.._...___..._._.. !.. ._Ull that certain paroel of land lying and luling in the Connty of 3L-..L.u.a1Luand._.J.ta:t8_. -1;!orlda_more ll8rUoularly deROt.ibed -8A followa: _____..__......_....u_.. _~.81JlDl~1Lcn the Indi8rLIU:u.L2l.m....ohlliDll-llO%..thh..t.._1ihtL~.o.u.th.~.ojlnd.u.v.._.Qf_.1.!.ot. .On8. (1)... _..~tni.Qn.h<<l.D..U=-Bh: {264....T.aw.nsh1.JL.Thi.l..Q:-::.flve.. (35L~ou.th.lianga_1'ort.y.C.40) .. kat; rnnning ...thano8_lIest.28.ohai.na,.:..mor.. ..0x.-.le-!Sa,.-to-W.at-boWldar.y.o't.Lot. One (l)j .. .the noe nOIt.h 4.33 .. oha1nB._tMnoe...&aat..26.3fi.ohaills... mo:te-.Q%..leaa,..-.to .the.IncUao.Rivel i ..tbenae sonthe8at- . .erly ...to..b8ginn1ng...._.(u.08.pt...s1x~... ( fiO)..-.fee.t...nght.. of. ay. of .Bl orida Aaat. Coe a t Railway ~ .o~~.~J.l.li.ng:U_~12..~Q.IP.~.~~9J:~...Qr.~l~,,~1~.._\.Qg<<l.1;M.J:ttUb Rl);1axlan ..Ii ghta. "m_.._ . ~.1...deedgiY8n.Bubjeot.tQ.aoar.tain.lIlO%.tgaapforf3600.00 given bJR~ L.. Goodwin aod .1I8.~UO .~...J,04dwin. .-'oj John..W.. .1IU18 1_ o.n...tM" above.plope r \y ....-....-. ...-,..-.". ...... ... '. .n i 1 . ~ " ) ._..____.____~____._._______._____...____.__u___...___._._._________....__._______..._..__._...._ ...._ .... ..........____.__...._ . '_'_n."'" ".-.. ... --....---- ._.. .._.. .._.n....__..._..__..__..._......_.__.______. --.nC "'1400 .Do a. - a tam pa 011 00 el1e d ) [ TOGETHF.R with an Ih~ lenC.mnts. hertditamml.. and appurlenancts. \\';111 e,.try !>riyi'~", right. titl.... inlen,t and es!.ll~. <!o..-n and ri,;:ht of d?....r, r~...,ui"n. r~lJl3.indtr and e..emenl therelo be!ong;r.g or in aD)"Wise al'perlainir.g. TO 11:\ VF. ....XD TO HOLD Ihe same in f~ siml'l~ for~ur. Ar:oJ Ihe .aid p1rL iO.8 of th~ fiul pul do___ to~erunt ..-ilh the S3id pari y n.'. of Ihe srrond part that..._..._. they_.aZ8.._._._.l3wful:y seized ';1 the ..id prtmisu. lha.1 they art fr~e from all tncumbrantu and that.._.they. .have ...._._..__._good right and_ lawful authority to !ell the S3me; and the S3id part._.1e."f Ih~ first pari do._.._ her~b1 fully warrant the titl~ lo'uid land. and ..ill dd~nd the .:..ne ag:lin't the L...rul claina of all l"t:r~.r;J .hor.l~OC\~r. . Signed. S'"kd and Otli..ered in our Pn:.~nce: 1 _. _ .IL~.. Emar BOn _"':"._..m.~m_......m.._...._..u_.. I I . R...lI.. Kob1egaxd....._.._......._. I I I J J. ti. Thompson . Wilma Thompson .(Sul.) tSe:>t) IX \\'ITXF.SS WHEREOF, the ..id part.lea of the first part ha.' ve ..htr~un!o 5<1... ...... the ir .... .........handS__. alld seal s.~ II:~ day ~nd ,.-tar aooyt' written. ST:\ TE OF ._.Qla.abolll~.___.___..__.. .._._.._..._ m._........ Co""t). of._..._..TnlS8._____._..____m.._._..__.....__..... , ~ J I nERERY CERTIFY, That on Ihi,.. . 18th ._ . '. :0)' <.j j'ebruar y . ..... n. 19:.24.. ~.tior~ me pcrsn....1!1' appe"rtd ...._ .__.._.___.__ J..H. ..fhompaOD andlllilma. Thompson,' hia wife, .... ........ ... I'J f!le ':no"" 10 k Ihe pcrson. a. desCribed in and ",h" executed the rOIYg>in~ c(nn~ar.ct to William)l.. ~olllpaon _..m.' and sr.-eraU, ad:no....ltdged the ~UC1lli.or. thtr~of I,) l>t..._... their.. . _.;H~ act an,1 .1<<1 j." the me. ,n<! ;.urfX"'u t!lerdn rMnlioned; and Ih~ ':lid ...._.__.._._...._.._.._Wllm.a . Thompson ."__'.' the ....ife of the ..id....__..___._...__..I.._H._Thompao.n ._......_...._.._.__._u._...__._.._._.. ..-. -........ -............... ...-.. .-...-.... .'.m'." '-'.- on a separal" and prin!~ ex aminal ion takm and made by and befGr~ m~. and separald.. and aPolrt from her said hUl~n'" did :adcnowl~dK~ Ihal she made herself a party to the said D~td of Con..tj"&nC~, for Ihe ['urpose of rm..,uncing. rel;nqui.bing ",,01 con..~ing all her ril/hl. till" and inler~st. whelher of do....er or of sep3ral~ property statulory or rquitabl~ in and to the lands therdn described, and lhal she UttUI~d said deed fr<<ly and ,'oluntarily ar.d ,.;tho-~I any constraint. fear, aJl(>rrhensi'Jn or compulsion 01 or from her said husband. WITXESS MY signature and offici.11 ",.J!, aL...___....._........................... Tul aa ... ..' n....._..........__..n..._..._u...._......_.._..in !h~ CO!JnlY oj __. Tnl.sa.m_....._m_. .__...._-<In.1 S13t~ of........._....._.....__. ....... Olcla.homa ._.... .....___..m...._......_.....the day and year Ia,t aforcui.1. ( N.P.SUL) .._..____..__ -G. R. _ HawJtlns---.-.--.-...-m m. ...(~al.) Nota ry Publio. .ita to or Oklahoma My commission expires Feb. 19, 1924. ., 'j "1 ~ 1 ~.'....... (;. ~~ !;~~ :i STATE OF FLORIDA. } County of St. Lucie. On this_..__.... 2.6.th_.._. ._.__~day 01._.._... ..PebJ:ua.x1.___.. .m_' ~.......n.:..-..A. D. 192 ._4 _ at.___..~O: 3D._o'clock. --. A.-..-)I., this ilUtrument ...as. filed for ncord. ancl being duly ackno.-Iedged and pronn. f7J1ne recorded the '&!Ile on ~-_---4~-.._-.--of r: Book..__.6.2_._____._1 in th~ Poblic Rce<>rds of uid Couoty. P IX WITXF.SS WHERF.OF. I haTe hernanlo Kt my hand ancl alIixtd I~seal of the Circuit Court of the Fiftetolh Judicial Circuit of said State in and for said County. p (CT.CT.S::AL) l / _D. C. tv ;. J' ,. i' i! t , .' f.f~ 13' __.f...Jl....JUdud ~" M,.'1:'P;t ~")~~ Cleric. ~~~.-~.~...i'...~; :. ::.~ .~:.,,~~.. ~.:~'::..; .'~.,:.~/,-;<;:..~ . . .- "" < .. .. . . ~ - . - ~ . -- . . - - - . ". "~." ........'....> :;....~ :.? .~: <