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1 r N N z 122. 72' .0� -zI NI tA NI 7 M N N 0 tr Z� cos� LEGAL- DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land lying in Section 12, Township 35 South, Range 38 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, said parcel is described as follows: COMMENCE at the Southeast corner of said Section 12; thence run N89'25122"W, along the south line of said Section 12, a distance of 48.00 feet, to a point on the West right-of-way line of the North St. Lucie River Water Control District Canal No. 56; thence run NO'06138"W, along said right-of-way line and parallel with the East line of said Section 12, a distance of 1326.67 feet, to the South 1/4-1/4 Section line of said section 12; thence run S89'21123"E, along said 1/-4-•1/4 Section line and along said right-of-way line, a distance of 2.00 feet; thence run 1400'06138"W, along said right-of-way line and parallel with the East line of said Section 12, a distance of 1270.97 feet, to the South line of the right-of-way for Orange Avenue, as shown on the D.O.T. right-of-way map thereof; thence run S89'56145"W, along said line, a distance of 504.02 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue S89'56145"W, along said line, a distance of 252.27 feet; thence run SOO'03115"E, a distance of 1381.39 feet; thence run N89.5°6145"E, a distance of 252.27 feet; thence run N00'0311511W, a distance of 1381.39 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; containing 8.0000 acres, more or less. WTEIPD"ANAnoNAL NO. 184A-24X34C - h. 00" 0:51 I5'1 E. N 000 o3` 15"w. PLOT PLAN �7(r�LE 1 x O LOCATION MAP tVN'I'6R R6TEN n0sj prr&H I �toP�st:D ABpvs �RovNp FUEL. FAG4L110'f i 11 t%�oPobcP EX1ti''i1 N(3 By+,C1 WA i Q � �0 C Crro CL z t - �Uj - p Liu - a do ,- ®_ ac z zo� I-- o2 20 O W wz-j w W Uz>O zaz 4Y � J a W to o � %' m ch I • �u ui h-- mCL m us a= w - w` O z d 10 4 tVA"A RE'TLcwnoN vin, - ti2,2 ' N N N W V Z o 'Q O ST. LUCIE COUNTY -- FT. PIERCE FIRE PBEVEi T �0 UMEAU REVIEWED I Y OH! HAXD FOR CODE PHANE: 4335-3855 DATE: SUBJECT TO: 1, ST, LUCID GO. -FT. PIEIXE ME PREVENTION CODE 2. NT �I A- LIFE SAFETY C©DE-101 3. STArZ FIRE MARSHAL'S R & R U J Z LL O Lu CC V CL cr O w LL Q . F— w • a. LL O U LL Z F— CL J 0 U F" Q 06 LL J U uu Z p U LL p p W Z = O -- Cr 0 Q 0) `w cn O Cr Q ..i LL w U W I1. F-- LL DRAWN L.G. CHECKED DATE 10-9-90 SCALE AS N TED J06 NO. -..rUQCC REVISIONS I ®Y a LD 11 60 N(i -�,[_AO wl Ux Cp 100 tuwm, x i�tf�--� )►�=1►�-:Ili � � itl=��e� _ • li t k y�ll _ f (—� SECTION A �VALr To EPdxY GoAMNG, FOM SPILL GON?AI N MENT Gon,. PouP,6u &4ZK tv f 5 0 vrxRrKAL_ 94 " o,G cc I - � M _ "I FOUNDATION PLAN hGALE ! fin_ I' o If SECTION B /;6AL6;_____ --_p er o�� l 2,X0 6wAL / 4poo GAS FuCL TANK ( Pv&L TAWK � l M� 1 SECTION C lo K DILll:v- TANK �I 2.115 0 c.oNT. U J Z LL - w o L� p� U p,. cr. o CL cc U J LL a_ Li. O U U. Z o U I- . Q J LL. od V- -j U Lli W Z U C) OC LL C) _W o w a. Z = . C o LL - oc � V Cl) L LJ C/) O cc W DRAWN L.G. CHECKED T.J. DATE 10-9-90 SCALE AS N OTE JOB NO. SHEET 2 DFTHREE SHEETS 1rTEEDO* NATIONAL NO. 166A-24X76c __o N 411GON6, I:ILLE BvMPE,R p'Cai..E -411 FILL W/ LO&KN I6 GAP 211 VENT PIPE W/G4P GONG. Po0RED Bi.Ar.K cur 50 VS rl&AI. sill Q.4/• II � ,F j'' f -- ----- --- - -- --- - --- - - _-- -- - -,r EPDXY GDA'n Nms M)P1 -- ---- --- -- -- -- SPN u. G©n�?AI N MST I i � pR+J NyAb►E GN�r`N Nit.. -- - _J ?oP of tANK _ ___-- 3 0— 7�m_, 1t1= 1 i =i7 itt Itr=— --iE— 5 ¢ GoNT I It Alp El� ', PF 46AP GKIWIC, GAP OVERFILL VALVE N,T j SECTION D �164LE' 1''- 01 /.,/ GONL. F�VFeP OL06,K I is II ca 2Af i EPDXY 60A?IN6 FOR �- I SPIL.I.. 60t4rAWMI,NT i 1-iZKING PALL VALV& Zr�DPx 4'wa DRAI► 46rz GNANNEL. SLOPE '/fir' PGK FmoT', � IMA V • Z J U. o w OC V Q. cr o w cr 0.. F_ • w U. t—' C _2,000 GAL • 19461. 'I ANK or `R LL_- _ a �► I 1 AL r , — tL ,14 - G x [e rod r o w. t,u ►ter `� 2• 5 0Gory?. U. 0 Ir�Z 51PHoN LINO ' 121I F_ Q. MA WAY 410VO 6AAL, -- 4/00 6AL. FuEt. TANK Q °'��L T�K SECTION E. �' �s � U. _ w z w w w - ----- Zvi 12 yew ?r PE w/ GA P Z CL • � 2.� 4Nwt� �RAI►.IA6E GNAN�INE�•. _ E cr. LL 3 �� ►N ----, " v� u) Z &ALV PAOPovr C.-w E 4 Fru. W f L 04KIN6 GAP 2NT PIP E W! GA V <t -� w cn t-UN wAY '��` 4,000 evA�, t%l 'TANK > U) Tu'PI•IIl.1 PUMP _ _ .L O D M 0C F D <C FLOOR PLAN 'Pi fp1 rUb $!3 ez SECTION F Phu 1~ le Aorto M-6. DRAWN L. CHECKEO T. J. DATE 10-9-20 AS N TED JOB NO. SHEET 3 OFTHREE SHEETS 'W TELEDYNE NATIONAL NO. 166A-21X36TI- BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY -FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 465-6655 JURISDICTION: St. Lucie County PROJECT NAME: RUSSAKIS HEDGING CONTRACTOR: Philip Caruana ARCHITECT: OWNER: Russakis Hedging LOCATION: 15675 orange Av. BUILDING SIZE:. OCCUPANCY TYPE: Above ground fuel containment CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SBCCI. NFPA. FIRE PROTECTION: Automatic Sprinkler Yes Occupancy Hazard N.F.P.A. #1: Requirements: Two (2) 4000 fuel and diesel One (1) 2000 fuel 1. See attached requirements. No PLAN NUMBER BUILDING DEPT. NO PHONE NUMBER PHONE NUMBER DATE RECEIVED 11-19-90 11-19-90 NUMBER OF STORIES BUILDING HEIGHT #6090 90-2822 489-6155 CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: e' /r r� 'si u,: :._ DATE // .0 n�__♦ �i.. l ' ..F to I i BUSINESS OFFICES Mailing Address (467) 464-1001 P. O. Box 3030 It 0 Revised 7-19-90 CONTAINMENT AREA ° Requirements For Containment Areas For Above Ground Fuel Tanks 1. Shall comply with NFPA #30 and the State Fire Marshal's Rules and Regulations 4A-16. 2. The volumetric capacity of the containment area shall not be less than the greatest amount of liquid that can be released from the largest tank within the containment area, assuming a full tank. 3. A slope of not less than 1% away from the tank and toward the floor drain shall be provided. 4. The floor drain shall be equipped with not less than a 2" drain pipe to the outside at floor level of the containment area with a control valve readily accessible. 5. The minimum distance between tank or tanks and the toe of the interior of the containment wall shall be 3'. (Separation required at sides and ends.) 6. Each containment area containing two or more tanks shall be subdivided, pre- ferably by drainage channels or at least by intermediate dikes. Dikes shall be not less than 18" in height. 7. Vents for tanks shall comply with NFPA.#30, 2-,2.4.2. 8. The outside base of the containment area shall be no closer than 10' to a property line or any structure on site. 9. Walls and floors of the containment area shall be of masonry design to be liquid tight and non -absorbent. 10. Compliance with all Building Department requirements shall be necessary. 11. The minimum distance between two or more tanks shall be 3'. 12. Storage of combustible materials, empty or full containers or barrels, shall not be permitted within the dike area. IV � � �n n��-A c/ 4 r V FEE: ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMIT NO.: PR # : qt A fice pnly) _ .(Office Use Only) REF. NO: A (Of ice Use Only) INSTRUCTIONS: Please provide .the following information'in the space provided. Please be sure to Print or Type all required information. For assistance in completing this application, please contact the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development - Planning Division, at (407) 468-1576, during regular office _hours (8:00 AM 5:00,PM), Monday through Friday. All applications for Vegetation Removal Permit must be submitted by 4:30 P.M.- each business day. in the Zoning. Division,-.Ro.om 201; St. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia -Avenue, -Fort Pierce, FL -34982. Please use your.permit reference number -'(PR #) when making any inquiries or picking up your permit. When your per' mit.is ready for pick up, you will be called. Please leave a phone number where you can be reached between 8:00 5:00, Monday through Friday. VEGETATION SURVEY REQUIREMENTS.: A. If single family or duplex development, survey may be in the 'form. of hand drawn sketches accompanied by_ photographs. Three (3) copies --of -all surveys and photographs are required. . B. If multifamily or non-residential, survey must be in the. form of .an aerial for field survey, accompanied by photographs. Three (3) copies of all surveys and photographs are required. A11 surveys must show clearly the following'information: 1. Location and extent of vegetation on site; 2. Com{non or. scientific names -of major groups. of .vegetation-; 3. Vegetation designated for removal and/or grubbing percentages'); 4. .Vegetation to remain undisturbed; 5. Existing and proposed structures; 6. Driveway location {numbers or PLEASE NOTE: Site development plans must 'have survey prepared to the same scale or in a manner which illustrates the relationships between areas of vegetatio and proposed site improvements. 4 RECEIVEAP, `TIUCIE CC)UNT?' PLEASE PRINT. DO NOT 'COMPLETE SHADED AREAS _ I ��� ' DATE: COUNTY 0E4`ELO�'l�El�r COORNINATFR PROJECT .INFORMATION n PROJECT ADDRESS: 156p��( SITE PLAN/PROJECT NAME: _SUBDIVISION: LOT: BLK: PROPERTY TAX ID # : - q-1l -000 _ 00 PARCEL SIZE (ACRES OR SQ. FT,.) c- _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:��„ OWNER'NAME i ADDRESS: CITY:" ZIP: ` PHONE1 CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: SINGLE-FAMILY/DUPLEX ( ) MULTI -FAMILY NON-RESIDENTIAL PUBLIC PERMIT INFORMATION DESCRIPTIONN OF VEGETATION REMOVAL ACTIVITY (LAND CLEARING AND/OR TREE ( REMOVAL) : I z�- , n NUMBER AND TYPES OF.TREES TO BE REMOVED (AS APPLICABLE) PURPOSE FOR VEGETATION REMOVAL J/4 DATE WORK EXPECTED TO BEGIN: DATE WORK EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED: 1 �. l a(J- ID #:0000 APPLICANTS NAME: ADDRESS: 1 • CITY: STATE: ZIP: "3 /�G PHONE +: ( 7C17 ) 127-6LL -S PLEASE HAWS THE FOLLOWING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS NOTARIZED I CERTIFY THAT: (PLEASE CHECK BOX A OR B) A. ( ) I AM THE RECORD'OWNER OF THE ABOVE, DESCRIBED PROPERTY. B. (v ) I AM;NOT THE RECORD OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND Ir, HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE RECORD OWNER. r i I CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE 1 DATE: STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me, the un`ersigned authority, personally appeared, T—Es who upon being duly sworn, deposes and (PLEAS(PLEAsit PRINT APPLICANTS -NAME) says that the information contained in the foregoing application is - true and correct. l pp Sworn to and subscribed - before me this— / day `of /L02���� 19 Notary Public, State -of Florida at Large My commission expires APPROVED ( ) CONDITIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL.PLANNER: SITE INSPECTION: FINAL INSPECTION: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DISAPPROVED ( ) DATE': DATE: DATE: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SPECIAL APPROVALS i � RE Q RED VEGETATION ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING/SITE PLAN CODE ENFORCEMENT USA TAZ WATER SUPPLIER SEWER SUPPLIER DER CERTIFICATION FL DNR (CCCL) FL DOT SLC DRIVEWAY PER SLC STORMWATER PER MANGROVE ALT' SEA TURTLE PROT DATE RECEIVED REQUIRED FEES BP VALUE $ PLANS EXAMINING FEE $ ROAD IMPACT FEE $ M14- ROAD IMPACT DISTRICT ROAD IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO: SCHOOL IMPACT FEE $ k)[�- DATE PAID•. SCHOOL IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO: SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED EXEMPTION: YES: NO: RADON FEE: PR#�a ga � NOT REQVtRED ROAD IMPACT ZONE ALTERNATIVE DEV. FEE $k)/4--. DATE PAID: ALT. DEV. FEE ZONE: SUB PERMITS REQUIRED GAS AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRIC PLUMBING SCREEN ENCL/FENCE NOT REQUIRED CHK# CHK# ZONING CHECKS Wh---sPLITS BBL LOT COVERAGE EASEMENT LEGAL DEO-CRIPTXO : A parcel of land lying in Section 12, Township 35 South, Range 3-8 East, St-'-.'Lvcie County, Florida, said parcel is -described -as COMENCE at the Southeast corner - of said Section 12; . thence ruh.N89*25122"W, along the south line of said Section 12, a istanco of 48.00 feet, to a.- point on the Wort right-of-way -��'of the..NorthSt,- Lucid RiVor Water Control District ,jin6, Cana 1"NO. 56; tfieinco run NO'.06438fIW, along said right-of-way 'Ii�;ne._---and parallel vith' the East line of said' Section 12, a 4ii .�iipce of '13'26.'61 feetv to the South, 1/4-1/4 Section line ot 'a a i'd section 12-,: theffee'run 689*,2112311E, along said 1/4'-1/4. Section line and- along said right-of-way line, a, dfi%tahce -of 2. 00 fleet; the'ncia� ..run. NOO * 061313"W . along said right-of-way, line. and tiaza"el with the East 'line of . said ;,Sddti-ozv 12,. a feet,' to the South line' of the right-of-way for Orange. AvOnue, as shown on 'the D.O.T. right-of-way map thOreof; thence run S8.95614511W9 , along said line, a distance of"-504...02 feetj 'io the POINT OF BtOINNINd; thence continuo 899.1050 a1on4, said. line, a distance of 252-27 feet; thence ce run SOO 03.11t"tr a distance of 1381.39 feet; thence run N09056145"E", a distance of 252-27 feet; thence run N0000311511W, a distance of 11-381.39 feet,, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; containing- 8.0000 awes, more or. less. 'WTMEMMUMNAL NO. 14$A-24X360*T8 VJ I SM01MASM a VEGETATION ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING/SITE PLAN CODE ENFORCEMENT USA TAZ WATER SUPPLIER SEWER SUPPLIER DER CERTIFICATION FL DNR (CCCL) FL DOT SLC DRIVEWAY PER SLC STORMWATER PER MANGROVE ALT• SEA TURTLE PROT BP VALUE PLANS EXAMINING FEE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SPECIAL APPROVALS REQU RED DATE RECEIVED REQUIRED FEES S /o ~.0o ROAD IMPACT FEE $ 1 ROAD IMPACT DISTRICT ROAD IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO: NOT P-F�,,eIRED 12, RADON FEE: r -4 ROAD IMPACT ZONE SCHOOL IMPACT FEE $ A�:- DATE PAID: SCHOOL IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO:_ SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED EXEMPTION: YES: ALTERNATIVE DEV. FEE ALT. DEV. FEE ZONE: GAS AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRIC PLUMBING SCREEN ENCL/FENCE DATE PAID: SUB PERMITS REQUIRED w0m NOT REQUIRED CHK# CHK# ZONING CHECKS /4,-BBL V LOT COVERAGE /` LEASEMENT / )//�4f SPLITS p:� MEMORANDUM TO: GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIV. FROM: DENNIS D. BACON DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 1990 SUBJECT: RUSSAKIS HEDGING AND TOPPING, (Above Ground Storage Tanks) 1) Verify the Pollutant Storage System Specialty Contractor (PSSSC) license and their Department of Professional Regulation (DPR) contractor number. 2) This project is not located in a Wellfield Protection Area or a wellfield's zone of influence. Furthermore, it appears the containment structure's design provides for the required volume, material, tank spacing, slope and drain pipe to comply with 17-61 F.A.C., provided the following items are. addressed: a) The plans specify an epoxy coating for.the walls of the containment structure, the coating should also be applied to the entire interior surface of the structure, (including the floor). b) The storage tanks shall be separated from each other, preferably by drainage channels or at least by intermediate dikes. 4; a FUEL CONTAINMENT AREA - CHECK LIST PR# 90 - 2822 r Date: 11/13/90 Project Name: RUSSAKIS HEDGING - ABOVE GROUND CONTAINMENT AREA Architect: Ph: Contractor: PHILIP CARUANA GENERAL CONT.,INC. Ph: 489-6155 Owner: RUSSAKIS HEDGING Ph. 461-6206 Address: 15675 ORANGE AVE. FT. PIERCE, FL 34945 Construction Requirements: A. Fire Dept: Permit # B. Health Dept: Other Requirements: e Do Not Issue Building Permit without Signed Approval from the Health Dept. i and a Permit from the Fire Dept.