HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1935 If I j 4:74 ,-~ . . t d w~~-..- .. - ~ .... - .~ ~ -.. - THIS JNDKNTUIlE, )fade t"l. 6 day of-I-Ioroh Ann~9 H. Stantol). and H. F. St(lnton. her husband N the eo-t)o of St. Lucio ."d Stale of Florida.. AnSU8 Sumner .... D. l~ BETWEEN ~ of the first part, and I of the Coel, of, ~t--Lucj A J'.1ol:.ida. ,"CI Stale of. WITNESSETH. That the ..id parLI..f.AL of the finl put. (or and in ~ideratioa of tbe ... 01 part.~_ of the ICCOrId palt. Ton_DollnT nnd othQr va~e consid~tlo~s ~ to..-them- iD haad paid, tIae rruipt ..hereo( is hereby acbowledgecJ.", VA er1lDlccl. barcaiaecJ. lOW and tranderrecJ. and by thue pruents do hiB j{1"ant, barpia, _n and transfer Ullto tbe said ~ of the XCIOIIlI put aod_ lleira ..d assians forever, aU that ttrlain parcel of land Irillll and being in the c-., of S1o. Lucie -'1<1 State of Fl.orJ.da. more partiaalarly desuibed as foUows: Lot 6. of Block 16 (K). in the town of EdgartoWn. as surveyed and platted by .lA..nn LOA R.ntl i'tlod in tho cr....fice of t.M. Clerk of the Circuit Court Qf Hrev~rd County, ~lo~idR., Said plat ~a portion of Lot 1 of Section lOa~~~BhlP'.~5 Sonth RlmgA 40-East. TOGETHER .nth all the Itnemmts. her<ditammls. and appurlenanccs. .With c\~ry prh.ilcgc, right. title, inlercst and cstale. dowcr and righl of dowcr, rcnrsion, rcmaindtt and usmlcot thcreto belonging or in anywise appcrtaining. TO JL\ VE AXD TO HOLD the same in fce simple forenr. .-\nd lbe said parL_.ie.80f the firsl part do-- eOftlWlt .ilb the said parl.-JL- of the second part thaL-tMLare lawfully ~i..d I of the said premises. that they arc free from all encumbrancc. and thaL.__.._.the~. bevA good righl and bwful autborily to sell the same; and Ibe oaid pa~ of the first part d()._ bereby fully ..rranl !toe litle to .aid bnd. and ..ill doitnd the ..me aninst the lawful cbim. 01 all J'(rrors ...h-.)msoc,.('r. IX WITXF.SS WHEREOF, the said parLiOB of the first pari ha....y~._..htr.unlo set__......:t.ill:l1!:._._band.~ and seaL~~ lhe day and year abo..-e ..ritten. 1 ._...... ....__..._.J~ll.e.8.J,.a.rren ..._._.____.___._.__. I I .....n~_ ._..._..__.._Bett~_..Summer Un..-__..__..._.._.....__ I , I J Signed, S""kd and Dcli,.trtd in our I'rc~nce: .._........ .Annie '. H...~ tanton ._____._.._.__._..............( S.al) ..-....-H. ~. . Stanton .....---.-_.._.._...._.._._.__._......... ..(~at) ~TA TE OF ..__ ____ F~or1d.a ..._..._.__ ._.__.._..____...... ....__._._ 1 ~ CGunl)- of_...___..._.Ji.t.....Lucie .-..-.---_.._........_.._.. _.._.... J I HI-:REBY CERTIFY, Thl1 on Ihis____...O ".._... ................ ..n' .. .-1').0' lJ13.,;r()b ..._.m.'_.__.n"'- D. 19M.._ before I~. rmonal1Y"l>{>Cartd _._._..._...__._.._......._..._._.An111e JI.....Sta.nton ~nd.H. . F.. .Stanton __.._.__..._._.._.....__._.._.___..................... to me known 10 ~ Ihe I'tr5On...8. d.~ribcd_ in a:ld ...ho ucculed the fcr<g >ing ."",erance lu...._....._._.... .Angus ._SUIlll18r._...__...:......_.._.__.. and ....rail). ad..-no.-\edged the cxecution therwl 10 be__..!~~!_r..._ _.._ire ac! an'! cited for the ....u anI I"JrpD'ts therein menlioMd; and Ihe .a,.l ___._._.....___.._..._____......__ ..' .- _....___...._..___._.__......Anni()....II!t..9l! llJlt.9P.. _..._~......_._.._... ._..__. .___m.__.._.__..._ ..... ..... ...... the wile of Ihe said____m________...._...___ll.Lr..t._~:t!!p..t;.QP..____ ______.m..._____._..._. .'._"'... .. on a separale and If,iv..te enminalioo tann and made by and before me, and separate!-.. and apart from her said husbanJ. did aclcoo..\edge thai .be made hersel! a ....rty to the said Deed of Coo.-eyantt. for the pU'po5C of ren'>Uncing, relinquishing and conn)-ing all her rigbt, tilk and intere.t, ..hetloer of dower err of separate pro)petly statutory err equitable in and to the bods ther.jn ducribcd. and lhat she cxeculed said deed frcc:ly and voluntarily and Wilhoul any con,trainl, fear, 'll'prehension or compulsion of or from her said husband. WITNESS my sign:.t:uc ~:td official seal. at_._....__._l'ort .Plerce........_.__.._..._._..............__..___....___...._____..In 1M C>c"ly of .._....___..:_._J!t.J_.J.m.~1.!L...._.__..._.._.and 51ale of. ._.....J'l9..TJ da_........_...... ...----.___.._....._.__....._._.lhe day and ,car I.a't aforesai>!. ....Betty_..Summ.e.rl1n ..... .-.-..____.__........_...._..I$caU llota1"J Public for the State of Florida at Large. Uy coomisslon expires Ootober 26, 1927 (n.P.SEAL) (' STATE OF FLORIDA.. } Counly of SL Lucie. Op this.. ,7th ~ ~._......__d.y Of_.m_.~__.._~!9.h..___.... __.__.A. D. 19L..4_~ at~; QQ__...____o'dodc, .A ...._...ll, this instrUCtlCtlt ..as fil<d for record, and being duly acbowl<dged and pro\Cn, I bue recorded the sa_ on page..m4.7~_____._m._._._.-Of &o1c..__.......52 .-'-____~ in the Poblic Rcrordl of said Connty. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ban beccWlIo set my band ancl aftix<d the 101 of tht Circuit Court of the fifteeath Judicial Circuit of said SI.te in ~nd ior said County. . . '. ';1\ . '. .---.----P~.-C_E14 .eel ."--- - -~~ :') Cleric. (CT.CT.SEAL) D. C. ..... c' ~':'. ~~.:.' ~~~~~:'~': ~.:...:;:.._::~:~?=..~~ ~~ . r~":'h '. ~..' ~ ..' . '. ':'.-~:':. .: ~ '\-.-::." ;;.:_~;,.' ~..., ~ - .' . . -'. - :