HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1949 1:88 THIS lND&NTUIlE, Wade thi. 811I day of WlI"tt!l I.. W. Y<Nl'a8.u4. ll'lM J).l..,.llla ~,. .1 the ~ o~ St:. f,u,oi. .nd State of-..l1ai. .:....._ ...'.~. ._1'0 neatr' Ooz:porat1on of the COUly .f !It. La.. .nd Stale of '101'14. WITNESSETH. ~t the said parL-!88lf the fint part. !ow ad ia couicluation 01 tbe _ or ,e.. .. ft.' 11lT. ..A...AtMr "., nA~lA ftftftR14er&UftftR -\. D. 19..U BETWEEN .'--r- ".._.~l.o...f tbe 6nt part, aad .part~ of the I<<ood parI. I Dollars.. .... them D ~ paid, tbe receipt whucof is hereby admowled&ed.". "t anlllecJ. bar&aiDtd. sold and traasferrecJ. and by these ptesmts do A., ar..... bupia. IItI1 and _ I.raDIJu unto tile said ~ of the HCODd part aDd the~auo.aea.or. IKWe ud assips forever, aU tbat ,main par~ ~f b.nd Iyillll aDd btiq ill the Cotmty or 8t,. :Luo1. and Stale of ,.. nor.14a more putiaalub dauibed at follows: Lot muaber thtrieen (11) aD4 ~h. .orth fODrteen fl.) f..t ali elKh' (8) Inoh~. of Lo' J11DJl,ber t..1.... (12) ~ Blook ,or........ (,,) ~lt1 of .Ten. 8t. t!uJ.t.JtC1!Ul- U ftOfliak as the ..._ i. de.lmat84 on ....~ fl1ecl V the Incllan Ri...er ,~~ C~ ancl reoorded ID the offlo~ of the 01erk of the Cl~01l1 t C01l~__~._~. for Balli Count,. ---f~..J)oo..-.ataapa -cano8l.1ec1)---___.:.~_.....__.___. ... ( TOGETHER ..ith all the It<<ments. Mr~ts. and appurtmanctS. With ~'-ery pri.ikKe. right. titk. int.rest and ~state, dower and righl of dower. re...rsioo. remainder aud usemmt therrto bcIooging or In anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ~ in fee simple for...r. And the said parL.1I&f the first part do-.e.a.- COftIWIt ..ilh the sa._ roart._~ of the S<<OIld part thaL--tl1"7 lawfully ~iltd I of the said P"'lliKs, that they ar~ free from all encumbrancu and thaL-_~'_-baY. good right and lawful authorilY 'to ~II Ih. same; and tlxo said pardea.. of the first part do.""'" httf'by fully warranl lhe titk to said land. and wiU defend the same agaiD!t th~ lawful clai:n. of all p.<rsor.s ..hom~\'"'t'r. IX WITXF.SS WHEREOF, the said roarLl-'Dof th~ fint part ha. '":~l_.b".UIlto ~L-__t.ho1r._--hand.a_ and suL__' Ih~ day and lur abow ....ritt.n. __...J. . D. .. Baker ._....___.._.._______.___ 1 I ...00.. B. H. A ~klHOIlh.-...--Oo.---..------- } I I J ~ign.d. S.akd and Ddinr.d in OIlr Pr.sence: h :....__ .... W. . Y01lD8.- .._..._.._.._____.._..__....... .h..( s.,at) uh._nlrene D. .YOllDg_._-;-_.___n'._.._._.__Oo. ...1 St-..t) ST" TE OF ...-.-.--.l'101'14&..---.---.-..-.-.-- h_.__.. .h'__.._ 1 } Count}" of .__...n.._._...Bt.Luo1.e___.____._ ---.-.-._..._ J I HERF.BY CERTIFY, That on this.____..lrcl...._.. ._. _...... ..._.._A.~...i. Karch ...hOo.. .'..._.'... .... .._..._..___-\. D. 19_M_.. Ixofor~ m. personally appearro ___..__.. ..A....._ YQ1ID8 ._.an4.. 'lrene>>a_Yc.un.shi8..w1fe ..______.__.__...._._____.__._....___. to rue known to I;e the person_..8 described in and who ".:xccutcd th~ ion:g'.>ing conn,.alKe to_.._'I81'o _!hea'\re.C:::.or>>ol'e. tl0tl .,.h." and ..nnUr ackMWkdg.d the uccution thereof to be____.the1l'r ..m._fr.., act and d<<.1 for tae use. ani p....rp>~s th.r.in menliomd: and th. >.1;,1 --.------.--....---- ..-_....-..--I~8D8h D.. -YOUJ18..--.-..--.----.-. --..-...-- ____._.n...____._.__..:....... _ .h...h....._.....h the ,.ife of ,be said._..____.____.__.__hA._...._.TOIlDI.... __-'-_'''_.''__h._._h_''.___''. ...._ .... on a ..paral. and prival~ enmi""tion taken and ~ by and befor~ me. and separat.ly and apart from her said husband, did acknowl.dg. lhal .he mad. hers.1f a party to the said Deed of Conycyancr. for the purpose of r~ounc~. rdinqui,hiD( and coovcying all Mr right. lille and int.r..l, whether of dower or of seinrate property stalutory or eqoitabl~ in and to the land. th.rein duuibcd. and that she cxcculro said deed freely and ..-oluntarily and ,.il:lOOt any conslraint. fur. apprehen'iQo or cot pulsion of or from her said husband. WITXE5S my signattire and official .eal, aL__._.____yaro.___._._.._..._...___..___.___n.._._Oo_..__.._.____.__._...in the Count). of ___.J~t...h_~01.._._..___..__._.Oo.__._.._h.and Slate of.____..hr~Ol'lcl.a._....h.______._..___._._.lh~ day aDd )Tar last afore~i1. ____.....8111..... _Be b b _..._..____.___._...___. _. (~al ) Botar.r Publio. Stat. O~ 110ri4a at ~1'p _ co_l.aion 82Ph"8. IIaJ' 28 . 19M , Ul.P.SElL) I I ,. I. : .! i STATE OF FLORIDA. } County of SL Lucie. On this._U~h~_.___.___.day oL_._.__._._. .J..:roh..____._._..._\. D. 192..4.-. aL.--.S.lI.~_o'(Iock. '~h_._..)'l, this in!lrummt 1rU fiJed for reeord. and being duly :acbowJedged and pronD, I have RCordro the same on ~.._'.h__.."""__'_____._n._of nook..____.._.__5&..__~ in the Poblic Records of said Coanly. IS WITNESS WHEREOF, I han Mr.W1lo set my hand and affixed t~)nl of the Circuit Court of the Fill.eath JudiciaJ Cirenit of said Slale in ~d for nid COlIOV. .... '.. .. '_ I ' ---i~4~~-------:.: it I \ , i (O'.Of~~J /~~~.. "(:':'" ::':,': ~:~:;:;:'>-'.;; ," (: ..:'~\~.:'. .:~.. - --'. ~~. '.- .. . -.: ~ ." !.~ ~ ~ . . ....... '. - -: :..".:'. '".